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Baby Formula

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I find it curious that there is a baby formula problem in the United States right now. There's a lot of "finger pointing", but what is actually going on?

Well, guys, you DO KNOW, that baby formula is a cheap, and easily accessible food supplement for SHTF events. Adults eat it, and they are assured of nutrition when other food shortages exist. I would not be at all surprised that many people are hoarding this food item because of the dangerous behaviors that the United States has embarked on with Russia. What do you all think?

From released docs. when 70% of the recipients were Vaxxed, it resulted in a 95% death of the rats. Its called SHEDDING and its in their research papers. A factory was shut down that produces baby formula on purpose. Perhaps they want the babies to suckle vaxxed breast milk and die slowly.... 

Perhaps they were adding Graphene to the baby formula and the 'white hats' closed them down just like they closed down meat packing and food processing plants as the only 'viable' way to end this satanic graphene additive along with the left over bodies of the Adrenocrome production victims.

I was told, remember, they will be "adding these 'crystals' to the food"

The prepper crowd aint hording baby food yet. In OZ back when lockdowns first started, baby formula was being horded but for the sole purpose of sending it to china.

All aint as it seems.

and then there's this

"GOP Rep. Kat Cammack shared pictures of pallets of baby formula shipped to the border by the Biden administration for illegal aliens with infants at the Ursula Migrant Processing Center in McAllen, Texas

“The photos are from this morning at the Ursula Processing Center at the U.S. border. Shelves and pallets packed with baby formula for illegal immigrants.”

from another source...

With literally more than a million housed in DUMBS, all being bred and fed for satanic purposes, coupled with many busloads of children whisked away at the Southern Border, They have to feed them. Breeding a Satanic Army takes food ya know.


Then there's the "smart money" people. Knowing when to Sell Assets at the Top of the Market before the shit hits the fan...

7258 Ha of vineyards are worth about $20,000 a Ha. or $145 million. The coming war with chy-na will see this industry fail in short order. But given Coke owns most of the water bottling in OZ....  they see the writing on the wall perhaps?  "Just three months ago, Mr Casella bought out Coca Cola Europacific Partners from a shared venture in the Australian Beer Co business."

Personally, Sodom and Gomorrah was a dress rehearsal for whats coming. The satanic Baby blood sucking cult as being outed by China and Russia. Taiwan and OZ have bio weaponry facilities and these MUST be taken out. The state of Victoria has entered into an agreement to produce Bio Weaponry Vaxxes as their usual suppliers in Ukraine have dried up for some reason.

The whole system HAS to CRASH. the stoopids just wont wake up and end this satanic rule, so God WILL destroy whatever it takes to end this satanic cult. People who think they can be fed for stealing money from the populace ARE the problem as they are USEFUL IDIOTS for the Satanic Cult. They actually need to DIE Sodom & Gonorrhea Style.

Given the Supreme court ruled that anyone who received the VAX signed up for an experiment and are now considered NON Human or TRANS Human and are the Property of the Vax companies, the only way this ends is by DEATH of many. Them or us and us dont know them are trying to kill us (yet). These Trans Humans are the Bricks in the Wall that imprison us purebloods. They are the zombie problem unless they wake up.

This is why the LGBTQ people want TRANS RIGHTS. Its a ploy by the Moloch crowd, whose god is Transexual, to Get Trans Rights for the VAXXED by clandestine measures.

The Vaxxed are already Trans People and when they figure it out that they no longer have Human Rights they will want Trans Rights and then the faggots will have a Win Win and everyone will be happy. Unless we can wake them up that they ARE the ALLEGORY of the CAVE. I dont see it happening.

Quote from MerLynn on May 14, 2022, 1:06 pm

Given the Supreme court ruled that anyone who received the VAX signed up for an experiment and are now considered NON Human or TRANS Human and are the Property of the Vax companies, the only way this ends is by DEATH of many. Them or us and us dont know them are trying to kill us (yet). These Trans Humans are the Bricks in the Wall that imprison us purebloods. They are the zombie problem unless they wake up.

Do you have a link for this ruling?

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

"In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens you can bet it was planned that way." This quote is commonly attributed to FRD, though there may be some debate around that. Regardless, I think the point stands. Everything the world's been going through has been deliberately planned and executed.

Cui bono? Who benefits?

Is it any coincidence that a certain oligarch who has been pushing the vax narrative along for years, along with buying up lots of farm land while owning patents on fake meat production AND pushing the "vegetarian" movement and "green energy" projects to "save the planet" also has a stake in a company that is producing lab grown "human milk"? At the same time that there is a sudden baby formula shortage?? Huge financial stakes are pretty good motive.

It's cliche but following the money generally holds true.

congjing yu and Feal have reacted to this post.
congjing yuFeal

And look at how fast things turned around. Abbott Labs went public with the FDA’s refusal to return its phone calls and now....

The Abbott Labs plant that makes baby formula was shut down in February because of product contamination that was linked to some infant deaths.  A huge recall went with that.  This was widely reported, in contrast with the conspiracy nonsense here that claims "no one knows why the plant was closed".

There's one thing to remember about most baby formula: it's junk anyway, and we need to ask why so many women have been convinced not to breastfeed.  The primary ingredient in most formula is corn syrup, up to about 60%, or corn syrup solids in powdered formula.  Next is different vegetable oils.  Calcium and other nutrients are in low quantities dead last in the ingredients.  So children are routinely being given heavily sweetened fats with little nutritional value in place of mother's milk, and we wonder why they're obese when young and have a sugar addiction.

It doesn't help that parents are not weaning their infants by 1 year old as used to be the practice.  Now kindergarten teachers report some 5–year-olds are still bringing baby bottles containing formula to school.  But parents often aren't bothering to potty-train their offspring either.  Don't get me started on that.

It's clear that, like fast food and junk food, children are addicted to a product (formula) they don't need and should never have been given.  And it should be obvious from the price of the stuff that profit margins are huge.  And idiots are demanding it return to the shelves instead of viewing its absence as a blessing.

It's all about the economy, don't you know.  Consider all the local jobs.

Anyway, (Breast) milk is free, and as my wife has said  - she has 2 milk bottles right here. Wealthy folk used to pawn off their newborns to wet nurses back in them old dark days before baby formula.  Social stigma to have a babe at your breast, I suppose.  Kids tend to be healthier when they get the real stuff when compared to store bought food.

Breasts are designed for growing infants (there are  other benefits too) and we are part of the mammal world, so we end up being the only mammal that uses milk substitutes.

On occasion, I have had to bottle feed lambs with a powdered milk substitute when the mother has problems, but those little lambs are not as healthy as the others (and not economical unless you have a high value animal).  Same with children I suppose.

I agree, breast milk is the best an infant can get. But here's the thing: Women should (at least that's the case in my surrounding) stop telling their daughters/daughters in-law, they "didn't have enough milk" so they "had to switch" to formula! That's such a BS!!!

I could feed both my kids till they were 2, even though they started eating solid food when they were 6 months. Just like with formula you DON'T NEED babyfood in jars. Have them on your lap and give them from your plate. Don't tell the doctor my sons first "meal" was fired potato with bacon and sunny side up. And the thing with feeding them milk while they start exploring grown up foods is: I never worried about if they would have "enough" nutrients, because I knew they would get it from me. And I can't tell you how many times I would sit in front of my plate, eating while the infant was eating on me. Having them there is making them part of your family group. They share the meals with you from the start and that's very important eating culture. Also babyfood in jars is booooring, breastmilk changes in flavour with the food mum eats and don't forget the "wake up" and "sleeping" hormones. My kids had very nice sleeping habbits over all and I think it's because of the feeding/eating routine.

So please EVERYONE tell your kids that it's an awesome thing to breastfeed and be proud if your kids do it. Teach your sons that breasts are not just for sexual fun but life saving and to cheer their wifes for making the little ones strong(Antibodies!!!) and teach your daughters to trust in their bodies, there is no such thing as "not enough milk" (exceptions are very very rare, it's psyche and a matter of habit)


Ohio Guy has reacted to this post.
Ohio Guy

I wholly endorse the idea of breastfeeding. We did so for our little girl until she turned 2 and a half. So many benefits! It's what you need to do as a parent.

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