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My pretty cool, irritating, but interesting experience being brought in as a MAJ irregular

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Man, theres something else i really want to tell u about, but its too long of story to really get in to rn. In short, it has to do with what i believe is a non-physical portal i have in my apt, and a visit from who he said was a very similar race to the plejarens. But, he took me "out on the town" of  sorts to the astral world. More specifically to what seemed like some kind of nightclub/casino called the "doubledoors". And it was absolute debachery on a level of which ive never seen. Thats all ill say for now...

Anyway, i read though most of that article u linked me and yeah, thats amazing. Did u ever stop to think that the obama guy might be ur mantid, or some different one? That was the best conclusion that i could come up with... And i also couldnt help but draw a comparison of all of this talk of warfare in the astral realms to whats possibly going on here on earth, regarding the whole farming of negative energy from it. It just made me think that maybe we have more in common with the non-physical world than some realize, u know?

And then, the last thing i wanted to bring up is how its amazing me that since ive come across this site, it has been impossible impossible for me to not notice these direct comparisons related to some of the stuff that rob talks about in his articles, and myself. Just for example, i just read his article on what " our benefactors think about whats going on on earth at the moment", and he mentions how if he tries to bring up something that they dont want him to, all of these things get in his way,  like typing becoming really hard all the suddden. Which is litterally happening to me rn. Hah im sryyy broskiii (my mantid, who is the man. And one other thing is how he compares the whole picture to farmers, sheep dogs, puppies, and cattle. And for a while now, ive occasionally joked with my mantid how since coming into all this knowledge about everything, i feel like a lost puppy that needs guidance. Lol, once again just a joke.

But yeah, the direct the similarities between us that were talking about rn is really amazing, and should be good enough evidence for anyone whos skeptical reading this stuff rn, that all of this is actually truly legit! Its amazing. Thanks for ur response though buddy. We'll have to get more into this later.


Oh yeah, and ive been meaning to clarify one thing... which is, the title of this post should be Domain-irregular, not MAJ. I think I maybe just made some kind of freudian slip. Prob partly because of a sub-conceous connection that I made between the whole whitehouse experience, and majestic.

Either way though, im pretty sure that this whole thing at the very least is related to it, or whatever its called now. So, i dont really think it makes too much of a difference anyway, honestly.

Sry guys, theres one last thing I wanted to correct. So, all i can say is that ive been trying my very best to learn as i go, when it comes to various different things related to what i talked about in this post. And i just recently really came to realize that it wasnt technically correct for me to have called broski "the man", because it turns out that gender actually really isnt a thing when its comes to mantids. So yeah, just wanted to make sure to fix that, mostly so rob doesnt think im a complete idiot. Good stuff.

@blbanks_57 feel free to hit me up any time about the portal man. Sorry i've been a bit busy lately i didn't notice your replies until now.

email is

Daegon Magus
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