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My pretty cool, irritating, but interesting experience being brought in as a MAJ irregular

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  1. Just thought that this would be an interesting story to contribute, especially with what looks to be a bit of a slow down activity and posts on here.

So, I guess it wasn't too long after coming across this site, and having completed going through most of the "front page" articles on here, was when some cool stuff started to happen.

I got into bed one night, and instead of just falling asleep, I fell right into a state of sleep paralysis. I've experienced it before, so I wasn't too freaked out by it or anything, but I know it can be a bit of a scary, and bizzare experience for anyone who hasn't.

But anyway, so directly after going into the sleep paralysis, I saw that there were already 2 of our eban buddies already standing there waiting for me. Now, this is on the astral reality now, so they were actually kind of "transparent", is the best way that I can describe it. But, I could deff tell it was 2 of them. So, they then each grabbed me by my shoulders I guess, and straight through the walls of my apartment we went. With me shouting the whole time, "I'm not looking! I'm not looking!", hahah.

So the next thing that I can remember after that, was standing in what I can only described what looked like some room in the white house, and then being presented to I shit u not, Barack Obama, hahah (or obviously whoever the hell  it may have been that was taking on his image). And then, the only thing that I can remember him saying was "yeah, he's perfect". And after that, they sent me out back to what I can only assume was the astral white house south lawn, and joined in on a soccer game with a few other people for I guess what seemed like a few minutes, and that was it.

And so now, what I'm pretty was some time later that same week, I woke up one morning and before I could even open my eyes, an image flashed real quick through my head, where I was able to see that I was in some kind of brightly lit room, and I was lying down on a table, with 3 what I call "tropical grays" (because they looked similar to regular grays, except their skin appeared much more tan) looking down at me with big smirks on their faces. And I think I know why they were smirking, but I'm not going to get into that rn.

So, that was all well and good, but not too long after all of that, I started to notice something going on with my skin. More specifically, my hair follicles had started feeling like overly sensitive is the best way that I can describe it. Now, knowing myself, I'm sure this was all a result of something that was of my doing. I'm pretty sure those guys know exactly what their doing when it comes to working on non-physical human bodies. So leave it to me to make some kind of a fuck up like this.

What was really insane though, was how sometimes when I'd mess with the hairs on my arm, weird stuff would happen like the lights in my room would flash. Or the volume on my TV would fluctuate. And the craziest thing I think, was one time i had just happened to be looking at the blank wall that my best rests against, and as I was rubbing one of the hairs on my arm, for a split second, clear as day, I shit u not, a hook on the wall appeared, like the kind u would use to hang a picture frame.

So yeah, it appears that as some kind of side affect of the non-physical work that had been done on me, I had gotten some kind of strange skin condition, that was not only having effects on my physical environment, but also apparently was causing me to temporarily jump world lines I'm pretty sure.

All of this was probably close to a year ago now, the hairs on my skin have deff gotten better, but I deff still experience interesting, paranormal kind of stuff on the regular, which I can say has deff made my life a lot more interesting.

Alice has reacted to this post.

Sounds like me about a year ago, minus the hair follicles. That is wild. I totally would have hung a picture where the hook was, just to ease my mind.

Lets see, If I had to pick the craziest thing that happened to me, I would go with seeing energy orbs in my room a certain time of night. Well, not just my room because if I am somewhere else I will see them if I am awake at the time.

Oh, and Cheshire showing up. My InvisiKitty was more like a dire lion. Idk how he got into my reality being so big. I could see the energy move around and things would wobble. I should have kept my mouth shut, cause he's got to be smaller now. I will hear a purr or a mew every now and again. Nothing as shocking as Ole Sabertooth.

Cheshire is my only cat I have now. My Annabelle was killed, and after I have had 3 out of 3 cats manifest since, and are already departed. 2 ran off and Mr. Bojangles (orange tabby kitten) died from a dog incident. *le sigh*


blbanks_57 has reacted to this post.
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

Hahah yeahhh there yah go. I had the pleasure of having the presence of 2 ghosts cats, and this was before even coming across the website. It's crazy how u can like feel their weight and warmth when they try to sleep with u at night. One was a tabby, and looked almost like it was "melting" when it appeared in the physical one time. And the other I saw on a couple occasions, and I'm pretty sure  was just black and white. My bed rests in the corner of 2 walls, and I remember one morning I awoke to a pretty loud "thud", and I'm pretty sure one of them jumped tried to jump through, but went right into one of the walls. I remember just uncontrollably laughing for few there hah. And yes, I've only had one occasion I can remember when I had a shadow dude moseying around my room, and only once I had a transparent orb come through my wall, and then just blatantly sit there floating in the middle of my room. And I was actually getting ready to leave when It happened, so I just grabbed my keys n was like " alright, u stay here and hold down the fort" haha.

U know I gotta say, I think this might be the first time where I actually feel comfortable in talking about this kind of stuff and not worrying that I'm coming off as some kind of crazy person. Really cool to see how there's other people living through this kind of stuff too.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu


Yes it is nice to talk about these things.

I think Jerry Garcia had it right when he said “What a long strange trip it’s been”.

Welcome to the club. I am almost certain there are more fun stories in this group that will be interesting to hear, if we can lure them out. Everyone seems to have affirmations coming to a peak and life gets “wobbly” when they do.

congjing yu and blbanks_57 have reacted to this post.
congjing yublbanks_57
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

Ghost kitties are a thing. When they get a chance, they will (maybe) decide to befriend you in the physical, and will occupy a body of a kitten or a young cat that you will just "stumble upon". Oh, these ghost kitties are great.

blbanks_57 has reacted to this post.

I knew a couple guys who would place "ghost' kitties in peoples homes as a type of 'surveillance spy cam" reporting back to them when they checked in. If the target liked dogs, then a ghost doggie was used instead. You need to be quick to see them.

But I was surveilled by a 7 foot high 'man in black'  rather than the cat or dog version. He still lives here in my house to this day. I can hear him every day pacing behind me as I type of the computer. Many people have seen him and experienced his presence. One lady who was a very service to self dishonest person, woke in the middle of the night to have him literally choking her to death. She stopped the attack when she managed to get out a scream for God to help her. Even the 'bad' can ask for forgiveness and the Lord hears your cries.

Horus, as I call him, dispensed with the cat and found 2 Aboriginal children of about puberty age to take the cats place. Horus found them on the creek on the farm where they had died several hundred years earlier and told them to make themselves at home in my house. So the first thing they did was start the wood fire while we were all asleep on their first night so we would wake to a warm house. They too are still here to this day.

If you want to learn how to create a ghost kitty or an 'elemental' for various purposes there is an introductory explanation in "Magic and Mystery in Tibet" by Alexandra David-Neel. But this isnt a Novice or beginner 'lesson'. You need to have advanced training on these things as the book clearly explains.

Wow, that's very cool. U should try to eventually introduce those kids to some 21st century black magic though like how to use the thermostadt. Lol im jk.

Tried to edit my comment cause it seemed I might have misread something but it doesn't seem to be letting me. My mistake, bud.


@blbanks_57 congratulations, you were being vetted for potential candidacy into the Unseen 5, which means you are very well regarded for your abilities at LD/AP. pay attention to any dreams that have you try and give away or sign away consent whilst in these planes, and flat out reject it. I am glad i came back on here and found your post. I suggest reading my article if you haven't already.

[daegonmagus] - Part 3 - Conversation with the All Being and Initiation Into the Unseen 5 (

Daegon Magus
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