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You are welcome to post any questions or thoughts regarding the Mantids here.

This is a great idea MM. I do like the way you are tweaking and improving things here all the time.

On the Mantids, there are lots of info swirling around in the internet about them. Some say that we humans are 3rd dimension/density stepping into 4th. They also say that the Type 1 Grays are 4th dimension but in a sort of cul-de-sac bubble. Apparently the Mantids are on the 5th about to step into the 6th? I have also gleaned that our Higher Selves are sort of thought forms in the higher 6th left behind by our future selves when we step into the 7th. in I use the words dimension/density loosely as some people use them interchangeably and I am not too sure what the technical differences are.

What are your views on the Mantids and their place this relative development of species/aspects of ourselves?

mmfanman has reacted to this post.

Yes. There are a ton of thoughts, opinions and comments about the Mantids on the internet. A goodly portion of them are uneducated opinions that people have acquired after reading the reams upon reams of disinfo on the internet.

They are a species that that evolved on the earth.

They evolved a long, long time ago. Millions and millions of years ago. And in their evolution they went though a stone age, a tin age, a bronze age, and a iron age.

They have evolved past needing a physical body to traverse the reality universe. I do not know at which age they started to depart from the primary usage of their physical body.

They have a role (in regards to humans) to assist in the human evolutionary process. I do not know when this began. Or what is the motivation for it.

Some people refer to them as "guardian angels", or "angelics".

They have an understanding of the universe and movement and manipulation of the reality universe that is much larger than what humans have.

To say that they are a 5th, 6th or 8th dimensional being is silly. No one actually knows. To make a pronouncement like that just shows how ignorant one actually is. I've been intimate with them for a long, long, time. Decades, and I don't know for certain.

They work with the local (non-human interstellar) governments that maintain this physical universe out to a large sphere many light years in diameter. But I am unaware of the radius of the sphere of influence.

They have a <redacted> with the species <redacted>.

And I will leave things at that. As many others have asked about them as well. I will try to add what I know as the questions arise.

pissedlizard, keff and 2 other users have reacted to this post.

Thank you for those answers. I am intrigued as to what is the species mentioned in the redaction.

Many also mention the Mantids have a complicated relationship with another species that David Icke often talks about. I often feel that Icke may be quite extreme in his views, but I keep an open mind that perhaps there is a kernel of truth in it. Is the species that has been redacted the one that Icke alludes to?


Please, guy. You know that I have restrictions. All that I can say that it's one of the four species that I know of. That should narrow it down some.

That should be obvious. I can only speak of what I know first-hand.

Ok, I will have to revise your posts on the topic to understand. Sorry, I didn't mean to cause offence.

Hey! No problem. I really only know just a few things. It might seem like a lot because what I do know is so esoteric, but I have limitations. You can try to figure things out and to read between the lines, but just realize that I only have first-hand experience on four species, and so I just won't talk about others. Unless I have direct experience, I'd just be parroting what I read, and not offering any meaningful information. Which pretty much defeats the entire premise of MM. It would turn MM into just another bullshit site on the internet.

Alice has reacted to this post.

Thanks. I  am trying to understand and join the dots. Please let me know if I accidentally cross the line. I know you cannot discuss the species. But is the reason why they are a taboo subject also off limits?

I ask this question because if the Mantids are our benefactors, and they are clearly very powerful and advanced. If the taboo species are malevolent towards us, the Mantids must be protecting us from them, or we would already be extinct.

The only reason that I can come up with currently is that the taboo is in place prevent us from creating such a negative perception that it would warp our intention/prayer manifestation environment and perhaps cause a self fulfilling fear?

Perhaps this would interfere with the Mantids desire for us to move to a SFS sentience? If so, this taboo restriction during this time of our development is imposed by the Mantids?

Have I gone way off track?

I don't make any of the rules. I just follow them. The impression that I have is that rules are in place to protect me, protect my readers, and to protect the human species. You don't allow a toddler to play with guns and sharp knives do you? You don't permit a dog that is not house-broken into a furniture store. You don't give a bottle of prescription drugs to a six year old.

You shouldn't really jump to conclusions regarding any species. Though many people do. Just accept that they only want what is best for us, and they do not want to see us hurt in the process.

Guys, tell me you all picked up on Arl's reference to the advanced and ancient 'insectoid' species the Domain works with 'in this sector of the Galaxy' in the last chapter of the book. She adds a few more tantalising clues and that's it-- but reference is definitely made to Prison Planet 'management'.

As a dyed in the wood Catholic, pretty much, I'm now considering angels, St. Michael and St. Gabriel and St. Raphael is a whole new context. They are all our 'protectors' in Bible lore-- and fierce warriors to boot!

Arl never mentioned Jesus-- that was a strange omission given the other relatively obscure metaphysical references. Orders not to? Or the greatest con-job ever? One has to consider the possibility, I guess-- although Arl's narrative in no way contradicts traditional catholic theology having said that. In fact, now I have some insight into what's REAL catholic theology, and what was corrupted by a bunch of dirty old kiddy-fiddlers in dresses.

(Not all of them, of course, but you know what I mean.)

Ahhh, mythology-- so many write it off as just stories and mumbo-jumbo, eh? As Arl reminded us, one had better read between the lines. This stuff has been mixed up for a reason.

I just picked up the audio version and listened to it over the weekend-- highly recommended, and adds an extra layer of eeriness to something that on the surface of it seems pretty far out, already.

The Domain, advanced insectoid partners, Mr Man's narrative-- I mean, it's all there, really.

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