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Call out to MM regulars

Hi all,

Just a quick roll call to MM regulars. Myself and others have noticed a number of regular contributors have not posted for a while now, so a quick call out to you guys. We hope all is well with you  and would love to see a quick OK reply if you could.

Love and best wishes to you all.


congjing yu, Feal and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yuFealGoldleafAliceWaterTiger

still here mate. just been super busy prepping for an adventure out your way once all the snow stops falling. As mentioned before, working on a new book hence the slow down in articles. might post one up soon though as I have some big news in the astral front, courtesy of a friend. Depends if i get all my chores done 🙂

congjing yu, Feal and 4 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yuFealGoldleafWaterTigerTasOhio Guy
Daegon Magus

Cheers mate for touching base. Let me know when your down DM, if you cannot make it to GTown I will travel anywhere in the state to meet you. I would love to see in person. Really. Thanks again cobber.

congjing yu, WaterTiger and paraic have reacted to this post.
congjing yuWaterTigerparaic

Thanks to those who have responded.
