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Stranger Things, The Astral Plane, and Kate Bush

Spoliers Alert.

For anyone who has been watching the new season of stranger things, you might have noticed  the scene where Max is caught in the upside down (astral plane) by Vecna and only escapes after the rest of her friends play Kate Bush's Running Up That Hill. You may have also noticed that because of the show, Kate has seen a resurgence of fans and has recently hit number 1 (i think) because of it. I thought this was strange, considering the song is like 30 something years old.

Well, I came across this little gem today.

Kate Bush - Lily - YouTube

Turns out Kate was a Golden Dawn initiate of David Gilmore's (or so the rumour is). That whole Lily song - which i assume is in reference to Lillith - is supposedly a golden dawn ritual, and - again supposedly - has a real Reptilian at the 3:37 - 3:40 mark (probably BS, I don't know). Certainly is some wierd shit to put in a video. Pretty interesting considering Stranger things is based on a conspiracy surrounding shit the US govt achieved with Mk Ultra and the CIAs link to the gateway project.

Watching season 4 was actually quite weird for me and SD. The references to Nina and the memory wiping facility, for those who have read my articles, were very reminiscient of when i had to retireve SD as Nina from a very very similar facility.  In that facility one of the guys gets a zapping collar put arounfd his neck to stop him from using his powers - this is shit SD and I have directly seen in some of the consciousness doping facilities during LD. Then theres the hellfire club references aswell....

It seems these guys have a very good idea of what is actually going on in the astral plane - I have several astral projector sources who have experienced firsthand large scale military operations going on there with different ET species. I also know of a very similar program to the one 11 was involved in in Hawkins lab (it was under the ice, wink wink)

congjing yu, Goldleaf and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yuGoldleafWaterTigerTas
Daegon Magus

There is something at 3.37 DM, hard to make it out though as it's rather blured.

yeah some wierd crawling thing. Is it a reptilian? I don't know, just passing on the message from where i got it from (GLP site). Certainly is some weird shit to put in an 80s music clip

Daegon Magus

Looks more like an insect