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Metallicman book reviews

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Just left my review at 05:47am, 7/12/2022. Their prompt stated that it's in "review" and may not be seen for 2 or three days. The following is a copy of my review:  I go by Ohio Guy. I've been following the blog writings of this guy for 4 years. He's the real deal. Think Yoda level smart. Yet he appears as an average fella which may put some people "off", you should get his background (These books have that, too). But he conveniently takes you, the seeker of truth, right to where you need to be in understanding where we all are and how we interact with each other on higher levels of consciousness. He shares much of himself with us on our journeys through our own world templates. I give him the respect and admiration that brave and focused man, Robert Vannrox, deserves. It either resonates with you, or it doesn't. But you must first obtain an open mind. Do that, and you will grow as a person and spirit/soul.



congjing yu, Feal and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yuFealWaterTigerTasparaic

Big thanks! OG!

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