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Metallicman book reviews

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As i am not moving to Tassie just yet, I have put Metallicman's books back up on amazon. If you have an amazon account he could do with a few good reviews as the last ones i saw on there cared more about his past (that majestic completely fucked up for him) than taking any of his material seriously. If anyone wants to provide a validation of their domain visits after agreeing to help, that would probably help a lot. Whilst I have had my own experiences with the domain modifying my astral body, I am probably not the best person to leave a review considering i published the books (seems like conflict of interest to me). Your contribution will keep the website running


congjing yu, Feal and Ohio Guy have reacted to this post.
congjing yuFealOhio Guy
Daegon Magus

I left a short review on the first book.

Although I am a Domain volunteer, I believe the non-physical modifications were done long ago and I have no memory of them. There were physical modifications that I am very thankful for (which I thought were a stroke) but I don't think mentioning that would help.

My dreaming and LD ability is currently blocked (for a good reason, I'm sure, probably template-related) so I can't comment on the "upgrades" others have had with the usual accompanying nightmares.

As far as I know, I became a volunteer before birth, but I don't know much more than that, other than I must go to China.

congjing yu and Ohio Guy have reacted to this post.
congjing yuOhio Guy

One thing that you must realize is that all three comments are from two "people", and they all said the same identical comments on all three books. So it appears that the postings were hijacked by 'bots or those who have an "axe to grind".

None are actual purchasers of the books.

[1] Attacked the books at the same time. And this stuff about the negative comments are pretty amazing. Within two days, two "blokes" put up bullshit on the books and didn't read them.

[2] Attacked all the books, all three volumes with the same comments.

[3] The second comment required non-public research. First comment was April 11, and then (under a different name) he comes back and tacks on that I am a "Level 3" (the lowest classification) of "Sex offender".  This is information that is NOT PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE because you need my SSN to find this out. So either they took a "lucky guess", or are government.

Now, keep in mind, I KNOW the small cluster of people who bought all three volumes. So these "two separate" people obviously didn't read the books, they just posted bullshit That angers me.

Check it out.

Volume 3

Volume 2

Volume 1

I ask everyone to please, please, PLEASE put up some good comments and reviews for MM.  After these comments were posted, all three at the same time in April 11-13, 2022 my purchases of the book(s) dropped to ZERO.  Obviously they were successful in burying the work into the rubbish bin.

Here is my PLEA for you all to help me out. I really need your help to correct the damage these review did.

Message from MM asking for your help.

@feal strange as your comment doesn't even show up. i am wondering if amazon is intenionally blocking it (noticed some reviews people said they left on my work not comin up either) maybe not the best place to publish such content.

@conjing yu, it might have also had something to with me depublishing them so it didn't clutter the royalties in with my own work. That guy crapping on about the binding quality is an is that your fault?

Daegon Magus

Attempted to leave review but Amazon will not allow me to do so.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

My review shows up in the UK but if I VPN into Oz it's not there.

Weirdly there's only one other review showing in the UK. I do wonder whats going on. Yet more nasty algo manipulation?

So far, I am seeing that Amazon is not permitting ANY positive reviews. Two bad reviews and all positive reviews are LOCKED OUT. We need to ask Amazon WHAT THE FUCK THEY ARE DOING.

wouldn't surprise me if they are in bed with the CIA

Daegon Magus

i left a review on their but it in all probability won't get posted

Daegon Magus

I saw just now 2 positive reviews. If I try to write something a message pops up, that my account is not eligible. Reading the guidelines I saw this line:

"To do any of the following, you need to have spent at least $50 on, using a valid credit or debit card, in the past 12 months:

  • Create reviews (including star ratings)"

Well, I obviously can't write reviews because I buy through my European amazon. So that is probably the problem in my case.


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