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Career In China

I'm about to start law school and hope I can move to China at some point within the next 10 or so years, but I realize that that may mean a major career shift. I'm not sure how best I want to approach this and one thought I had was pursuing an area of law that is relatively international and then looking for opportunities to practice in Hong Kong.

You've been in living in China and I'm sure understand the society there and the economy much better than I do (news here doesn't give a complete picture of the situation there). What would be some opportunities you see in terms of career industries, etc. that one with a Western education and some mandarin proficiency can enter) in the next few years?  Thanks!

Look, I would suggest [1] that you hone up your international law skills. I would also suggest [2] you start learning to read, write and speak Chinese. Further, [3] you need to get an ESL teaching certificate. That will provide you a source of income while you have landed and are looking for work.

Throw away everything you think you know about China. It's really unlike anything you have ever been exposed to. But you will probably think, after 6 months, that your move was the best decision that you have ever made in your life.

Additionally, [4] do NOT get married to anyone until you have been living in China as a single person for a year or two. Trust me on this one.

You need to [5] Start making hard plans. [6] Saving money. [7] Investigating firms that would hire international law clients, and how you could work with them.

Best of luck.

Rayun_jinping has reacted to this post.

Thank you so much. As always, so full of insight. Looking forward to you next video!

Just to add my 2cents

HK law is still based on the English Common Law, so if you're studying in Canada or any Commonwealth country, the legal system is (usually) based on Common Law. American legal system is different.

You can get an idea of HK legislation via




I'm making over $13k a month working part time.



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