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Thought and quantum mechanics

Mm's posts about the wave-particle functions of consciousness and the MWI fascinated me from the start, and led me to start reading about the latest research on quantum mechanics. With all the work currently being done on quantum computers in particular, I thought there had to be some kind of research on thoughts and consciousness.

I found a couple that members might also like.

From 2005: Quantum physics in neuroscience and psychology: a neurophysical model of mind–brain interaction - PMC (

2019: Understanding Neurobehavioural Dynamics: A Close-Up View on Psychiatry and Quantum Mechanics - PMC (

In particular, these paragraphs from the first article caught my attention:


Nerve terminals are essential connecting links between nerve cells. The general way they work is reasonably well understood. When an action potential travelling along a nerve fibre reaches a nerve terminal, a host of ion channels open. Calcium ions enter through these channels into the interior of the terminal. These ions migrate from the channel exits to release sites on vesicles containing neurotransmitter molecules. A triggering effect of the calcium ions causes these contents to be dumped into the synaptic cleft that separates this terminal from a neighbouring neuron, and these neurotransmitter molecules influence the tendencies of that neighbouring neuron to ‘fire’.

At their narrowest points, calcium ion channels are less than a nanometre in diameter (Cataldi et al. 2002). This extreme smallness of the opening in the calcium ion channels has profound quantum mechanical implications. The narrowness of the channel restricts the lateral spatial dimension. Consequently, the lateral velocity is forced by the quantum uncertainty principle to become large. This causes the quantum cloud of possibilities associated with the calcium ion to fan out over an increasing area as it moves away from the tinychannel to the target region where the ion will be absorbed as a whole, or not absorbed at all, on some small triggering site.


So basically, the way the brain is formed, and the way neural cells transmit to one another, functions on a quantum level. Thus, thoughts can be scientifically proven to be that lovely wave function MM has mentioned.

How's that for mind blowing??

Thanks, and hope things are well with everyone.

There is no polite way (on the net in writing) to say horse crap. Every once in a while I am amazed at the total lack of understanding of the Brain and the Central Nervous System that posters exhibit. There is nothing in the above that is true. nothing.


the short version.

The human brain is an organic battery. to understand what a battery is... see here

The Central Nervous System is the body's wiring to provide Brain/Battery Bio Energy to every part of the body. For every action in the CNS there is an Opposite and Equal feeling reaction.

The Entric Nervous system, as are the Lungs, are the Brains Bio-Recharging mechanism.

It takes BIO ENERGY from the Brain via the CNS to power all the bodily functions including running a marathon.





Hi @jaytnr1357

I think memories are stored outside of our skin suits and the brain is indeed just a machine, a kind of control center - or a battery? Our thoughts and memories stay (or should stay) with us even when we as a consciousness leave the skin suit (with the brain being part of that). We can still create with thoughts without a skin suit (incl. the brain). So the theory will not hold.

I'm making over $13k a month working part time.



Guess what kiddies, a troll 'bot invaded MM here. Guess what gonna happen to the owner of that 'Bot? Do you think that MM is gonna live and let live, or do you think that lessons need to be learned and places need to be visited. -MM