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Commander Update

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Quote from Dingus on September 17, 2022, 4:36 pm

I am very confused. I have read this 3 times now, to make sure that I as a a non-native english speaker doesn't get it wrong. Do you @dsklausler think the Commander isn't telling the truth? Or twisting it? And do @laoban4site actually think DKS is onto something? That this is fear mongering? That US, China, Russia might be in collusion?

Why would the Commander then be so clear that the risks of medium bads are now very high if the risk really isn't there at all? WTF is going on then? Why do you think the Commander is doing this?

I think that The Commander speaks in a way that will direct MM and his crew to the action that The Commander desires. I think that The Commander may not be this altruistic spokesman of the gods that he portends. Maybe The Commander sees MM deviating from the best World-line for what The Commander wishes... maybe the same for me.

As far as I know, I have ZERO special connections and ZERO skill in such communication methods, whether conscious, or not... NOTHING.

To me, in my current world-line, I see, Me, here, now, nothing but fear-mongering. Fraudulent bloviating from all heads-of-state.

I would not presume to speak of what MM may think of me, my negativity, or his optimism.

Ohio Guy has reacted to this post.
Ohio Guy

Well what you say actually makes a hell of a lotta sense DKS. I mean so many sources on aliens outside MM also say to take what the aliens say with grains of salt. That doesn't mean malicious but the reason we don't get the full truth, or some twisted version might be impossible for us to understand.

I thought I'd say something, though please understand that it's just my opinion and I am absolutely nobody.

As this is the MWI and all possibilities already exist, I guess what MM and the Commander are talking about is the path that the mass of human consciousness is racing through at this time. I think with the West's grip on their populace's thoughts, an awful fate is kinda guaranteed for them.

That doesn't really have that much to do with our realities though. We all seem to have curated a particular path through the MWI before birth.

I think we each have a deep-down subconscious knowledge of where our particular world-line goes and so our perceptions of current events are all probably right, for us anyhow.

I may be way off here, but I hope that makes sense!

congjing yu, perolator and 4 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yuperolatorDSKlauslerWaterTigerTasOhio Guy
Quote from Feal on September 19, 2022, 12:22 am

I thought I'd say something, though please understand that it's just my opinion and I am absolutely nobody.


I may be way off here, but I hope that makes sense!

I am sandwiched between Poland and Germany, I was sure it is not a good place to be and had already a NW dream about it. But, the DC stated in a Q&A that it will be relatively ok here soooo.... yeah, as you say @feal. For all "I think with the West's grip on their populace's thoughts...", that is creating reality.

Tas has reacted to this post.

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