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Commander Update

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Out of the blue, on a lark, I asked the Domain Commander what was the readiness for a "calculated military response to American aggression" by either / or Russia or China. The last time I asked this was early Summer 2022, and the number was in the low to mid 70%. Say around 74% readiness. At that time, "efforts were in process in prep for worst case scenarios".

At the last Q&A, the Commander explained that the situation cannot be undone, nor mitigated, but rather had to play out its course. Commander said that the anticipated "small bads" were replaced with "medium bads".

With the [1] advent of the Taiwan Relations Act of 2022, and [2] the stuff going in with Russia, as well as [3] the intel about the CIA meeting in the White house, I mused about the readiness situation.

Out of the blue I got an answer. (And I wasn't really directing it forcefully. It just came.)

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Player readiness is 92% to 94% depending on the player.

[Unknown why the Commander used the term "player" instead of nation. It's confounding. Actually, and implies a host of other things, and I cannot see clearly. -MM]

Both Russia and China are in unison. They have mapped out strategies, and plans, and are implementing the preliminary steps / stages / systems RIGHT NOW.

[Commander then repeats my famous phrase "real secrets are actually secret" -MM]

American readiness is at 45% / 100%.

[I have no idea what that means. It seems to me, to indicate that all American forces are at 100% readiness, but their actual fighting capability is at 45%. I think. I really don't know. -MM]

American proxy readiness is "alert ABLE", but are not anticipating lethal direct attacks on their societies. All surrogates are assuming war will be remote at "arms length".

Both the United States and proxies believe that Russia and China are talking political rhetoric, and do not really mean what they say. Their threats "ring hollow" is a term that seems to be echoing throughout Washington DC, and Brussels.

[This is important. I get the strong image of American leadership "poo-pooing" the statements and warnings from Russia. I am also getting mixed signals about how they are interpreting the Chinese reaction. Some American officials are VERY CONCERNED about China. Even more so than Russia. Overall, the message is crystal clear that "Russia wouldn't even dare run a nuclear strike against the United States in any way shape or form. America could destroy the world six times over." But the message I get is that both the Russians and the Chinese have a way to neuter the American nuclear arsenal. -MM]

Plans involve a mixture of lethal munitions of high yield against high value habitations and military structures.

Asia is united and a "GREEN TO GO" state is in place.

Asia will preemptively strike first, and the confidence is EXTREMELY HIGH that retaliation by the United States will not be possible.

Commander agrees with this assessment.

[I then tried to squeeze some more intel out. All I got was dead air. -MM]

Feal, perolator and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
FealperolatorWaterTigerTasOhio Guy

Thank you MM and DC

Strange MM... I have never met you, but consider you my friend - I have few you know; diminishing further as I type no doubt.

Anyway, I simply do not believe that a visible "war" will be laid upon any of the three nations. I remain steadfast in my belief that this is all fear-mongering. Further, I believe the overlords are playing us all, and that the three nations, via those controlling overlords, are actually in complete harmonic collusion.

As I side note, beside what The Commander stated in text past, I do not believe that "nuclear weapons" even exist - again: long standing fear-mongering.

Someone more literate than I said (paraphrasing): "A scared and stupid public is far easier to control."

perolator and Goldleaf have reacted to this post.


My dear friend. I want to agree with you. The idea of "players" seem (to me) to indicate that you have some insight into how the Commander is thinking.


I have to be honest, that when I comm, my experiences and biases color everything. And while I try to scrape off the muck, it still tarnishes the message. And you know, I really want the real message to be sent out.

Sometimes I feel like the Commander is hitting me, or patting me (in a friendly way) on the top of my head. Trying to help me get messages out and communicate to you all with all your unique histories and backgrounds.

Never doubt that you have a clear pipe to Domain. It's just that it's crowded with barbed wire, Brillo pads, rubbish, and the carcasses of long dead rodents. But, you know it's still there.

It's not only this insight that you threw onto the table, but other things you have said. You have a deep insight in things that I comm with but do not articulate in my writings. That's fucking weird man. It's like some of the other guys who tell me about the various coincidences that pop up in their lives regarding MM.

Yours seem to be a strong connection to the Commander. For some God damn reason.

Ah. It's probably a coincidence, don't you know.

Here's my gift to you...

WaterTiger, Tas and Ohio Guy have reacted to this post.
WaterTigerTasOhio Guy

I agree with DSK in this regarding the visible war and fear mongering. Not sure about nukes, but that's a different discussion 😉

Bills becoming law in the US is a process. It has several steps to go through. You can watch the progress on Congress's website. Once complete, they are entered into the Federal Register as official law. Here's the entry for the US Taiwan Policy Act:

If it really passed in the senate this week, why is this not updated? Per the link above, the Act was placed in the "General Orders" register for the senate on 9/15. As I understand it that means it's now eligible for Senate floor considerations.

I think what we've seen so far is just more political theater.

Infinitely more concerning is the Executive Order Biden signed on 9/12, which hasn't gotten hardly any media attention at all, about biotech and bio-manufacturing "innovation". Quoted from the EO:

"We need to develop genetic engineering technologies and techniques to be able to write circuitry for cells and predictably program biology in the same way in which we write software and program computers..."

Full document in the Federal Registry:

DSKlausler and Ohio Guy have reacted to this post.
DSKlauslerOhio Guy
Quote from congjing yu on September 16, 2022, 7:22 pm

Yours seem to be a strong connection to the Commander. For some God damn reason.

Here's my gift to you...


You flatter me... I know of no such connection, and you know how I yell at them.


You know it baby,  Scott can sing.

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congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

I remember how MM described the sensation of the comm in one of his videos as being suspended in a jello like substance and feeling a squeezing sensation as it occurred. I know it's difficult for MM to explain this in a way we can really understand but I DO believe him and his interpretations of his comm experience.

By the way, DSK, I hope you're doing well and managing your pain appropriately. I think about all you'se guys here often. As I've mentioned before, I feel a real, substantial connection to a lot of you. I have a deep respect for everyone's opinions even if I may or may not agree with them. I still reflect on them, considering them. I hope you are all doing well and are at peace. Especially in the mind.


congjing yu, perolator and Goldleaf have reacted to this post.
congjing yuperolatorGoldleaf
Quote from Ohio Guy on September 17, 2022, 2:18 am

I remember how MM described the sensation of the comm in one of his videos as being suspended in a jello like substance and feeling a squeezing sensation as it occurred. I know it's difficult for MM to explain this in a way we can really understand but I DO believe him and his interpretations of his comm experience.

By the way, DSK, I hope you're doing well and managing your pain appropriately. I think about all you'se guys here often. As I've mentioned before, I feel a real, substantial connection to a lot of you. I have a deep respect for everyone's opinions even if I may or may not agree with them. I still reflect on them, considering them. I hope you are all doing well and are at peace. Especially in the mind.


What a nice thing to say, thank you. I have no pain - If I sit on my ass for a week. Otherwise, it is a result of my own choices; primarily due to my activities.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

"It's like some of the other guys who tell me about the various coincidences that pop up in their lives regarding MM."

I feel "we" on this site all have a connection, a quantum connection from our pasts possibly. It's the little things for example two days ago a work colleague who I share MM vids and concepts with stated "mate you speak just like MM". I have a very unique verbal speech style I sound like , well you MM. I have known this since my first day here but never wanted to mention it until I read the above post. I speak like you man and you speak like me. It's quite original mate as you are the only person I have ever heard who sounds like well me. Your interest in military history and geo politics, your past relationship with a mentally ill partner and how it very nearly broke you down and how you found your strength. Your a later in life parent, I was a 42 year first time parent, I could continue with the similarities right down to the large coffee cups you like. As I write this I am slurping my coffee from a 750ml cup lol. I feel we maybe all from the same soul cluster or have a connection to each others soul clusters. This is my gut feel. I normally do not say a great deal that is of value here as I am very much finding my way and keep my feelings/concepts pretty much to myself but today I felt like adding something to the conversation. Myself and another MM "follower" (I do dislike that word) have also had a number of conversations with regards to "synchronicity" in that we throw up a subject and within a day or two MM posts the answers or comments on the subject matter. Coincidence I think not. 

Players, did not AI state ISBE like to play games and if you are part of the game then you are a player.

Love to you all



I am very confused. I have read this 3 times now, to make sure that I as a a non-native english speaker doesn't get it wrong. Do you @dsklausler think the Commander isn't telling the truth? Or twisting it? And do @laoban4site actually think DKS is onto something? That this is fear mongering? That US, China, Russia might be in collusion?

Why would the Commander then be so clear that the risks of medium bads are now very high if the risk really isn't there at all? WTF is going on then? Why do you think the Commander is doing this?

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