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I wrote a story. I put some effort into it. I like it.

I received only a few comments at Mark Tokarski's blog... I must admit that I was a bit disappointed, as he has over a thousand regular readers, and he frequently addresses "Wilderness."

I'm a big boy; I'd truly like to hear what you have to say about it.


WaterTiger, Tas and Ohio Guy have reacted to this post.
WaterTigerTasOhio Guy


I want you to know I saw this post and am going to read your story on break. I’ll give you my input as soon as I finish and find a minute.

DSKlausler has reacted to this post.
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

@dsklausler great story!

Funny, I was watching some yt 3 weeks ago: brrr!

DSKlausler has reacted to this post.
Quote from WaterTiger on September 18, 2022, 2:34 pm

@dsklausler great story!

Funny, I was watching some yt 3 weeks ago: brrr!

Black, fight back; Brown, stay to the ground; White, say goodnight.

Grizzlies are immense powerful eating machines. Most people do not realize what a set of claws, each as long as your finger, powered by limbs as thick as your waist will do to you. I joke here, but on the trail I had t0 just make sure of one thing: I was faster than at least one other. They can supposedly move at bursts of 30mph UP HILL!

Hi mate,

I liked it mate. I have been a bushwalker down here in Tasmania for 45 odd years. We are very lucky in the fact we have no large carnivores (I know Bears are omnivores) in Australia, plenty of bloody snakes though LOL. I have always had this in my head from an old read, Never attempt to shoot a bear (not that I would consider this) that is up hill from you, it will be on you in a flash. You mentioned Platypus brand, Its owned by a fellow militaria collector originally from Launceston Tasmania Ben Doyle-Cox. He is a collecting/military history mate of mine. Small world man hey.

Cheers mate


In hindsight there are Crocs but not this far south lol.

Incredible story. However, I missed the part where you were carrying a large bore magnum revolver. You DO pack heat on these hikes...right? Maybe I missed something. I just don't see traipsing in grizz country unarmed. Unless you're grizz whisperer. Iffin you weren't packin', you've got two 500 lb. titanium ones. Did you not see the movie, The Revenant? Sheech!

DSKlausler has reacted to this post.
Quote from Ohio Guy on September 20, 2022, 12:24 am

Incredible story. However, I missed the part where you were carrying a large bore magnum revolver. You DO pack heat on these hikes...right? Maybe I missed something. I just don't see traipsing in grizz country unarmed. Unless you're grizz whisperer. Iffin you weren't packin', you've got two 500 lb. titanium ones. Did you not see the movie, The Revenant? Sheech!

It's not like Grizz are everywhere. Additionally, unless actually starving, they will not seek out humans - and where I hike the land is fertile. However, I have a 44-Mag on my list (it would work on a moose or elk at close range). Believe it or not, when I hike with my daughter (now an adult), I do bring my 9mm - for HUMAN protection. Up until recently, I hiked with at least one other, usually it was a threesome or four. We are laughing, drinking, and yammering adult males... few animals come near that.

I took great exception to The Revenant. I'll mention just two points:

  1. If a human gets struck by a Grizz, forget about it, you'll be dead shortly - ESPECIALLY if torn open. Unless there happens to be a MedEvac on site.
  2. Water in winter: NO ONE goes into water voluntarily AT ALL, let alone when it is freezing.

Oh, also, in my decades of hiking and hauling the pack in true wilderness (including Wrangell-St.Elias in AK) cooking meat, and fish and shitting of course, I have NEVER even seen a Grizz, and only ONE Black Bear (at a distance) and ONE wolf (who skedaddled immediately) The bear in my story is a Black. Pepper spray in Grizz country - NEVER used.

I too took exception to the griz attack and cold water. Hypothermia would have occurred rather quickly i think. I know Leonardo's character was billed as the ultimate survivalist in the area, but Hollyweird pushed the limits on that one. I believe, in your story, that you were guided by that woman's guardian angel. Perhaps you were for that time. Not everybody gets the chance to save a life, let alone be successful especially in such rugged territory. You should be proud.

Quote from Ohio Guy on September 20, 2022, 10:44 pm

Not everybody gets the chance to save a life, let alone be successful especially in such rugged territory. You should be proud.

It's a story my good man... I did no such thing. Is it not authentic sounding... while reading?

Some who read it were furious at me, knowing me... that it was [just] a story, and not an epic life event.

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