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Did I Shift World-lines?

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Getting to the party late as usual.  Question on Affirmations and the whole World Line (to which I am new verrrry new.).  I used the affirmation in Jan to drive a job search.  Result was I got what I wanted:  job at salary I wanted, close to home, with tele work 50 percent of time, NO night, weekends or holidays (very deeply wanted).  I also wanted boss that liked me and would go to bat for me, work that I could actually DO and good coworkers.  Very tiny commute too.  Well.. got what I wanted started in April.  Now a few moments at the new job have had me experiencing a STRONG dejavu to when I worked 25 years ago for gov't!!  I mean like running out of paper moments, budgets that need to be spent or you lose em, building facility issues, I mean just EVERY THING seems like a weird kind of 're do' of my 20/30s with everything being familiar but 'better' because I now know how to handle the events.  Is this some type of synchronicity?  I just don't get it.  Its like I've done this all before, its very comfortable and easy and yeah... weird.  Sort of like I just took up where I left off... the interesting thing is this time, I've got a job designed for promotion track, (if wanted), I've got opportunities.. its so so weird.  I managed to re-create my life from my old state and town, excepting my friends.  Maybe I need to start manifesting them too?  LOL.  I just don't know.  I'm going to start a new campaign to get friends manifested and to manifest a bit more income... we will see.  Anyway, just strange sort of deja vue that I'm getting...

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