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Did I Shift World-lines?

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Hello everyone – newbie here. I found my way here through a search for remote viewing and found way more. I have spent entire days reading this site, and that of @daegonmagus. The image of world-line topography map made something inside click. A quick story: It’s 2017, I’ve been practicing being the observer, projecting my consciousness into things I saw while driving to work - mostly trees. I’m driving home from work - it’s dark and raining. The traffic sucks, everyone is heading home from the long weekend. I find myself wishing there was no traffic. The next thing I know, everything got really slow, then the traffic was gone. Far ahead of me I could see tail lights and far behind me I could see headlights. I was basically on the road alone. Can anyone tell me what happened? Thanks. It was my most profound waking experience.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

You, my friend, experienced a SLIDE.

For most people it won't be so noticeable. But, yeah. This is a standard, full-feature, SLIDE. -MM

Sheree has reacted to this post.

Very interesting, to both OP and MM. I can't remeber you having written much about instant shifting of world lines, MM. Your methods for directing ones future is rather different from Neville Goddard, who didn't set like 3 months on 3 off. Can you please elaborate on what (how really) makes it possible to shift instantly like @sheree  did without the months on-and-off?

congjing yu and Alice have reacted to this post.
congjing yuAlice

Thank you MM for clarifying - this is incredible. I think that's why your topography image resonated. I'm still trying to get my head around MWI. It's Yuge - this whole fricken site is.  How did I do this? It was a thought without any focused awareness or intent behind it. I was just drivin' home. If I did it once, can I do it again? I'm lost in a vast sea of world-lines where the NWO is completing its plans to enslave humanity, and we'll all be fighting over acorns. I've GOT to get out of here. And I've been in this swamp for 8 years. Am I screwed? Am I too far away from a world of freedom & abundance? How do I learn how to slide into that world?

Thank you @dingus for Neville Goddard.


congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu


Neville Goddard has some amazing concepts. The “I Am”.

Slides are achievable by control of one’s thoughts.

congjing yu and Sheree have reacted to this post.
congjing yuSheree
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

Yes @alice, the entire Neville G story and his concepts are very interesting. The idea behind shares a lot with MM, but there are diffrences too. I can't think of a way to combine NG & MM, probably not wise to tamper too much with such unknowns either. Currently I am just going with MM's world line navigation, but again, I would be very interested to hear your thoughts on this @laoban4site

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu


Oh no - there is a clear line in between the two. I combine them separately and in my own ways. Best to stick to that.

If you aren’t a Patreon (I can never get the spelling), I suggest it. MM delves deeper into affirmations, MWI travels, and the semantics of topic. Probably help you blend the concepts better, if you can spare the change. It’s worth every Penny, I promise.

congjing yu and Dingus have reacted to this post.
congjing yuDingus
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

I think about NG - his is build the emotions and release. MM does post ways to speed up affirmations - one of which is meditation and another being, being the Rufus. In my experiences, every affirmation backed with complete desire, ones that I speak from the heart, and  “on the fly” do manifest and fairly quickly. MM teaches to do affirmations where wording is key. It leaves little room for error, not void of error - but manageable.

I think MMs method is built for the more practical, everyday, “day in and day out” build of a life. As well as, complete sliding of your “pre-destined” template.  Where NG is more - release the desire with a good heart and that outcome will stay more on the pre-birth template, deviating slightly.

obviously that’s my assumptions and how I perceive it. I say don’t “blend” because MM does frown upon some of my past “reckless manifestations techniques” - so I don’t want to steer you wrong. Take it as that. Haha

congjing yu and Dingus have reacted to this post.
congjing yuDingus
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

Not a frown so much as a *smirk*. LOL!


Alice has reacted to this post.


I’m hard headed what can I say - “winging it” at life is a hard habit to break - don’t ya know? I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again - if you don’t things the hard way…. You have a well rounded training experience. 😜

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.
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