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Covid Response

Hi MM'ers,

Struggling with the Forum navigation a bit so posting as a new topic.  This is a dutch blogger I follow who seems to have some insights into disease and vaccine mechanisms.  His last post on the Chinese reponse is probably interesting to the MM audience:

I pasted the www part of the address and wordpress prepended http.  It should of course be https.

Update: Link works as is.  Autocorrects to https.

Quote from master_sidoshi on December 1, 2022, 9:15 pm

Hi MM'ers,

Struggling with the Forum navigation a bit so posting as a new topic.  This is a dutch blogger I follow who seems to have some insights into disease and vaccine mechanisms.  His last post on the Chinese reponse is probably interesting to the MM audience:

Chinese gov knows Ivermectin. For whatever reason they don't use it and keep zero-covid policy until November:

  1. Industry still matters before October.
  2. Help Trump win mid-term election. If Chinese use Ivermectin first, Trump will be considered pro-China.
  3. They want to use Chinese Traditional Medicine instead.