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On the choice of covid drugs

It seems Chinese gov has decided to use traditional medicines mainly, but some chemical drugs are very cheap and available online, so nevertheless.

Zinc: RdRp inhibitor. Using Zinc with HCQ, EGCG or Quercetin will help the influx of Zinc into the cell.
Vitamin C, Vitamin D3.
EGCG: Tea extract. Should be used with Zinc. Little to no side effect.
Quercetin: Onion extract. Should be used with Zinc. Little to no side effect.
Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ): HCQ is not very effective for Omicron as an S-protein inhibitor. It still takes Zinc into the cell.
Ivermectin: Effective. More effective than Pfizer's paxlovid (same mechanism), but far less side effect. Though being very safe as anti-endoparasite drug , long time use can cause male infertility.
Cepharanthine (千金藤素): I've heard no human use for covid. I think this is effective.
Artemisinin: Used by some Chinese American.
Remdesivir / Favipiravir / Azvudine(阿兹夫定): Though they are effective, I will never use them. They mimic Nucleic Acids, and interfere human DNA/RNA.

Chinese gov actually knows Ivermectin, let's read this Chinese paper (Repurposing of clinically approved drugs for treatment of coronavirus disease 2019 in a 2019-novel coronavirus-related coronavirus model).

Three drugs are present. Cepharanthine (CEP, 千金藤素), selamectin, and mefloquine. Selamectin ≈ Ivermectin. Mefloquine ≈ Hydroxychloroquine. Here's a figure from supplement materials.

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Chinese Traditional Medicine, here it comes.


(Suggestion on at-home COVID-targetted Chinese Traditional Medicine using)