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MM has Coronavirus

After China has "opened up" on it's restrictions, many of us inside of China are getting sick. Last Tuesday, my little girl failed a random temperature check in Kindergarten and we took her home. Oh Lordy! Was she miserable. Poor little kid.

Running high fever, and absolutely unhappy. But by the end of the day, she was fine.

However, I was the guy taking care of her, and I caught it from her.

Yesterday, I wasn't feeling well. I was sore all over. Achy. Tired. And on top of that, I had to visit a couple of factories in Foshan. (About a three hour drive away.)

A massive cold front hit. 4° instead of our perennial 30° and I was not a happy camper.

We had our big meals, and at night drank the beijiu and got sloshed. Crashed int he hotel room, and I was miserable. I had the headache from Hell, and could not sleep. My body felt like I had been lifting weights for a week and I was sore all over.

I'm back home now.

I'm following the Chinese government advice and "sheltering in place" voluntarily because I don't want to give it to anyone else.

Now, I have had three "dead host" vaccines, and so did my entire family, but yeah, we got this virus.

They say it's not bad.

I beg to differ.

I don't have a runny nose, coughing, or anything like that, but all my internal organs feel "off". Like they are strained. I'm operating at 22% right now.

I feel confident that things will go back to normal in a few days.


It might be a coincidence, but my Quality Director did not share the breakfast this morning. he was called home. His wife's oldest sisters' grandson (a one year old boy) died last last. It happened suddenly and no one knows what happened.

This situation is only just developing...

I am going to give MM a break while I heal up. Just remember, everyone, to be the best you can be. And remember that I believe in you.


Feal, perolator and 4 other users have reacted to this post.

Dear MM,

Thank you so much for everything you have been doing for humanity. You have been providing lots of extremely valuable information accessible for free to the general public, and I am eternally grateful for it. I believe all your bravery, dedication and hard work are indeed helping a lot of people realising lots of important truths in this world.

I hope you Sir, and all your family heal quickly and get well.

congjing yu, JustAnotherAsian and 4 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yuJustAnotherAsianFealWaterTigerTerrijohn

I hope you and your little girl will be healthy and strong again soon! And that the rest of your family and friends stays well. Take care! Take the time you need for yourself, we can wait. Btw I think here in Europe everybody got some form of C more or less already, independent of being vxxed or not.

congjing yu and frannya have reacted to this post.
congjing yufrannya

Do take care & get well soon. Pls give big hugs to your little one from all of us.

This latest variant is mild, mostly flu like symptoms. Had mine early this year, biggest tell tale sign was loss of smell (unable to even smell sesame seed oil.) Surpringly the Rapid Test Kit showed negative. And like you, had 3 dose of SinoVac (totally refused the Pfizer shit).

We were recommend to take (traditional Chinese medicine) Lianhua Qingwen.


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congjing yu and frannya have reacted to this post.
congjing yufrannya

There is a Gateway Experience Hemi Sync called - "Function"

Inhale - "Plus > Balance > Heal" - Exhale

Your body already knows how to heal itself - Its all mind work to remind your cells to focus exactly where and what to heal.

If you can make it outside to a tree - nature - Robert - tree work is incredible and honestly I live, breathe and heal solely on the healing energies of trees. They give freely, you just have to open your whole being, every cell in your body to receive it. They will heal you quicker than you can say Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. It may sound like I am jesting but I am not. Oh Robert, I sure hope you get better soon. I will send you as much healing energy as you are open to receive. but please, if you aren't too embarrassed to go outside - go hug a tree. I promise you won't regret a second of it.

congjing yu and frannya have reacted to this post.
congjing yufrannya
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

I also got COVID. I'm taking Ivermectin 24mg per day, Zinc, Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, Tea, Curry. I got a slight sore throat and 37.8C fever.

I do believe many things should happen to wake those Wokes. You know, some parts of China is controlled by <power that be>, eg. 创造101 and 淘宝造物节 with the Triangle Symbol. That's why Paxlovid is imported.

My prediction is that China won't got a second wave in the cities in 6 months, and the Wokes will be told this. Fauci will be prosecuted, Fauci Files and Pfizer Files will be uncovered. However Fauci will be released to even increase absurdity.

The Pole Reversal is happening. It's time for the Wokes to shape their fate.


congjing yu and frannya have reacted to this post.
congjing yufrannya

Today as we got up to take RR (my little MM) off to Kindergarten, the Schoolmaster told us to keep RR home.

All three of her teachers are locked in the dorm as they are sick, and of the class of 25, only 4 students don't have coronavirus. (Her class of 25 has three teachers; a main teacher and two helper teachers.) So RR is advised to stay home.


Meanwhile, I am on the mend. Still mostly tired, and sleeping is a sweaty tossy-turvy affair. I'm sweating everything out. Dreams are "out of this world".  Not taking any meds now. Just drinking a lot of water.

No appetite.

Ability to smell is weakened substantially.

JustAnotherAsian, perolator and 2 other users have reacted to this post.

Coronavirus is not a walk in the park. When I got it, that virus knocked me out.

Please get well soon, MM. We need you.

A big hug to RR, my best wishes for Ms. MM.


In my surroundings kids have to stay at home again, because too many teachers (and of course kids) are ill. Also the administration offices are half closed down and public transport (trains and buses) are partly not running anymore. The hospitals have to postpone operations. A huge wave of sickness, not C probably influenza but anyway people are not able to go to work. And an official report came out 3 week ago, stating a 10% higher death rate for this year as compared to last year, which they cannot explain.