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mRNA vaccines Dr J Campbell.

Well worth your time.


Feal, frannya and WellBeing have reacted to this post.

Campbell became anti-mRNA-vaccine after investigating the numbers. I appreciate people who work with real numbers.

Feal, frannya and WellBeing have reacted to this post.

Campbell became anti-mRNA-vaccine after investigating the numbers. I appreciate people who work with real numbers.

Where was Campbell when the numbers showed Childhood Vaxx was causing Autism?

I appreciate people who relied on INTUITION and refused the Vaxx from the start

I blame the Fluoride for the last 60 years for the lack of Intuition and gullibility of those who trust "science" when Science is ALL about questioning everything.

frannya has reacted to this post.

Anyone and I mean anyone who is prepared to put their head onto the chopping block to put facts on the table in a world of cancel culture has my respect. Campbell is a evolving narrative as the facts present themselves, much like this site. Kudos to him I say. Some of us lack intuition and at times rely upon information from others, be it right or be it wrong but still we cannot leave them behind man. I call people like Campbell draft horses, they pull the masses forward. Cheers.

frannya has reacted to this post.

So whats the deal with China planning on changing the DNA of its citizens?

China National Biotec Group, a subsidiary of China National Pharmaceutical Group Co Ltd (Sinopharm), announced on Friday that its biotech unit in Shanghai has received regulatory approval for clinical trials of China's first mRNA COVID-19 vaccine targeting the Omicron strains.

Since when did China learn how to identify flu variants?


frannya has reacted to this post.

Maybe MM could answer  that question for you MerLynn. Cheers mate.

Feal has reacted to this post.

Sinopharm is running CLINICAL TRIALS on a Chinese mRNA based injection.

Clinical trials alone take six to seven years on average to complete.

Feal and Tas have reacted to this post.