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MM on Super Soldier Talk


Feal, Goldleaf and 4 other users have reacted to this post.

The comments in this video are very insolent and demeaning toward you. These people are so fast to nitpick your eccentricities and manner of speech as a means to dismiss everything you said. How disgustingly reductionistic and hypocritical.


The way people are sidetracked and made to foreclose over such minute and extraneous things shows how effective Vault 7 and Western  Population Control systems are at keeping people utterly clueless and vitriolic when it's unnecessary.

congjing yu and Feal have reacted to this post.
congjing yuFeal

Yeah. Some are simply trolls. One asshole made the statement that Naval aviators refer to themselves as "Pilots". So I responded that Pilots is a Black shoe (blue water navy) term, and Naval Aviator is a brown shoe (aviation) term.

But, really, the insulting comments are really bummers.

Anyways, one or two people liked the presentation, and I did get one person who signed up for my Patreon. So it wasn't all that bad.

Feal and frannya have reacted to this post.

Congrats mate on the Super Soldier interview.


congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

Metallicman, I'm so glad to see you in such an interview, sharing so many of your deep and astounding experiences with so many people! Thank you so much! I really hope your disclosure efforts to bring the best outcomes possible, making people more aware and understanding. Wish you and everyone safety and well-being, with everything turning out for the best.


congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

From the looks of it, the channel left the stream unlisted. I cannot find it in the video listings.


I can find the others, though.

That's fine.

Anytime I poke my face out in public, I am immediately assaulted by the NSA suppression forces. Sigh.