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Forum breadcrumbs - You are here:ForumChina: New ChinaHelp me to move to China
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Help me to move to China

I have made my decision. Rather than stay in the US where I will be eaten alive in the coming years, I am going to move to China. It will be a massive jump to make, but there is no way I will be able to survive in a post-collapse America with my disabilities.


A rundown of my issues.

  1. I have Autism and ADHD, meaning it's harder for me to gain and retain work due to my inability to focus and tune out all of the mental noise I deal with constantly
  2. I have no money and nobody is willing to help me. I am going to work a job to make the money to get a passport and a ticket to China.
  3. I will learn Mandarin right now. A very grueling process but at least I will be able to understand the basics.
  4. I have no home nor job waiting for me in China. So referring me to CCP welfare/subsidized housing programs would be helpful.
  5. Donations in reminbi/yuan to cover my travel expenses will also be preferred.
  6. This leap of faith serves the double purpose of  escaping from James and the Secret Kings, who will have much more trouble controlling me if I'm in China vs here in NYC.

Things to do:


  1. Acquire Passport
  2. Acquire a Ticket to the cheapest place in China
  3. Know enough Mandarin to trough through basic conversations/convey my disabilities.
  4. Know which welfare/housing programs I could go to when I make my move, so I won't be homeless or sent back to the US.

I will give updates on my progress to get out of here as things progress. Keep me in your prayer affirmations and wish me the best.