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A Youtube Channel that discusses Worldline anomalies?

Look at this channel.


It's a small channel (under 30,000 subscribers,) that details many of the out-of-place objects and locations that stick out from the current worldline that we are in, indicating that these could be from other world lines that were brought over here without being updated accordingly (he calls it the old world when describing these aberrant edifices and artifacts).


Take a look and tell me what you think.

Thanks for sharing this channel with us @anti It sure looks interesting.


By the way, I just read a comment of yours revealing you were Nostradamus in a past life. I’m curious: Do you actually remember your life as Nostradamus writing those quatrains, or do you just know you were Nostradamus because someone else told you so?

Thanks in advance for any knowledge you can provide.

I do have vague memories of it, yes. I remember being nestled up in a castle, skimming through world lines with my augury to determine the future. All the while, I was fearful for my life since I was partaking in stuff that could get you executed in a brutal fashion. Many people trusted in me to give accurate details about the future to ensure that they can prepare accordingly.


I also remember that I was not a human being in that life. In the world line, I was in, everyone was an anthropomorphic animal. I think I was an anthro horse. Things were vastly different from how history had described Nostradamus' life back then.


Many of the predictions I made were spur of the moment. They came spontaneously and I did not dwell too much on them to try and make any sense. I wrote them down to go with the flow and then moved on to the next one.

WellBeing has reacted to this post.

Amazing that you remember those things @anti. Plus, everyone being an anthropomorphic animal is quite the revelation!

I think you're living proof of Airl’s affirmation: “History is not only a linear record of events, (…) History is recorded from the point of view of a survivor, rather than of those who succumbed.” – Alien Interview

Let me tell you how I got to learn about Nostradamus in the first place.


When I was in my late teens, I did shoddy 1 liner roleplay in this old chat site called . Lots of gamer rooms, lots of gang rooms, and lots of roleplay rooms were around, and I usually went to the ones that had big titted anime girls in it. So, I eventually chanced upon this character named "Nostradamus", who used exclusively busty anime chicks for my pleasure: such as this.


Gold Waifu Nostradamus

Or this:

Silver Waifu Nostradamus


We did a lot of freaky things RP wise and I enjoyed every second of it. Eventually, I looked up the namesake and researched the bio, and that's when the memories of my past life started coming back to me.


All from a bunch of Hentai-Smut scenes with a young woman who was none the wiser that she was  using a namesake of one of my past lives. This Sentinence Nursery presents things in creative (and kinky) ways at times.

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