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[Daegonmagus] Simplified LD technique


Last night after trying to devise a simpler method wake induced lucid dreaming I managed to LD.  I once again went to the underground world place lagging our physical reality by 3 months that seems to be a common location lately. I seemed to be doing a usual recon job, dropping into some base to gain intel on as part of some team. This was in a section that was outside despite the rest of the place having that familiar underground feeling to it. I remember having to go up and over the side of this building into whatever compound it was we were infiltrating. These sessions seem a lot easier: we don’t seem to give much of a shit if our presence is detected, and make ourselves known to flush out whatever is inside. This particular time was no exception. A bunch of non physical guards came out to try and apprehend us but we just swatted them off like flies. There was some kind of weird flying object thing: it looked like a bunch of cubes with square orange lights coming off it which is I think what we were there to investigate. I decided I wanted to fly it so I projected into its core. It was a very peculiar object as the cubes all sort of shot of in different directions but I could control them. It wasn’t anything like the UFO thing I flew – some sort of key like object one had to project into to use.

That saga soon ended and I was back in the middle of the underground city – square sort of dwellings made out of brown clay everywhere – just sort of exploring. I got the idea to reach out to the Domain (the guys who operated on my astral body during a sleep paralysis episode about a year). I pinged a very strong thought out of them suggesting I wished to make contact along with a visualisation. I did this 3 or 4 times, and all of a sudden I was sucked into a worm hole and started travelling down it. Upon coming out the other side, it was like a great deal of distortion prevented me from being able to see properly. I popped out in this circular shaped room that was populated by what appeared to be smoky entities. I knew these things were beings but that just looked like tall blobs of smoke that kept shooting back and forth across the room before forming back into a tall pillar all around me. All in all there probably about 5 or 6 of these pillars, though when they dissipated to fly around the room they all just became one “mass” of smoke.

Session very soon ended after that.  

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I am looking for people who don't regularly lucid dream to try this technique. I'd be very interested to know if it works for anyone. It's fairly simple and can be carried out when one goes to bed.

The technique is based off the CIA gateway papers method for inducing astral projection devised by the Monroe institution, which aims to seed a hypnotic "awareness" command into the subconsciousness at just the right time that it becomes acted upon when we fall asleep.

We start by a simple observation of what happens to consciousness after closing our eyes in preparation for going to sleep. Assuming a normal level of fatigue there is a brief period of conscious awareness of the space in front of us before our consciousness starts to slow down and a blur of fleeting thoughts pass us by as we slip into unconsciousness. The point right as we start falling into unconsciousness is where we need to seed the awareness command so that it can be passed from the left hemisphere of the brain into the right where it becomes acted upon.

The problem we will find is that we have no reference point to understand when it is we are falling into unconsciousness. It seems that one moment we are aware, then the next we aren’t. We therefore have to find something we can use as a reference for our observations to give us an indication this point has been reached.

If we could observe our breath at this stage we should notice that it has become somewhat laboured and shallow, with very very small and quick inhalations and exhalations being taken. We have found a good reference point to use to tell us we have reached a point where we can seed our awareness command.

If we then go back and observe our breathing upon closing our eyes, it should be fairly evident that automatically, our body is preparing our breath in this manner by slowly ramping it down: upon closing our eyes we are no where near breathing at our maximum capacity.

What we need to do is make our breathing effort deliberately conscious, so that we have a clear division between a conscious action and the automatic action of our unconscious laboured breathing. We start by inhaling deep breaths for 2 seconds and exhaling for 3, pushing out all the stresses we can (as mentioned in one of my older articles on lucid dreaming lessons). Because this manner of breathing requires a conscious effort, we can use it to figure out when we are nearing unconsciousness. If we make our mind pay attention to the breathing and really listen to it, we should hopefully have a snap of the moment thought of awareness that we are no longer consciously breathing as we enter into unconsciousness. This may be accompanied by a bright sort of energy pulsation coming through the hypnogogic phase, or it might not.

As we get this snap of the moment realisation, we think our awareness command out loudly - as loudly and firmly as we can. We say to ourselves “I will remain aware as I fall asleep” then we go back to focusing on our breathing. We aim to continue this as much as possible, hopefully seeding at least 3 or 4 of these commands into the right hemisphere.

After each command is seeded, a change in consciousness should occur. Instead of simply becoming unconsciousness with no immediate memory of the event, one’s consciousness begins to feel relaxed as if a light sort of drug has come upon it: it will slow down and "move"  beyond the physical world into the sleeping state sort as if it is swimming through a type of liquid, in which one has a very clear understanding they are now dreaming.

What happens next will depend on the visualisation strength of the dreamer. If we can get a tangible amount of people to this point, I will further try and refine this part of the process.

Alice and WellBeing have reacted to this post.
Daegon Magus

forgot to mention, try to combine the above with the lucid dreaming pose i've mentioned in past articles/ videos

Daegon Magus

Initially, when I read your journal entry @dori2190 when you mentioned the smokey entities formed in to pillars, I found that my thoughts immediately went to the "Pillars of Creation". I presume there is no relation to this phenomenon though the thought intrigues me, nonetheless.

James Webb Space Telescope captures new details of iconic 'Pillars of ...

As for your LD "project", you know I am game from all things "dreamworld". Magus pose or not - in the words of Doc Holliday  "I'm your Huckleberry"

WellBeing has reacted to this post.
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

Hello DaegonMagus, thank you for sharing this.

Interesting thing, I also have called out for the Domain about 5 times during sleep, 4 different nights, some beings have appeared 2 - 3 of those times but I don't think the real Domain ever appeared in my dreams, especially because I’m no proficient lucid dreamer and I feel very much imprisoned in my body even when I lucid dream.

Regarding the technique you described above, DM, I would love to take part on the test, however, I have a chronic respiratory disease that makes very difficult for me to concentrate and control my breath for long periods of time, and I cannot fall asleep using your famous lucid dreaming pose, because when I sleep on my back I usually start coughing or suffocating. So, I usually have to try other methods to lucid dream.

Given the fact that I don't consider myself a proficient lucid dreamer (I lucid dream, at best, about 4 times per month) but I've already done at least 2 or 3 Wake-induced lucid dreams (WILD) this year, I will share my findings. It may be useful for people who have difficulty in lucid dream, like me, to know about this.

WILD type 1: This works when I wake up in the middle of the night from a lucid dream, or a very intense dream, and I'm in my physical body but there is this imagery going on (hypnagogic state?) that I see with eyes closed. It's like a 3D movie that is playing in front of my physical eyes or inside my physical head. If I focus on this imagery, I get more and more "immersed" in it till I am, again, dreaming, and I try to remain conscious during this transition resulting in a WILD. I believe this case has happened more than twice throughout my life.

WILD type 2: I only recall this case to have occurred once. I arrive at home very tired and I just want to rest my body and my head a little bit. Sit next to my bed and put my arms and head above the bed. My bed is very close to the floor. Close my eyes, my body is not that comfortable but I'm too tired to move my body and I don't want to fall asleep, just stay there. I begin to see this imagery (hypnagogic state?) and again, focus on this imagery and get more and more "immersed" in it, trying not to lose lucidity, resulting in a WILD.

It's important to say that I didn’t ever feel any inversion of consciousness to the pineal gland and I believe lucid dreaming may be different from person to person. I believe some people get out-of-body more easily than others during sleep. For example, some people who are proficient lucid dreamers may have 99% of their conscious out of any body, physical or non-physical, while others like me may still have a very high percentage of consciousness attached to the physical and non-physical bodies during sleep. Therefore, the inversion of consciousness backwards to the pineal gland may not occur and lucid dreaming may occur inside the bodies, mostly like remote viewers do remote viewing while still completely attached to the physical body. I came to this conclusion because of some strange experiences I had with lucid dreaming and also with "etherical" projection, as I like to call it. I may be wrong though and my experiences may be just tricking me, I hope not.

I would love to know if someone here in the MM readership has had similar experiences to mines.

Either way, I just want to end this post by wishing everyone very good luck with any attempt on lucid dreaming.

I think it was a good 30 years ago I bought all of Monroe's CD's for the Gateway program.  I also bought a device called a Dream Voyager if I recall.  It was a sleep mask with a circuit built in which detects REM - rapid eye movement that happens as you are falling asleep.  Once it detects REM it will flash a red LED every so often to your eyes.  The idea is that you remind yourself as you are going to sleep that if you are in a dream and you see someone with a tie on that is flashing red or you are in a car that has a red flashing light on the dash or anything like that to know you are asleep and to become aware of that so you can take control of the dream or get into the lucid dream state.

Anyone here tried using Galantamine in addition to their techniques?

Check this study out.

I happen to have some and have never seriously tried LD.

i have heard this yes. I was apprehensive after reading it was used to treat dementia. i only just realised it is an over the counter medicine here after reviewing it after seeign your post. I plan on buying some and trying it out to the recommendations in the study you posted. Thanks for the link

Daegon Magus