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MM dark mode

On dark mode styling for MM

Hi there,

I now have a working dark mode ready for this site, and finally made it available for all of you.

To enable it, you should use an extension called stylus [for firefox ] [or for chrome]
(this is a nifty little extension to enable custom styling of websites with ease.)

To get the userstyle, simply head back to the mm site, open the extension menu -> find styles for this site (
or visit this site here: and hit install.

If you would like to install extension on your mobile, it gets a bit more tricky...
First you have to user firefox nightly on android (sorry, crApple guys^^)
Then, you have to enable "custom Add-On Collections"
Read here how this is done

I have a mini-minimal collection with "stylus" and "uBlockOrigin" available here:

When your mobile browser has restarted, you still have to enable the styles extension,
and then you are ready to go.

Enjoy, and let me know what you think!

All the best, MT

congjing yu, Feal and maxhdrm.shaman have reacted to this post.
congjing yuFealmaxhdrm.shaman

Awesome - thank you so much.   Much easier on my tired old eyes.  A question for you on modifying the script for some other websites I use which don't have a dark mode.   Would it primarily just involve changing the domain name in the script or are there a lot of other modification that my need to be made?

mtness has reacted to this post.


You're welcome, i am glad you like it!

On adapting the userstyle for other websites - in principle - no , it won't work without much customization,
it will be easier to create an own userstyle from scratch.

This is a a lot easier than it seems, all it requires is already available at your fingertips.
( Assumed you are using a desktop pc )

Firefox, usally comes with the so-called devtools installed - just press F12 (or Menu > Tools > Browser Tools > Web Developer Tools)
with these, you are able to inspect the website (or via right click -> Inspect.)
Then, you have to identify the right element and can tweak the css properties on the fly.

When the styling fits your needs, copy the modified argument to the corresponding userstyle.
To create a userstyle, visit the website, click the stylus icon,  select "write style for " be sure to select the whole domain.

Here is an overview of all there is to css:

If I can be of any help please let me know!
Best regards, MT.

Thanks for this, I really appreciate it as it does make reading the site easier for me.

mtness has reacted to this post.

I'd like to thank mtness again for this.  Although I decided out of laziness not to try learning the css to make this for other sites it did inspire me to find an extension which works very well on all sites.  In my search I found some that didn't work so well and left images reversed in color.  But the really good one I found seems to work extremely well almost everywhere.  It's called "Dark Reader" and is very easy to setup, use and can be easily switched on or off as well as even offering brightness and contrast controls as well as a couple other things to customize.   Available here for Chrome and browsers using the Chrome engine: