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Experiencing a slide (deep dive ?)

Hello everyone. It's my first post here though I've been following Metallicman for a while now (the one from my original timeline: I don't know if or how they differ.).

First I want to thank him from the bottom of my heart for creating this site. I don't know if he is aware of the impact it has on the world but I feel it is big. At the very least, it sure has been big for me.

I don't know how to start to describe what happened to me recently. Let's just say the changes have been so big I might as well have been sent to an other planet.

I don't like to talk about me but I need to provide a bit of a background to explain what happened.

In my life, I always got what I wanted but not necessarily the way I expected or imagined it. I already knew somehow that my thoughts affected my life. It gave me the feeling that I was dealing with literal genie ( This scared me. I was afraid of the damage it could cause especially to the people around me. As a result I trained to control my thought and stop wishing for anything (just staying alive). I expected to just go on with my life but the result of this was that my life became stagnant. I became homeless and just surviving on a day to day basis with no progress or perspective of change.

That's when I found your site, learned how MWI works and, with the help of this new understanding, gathered the courage to move my life again.

At that time, my life was difficult because I was always tired without knowing why, everything was a chore even simple ordinary things, even going to bed, everything was an uphill battle. It was like something wanted to prevent me from doing anything. I went day by day forcing my way through by sheer power of will.

I learned how to do an affirmation campaign but because of my circumstances, I didn't think I could keep the discipline required for three months. So, I came with an other solution. I remember you said to be careful of what we say in our daily life when we talk to ourselves or by reflex because those habits have the same effect than an affirmation campaign. You even said that when we start an affirmation campaign we would have to override what we said for all our lives.

I had trained myself to not self-talk long ago already. But I started to talk to myself again repeating a sentence at a time from my affirmation campaign, like a mantra. Then forgot about it and when the thought came, repeated another sentence an so on. This way I could keep repeating things up to maybe a hundred times a day. Each cycle of repetition was over a different thematic and I always forgot about it almost instantly by stopping thinking about it.

I authorized slides, and I wanted the changes to be as fast as possible as long as I was able to endure it and it did not result in irreversible damage.

Changes manifested gradually, I had some hard times, struggles, honestly, it was a mess; I might even have died at some point (not sure about this one).

And a sudden big change happened just recently. Things I didn't know were possible, things even your site did not prepare me for.

In this new timeline (from my perspective) :

  • Human biology is different: (body structure, organs placement and functions, new organs I never heard about, etc.)
  • That also goes for all other animal and plants. I manage to recognize the species (they even have the same names) but they are very different from the ones I know. They even have different behavior. There are also new species for me. And some extinct species from my original world line.
  • The geography is different. Entire continents changed place and shape. (even though place and countries are still named the same way). Actually every continent changed.
  • Astronomy has also changed. Venus is bigger, Mars is much smaller and Mercury used to be about the same size as the Moon (Luna). Constellations are still recognizable but some stars have shifted a bit out of the alignments I know.
  • History has been rewritten. The overall History follows the path but the specific events are different.

Overall Theses changes give me the impression that I have been transported to an alien world. But even with all those differences my life follow the continuity of what was before as if nothing major happened. People still speak the same language even though they use slang and references I don't get. (spelling also changed a little). Even though History has changed, recent events are the sames.

I am still stunned by how things can change so much in some ways while staying the same in others.

I used to keep track of Mandela effects because things were already changing so fast for me that if I didn't I would keep making a foul of myself. But this last slide is really over the top!

The changes in biology are the most striking for me. I have a degree in biology and an other in ecology but the changes have been so thorough that they have become worthless (not for society but for me).

Changes in biology:

Humans still look the same at first glance (though anatomical differences are visible through careful examination) but the internal structure is very different.

  • The skeleton is more bulky. There are more bones and it is more robust overall. Ribs went from 18 to 24 (18+1 floating for men and 18+2 floating for women). Except for two, all the ribs are linked to each-other while, before, there were floating ribs only attached through cartilage. (I remember being taught it was necessary because pregnant women needed space so the bottom of the rib cage needed to be elastic). In my timeline, CPR consisted in using the elasticity of the rib-cage to compress the heart directly.
  • There was no sternum bone only cartilage. (And broken ribs never regrew).
  • The skull is very different. There was no bone behind the eye-sockets. The nose was a hole there wasn't all the bone structure behind it. The jaw was not that large. There was more holes in general. The internal ear was not protected inside of a bone. A lot of structures on the surface are strange to me.
  • The rib-cage contained only the heart and the lungs and now contains all vital organs.
  • The heart was positioned left of the rib-cage and is now at the center and is bigger. The lungs were bigger. They went all the way down to the bottom of the rib-cage (though the rib-cage was shorter). The right lung had 3 lobs and the left one had 2 lobs (to live some room for the heart). From my perspective, the lung capacity has been reduced but it is not crippling. In my previous lifetime, some heavy smokers have had part of their lungs removed without affecting their daily lives.
  • The stomach was below the rib-cage at the center and could stretch a lot. People overeating had a round belly.
  • The liver and pancreas were just below the stomach. The liver was 4 times smaller and had a single lob.
  • The small intestine was shorter and packed in a regular pattern in 2 dimensions instead of three. It crossed the sagittal plane 6 times and the colon crossed int the seventh time. It was homogeneous : meaning there was no subdivision along the length. Now the small intestine looks more packed and... well... a mess. (I can't discern a structure).
  • interstitium: completely new to me.
  • Thymus: new organ for me both in form an function. There was a "thymus" at the same place in my timeline. It was a butterfly-shaped organ that produced growth hormones during youth and was useless during adulthood. (It could be removed without consequences). During adulthood, this organ kept shrinking until disappearing completely. There was still some mystery about its exact function. The mythology around the thymus is new to me (the seat of the human soul).
  • The structure of the brain is very different.
  • The spinal cord used to go all the way down.
  • The kidneys were at the level of the waist (and not protected inside the rib-cage).
  • And many other things...

Overall, humans are more robust in this timeline. Organs are protected better. It looks like it's much harder to get killed here than it was in my previous timeline. People are also naturally more muscular here. There is less of gap in physical performance between male and female (just looking at sport statistics).

In this timeline, the digestive system of humans is more efficient. I noticed that people need to eat a lot less compared to what I'm used to.

This new body "meat-suit" is a huge upgrade for me. It looks like biology is not homogeneous across the MWI. If I were to go back to my original timeline with this body, I would certainly be considered as an alien.

It also seems that nature is more hostile "here". Some non-venomous species have become venomous. Stronger teeth for rodents. New species coming out of a horror movie like the horsehair worm. etc...

The changes in geography are huge too. I could go on and on but I will stop here. I can still give more details on a specific subject if you want to know, of course.

My intuition tells me that I need to understand the MWI more on an intuitive level to keep going on. I still have a hard time understanding how quantum shadows work especially for far removed timelines.

Anyway, I love you people of this community whatever timeline you are really on.

Feal, WaterTiger and 2 other users have reacted to this post.

@lucius Thank you so much for sharing this amazing information and knowledge!

I always had interest in biology, geography, astronomy, “Mandela effects”, and how the “Multiverse” works, including the quantum shadows phenomena. So, I would love to hear any more details about the differences you found between this current timeline and your previous ones before your deep dives, If you feel comfortable in sharing it, of course.

Lucius has reacted to this post.


Actually, everything is still fresh to me and I am still in the process of catching up. There are probably more differences between timelines than what I am aware of. To be honest, the more I dig, the more shocked I get.

Please keep in mind that everything I know form other timelines come from my memory. I can not consult any references anymore so I can be wrong. I will try to stick to what I know for sure. (I am starting to get used to this timeline and I just noticed that I am now referring to my original timeline as "the other timeline".)

When I wrote my first post I was still in shock and a bit overwhelmed. The world lost all feeling of reality to me. It felt like it was all a dream and I might wake up anytime. Now I have calmed down and accepted that this is my reality from now on. If I didn't know what was going on, I would have thought I was going crazy.

Please keep in mind that my experience is different from MM. To me, thoughts alone are enough to affect the trajectory in the MWI although the changes are gradual and may take years to manifest.

Since I started doing affirmation campaigns, the changes have been much faster and Mandela effects have become a regular occurrence.

Quantum shadows:

So I got the habit of consulting Mandela effect forums to keep track of the changes. It's just like keeping track of the news. It shows the local MWI landscape and what is stable and what is prone to change. If I didn't, I would regularly make a foul of myself for lacking common sens or showing my lack of education. (Like some videos where they trick people to show their lack of basic knowledge). I can't even write without a spellchecker anymore.

Changing timeline while keeping track of forum posts gave me a little insight about what it means to communicate with people across timelines. People communicate with quantum shadows which behave as if they were part of the same timeline as they are. For example if you are residing in timeline C and I write to you that I went from timeline A to timeline B, you will read that I went from timeline Y to timeline C. I don't know what timeline Y is like but its description is not random. There are rules. I am not clear of what those rules are but my first guess is "Y is to C  what A is to B" but that may not be quite right. Actually, it's probably not right because it might not make sense or not be physically possible.

For example, there is a Mandela effect on something that can take one of two states, say A and B. In a timeline where it is B you might see a forum post titled: "How come it is B now?! I clearly remember it being A!".

Then you switch timeline and for you it is now A. You go to the forum and either the post disappeared or got replaced by "How come it is A now?! I clearly remember it being B!" from the same author (modulo an alternative spelling). If the thing has more than two states, it may have become: "How come it is A now?! I clearly remember it being M!".

But quantum shadows still have to live as normal members of society. So do your quantum shadows have knowledge or is it just your knowledge transformed through a mapping between timelines? My understanding of things make me believe it's the later rather than the former but I may be wrong. What is MM take on this?

I still have the same scars at the same places so my quantum shadow must have lived about the same life. I found photos of myself doing what I remember doing. Except it's not myself: the bodies in the photos have visible anatomical differences. This gives some uncanny feeling.

Biology and the world map have changed while society and the geopolitical context stayed about the same which give some insight: For things to continuously change in one aspect and stay the same in an other require at least two dimensions.

2 dimensions of alternative realities + 1 dimension of chronological progression + 3 dimensions of space gives a universe of at least 6 dimensions to manifest what I observed.

The "kidney punch" was a real thing in my timeline since it could actually damage the kidneys. Now it is considered nothing more than superstition. See how one timeline reality can become an other's superstition? It is remarkable that the notion of "kidney punch" exists at all in this timeline where it makes no sense.


Stars seem more or less at the same place. The constellations have the same shapes and are just as clearly recognizable to me. In my previous timeline, Polaris was in direct alignment with Dubhe and Merak from the Big Dipper. That's the way I used to find Polaris before. It is still possible to find it this way but now the alignment is slightly off.

The southern cross had perpendicular arms: not slightly slanted as it is now.

The Earth has about the same size as I remember (measured in meters). A meter and a centimeter look the same to me. Physical constants are the same as I remember.

The Moon (Luna) period around the earth is about the same as I remember. And the Moon was just the right size to cover the solar disc just like in this timeline. So the Moon is about at the same distance from the earth as in my previous timeline and the relative size of the Sun and the Moon are the same. The Moon look much brighter to me but that may be a biological difference in eye.

The order of the planets from the Sun is the same as I remember. (I precise because in some timeline it changed).

In my timeline, Mars was smaller than Earth but only slightly so. I can't give an exact number because I didn't learn them but I remember the relative size of the planets shown side by side at scale. The diameter of Mars was more than 80% of the diameter of Earth. I still recognize Mars surface features like Olympus Mons or Valles Marineris but something feels off although I can't point what it is. I'm sorry, I can't tell more on this one. I did not memorize any map of Mars.

The diameter of Venus was 50% to 75% of the diameter of Earth. The planet was covered with opaque clouds like it is now.

Mercury was smaller, as I said, about the size of the Moon. It's battered surface is familiar to me although the big impacts with visible radial projections seem new to me. I don't remember them but my memory may be faulty on this subject.

The asteroid belt is where I remember it. Ceres and Vesta look just as I remember. Ceres seems smaller than I remember but, again, I am not absolutely sure.

The Gas Giants look the same to me. Except, maybe for Jupiter. In my timeline the Great Red Spot shrank and some astronomers believed that it was about to disappear.


The differences are so extensive than I don't know where to start. The human biology has become so foreign to me that we might as well be completely different species. In fact, it's like nothing I have ever seen before so it's at the level of exobiology from my perspective. I am still in the process of catching up and there is a lot to catch up.

Since I already started like that, I might as well continue to enumerate what comes to mind.

The medulla oblongata was connected to the back of the brain. The cerebellum was more to the back of skull. The medulla oblongata came lower in an upright position and was directly connected to the cerebellum.

The lobes of the brain are the same as I remember. The functional area are the same except there was no subdivision between general and specialized areas. It may be an anatomical difference or that the understanding of brain structure is better in this timeline.

The spine was connected to the skull upright/vertically instead of connecting at an angle like in this timeline. To me this makes people look like they are too lazy to stand straight. Of course I know that this is just an anatomical difference.

The Nuchal ligament is a new thing for me. I don't remember anything like it and certainly not this big in the human anatomy.

The ulna is much larger than what I remember.

The Fibula is a completely new bone to me. I have never seen anything like that in my previous timeline.

The human pelvis looks strange to me but I can't pinpoint the exact difference.

The lacteals are a new thing to me. Nutrients used to go directly into the blood circulation. Blood from the intestine passing by the liver before reaching the heart is something new too.

The liver being able to regenerate is something new to me. In fact anything regenerating is something new. At most a wound would close and maybe leave a scar (including internal scars).

People are naturally more muscular in this timeline. I would have looked like a stickman compared to people here. Female bodybuilder in this timeline would look like male bodybuilder in my original timeline. As for male bodybuilders in this timeline...I would have thought that those pictures were photoshoped jokes if I didn't know better.

The novelty of the longer rib-cage with more ribs protecting more vital organs with a bigger liver extend to all mammals. I am not sure about other vertebrates. I did not check yet.

In my memory all cetaceans had a single blowhole at the top of the head. So the anatomy of gray whales and blue whales looks very strange to me.

The spiracle is a new thing to me.

Shark eyes used to be like other fish eyes.

Octopuses are tiny in this timeline. In my timeline they were model animals used to study aging because they did not age. In fact they kept growing forever. In practice they ended up getting killed by some predator at some point so giant octopuses were not a thing although they were bigger than in this timeline. In this timeline they die young: their lifespan is determined by their lifecycle. In my timeline octopuses' brain was a distinct organ. Although octopuses of this timeline still have brains, their central nervous system is more distributed. They can also stretch their tentacles much more than they could in my timeline. And they were non-venomous in my timeline.

Komodo dragons were non-venomous in my timeline. At first they were suspected to be venomous but subsequent studies revealed they were not. The apparent poisoning were only septic shock. In this timeline they are actually venomous.

In this timeline, it is hard to distinguish between grass snakes and vipers. Grass snakes used to be non-venomous while vipers were. There were clear distinguishing features between the two. Moreover some species that were non-venomous have become venomous. The distinction between the two is now more of a distinction between the strength of the venom.

In my timeline, beavers had long white frontal teeth that were constantly growing to compensate for their wear. In this timeline they have orange teeth due to the iron used to reinforce them. They are able to chew down trees. (Seriously?). This is now a common feature of rodents. (what?!).


South-America was much further west. It was farther from Africa. In fact North-America's west coast was in alignment with the Andes. Mexico was not hook-shaped but went straight south. Panama was a narrow country oriented north-south instead of east-west now. The Panama Canal went east-west instead of the present north-south. The southern tip of South-America was almost touching Antarctica to the point a bridge could have been built between the two.

Greenland was nowhere near Canada. It was in the middle of the Atlantic ocean (still to the north though).

The northern part of the American continent didn't stretch that much to the west. Alaska was further apart from Russian. Now they are very close. A little more and it would be possible to cross the strait of Bering on foot.

Australia was further south. Actually I remember that during my childhood Australia was close to Antarctica and New-Zealand was north-east of Australia. I thought I was mistaken when I then learned maps with Australia further north with New-Zealand to the south-east. (Mandela effects were not on my radar at that time). New-Zealand was more to the south an closer to Australia than now. Australia was about equidistant from Indonesia and Antarctica. Now Australia has come so far north, it is almost touching Papua New Guinea.

Speaking of Papua New Guinea, it was north-east of Australia.

New-Caledonia was much closer to Australia. It was so close that it could have been considered an Australian island. The Coral sea was more of a strait and there was no such thing as Coral Sea Islands.

Australia was removed from other land masses which was a sort of protection since one had to go out of one's way to reach it. (The repeated bombing of Australia during WWII is a new thing to me).

Australia has still about the same shape. The golf of Carpentaria is more pronounced than what I remember due to two new outgrowths of land on both sides.

The Philippines were not that close to China. They were south of Vietnam (slightly to the east).

Japan was not off the coast of Russia but off the coast of China. The two Korea were north-north-west of Japan.

The Arabian Peninsula was very rectangular. There was no outgrowth of land closing the golf and forming the strait of Hormuz. Or at least, the strait of Hormuz was wider.

Russia is somehow bigger than what I remember although it was already big.

The Mediterranean sea looks compressed in the north-south direction. It has become much smaller.

Corsica was a bit more to the west and Sardinia was nowhere that close to it. Now it looks like they are almost touching.

Sicily was a proper island not that close to Italy.

Malta was an isolated island in the middle of the Mediterranean sea.

Crete was a proper Greek island. Now the Mediterranean sea has shrank so much that it is almost midway between Greece and Egypt.

Cyprus has become much bigger.

Italy used to go straight south instead of bending to the east. Italy was nowhere near Greece.

In my memories, Italy and Greece went down (south) from Europe as if Europe had two legs.

The United kingdom has become bigger relative to France.

The Baltic sea was not an almost closed sea. The islands between Denmark and Sweden are new to me.

The frontier between Sweden and Norway went straight in the middle of the Scandinavian Peninsula.

Latvia was smaller: about the size of Estonia which itself was about one third smaller. Estonia and Finland were further apart.

Cuba was smaller and certainly not that close to Florida. Cuba was much further east and the Mexican Golf was not that closed. In my timeline, comparing the U.S.A. placing nuclear missiles in Ukraine to the Cuban missile crisis was a bit of joke since what they were doing was much worse. Not so much in this timeline.

In my timeline, Haiti was a proper island.

Costa Rica was a Caribbean island and not part of Central America.

Ecuador was north-west of Columbia and was bigger. There was a common border between Ecuador and Venezuela I think (or maybe Columbia had a narrow land in the way. I'm no sure anymore). The equator line still passed through it.

French Guyana was bigger. It was the biggest of the Guyanas. And French Guyana was actually part of France mainland to the point that France could be considered both an European and South-American country. I remember there was a trick question: "Which country share the longest border with France?". Answer: Brazil.

Mongolia was bigger and formed a clear divide between Russia and Chine. Those two still shared a common border but it was much shorter. China wasn't hugging Mongolia like it is now.

And so on. The more I look at the world map, the more anomalies I notice.


I think that that's already a lot so I'll stop here. If you have anything to ask please fell free to do so.

Good day to you all.

Feal and WellBeing have reacted to this post.

To me, thoughts alone are enough to affect the trajectory in the MWI although the changes are gradual and may take years to manifest.” – I agree. I think this “manifestation power” may differ from person to person.

So do your quantum shadows have knowledge or is it just your knowledge transformed through a mapping between timelines?” – Both hypotheses make perfect sense to me. I wish I knew the truth.


I found photos of myself doing what I remember doing. Except it's not myself: the bodies in the photos have visible anatomical differences. This gives some uncanny feeling.” - I would also be shocked if I saw myself and others with such different biological bodies.

Lucky us, we have stronger and more efficient biological bodies in these timelines.


Interesting that you mention the Polar Star. When I was a child, I learned how to find the Polar Star by counting 5 times the distance between 2 specific stars (Merak and Dubhe) of the Ursa Major, in the same direction of the imaginary line made by those 2 stars. After some years, I tried to find the Polar Star but I was a little confused, as the Polar Star appeared to be slightly off its location.


Regarding geography, I’ve also heard of some people who have this vivid idea of New Zealand being north-east of Australia.

Also, my father was very good at geography but he was very confused at Japan being so much north, he thought Japan was south-east relative to China for some reason. Now I think I know why he thought that way.


Thanks again for sharing your experiences. I’m impressed at your broad and precise scientific knowledge! Your memory is also astounding.