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My Adoptive Aunt has died

Peri, my Adoptive Auntie, has passed away this Tuesday


She took care of me ever since my mother, Parastou, drowned in the family swimming pool when I was 2


Auntie had been a very mixed bag of experiences. On one end, she gave me a lavish upbringing and lifestyle that few mileenials could afford to have. She gave me this NYC apartment that I lived in for over a dozen years with all amenities and taxes paid. She took me to summer camp, carribean cruises, karate, and spoiled me aplenty.


On the other hand, she was a terrible influence to me and my cousin-brothers. Ever since she fell on her head as a kid, she had serious mental issues. I'd classify her as narcissistic Schizoid. She often berated and insulted me over hte years, would physically beat me if I was not performing well enough at school, and would disproportionately attack me for minor infractions I did, (such as, say, forget to wear my socks to school, or wears sandals instead of shoes; typical autistic faux passes that she blew way out of proportion). Her abuse resulted in immense paranoia and depression within me, and made me distrust her heavily. It got so bad that during my years under the DJHives cult, I ran away two times to stay away from her paranoid projections and tongue lashing.


I had a hunch that her time was coming, for ever since I saw her in the months preceding her death, I could tell that her second tussle with cancer (Lymphoma) was not going to be like the first. She was very week and unseemly, unable to walk or speak with any volume in her voice (she usually is boisterous and venomous in her tone). Plus her schizoid rambles were growing even more unhinged compared to before.


According to Auntie Pouri, she refused to take any more meds or any more treatments from the doctor. She did not eat nor drink anything, either, and did not want me to see her like this either. In her last words to Pouri, she admits that she had been a terrible influence ot her children and does not want any tears to be shed for her in her funeral. So yes, she decided to starve herself rather than push on any further.


She always wanted me to be something big. A billionaire, a president, a mogul. She applied massive amounts of pressure and restlessly berated me if I was not acting productive or focused. Well, I am certain she's going to learn of my spiritual pedigree and also the very big groups I have been involved with (such as you guys in MM,) maybe she will be proud in the hereafter of where I am at/am going to be. Although it will also be one hell of a doozy for her to try and comprehend all of this.


I will be attending her funeral this Saturday, where she will be buried alongside my mother. These two will have a lot to talk about; plenty of things to reconcile with each other and also with me.


Keep her in your prayer affirmations to ensue that her transmigration igoes smooth and all loose ends are tied. She's left a lot of things for me to inherit, including money that will help me to move to China.