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Affirmation theory?

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I know, I know... it’s this guy and his theories again... but maybe -

So I started my first affirmation campaign about 4 weeks ago. First - holy cow do things get uncomfortable! I didn’t think things could get more uncomfortable! I know MM wrote about this which is why I came up with this.

No matter how uncomfortable it has been-and I am not complaining - but it seems like there are little “beams” of hope that come along. Like random people that just say hello in the store or send a text - from people I haven’t heard from in YEARS - just saying hi. But even with animals-there is a pissed off guard dog on my run who ALWAYS barks. Since the other day I get wags.

So has this happened to you all and what direction would you go if you were me.

The beams feel just like that. A REAL warm “beam” that hits only for a few seconds. Here is where the Newton meets the Quanta - In “normal” neurochemistry things don’t really work like that. Yes, there are delayed responses, but those use a different pathway than the “hot/cold” pathway. The hot/cold pathway is very quick.

But anyway a few minutes later I will have this rush of  “it’s all good, it will work itself out” but magnified.

Can it be either other quanta or my own that I am not connected to? or can it be coming from within? From our ancestors that can communicate via our DNA?

From above or below so to speak?
The theory is that it’s quanta, not using a neurochem pathway, from others/myself  OR

Ancestors connecting via DNA - how - that’s something to find out but it IS there for me and it’s noticeable.

Any thoughts?

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

This is EXACTLY how it happens. Thanks for contributing this. Doing a full spectrum affirmation prayer campaign is not for the faint of heart. There is going to be turmoil until you get on the right template.

I had a podcast where I described the pre-birth world-line template as a highway that you are on. It is going off towards city "A'. Which is in the mountains. But your goal is to go to the ocean, and live in the beaches, and you have decided to go to city "B" which is right there on the beach.

But to get to the highway that takes you to City "B" you need to cross over country fields, forests, deserts, walls, fences, and strange boggy swamp. And it's going to be uncomfortable. For here you are riding in comfort towards city "A", and suddenly you get off the road and area now neck deep in swamp muck, being bit my mosquitoes and wild wolves are circling you and growling. It's scary and frightening.

But every now and then, just when you are staring to have doubts, you see glimpses of city "B". Or maybe not the city, but a whiff of sea air. A fresh breeze, the smell of BBQ chicken on a grill, and some tropical trees. And that is  exactly what you are going through now.

pissedlizard and lindseigh have reacted to this post.

Everyone's experience will be different, and it will depending on where you are now, and where you want to go. It will depend on what you say, and how you think, and it will depend upon the accumulated "talent" you have in doing affirmation campaigns.

Buy EVERYONE will experience discomfort when you start changing your life.

That's Good.

Not bad, but it sure is uncomfortable. And for some it might be unbearable.

But please keep on the effort. Do the prayer affirmation campaigns rigorously. Do not give up. Never give up. Never, never, ever give up. On and off. On and off. On and off.

I promise you that in five years your life will not resemble anything like you experience right now. Not in the least.

Sure, you might want the changes sooner. Well, the good news is some changes will manifest sooner than others. they will. But if you keep on sailing towards your goal. You will get there.


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The discomfort is when you are going from highway to city "A" in the swampy bogland. Then when you arrive at the highway to city "B", things will be noticeably better.

Though you will not yet be at your goal. Which is "City "B" on the sea".

The procedure is like this...

  • [1] Get off the highway to "city A".
  • [2] Go through the jungles, forests, and wildlands to get to the other highway.
  • [3] Get onto the highway to "city B".
  • [4] Keep on driving until you arrive at "city B".
  • [5] Arrive at "city B".

For most people, step [2] is the stopper. They go only as far as until they hit this bogland and stop. Then eventually they crawl back to the old familiar highway to city "A".

I warn... Don't give up. The bogland is scarier than it actually is. And it doesn't last forever. It is finite. You can get though it (unless your goals are truly impossible - like being able to grow wings and fly). And most people do go though this.

When you get to [3], most people won't notice it except to say "my life seems to be easing up some". But then, you keep on going on. on and off. On and off. And before you know it you are on the highway to "city B".

And then it's much, much easier.

I tell you the truth.

pissedlizard and lindseigh have reacted to this post.

Perhaps you wanted a much deeper conversation regarding other aspects of quanta and DNA and biological influences on a constantly changing MWI template map. And those are certainly interesting topics for discussion. But, for now, I really just want you to achieve your goals. I want you to be happy. I don't want you to be fearful.

There are others. Some in Europe. A few in Africa. One in the Americas that do not post publicly. But they do write to me via email. And they all have their own personal issues. The guys in Africa have a rough road ... not an impossible on ... just rough, and that means that the "bogland, and forests" that they must pass through are truly frightening. They are full with ferocious beasts, dangers, horrible things that slither in the darkness, and horrible nasty insects. But they will get though it.

Put up your protections. Run your affirmation campaigns without stopping. Do everything in your ability to achieve your goals. You will get out of the nasty dangerous wilds before the highway.

Focus on the goal. But look forward to the highway. Trust me, things will be much easier for you once you reach the new highway.

pissedlizard and lindseigh have reacted to this post.

Thank you SO much for this! No way am I giving up! I started very small-I do not want to be rich and famous, just my little corner of reality is due for a little cleaning.

I saw your podcast that said things will be this way for a bit. I trust you - and I see how YOUR life is! I mean - the muck you dealt with - it looks like you got a bit of Heaven in China.It is NOT how we see China in the States.

I hope anyone who reads this goes and looks at your podcast about this “funk” as  I would have given up and went back to where I was.

And any advice you give - especially about where my focus should be - will be acted upon. This is your territory, only a fool would not listen to a guide. Thanks again!

congjing yu and guyFromAfrica have reacted to this post.
congjing yuguyFromAfrica

Yah. Thank you for that. This is what I know.

I hope that you read every one of my affirmation campaign articles. There are a lot of gems in there. And yes, you are doing it right. Just keep on doing it.

You might appreciate this article on what happens when you start an affirmation campaign and what to expect. I think you read it, but it's worth a reread.

Thanks again for this! I did read it and DID forget it and this is a great reminder. Oddly, this is the article that made me hold off before jumping head first into a campaign - just so I don’t have it blow up in my face! It REALLY had me sit down and think about what I REALLY wanted which added a layer of perspective on my life I never looked at.

I don’t know if this is connected to the campaign or if it’s independent but when I started I decided to add some new positive things in my life, one being meditation (for the thousandth try-it never does anything to me). For the past few weeks I am only focusing on one chakra, until something happens.

So I look at tons of books and sites and finally settle on a book I like. It breaks down everything with pictures - real light but good. The author suggests her thing but says to say “lam” as you breathe out. For weeks I’m doing this and nothing. I “wake up” just as bombarded with thoughts as when I started. But I am NOT stopping.

Earlier I come outside and try and HOLY COW!!!!

Anyone out there who is like me and gives up because it isn’t working - keep meditating!

The visuals were INSANE! And I am saying this totally drug and alcohol free including cannabis for YEARS. The other crazy thing is you know how if you close one eye things have a reddish tint and the other a green one? That is a “evolutionary step” in being able to process the red/green spectrum - color  blind people are mostly red/green blind. Well mine SWITCHED when I opened my eyes!

Now keep in mind what we see - even visually thinking about an image - the meat of what’s going on is in the back of the brain or occipital lobe-even though things look like they are in front of us.

One of the visuals - (I picture red light coming they my legs to the chakra them turning into a white beam of light that goes thru my head). Each time the light would hit my head - MAD visual of an Indian Goddess or God - I have zero interest in Indian culture - but it was there - out of focus but there - HAPPY and it would fall into a tunnel that went right up to the pineal area - just slightly above the eyes - then everything would explode into what I can only describe as a kaleidoscope made with diamonds.

It was SO crazy! This past week was REAL REAL rough. Real bad. Today I am like “with humility and love I am ready to face the world like I never have! My wife literally thought I was drinking when I told her about it!

No matter what happens with this campaign or my life - THIS meditation is now part of it-and again, my gratitude to you MM and everyone - EVERYONE - who has been so helpful to some random stranger you never met. I have nothing but love for you all!

Feal has reacted to this post.

I'm new here. I stumbled upon the MM site about a month ago and was one of those who everything just "clicked" for. I'm still slowly working my way through the site, there is sooo much to read and absorb. While I found the site through the first post in the world line index, I was immediately drawn to Affirmation Campaigns. I saw this post about being at the beginning of your campaign and I wanted to share too.

I'm just over two weeks into my first campaign. The first day, within 10 minutes of speaking my affirmations aloud for the first time, I was hit by a wave of euphoria. It's had to describe. It was like pure joy, contentment and well being, knowing I have done/am doing/will be doing something amazing and just felt right. That sense of euphoria wore off after a couple hours. The sense of general well being and that things will be OK has not stopped and I feel it bump up each time I speak my affirmations. Maybe 3-4 days later the weird physical side effects started. They are uncomfortable but manageable, especially since they're coupled with an overall feeling of well being. The combination is weird for sure. So far each has hit me for a few days, then faded, then a new one, which fades after a couple days. I put a line in my affirmations to not panic or freak out over the changes as they occur and it works - I'm not freaking out or panicking. So far anyway!

Growth and change is painful and hard to varying degrees. We humans tend to resist change, which is ironic when you consider that change is the one constant in the universe as we experience it. I'm fortunate that my job has prepared me to be comfortable with being uncomfortable. I've been referred to as one of our organization's "change agents" for the last two years. I've always found that people and things come into my life when I need them. Apparently I needed to learn how to be my own change agent and am on the right path based on the instant feedback my soul has provided. I'm in this for the long haul.

It's great to have others to share this with that understand. Thank you MM for your site and this forum!

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu
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