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Affirmation questions

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Please kindly place any questions that you might have regarding prayer affirmation campaigns here.

MM, do you feel that your intentions have been manifesting much faster lately?

Good question. And it's really complicated. But I will say that some long-duration affirmations are coming to fruition without any apparent negative "baggage". What is your experience?

Yes, I find things have been speeding up alot in the last few weeks. I was wondering if it was just me. Or if somehow our unseen environment has been more conducive to manifesting lately.

Its hard to put a finger on it, but time seems a bit more malleable. There are even times when I feel that the future affects the past. I don't really have concrete examples, its just little things that I notice, and I can't help but wonder. I am keeping my eyes open. Things are getting real interesting.

For what ever it is worth, I tied my affirmation campaigns to the affirmation campaigns of all MM participants. It's not that I have any special "powers" or anything like that, it's just that you all get to "ride in my slip-stream". If you understand what I am saying.

Alice has reacted to this post.

Oh. Now that would make sense.

They say that when intention/prayer are combined, the effects are not magnified proportionately, but exponentially? Perhaps that is what I am noticing.

Well, I personally believe that prayer and intention campaigns grow and increase in effectiveness the longer you do them. Like in building and developing ESP and PSI abilities. For instance, when you try to learn how to go dowsing. You bury some jars of water under ground and your friend learns to dowse  in this "training ground".

I have over four decades of prayer affirmation ability and skill. So when I couple with others performing affirmation campaigns all of us benefit. Provided, that we all are working towards similar objectives. The effect can be astounding. It's almost like those "glass barriers" and "glass ceilings" are smashed by some of the "brute force tools" that I incorporate in my affirmations.

Sigh. It's a subject for another time. But I have a kit of "brute force tools" that I employ in my affirmations.  They go by other names to describe how they are used. I have a "hammer", a "crowbar", a "grinder", a "detangler", and many others. I really should write a post on this. But it will have to go under the advanced affirmation prayer section.

I will also tell you that just NOW a multi-million dollar project for MM was just approved, which is big news for me personally. And while I am very happy about it, all the people involved in it will profit handsomely from it. This is one of the fruits of running long duration affirmation prayer campaigns.

That is great news! I know all your intentions and desires will be fulfilled.

I also am taking your cue, and will make new affirmation that all the MM participants' intention/prayer campaigns be successful too.

Yeah. I'm pretty jazzed up about it. However, there are things that I must now straighten out, clarify and codify to make sure that things "don't go off the rails". That is what happens regarding these things. Don't you know. And seriously, if I sense any kind of problem, I will discard the opportunity faster than a used McDonald's wrapper.

Everything comes with both good and bad components.

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