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SHTF thoughts

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Here you can place your thoughts about the collapse of America.

There are many elements of the collapse of the West. And the subject is quite broad and inclusive. Some people might want to discuss what is going on where they live, while others might want to take about America's death wish by poking either the Panda or the Bear with a stick. Other's might want to talk about prepping or similar subjects. Well. Here is the place to do it.

Will you be on Rogue News soon?

We are just waiting for it, here in the American South. For any American ex-pat reading this, it’s probably hard to understand the “vibe” so to speak here, but it’s unlike anything I have been part of. Where I live, it’s basically where people “bug out” to-and this past year and a half they have.

This is different. When I was about 14 or 15 I literally got stuck in a major riot in a major city. That vibe or feeling is EVERYWHERE. Anyone who has been in a big riot can understand what I mean. It’s that kind of static that’s in the air. It’s evil. But that’s the best way I can describe it.

I am a shrink, so by nature I observe people a little different than most. Our bodies reveal a lot in fight or flight mode even when we put a happy face on it. Every single person is in fight or flight mode. Everyone. Even if they aren’t fully aware of it, physiology cannot really be faked. But everyone is ready to snap. And I think the most ironic thing is that as much as the elites want to separate us by race, it seems like this misery knows no skin color.
We are all watching China, Russia and Iran get ready to beat the shit out of us. Even the most die-hard “‘Merica” person knows, deep down, that our military is not mission ready, even if the mission was to fight out of a wet paper bag.

Whatever is being shown on any media outlet, if it isn’t showing fear in people eyes or violence on our streets, they are lying. America is no longer what it was even 10 years ago.

Everyone that I know is readying themselves for martial law in one form or another.

I hope I don’t seem like I am rambling or being a downer, but that’s my vantage point. I think as we move along, and things get crazier who knows what will happen. But it IS bad here. Real bad.


Thanks for the Intel. I can tell you that China is very calm and professional and looking forward to the future. Things are quiet globally, but I think that everyone is just standing by awaiting for the USA to have a stroke, a seizure, a heart attack or blow it's brains out.

I can confirm that my all time top post is about SHTF, and I get a ton load of visitors to it daily. People are running scared inside of America and in parts of Europe. But it need not be. I have laid out the formula. Stick to the formula. You'll be all right.

Please read my latest post that I sent out today.

I know what you mean about the 'energy' during a massive upset, P.L.

I was in a major Euro Capital back in 1973 when a massive car bomb levelled an entire block and killed dozens. Blast; a few seconds silence; and then screaming terror and air raid sirens let rip (left over systems from WW2, apparantly).

I was with my mom and grandma-- and remember us running wildly at top speed along with many thousands of others. And I mean running at top speed-- like the scenes after 911 when the towers began to collapse-- folks who probably never ran in their lives all qualified for the 100m sprint world record that day. My  grandmother included! I just remember fearing that she or my mom would trip and fall over. They'd have been trampled in seconds. Thousands of people running in all directions. No exaggeration.

I remember that clearly; the speed at which everybody ran. And the electric, mass panic. I can still taste it decades later.

We were about 200m from the blast, the noise was indescribable; I remember the pains in my ears, and many folks' ears were bleeding when we reached the makeshift safe-zones set up by police. I'll never forget that either. Since been well-trained in blast tolerance! But that was an early exposure.

Many folks around the world live with that terror everyday thanks to the pursuit of democracy and freedom. We have no idea in the sheltered west, do we. And if it comes to us? Many simply won't be able to handle it.

But I digress! What I really wanted to post was this strange, dark advertisement that was just sent to me by a colleague who watches these things closely. Take a look-- and note the horse symbology-- of the apocalypse, that is. Like the 'shoe at the crime scene' marker, this is a major tell of who's behind this kind of programming. Creepy stuff. And only a few minutes long.

Something is indeed very, very wrong-- and it's just a matter of time before she blows. We're in a client state of the U.S. and things are very tense socio-politically; the deal was made with the devil over the COVID bioattack, and we're going down with the US to a certain extent. There is no official voice of resistance calling out the madness-- just a few brave citizen journalists being slandered and de-platformed daily by corrupt stooges in police and courts; but I concur with Mr Man's feedback that things are much calmer elsewhere, I've heard as much from other retired colleagues in places like Bali, Java and South America (excepting Brazil and Argentina-- other US stooges.)

I have some 'training' in this kind of analysis, video especially, and I can tell you that this is loaded with dark symbology that does not bode well.

Whaddya'll think?

(I know, I know-- Mr Man's not the only guy who jumps from topic to topic!! Get your ass to the cornfield if you gotta problem wi' dat!!))

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

Great stuff!

Holy crap you know how to bring someone into a tale, and I am thankful you brought us into that story. I am glad you are here to tell it! Seriously-I am.

The commercial - what in the high holy hell??? Seriously? Can they GET more creepy or satanic? And who - exactly - is THAT target audience??? Great catch!

congjing yu and Ultan McG have reacted to this post.
congjing yuUltan McG

It's easy (and right) to be wary of the for-profit vaccines

The for-humanity vaccines like the China, UK and Russian ones are obviously as safe as they can be.

I had the AZ/UK one twice and am fine.

Huge US companies paying millions for PR against rivals.

Business as usual.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

Well y'see, it's not about 'vaccines' at all, at least not any more than it's about a shitty beer.

It's about the future. Or more specifically, the future being planned for you, by 'them'. (Unless you've been working on your prayer intentions courtesy of Mr Man, of course.)

A future devoid of anything you heretofore have taken for granted. Or have derived comfort and familiarity from.

You see this stuff or you don't. It's many layered, complex, and deep in Occultic Symbolism. But most folks think it's just a funny beer ad. That's the intention. The REAL message is for those 'in the know' about where things are at.

(Note for example the blouse on the DJ 'calling the tune'; The trannies in the toilets-- where else; Note also the storm clouds gathering; the horse symbolism-- 'of the "night"'; and about two dozen more, at least, I've counted.)

If you don't see it, my explaining it to you wouldn't make a jot of difference.

For me personally, if everyone who consented to the medical MRNA trial is fine in 5-7 years-- the normal time required to test ANY new medical procedure or drug for mid to long term side effects, safety and efficacy, then I'll be straight down to my local GP at 9am sharp on some future date for mine. Until then, no way, Hoe-zzaay. But any other man is free to do whatever he likes as far as I'm concerned. While he still can, at least.

P.S. The target audience is anybody who a) thinks this stuff is harmless or "cool" and/or b) anybody who doesn't look beyond the mainstream narrative, P.L. Non Player Characters is the term used nowadays. Or "Arbs" (arbitrary person).

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