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Meditation- to any one who tried and failed..

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I have tried meditation forever. It never ever worked. I have been trying and trying during my campaign.

In one of the threads there is a post that is “Majestic-@TS_SCI_MAJIC12” - it’s a book of that accounts tweets. In it people ask about meditation.

The answer is always “butt on ground” . So I try it - holy cow - night and day. I am being guided by someone I can’t see but she is a she. She wants me to ONLY focus on my root chakra. No nothing else - just that. But butt on ground.

Since day 1 I hear - loudly -“Let them f-cking break you. You will have no fear” over and over and over - in the lam mantra - during the lammmmmmm vibration.

So reflecting during this week, my faith in what I believed really had my best interest in mind has been violated. I do not say this lightly - raped. Not just one incident - but many. A thousand papercuts - whatever. I will never see things the same way again. The last piece left. Sound dramatic? Tell that to my pets.

Ok. Now the fear part. I NEVER post like personal shit to strangers -EVER. I know what is encoded in these things and me sending a video TO anyone for ANY reason - it don’t happen.

I see MM - and his people - you all - as real good people. Real special. I sent the only way I know how at least a little - yeah MM saw x y and z - so that I can give to you all what I believe is “the anti light”.

If there is ANY WAY  I can help one or all of you with what I know - like not as a doc but other strange stuff  - I will. Whatever it takes to help YOU - because you are not crazy no matter WHAT they say - I will do.

The problem I always see online are people like nurses or techs that talk the talk - but aren’t docs. They haven’t lived it.  That is satanic for lack of a better term . To tell people who are going through shit - like Bob Lazar or whoever - to gain that trust - I can’t imagine that karma.

So today I sent proof. I hope it got there. My fear of sending my real name to MM in China on a couple IDs and degrees and shit - and I hope he got it - so that HE can look after YOU all - he needs to trust me in at least saying I am what I am. For you all.

That fear man - not a frigging iota.GONE. Gone.

BUTT ON GROUND - your meditation will change !!


congjing yu, fifth.eschaton and Goldleaf have reacted to this post.
congjing yufifth.eschatonGoldleaf

Thanks for this. Many of us have been searching all our lives for this elusive... something. Then when we find something that starts to open a few doors we jump right in with both feet. Then after a while, it's not really all that there is, there's more and it's further away. Ugh!

Sometimes we just back out, and try again. We look for something different.

Sometimes we continue to stay inside furiously splashing around, but never obtaining the calmness that we expect.

Sometimes we get angry and lash out at all of this that we have become part of.

I have no answers, but I will tell you this. And please this is for everyone here. You ARE contributing. You ARE making a difference. And according to my MM stats, there's an enormous body of lurkers that keep on coming here regularly. They read, don't comment, and then come back the next day for more. And the forum has become a far bigger part of MM than I ever would have imagined.

It sounds so trivial, but it is the truth; you have all the answers to your questions... all of the solutions to your problems... all of the meaning and purpose you have asked for... locked inside your thoughts.


As I have described before, as you travel the world-line templates, you (as consciousness) spends a moment in a body and you move that body, and then POOF! you're out again as wave form thinking. This discomfort that many feel is that your thoughts are not aligning up with the body on the world-lines in transit.

So how to resolve this?

By thought.

You write down a new kind of affirmations. Not just for physical things. But affirmations for answers; For guidance; for direction.

And just like the material things will manifest, so will the answers to your questions, the solutions to your problems, and the guidance that you need to improve what ever you need to improve.

The Affirmation campaigns are not just some kind of new age mumbo-jumbo. It's a way of controlling your thoughts so that they better control the physical body.


That's the link. So you read  "Alien Interview" and get so very depressed. He / she /it paints this really depressing picture for us trapped on the Earth. But I will tell you that as accurate as much of it is, there are things that are omitted, and if you saw those things, you wouldn't be so depressed about it.

It said that there were numerous IS-BE's that have freed themselves. And that you can as well. And the situation that existed in 1947 is certainly different with MAJ and here, MM is doing what MAJ was contracted to do.

Google "children that recall their past lives", and you will see hundreds of articles, reports and books. Pure amnesia is not what it appears on the surface. And over time, the children forget. Part of it is an atrophy of the channels that the consciousness needs to attach to the non-physical worlds.

And together we are going to work on that.

I have been energized by this "Alien Interview" like you guys have no idea! And you all should be jazzed about it because there's gonna be a "dam breaking" and a flood of  "good stuff" coming your way!

pissedlizard, keff and 6 other users have reacted to this post.
pissedlizardkefffifth.eschatonguyFromAfricaUltan McGGoldleafLydiaRose13BeleiveNothingFrom TheCaptiveHostWithAGunToHisHead

Funny you should mention that about the alien interview. I admit my first reaction was dismay tinged with fear. By the end of part 8 though I was hopeful and feeling positive. A lot has happened since 1947, including your work with in MAJ. While not all the badness from the Old Empire is gone, I think it's unraveling and it's part of what's prompting the elements of SHTF we're seeing world wide. The best news of all is we've discovered the MM blog and have a darn great guide on how to help ourselves and each other out. This has to be part of why I was drawn immediately to the Affirmation Campaign index with such urgency to start Affirmations Right Now.

@pissedlizard - I thought of your post today. I'm reading a book titled "Mind to Matter" which I'd bought last year and am just now reading. I was obviously on the path to discovering MM much longer than I thought! The book is about how our minds create material reality. Yep, ringing sooo many bells for me now. Anyway, there's a quote in the book that I think might apply to you (and others):

"When the container of your mind is being filled with unhappy input, it's hard to maintain a happy state.

When you allow others to fill your consciousness, you are at the mercy of their consciousness."

Considering how much crazy you encountered in your old life as a doctor, I can only imagine how much crap was, likely deliberately, put in your path to freeing yourself by psychopaths. I definitely remember one of the Affirmation posts about how all that old stuff builds up and we have to make sure to add affirmations to undo all that. I hope that helps in some way.

There are other good quotes in the book. I can post them here if anyone's interested.

On topic, I've never tried meditation. Aren't there different forms/methods of it?

pissedlizard, fifth.eschaton and paraic have reacted to this post.

I am no expert, but I do think people often try too hard, and have expectations of immediate results. We put too much pressure on ourselves. If you make it into something you enjoy, it becomes alot easier.

Personally, I find that just allowing myself to feel the sensation of me falling backward does the trick for me. Strangely enough, my favourite place to do it is when I am riding a bus or subway. I live in Singapore so public transport is easy and ubiquitous. I find that the small amount of sound and activity around me actually helps me focus on the feeling of falling backwards. Hope this helps.

There are as many ways of starting meditation as there are people around. The trick is to find something that works for you. The goal is not attaining some nirvana straightaway. Just have the intention to give yourself a little space between your physical self and your consciousness. I can't express it better than Sadhguru, so I will put a link.

pissedlizard and Feal have reacted to this post.

@goldleaf - I am sitting in a nice long line, but if this post stops midway, I’ll pick up when I can. I want to touch on what Keff just said because he just hit something I would have overlooked.

As just stated by Keff - it’s different for everyone, but how he described falling backward is what IS different now than previous attempts. I fall backward - downward then up-I can LITERALLY see the tunnel moving with this lady that’s out of focus who is sort of like a guide. I think it’s an Indian type of female. Anyway - line is moving quick -

I literally sit under a tree in my yard, back against the tree - butt on ground. I just sit comfortably - sometimes legs extended out.

I picture red light going into my legs and up - all books say similar stuff

What made the big change was actually saying the mantra. For the chakra I am working it’s “Lam” - I never said these things because I felt self conscious - but when I did the mantra - and it sounds like  - from me - Lllaaaammmmmm -

That long mmmmmmmm causes a vibration you can feel. A day or so after the mantras - boom - totally different outcome.

That feeling of falling was new - after the mantra so I think that may be something to do.

I have a few questions about that book -but when I get home - lots to do but I needed to relay that to you.

And if you see the same lady I do - she is AWESOME. But she won’t let me go orange - or to the next one. I still think she is the coolest though!

keff and fifth.eschaton have reacted to this post.

@goldleaf - you said “While not all the badness from the Old Empire is gone, I think it's unraveling and it's part of what's prompting the elements of SHTF we're seeing world wide. The best news of all is we've discovered the MM blog and have a darn great guide on how to help ourselves and each other out.

I agree with you completely. On my end those who I thought were on one side were for the collapse and others not so much. It seems everyone in politics is.
I no longer have cable TV so going from one point to another by pressing one button is not an option - so It’s a bit difficult gauging people (hi def TV you can see pupils dilating a constructing) but  it’s clear all politicians in the USA except for a handful want the world very much the same as the Old Empire. Slavery.

This awakening is crazy. As selfish as this sounds I am SO glad I am not alone. I am SO grateful for MM and you all. Never in all my years could I feel something big coming to everyone in the USA. Feelings are one thing. This is different as you know.

And thanks for the recommendation on the book. It sounds fantastic!

congjing yu, lindseigh and Goldleaf have reacted to this post.
congjing yulindseighGoldleaf

Yeah, you really can't trust politicians. They're not looking out for our best interests, only for their own careers. It's a sad state.

I'm 2 chapters into the book now. It's offered a lot of thoughts to process and has me looking into energy healing at the moment. I think this is something I'd really like to explore. And it seems meditation could tie into this 🙂

congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard

At least 2/3rds of Chapter 3 of the book is all about... yup, Meditation! They take a look at it from a scientific perspective where doctors measured participants brain waves during meditation and talks about what each of the 5 types of waves means as they understand it. It also went on to relate what people describe during the experience, which is mind blowing. While the author doesn't specifically talk about us being IS-BE's he does mention quite often that during meditation the sense of local self and local mind dissolves into nonlocal self and universal mind. That seems a good description by someone who doesn't exactly understand the universe as MM's taught it but knows intuitively that there's something more. What do you think?

This book has been slow reading. I'm constantly highlighting and rereading parts as I go to make sure I understand.

At this point, I'm having daily signs. A post about meditation and later the same day I read the part in my book about meditation. There are no coincidences 🙂

I plan to give meditation a try this weekend when I can have a good stretch of uninterrupted time.

congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard

Thank you for the rundown on the book! It sounds fascinating. Sometimes slow reads are slow reads for a reason. Some stuff may not be good to just skim over.

With meditation - I am telling you when you are ready - and really want to - it will make itself known. I wanted and wanted and wanted - but no way was I ready. I was still living in a Newtonian world. Some things get lost in translation.

I can’t wait for the post when it happens. Because having all these people that have a lot of knowledge and experience - for me - Look at my post. I was PSYCHED! It’s good knowing all these people have all these different ways that are all unique and when yours hits - you will understand. I am brand BRAND new to this - but if I don’t get my time in I feel like I haven’t showered.

congjing yu and Goldleaf have reacted to this post.
congjing yuGoldleaf

I have been trying meditation. My first session was interesting. I had looked up some general instructions online, made myself comfortable and set a timer for 20 minutes. Then started through what I could remember of the instructions. At first, I was distracted by all the sounds of the house. Eventually as I slowed my breathing I was able to disregard it all and focus internally. Thoughts melted away and I felt relaxed. I got a little of that falling back sensation - more like a gentle leaning back instead of a full fall. That's when the color blobs started. It was mostly shades of grey pulsing in and out, then would include a flash of yellow or red. At one point I got a pure white pulse and then everything went completely black. That's when I opened my eyes. I felt refreshed with better energy and mental clarity. Only 12 minutes had passed.

Second time I found a guided meditation to listen to. I wanted to make sure I was following the steps. This worked out well. At one part the guide has you send out a beam of love to a place or person and I felt a sensation of lightness when I followed along. At then end it was feelings of peace, happiness and being refreshed. I've repeated this one a couple times now. It is so calming.

I found another guided meditation of a different style to try. It started off with some general instructions and then went into relaxing music. This ended up matching my first experience with the leaning back sensation and color blobs pulsing in and out. At one point I had a very distinct image of a rhino turn its head and stare directly at me. At first I was confused but I think I know what this means now so we'll see where it goes. Again, felt completely refreshed, happy and upbeat afterwards.

It's definitely a learning process. I don't know that I'm letting go fully yet but something seems to be getting there. I don't doubt I'll figure out the right combo for myself eventually. If nothing else it is completely worth it for the refreshed, calm, positive feelings afterwards!

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