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Rufuses really ARE out there!

I just want to share with you all a little story about “Be the Rufus”.

At the advice of a guardian angel I had to deal with the organs of the American government  offices and worse, as much as I love Florida - THEIR government offices.

My problem - I was convinced - was unique to me. And it seemed like something nobody would understand no less care about.

Rufus number one tied himself into knots to make me welcome and comfortable. This man not only explained to me that my problem was VERY common, so much so that he put me in touch with a freaking news company who just contacted me! They could only take my info, but would follow up!
THEN later after a few other humps and hoops, I bump into a old acquaintance who asked what brought me out to the “city”. I explain my situation to him and again, one huge mess taken right off of my plate.

This continued - ALL. DAY. All day.

I wish I could go into specifics but all I can say is LISTEN TO METALLICMAN!!!

24 hours ago things did not look as great as they do now soley because of Rufuses.

It’s freaking really really real!

congjing yu, keff and Goldleaf have reacted to this post.
congjing yukeffGoldleaf

Surround yourself with Rufus's.Keep working with them until your plate is completely wiped clean.

Make sure that things are set in nothing to get out of your mess.

Keep doing your affirmations. Be positive.

Eat good, plain and healthy foods. Stay away from the bad.

Be the Rufus yourself. Your time will come.


It’s freaking really really real!

Yeah, it always gives me a buzz. Here is a song that always comes to mind when it happens


pissedlizard has reacted to this post.

Thanks for that!
RIP Freddy-no other band was needed in the 70s than Queen (in the States that is)

for the first time in a long time my wife and I actually slept through the night. After my affirmations I always give thanks. I think Rufuses have earned a permanent place on the list.

congjing yu and keff have reacted to this post.
congjing yukeff