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Differences from past worldlines

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I want to start this post stating English is not my native language. I have read MM since some time ago and I am impressed with all the learning I am obtaining from this site.

The most impressive things or details I have noticed in the general narrative of Mr. Man is the differences among the various worldlines and how this worldline differs from his native worldline in the 80's. For instance, a particular interjection: "dejesus". Example:

The first time I read this word in my whole life (and I speak, read and write English since I was a teenager more than 40 years ago) was here in this blog. I first thought it was a typo and I ignored it. I know the word "bejesus" as in "scare the bejesus out of him" and it is pretty common in movies, books and media. An example:

But I don't find any references of "dejesus" in this worldline, this means Mr. Man's native worldline differs a lot from this one. How much? maybe I'll never know. I would like somebody to comment on this, because to my understanding, worldline differences are subtle.


congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard

I have been saying “beat he bejesus out of you” for as long as I can remember.

Finding references to words like this in English is hard because it’s slang, and slang is always changing.

Usually you can figure out where one of the parts of the word are - because it is usually shortened to flow into the next word - if that makes sense.

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congjing yuperolator
Quote from perolator on July 24, 2021, 2:08 am

I want to start this post stating English is not my native language. I have read MM since some time ago and I am impressed with all the learning I am obtaining from this site.

The most impressive things or details I have noticed in the general narrative of Mr. Man is the differences among the various worldlines and how this worldline differs from his native worldline in the 80's. For instance, a particular interjection: "dejesus". Example:

The first time I read this word in my whole life (and I speak, read and write English since I was a teenager more than 40 years ago) was here in this blog. I first thought it was a typo and I ignored it. I know the word "bejesus" as in "scare the bejesus out of him" and it is pretty common in movies, books and media. An example:

But I don't find any references of "dejesus" in this worldline, this means Mr. Man's native worldline differs a lot from this one. How much? maybe I'll never know. I would like somebody to comment on this, because to my understanding, worldline differences are subtle.


You are correct. It has been my experience that most world-lines are 99.99999% identical to each other. But you can end up on some really odd-ball world-lines  For me, there are a great deal of odd discomforts that I find bothersome. The lack of two empty spaces after a period is one of them. To me, it just looks like everything is all mashed up an jumbled.

Another is the layout of the stars on the American flag. On this world-line (cluster of world-lines) all of the stars are offset from each other. Yet on my world-line before I entered MAJestic they were all lined up nicely. Another biggie is the lack of pork and beans served with breakfasts (in the States). Luckily you can get them overseas in Hong Kong, and (I think) Singapore.

It might be culture, rather than a world-line transition, but American women these days are much larger than they used to be. I have been attributing it to the GMO laden food, and poor diets, but world-line transitions could be a contributing factor.

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.

Another is the layout of the stars on the American flag. On this world-line (cluster of world-lines) all of the stars are offset from each other. Yet on my world-line before I entered MAJestic they were all lined up nicely.

I just had to google the American flag to see what you meant as "offset from each other."

WTF?! That's silly. When did that change for me? The stars used to be in a number of compact lines spaced evenly from each other not this weirdness.

The larger women phenomenon is also apparent here in the U.K and probably most of Europe. Even women with Asian heritage are plus-size. The men are also catching up fast.

It has to be in the food. Eating out here is too expensive for most people to do more than occasionally. Pre-prepared super processed foods at home are common though.

"Cooking" usually just means heating something up. Sometimes someone might bake a cake - because the people on TV do it. No-one seems to put any effort into the food they feed children.

The contrast between my mother and grandmothers compared to today's parents is stark. They were housewives, which simply isn't allowed any more. Gotta go to work then come home and throw a couple of things in the oven/microwave to feed the kids.

/rant over 🙂

congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard

My world line the stars were always offset. I remember my third grade teacher embarrassing me about how I drew mine straight.

Check out MMs article on the Mandela effect if you haven’t - it’s freaking NUTS!!!  And to top it all off, in another world line until recently it was the MANDALA effect - the name had nothing to do with Nelson Mandela.

congjing yu and Feal have reacted to this post.
congjing yuFeal

Post is HERE.

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48 stars form 6 lines of 8. (lined up)
50 stars form 5 lines of 6 and 4 lines of 5. (offset)
This changed when Alaska and Hawaii were added as states.
Perhaps in other worldlines they remained territories, or the design has simply not been updated?


congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard

Yes, on this world-line cluster that is the narrative.

speaking of world line changes....that famous woman from back in the day who was the first woman to fly an aircraft across the Atlantic ocean. Do you guys rmeember her name as being Amelia Eckhart or Amelia Earhart? I was 99% sure i learnt about her as being Amelia Eckhart, but nope, apparently she is Amelia Earhart

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congjing yupissedlizardperolator
Daegon Magus

Ok - so I can say THIS about Amelia Earhart - when I was in the second grade (early 70s) our teacher taught us how to remember her name - she has an ear and she has a heart. So in my world line it’s always been Earhart. You DO see Eckhart on tv documentaries though!

This is the stuff that is so freaking cool. I mean it all is but this is just mind popping. And it isn’t like the world lines aren’t real because - just look at all of these examples.

MM had the world line where everyone was sick - but Rush Limbaugh was still alive- where did the branches start branching? Obama 2.0 IS GOING to launch another bio attack against the world. This “monkey pox” (which if it crosses into humans it’s now called small pox) is trouble some, and it sounds like what may be coming - but when did Rush die? Crazy stuff.

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