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A handy tool for campaigns

I've been using this app for a while now to organize my mood board refs for doing 3D rendering and design. Turns out, this is also ideal for creating focus boards. A folder works fine, but I prefer to arrange my images and curate their relative size positions. You can even paste in your text! There's no UI, so right click to get all lay of the land. (it is free, or you can donate)

Side note: I find it is nice to use paintings when representing people.

Happy travels, friends!

Uploaded files:
  • example.png
congjing yu, keff and paraic have reacted to this post.
congjing yukeffparaic

Wonderful stuff! I am checking out the link myself.

I like to use Microsoft Visio, as I have been using it since forever. I mean from long before Microsoft bought the company and polluted it.

I downloaded it, and donated 10 euro's for it. I am ok to give it to any of your for free if you want. But the site will allow you to download for free anyways. Just send me an email.

I'm just learning how to use it.