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Here's more confirmation of a hypothesis advanced by MM.

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[I deleted the crappy-ass link that resided here. -MM]


Well sorry about all the trashy links, I can't make one that works.

Is this how they are eliminating the unvaccinated via the various COVID-19 vaccination programs?!

Well, finally!


congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard

Thank you. Your other link sucked. I purged and trashed your second link as it was useless.

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.

You may put the other sucky link out of its misery, too.

I would love to, but if I do that, the entire thread would be deleted. And I don't want that. But I am going to edit it instead.

Has anyone else read through this article? Curious what others think.

I read the article. I know that the west is messed up, but the idea that the leadership wants to kill off huge swaths of population is alien to me. So I don't have much to say about that.

What I do know is that John Bolton launched a full-scale bio-war against China from 2017 to 2020. And China is aware of it. It didn't go as planned.

Now it seems that America is readying for a return salvo, and they have no Intel as to what virus or bio-weapons will be unleashed. China got everything under control quickly in 2020. But America will be like sick rats scurrying everywhere. It will be a bloodbath. So the only thing that the US can do is inject everyone with a basic inoculation, and then a booster once the bio-weapon is identified.

And this it what it looks like to me.

How does my opinion look compared to this article?

The article takes known data and info, comes to conclusions and extrapolates based on the "news" that is prevalent at this time.

I take the non-reported data, present it as exists, and incorporates existing United States government protocols on how to handle the situation.

Do you SEE the difference?

pissedlizard, JustAnotherAsian and 4 other users have reacted to this post.
pissedlizardJustAnotherAsianFealUltan McGGoldleafJeffreyET

One thing that discredits the screed right off: no mention of Russia or China.  So those two countries are going to just allow capitalist elites to wipe out their populations?  I don't bloody think so.  Those two countries will react.  Think nukes.

Stop and think about the enormity of the scheme this writer claims: reducing global population from 7.8 billion to 0.5 billion.  That means killing 93% of everybody.

I asked work colleagues who had had the jab which vax each received.  None of the blacks had received the Moderna vax, which matches what the writer claims.  But of four relatively young white males, only two had received the Moderna vax.  The other two, including a manager, got the Pfizer version.

That knocks at least a little hole in the monolithic elites' plan the writer describes to protect younger whites for future use as slaves.  All those whites should have received the Moderna vax if he's correct.

Another hole: I am older (58), but when I made an appointment to receive a vax today with my local health department, I had my choice of the three and chose the one-shot Johnson & Johnson vax that does not use mRNA tech.  I should not have had the option of the Moderna vax if this guy is correct, but in reality I could have signed up to get it with no restriction.

The writer's screed has an interesting implication: if the elites need 500 million whites and Asians as slave labor, then those elites do not expect (or will not allow) artificial intelligence and other new tech to replace human labor.  I find that implication farfetched as well.

If the elites really plan to release a death virus to kill those who did not get the Moderna vax, then they risk rediscovering Murphy's Law.  Suppose the Moderna vax fails to protect.  Now [i]I Am Legend[/i] will come true, killing the elites just as surely.

Another thought: once the rest of the globe realizes the elites plan to kill them all, none of those elites will be safe.  Ever again.  And would the survivors simply submit to being slaves for the "chosen"?  My Magic 8-Ball says not a chance.  Instead, after the impact of killing over 90% of everyone else hits, a lot of lampposts will be bearing some strange fruit à la Mussolini's fate.  The billionaires who brought about the genocide will be that fruit.

Don't trust what that writer says.



congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard

Well said.

Any calculus concerning Coronavirus, and Inoculations MUST include Russia, China, and the bio-war that America initiated under John Bolton in 2017. Failure to do so is just "chasing windmills". And that's the idea, don't you know. To keep the American population distracted on "snipe hunts" oblivious to what is really going on.

I find 99% of American / Western "news" concerns America only and then extrapolates to include the world. Silly, unrealistic and nonsensical.

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.

I looks like BS to me as well- all for the above reasons.

In the states - we are getting a clearer and clearer picture of what went down - and here is my 2 cents on it.

America - being America - decides to take it upon itself to fund Chemical and Biological warfare “labs” all over the world. Obviously we are told that it’s just research and all the other bullshit. This could have happened under any administration.

But the goal was to have these labs act as literal weapons if the time was ever needed.

THEN Trump got in - and the war mongers thought “sucker” - and they started putting their own people around him. We saw this full well with Miley. And he is just the one “we” know about.

But nobody wanted war with Russia, China and Iran more than John Bolton. At least publicly.

John Bolton being John Bolton - did his homework and figured - for whatever reason - to have it “leak” from the lab.

I think the Wuhan lab was the first “launching pad” - and more leaks from OTHER labs would come later. But China put an end to the nonsense. As did Russia. And as did Iran (I like Fars News for Iran news but if anyone has a better site please let me know)

But they put an end to it.

In America meanwhile we got to see the classic “when narcissism meets Down syndrome” melt up of our government. All of our eyes now focused on ourselves.


I personally do not believe ANY of the viruses actually came from that lab. It was probably released by some undercover NGO we have.

Wether or not Trump knew - my gut says he didn’t. But that could be my personal bias after going through the last 6 months. But All the people he was surrounded by were all deep state bloodhounds. Again - look at all the people he put around him — at the behest of his son in law.

Either way - America got busted and the elites went into panic mode. And as MM described - we became that thrashing elephant in a cage on a plane. It was and is the perfect analogy.

And my theory about the USA weaponizing off site labs... a while back a thing called the Hanta Virus infected a few people in China. It was like a quick “it’s on the news - it’s out of the news in a day.

The curious thing is Hanta ONLY lives in the American South West (I’m sure you can find the articles about it somewhere)

And like Corona - Hanta is easy to genetically manipulate if you have the gear. How did these people in a remote area get a virus that is only endemic in a tiny portion of a country on the other side of the earth?

Now we have “monkey pox” coming through the border. Which - I can’t stress this enough - is small pox’s cousin. And my guess is when China closed all of the US funded labs - they sent us a lesson. And I am NOT trashing China - it’s what I think happened. They returned fire.

Only the NEXT time they return fire it won’t be with monkey pox. That will seem like child’s play.

congjing yu and JeffreyET have reacted to this post.
congjing yuJeffreyET
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