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Bio-Weapon attack on China

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America is crumbling. The sheeple are restless. The nation is about to fracture into balkanized enclaves.

What's the oligarchy to do?

Gather up everyone and have them focus on an enemy to blame everything on. Anyone, anywhere, just as long as it isn't the folk in Washington. And that is what you have today.

And we also know that China is probably the world's number one economy, already. Or if not is months away at most.

Korea and Japan have some big decisions to make over the next year. Business wise its a no brainer; but both countries are also ultimately controlled by the US forces and their embedded stooges in the socio-political fabric as evidenced by the amount of anti China propaganda in their medias. Especially over the last few months. Unfortunately it looks like both countries will need to be flattened first if they're to reclaim their proper positions in Asia. The Chinese have no beef with Korea. Japan however faces righteous retribution for their behaviours in China historically. They will suck on that US titty until the protection runs out. Which it will do soon.

I personally look forward to witnessing that spectacle.

Korea and Japan have some big decisions to make over the next year.

I think the Koreans will do the right thing. Reunification is a future fact for them, in their collective mindset. Only the U.S. need for a "boogeyman" to convince South Korea and Japan to  still accept occupation, 76 years after WWII ended, keeps Kim in the North in power. The Chinese acceptance of surrendering Seoul but staying within artillery range was pure Sun Tzu level genius.

It's a pity how both the Korean and Japanese young are brainwashed to adore the states. It would be a shame for the Japanese young to pay for their grandparents/great grandparents mistakes. Being dominated by the U.S. has already hurt the county due to the dodgy nuclear plants at Fukushima.

I can imagine a reunified Korea getting in line behind the Chinese to teach Japan a lesson. I think the Chinese know better than that and will simply offer both Korea and Japan lucrative  mutually beneficial deals to wriggle free from the U.S. corpse and engage in the B.R.I. and energy security for them all.

The financially miserable life (and "lost decade") the Japanese have suffered since falling on their swords for their masters in '88 is enough karmic balancing for now. While the U.S. tried to do the same thing ten years later in '97-'98 with Korea, they just worked even harder and bounced back. I guess ten years after that the only place left to loot for the U.S. was the west.



Ultan McG has reacted to this post.
Ultan McG

It seems to me the oligarchy is creating a plausible scenario where China/Russia can do the oligarchy’s dirty work and take out the USA before we wake up to the fact that they’ve stolen everything but the kitchen sink… although I think the likelihood of Americans EVER waking up is vanishingly small..



The world knows. Americans don't. But the world knows.

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