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Bio-Weapon attack on China

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And this..


In the future a tipping point will be crossed and humanity will rise up as one and say "no more!"

Service-to-other sentience IS-BEs will do what is necessary to remove the service-to-self idiots and finally chain down those rabid dogs to allow the rest of us to flourish.

The day must be getting nearer. It's going to be one hell of a show. Although the outcome is guaranteed it's hard not to worry. Just how crazy are "the crazies?" gulp. I guess we're gonna find out..

congjing yu, Ultan McG and Memory Loss have reacted to this post.
congjing yuUltan McGMemory Loss

Honestly, the commentary all over China these days is that war with America in inevitable.  America is too crazy, too stupid, and too predictable. The way everyone is looking at it is in a fatalistic manner. "It's an ugly and distasteful thing, but we must do it".

I heard something very interesting today. My friend told me that the reason why all the number of children restrictions have been lifted is so that the next generation will be able to rebuild China after the nuclear war.

So that should tell you much about what China is thinking right now.


Feal and Ultan McG have reacted to this post.
FealUltan McG

Is it possible to give url link for post #1?


Managed to read post #2&#3 on Twitter



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I am looking into it.

USA the king of false flags- Cuba,Vietnam,Iran, 9-11

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results!

Any time the US goes to war, it’s to benefit or protect the interests of the oligarchy.

examples: Iraq - tried to trade oil in Euros

iran - trading oil in gold

Libya - tried creating a gold currency, state owned central bank

So my question is, why the war with China? Is China trying to assert itself against the will of the oligarchs who transferred the corporations and production to China (and basically set it up to succeed).

it seems to me that , given it’s 5,000 year history, China would be difficult to subvert to western oligarchical control.

that said, I think the most rational explanation is an A/B bioweapon released in China. A = weaponized strain, released in Wuhan, and B = inoculating strain, released in the US and Europe. It seems that the weaponized strain has basically died out or mutated out of existence.

but back to my thought, why would the western oligarchs attack China?

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

Because from the western oligarchy's perspective, there's no way China will be permitted to become the world's number one economy. (I tbink that aspect is a racist thing.) But more importantly, China's becoming the world's number one military-- expected by about 2030-- will never be allowed to happen, either. (That's a primal fear, thing.) They'll destroy the world and hide out in their bunkers, first. And I expect China-Russia know this too.

IMHO it's as simple as that, really.

congjing yu and JustAnotherAsian have reacted to this post.
congjing yuJustAnotherAsian
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