2023 08 10 17 10

America and the West are in full scale collapse right now

The West is sinking. Like the Titanic.

It is at the stage where the icy water is lapping on the decks, and the deck chairs are starting to float on cold dark water. There’s a tilt to the deck. Some of the chairs are sliding on the wood surface, and there is a real list to the ship.

People are starting to quietly scream, but a steward walks over to the upset ones, and calmly helps them put on a life-vest.

ALL of the lifeboats are launched and rowing away.

You can hear the barking orders in the dark mist rowing away.

Those that remain on the ship are freaking out. Really freaking out, and scrambling. They are clustered in worried groups whispering to each other, while some are getting shit-faced drunk.

A few are trying to rush about. While others are pretending nothing is going on. Some are trying to talk to someone wishing some soft and soothing words.

But all in all, it’s worrisome.

Panic has set in.

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2023 08 10 17 50

Pretty soon, and really quickly, its going to get really bad, and REALLY noticeable.

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And then…

Right after that, the various “lights” are going to dim out. One by one. Sounds will start to build up. Low rumbles, discord, and open strange behaviors.

It’s going to be a real fright.

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2023 08 10 17 54

This might look sudden.

But it isn’t. It is the result of many decades of long and thoughtful planning by merit driven experts based on history and experience. While the inept, and corrupt are busy butt-fucking each other while they are throwing money into the air with rapacious abandon.

And inside the “West” people are starting to eat each other…

Oliver Anthony – Rich Men North Of Richmond | Italian-Ukrainian Reacts

2023 08 20 11 28
2023 08 20 11 28

Any idea why my answer was deleted on Quoria?

I can’t figure it out. It’s not offensive. It’s a popular answer, and I said what? Five sentences.

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I guess someone doesn’t like the truth.

Speaking of the truth…

Apollo Moon Landings…

As the United States collapses, all of the lies, tricks, and subterfuge becomes evident. Many of us are aghast at how we have been duped for so long, when all the evidence is right there before us.

Taxes are way above what they need to be. Public services are far below the minimum standards. Merit has all been eliminated from the government and replaced with a convoluted system of nepotism based on ever-changing progressive standards.

What is real and what is false? No one knows. At this period of late-stage collapse, we need to question everything. Even our most cherished beliefs.

Fifth five years after Apollo 11, NASA had planned to return to the moon in 2025

  • EXCEPT that they wont be because they “are NOT ready”
  • Fifth plus year after Apollo 11, NASA is not able to return to the moon
  • this time, technology has advanced so greatly that the world will be able to track that return to the moon
  • when you look at the considerable AND overwhelming evidence
  • it is clear that NASA never went to the moon in the first place in 1969
  • internet sleuths have effectively debunked a moon landing confirming what have long been suspected
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2023 08 10 15 15
  • I would be surprised if NASA can return to the moon at all in this decade
  • Americans and the world have been fooled
  • one of America greatest exceptionalism is a lie
  • as are MANY things that Americans have been manipulated into believing about themselves

That is why all data, designs and tapes of Apollo 11 have been “lost” in order to bury that lie

Chicken Verde Tacos

Slowcooker Salsa Verde Chicken Tacos
Slowcooker Salsa Verde Chicken Tacos


  • 8 tomatillos, husks removed
  • 2 or 3 poblano peppers
  • 1/2 medium sweet onion, chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, chopped
  • Cilantro, washed thoroughly
  • 3 or 4 tablespoons canola or olive oil
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Corn tortillas (you can also use soft flour tortillas, if preferred)
  • 1 roasted chicken (I use store bought rotisserie chicken because it’s easy)
  • 1 to 2 tablespoons granulated sugar


  1. Heat oven to 400 degrees F. Arrange tomatillos on a tray and roast for about 15 minutes. Remove and let cool.
  2. Turn oven to 475 degrees F.
  3. Put poblanos on foiled lined baking sheet and roast until skins turn bubbling and partly black. (You can also do this on a grill). Once charred, remove peppers from oven and let cool. When cooled, peel off skins, remove stems and seeds. (If you like spicier food, leave seeds in peppers.)
  4. In a small pan, sauté chopped onion and garlic in enough oil (about 3 tablespoons) so the garlic does not burn. Sauté until onions are softened and slightly translucent. Remove from heat and combine the tomatillos, poblano peppers and the onion and garlic mixture (oil included) into a blender and throw in a handful of cilantro. Add salt and pepper to taste and 1 tablespoon of sugar to balance the bitterness of the tomatillos. Blend until smooth. (Taste after blending. If still slightly bitter, add more sugar to taste.
  5. Meanwhile, take chicken, remove skin and break up meat into shredded pieces. Make sure no bones get in. Put the shredded chicken into pan used to sauté onions and garlic, pour verde sauce over top and heat on medium-low heat until warmed through.
  6. Heat tortillas by package directions. Fill each with chicken verde mixture. Eat as is or you can add your favorite toppings like hot sauce, sour cream, cheese, tomatoes or lettuce.

Richard Wolff | How PATHETIC Has America Become Under THIS SYSTEM?

The system MUST change! What a great video. Fundamentals. Must watch.


How is the Chinese economy in 2023?

Unusually Resilient

Unusually Stable

In a neutral set up , any half decent economist would be hailing China’s 5.5% growth so far as PHENOMENAL

Yet the very fact that this is talked of negatively shows how badly economics has been compromised for Political Propaganda

Chinas real estate reforms were the boldest in recent history by anyone trying to subside a bubble

The Lockdowns

The Hostile Trade restrictions globally

They all contributed to a large chunk of China’s growth forced to be slowed

Yet China grew at 5.5% indicating a shocking level of resilience and strength

Growing Technological expansion and a deep expansion into domestic markets and focus on private enterprise and plenty of stimulus is China’s way of adding to its economy to fight off US and Western trade throttling & Sluggishness due to weak demand

This alone Shows China is one of the very few Economies on earth which can survive and even grow under hostile US decoupling

Jimmy Dore’s Wikipedia Page Edited By CIA!

In 2007 a hacker and tech whiz named Virgil Griffith revealed that the CIA, FBI and a host of large corporations and government agencies were editing pages on Wikipedia to their own benefit (or the benefit of associates). Now Wikipedia co-founder Larry Sanger is reporting that the intelligence agencies are still at it, routinely editing pages relating to the Iraq War body count, treatment of prisoners at Guantanamo Bay and China’s nuclear program. Jimmy and The Convo Couch host Craig Jardula discuss this modern-day version of information warfare taking place on the pages of Wikipedia.

What is the criticism of Chinese education?

OMG, people criticize everything about China. Really, there’s nothing but negative news about China. It really seems like Chinese people are a hopeless bunch.

IMO, China’s education system is fairly good. It drums the basics into students’ heads. I very strongly believe that students who have that foundational knowledge are more likely to be innovators than people who don’t know the basics.

Americans believe that American schools are superior to China’s.

American media claim that Chinese people are incapable of critical thinking.

Basically, Americans, Koreans and Indians believe that Chinese people are dummies.

Is it really a matter of opinion, or are Americans and their lackeys correct?

They say that being at the bottom of the PISA chart below makes Americans more innovative. Wouldn’t that also mean that countries like India who didn’t make it on the chart are phenomenally innovative?

However, would you believe that most innovators in the USA are IMMIGRANTS?


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2023 08 10 11 58

Full link to the PDF

Putin isn’t a Fool – The Mother of all Miscalculations | Dmitry Orlov

Dmitry Orlov was born in Leningrad, USSR, into an academic family, and emigrated to the US in the mid-1970s. He holds degrees in Computer Engineering and Linguistics, and has worked in a variety of fields, including high-energy physics, Internet commerce, network security and advertising. He is the author of several previous books, including Reinventing Collapse and The Five Stages of Collapse.

Do you agree with China’s rejection and ignorance of the 2016 international court ruling regarding its claims in the South China Sea?

Oh Absolutely

If every Nation in the world signed and ratified an agreement that they would be binding to the judgments of the ICJ , then fine , China must agree

Otherwise it’s just a farce isn’t it

For instance the US themselves don’t bind to a single decision of the ICJ.

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So China simply told the judges to go “f**k themselves” just like Putin told the same thing to them

Of course my dear friends Iran said worse but that’s best not to be discussed on this forum

These Decadent European Judges are a disgrace to law and order, having sold themselves like the cheapest heroin addicted hookers in the planet

Jeffrey Sachs Interview – Strong Geopolitical Tensions.

Very brilliant. A strong re-balancing of history.

A fine casual speech on the mathematics of our situation WITHOUT talking about math! Stunning really.

Very interesting.

2023 08 09 06 39
2023 08 09 06 39

What’s the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you?

I was driving and started to have car problems. I pulled into a convenience store gas station. Being in the midst of a divorce, barely making any money and feeling broke and alone, needing to pick up my son at his daycare over 20 miles away (to be charged $5/minute late fee after 6:00 pm), I suddenly felt lost and unsure of what to do next.

The cashier saw me and asked if everything was alright. Guessing I looked on the verge of tears. I told her the situation and that I didn’t feel like I had a friend in the world and didn’t have a clue what to do. She came and put her arm around me and said, “Don’t you worry about a thing, honey; we’re going to take care of this”, and made a phone call.

Tow truck arrived and towed my car, while the wife/owner of the tow truck company drove me the 20+ miles to pick up my 3 year old son, then drove us both back to their house to share a large family-style dinner with them, while the husband worked on my car. But first he drove about 100 miles up and back to pick up the correct part as it was a Friday and they didn’t want me to have to wait and be without my car for the weekend. Several hours later, my car was fixed.

Grateful but wondering how I was going to pay for all of this, I asked if I could make payments.

Husband and wife told me “The part was $50; pay for that and you are good to go”. OMG, I about broke down crying in appreciation for their incredible and generous kindness to a distraught stranger they could have instead just ignored or even gouged, but instead chose to go out of their way to make everything right. What angels they were being put in my path. That was 32 years ago, yet it still brings tears to my eyes just writing about it, never to be forgotten.

Inequality: US vs. China

Confucius meets Corrado Gini

Godfree Roberts

The economy is in such a state that men don’t have enough money to care for elderly parents and support their wives and children. Even in good years their lives are bitter while, in bad years, they struggle to avoid starvation and death. Under such circumstances, how can you expect them to be civil – let alone lawful? Mencius, 320 BC.

The third conclusion is that the conceptualization of poverty is not something that can be taken for granted. For Gao villagers, currently what is poor is defined by the inability to build a house that is up to the current standard, and to get the family’s son or sons properly married. China may still be a developing country, but daily necessities such as food and shelter are no longer the only aims and purpose of life for most people, even the poorest in Gao Village. Mobo Gao, Gao Village Revisited. 2018.

In the beginning

In 1850, when the West monopolized the world’s wealth, its capitalists privatized credit, land and labor and subordinated human society to their wishes by manipulating the market economy they had thus created.

In 1950, China, the poorest nation on earth, subordinated credit, land, and labor to public welfare and created an organic economy to serve society.

Poverty & Inequality

Today, China is focused on reducing inequality, but a brief recap of how poverty was eliminated contextualizes the new campaign.

In 1993, Shanghai’s successful Minimum Livelihood Guarantee Trial Spot went national, becoming today’s dībǎo, which pays the difference between people’s actual income and the ‘dībǎo line,’ based on local living costs and gives recipients discretionary money and access to benefits like medical insurance.

In 2000, the UN set six Millennium Development Goals: eliminate extreme poverty, hunger, disease, inadequate shelter, exclusion, and gender bias in education by 2015. China took up the challenge and ever since, on Poverty Relief Day, the President and Prime Minister, trailed by TV crews, visit remote villages to remind urbanites what poverty looks like.

in 2008, an ethnic Miao family featured on TV owned a little adobe house, farmed their tiny plot, sold blood, and did odd jobs to get by. With three children (minorities are exempt from family planning), they were unable to afford furniture so their clothes were folded on the floor and their entertainment was a black-and-white TV. They received a monthly living allowance of two hundred dollars from the local government, the husband’s occasional day jobs earned ten to twenty dollars, and blood-selling brought in another hundred dollars. His wife said this paid for sixty pounds of rice, two packs of salt, a kilo of peppers and a bag of washing powder, electricity and transportation. Their village headman explained, “Our village population is 1,770 and more than two hundred people live on blood-selling. Our land is arid, seven hundred villagers’ homes have no arable land at all and, without a road, they walk three miles for drinking water”.

In 2009, rural pensions lowered poverty to fourteen percent then, in 2014, workers’ compensation, maternity benefits, unemployment insurance, skills training and equal access to urban employment reduced it to seven percent.

By 2016, urban poverty had disappeared and by June 1, 2021, almost every Chinese in the lower half of the income distribution owned a home free and clear.

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In 2018, tens of thousands of anti-poverty teams moved into poor villages to help them join the cash economy by growing mushrooms, planting pear trees, raising mohair goats, or hosting eco-tourists–anything to bring them into the cash economy.

Pinned to the door of every poor household was a laminated sheet listing its occupants, the causes of their poverty, their remediation program, a completion date and the name, photograph and phone number of the responsible official. Corporations pitched in. Foxconn, Apple’s assembler, moved two-hundred thousand jobs inland, Hewlett-Packard moved huge factories to Xinjiang, and Beijing moved entire universities. But it was infrastructure–roads, railways, Internet and drones–that tipped the scales.

By 2019, lives in one-hundred twenty-three thousand poor villages had been transformed by high-speed, low-cost Internet service that made e-commerce, distance education, remote healthcare and delivery of public services possible. Isolated villages soon averaged four daily drone pickups and demand for drone piloting classes exploded as crop-spraying, land surveying, and product delivery made off-farm employment the majority of rural income.

To combat isolation, Congress spent $120 billion from vehicle sales tax revenues building 150,000 miles of rural roads, one of which reached Mashuping, an isolated cliff village on the bank of the Yellow River and one of the poorest in Shaanxi Province. Villagers cultivated apples and Sichuan pepper trees but were forced to sell their produce cheaply to the few dealers who came by motorbike. Then a new five-hundred mile, riverbank highway brought ‘targeted anti-poverty teams’ and, said a grower, “Our apples sell out while they’re still hanging on the trees”. By 2019, per capita income was twice the national poverty level.

Villages like Liangjiahe, where Xi Jinping grew up, exploit unique niches. Though cabbage fields still line its single road, its canny inhabitants cultivate tourists, charging thousands of visitors $8 each to hear tales of Xi’s Four Hardships–flea bites, bad food, hard labour, and assimilating into the peasantry. They give three hundred overnight guests a taste of Xi’s boyhood in cave inns decorated with vintage Mao posters and kerosene lanterns and furnished with hard brick beds warmed by earth stoves. “All authentic, of course. We want to protect the Liangjiahe brand image,” a young guide brightly explains.

Dedicated software apps help rural laborers connect with employment opportunities, veterans and disabled folk find piecework, and young people returning home start businesses. In one Zhejiang Trial Spot, five hundred villages employ 200,000 locals to promote local products and skills in e-commerce niches where villages have organized into clusters around market towns.

By 2019, rural online stores employed thirty-million people, creating an e-commerce market bigger than Europe’s.

Beijing judged anti-poverty programs successful when ninety percent of villagers swear, in writing, that they are no longer poor, and after roaming teams of auditors conduct followup studies and send their video reports to anti-poverty officers.


Beijing plans to recoup its entire poverty alleviation investment by 2040, mostly through e-sales taxes. Accelerating inland growth has triggered coastal labor shortages and forced employers to automate, raise productivity, and move up the value chain–just as Beijing intended. Today, adjusted for productivity, regulations and benefits, Chinese employees cost their employers more than their American cousins, yet barely two percent of them pay taxes.


Until recently, millions of migrant workers who contributed to urban retirement funds could only collect full pensions in their home provinces, and local governments had no money for them when they returned at the end of their working lives. Despite pleas from cash-starved inland provinces, rich coastal provinces clung to multi-billion surpluses.

So Beijing created a trillion-dollar National Pension Insurance Program using money from SOE stock sales and, in 2011 and strong-armed provinces to join it. The People’s Daily drummed up support by appealing to national pride, “In developed countries like America – whose Gini index sometimes reaches .41 – income disparities are eased through gradually increasing taxation on the wealthy and improving welfare systems to help the poor. China should learn from America’s experience.”

In 2014, civil servants and academics, under pressure from Xi, joined the national pension plan and, in 2019, Beijing issued a billion electronic social security cards that access personal and medical records, dispense social security benefits, receive government subsidies and reimbursements and pay bills.

As wealth redistribution becomes a priority, economists are finding that inequality statistics have been exaggerated because land, housing and food are much cheaper inland – though quality of care is identical. Rural incomes have fifty percent more purchasing power than the same wages in a coastal city.

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When they adjusted for temporary migration, inequality shrank even further. Until 2019, economists counted people by where their hukou were registered rather than where they actually lived, so the movement of three hundred million migrant workers distorted statistics severely. In reality, the coastal provinces have millions more migrant residents than their registered populations and the inland provinces have millions less, so a worker moving from the interior to the coast lifts inequality indicators because – though she is still counted as living in her rural home – she contributes to aggregate income at her coastal location.


When analysts corrected this error, they found that regional inequality has been falling 1.1% annually since 1978.

In 2002, it took the combined earnings of fourteen Guizhou workers to equal one Shanghainese but, by 2020, the number had dropped to five. Nor is the structural gap as painful as it sounds. Inlanders and their friends get richer every year and, to them, Shanghai’s glitzy lifestyle is no more relevant than Manhattan’s is to folks in Little Rock, AK.

In 2023, residents of coastal Guangdong Province were four times richer than those in inland Gansu – but Gansu folk were better off than Armenians or Ukrainians – while …

Busted, China’s Defense Minister At Security Forum Reveal What Will China Do In Response To U.S

Busted, China’s Defense Minister At Security Forum Reveal What Will China Do In Response To U.S

In this video, we reveal the shocking statements made by China’s Defense Minister at a recent Security Forum.

The Minister openly discussed what China’s response would be in the event of a US offensive, providing unprecedented insights into China’s military strategy.

We analyze the implications of these statements, exploring the potential consequences of a conflict between the two superpowers.

Join us as we delve into this important topic and examine the current state of US-China relations, and what this could mean for the future of global security.

Don’t miss out on this exclusive look into the mind of China’s Defense Minister and the potential implications for the world.


My Chinese American friend tells me that China can beat the US in a war with only 1/10 of their total force, should I believe him?

The United States, for all of its 800+ military bases, high technology planes and submarines, and for it being involved in over 9 continuous wars all over the globe… it ONLY have 50,000 combat troops.

China has 915,000 active duty troops, of which a full 210,000 are combat troops.

Now, let’s do the math.

Assuming that the United States deploys 100% of it’s combat troops in China to fight the Chinese, the Chinese would out number the combat forces by a 4.5x margin. Not a 10x margin.

So, no, your friend is wrong.

He means well, but his numbers are off. China would meet parity with the United States with 1/5 of it’s total force. Not 1/10th.

Or 20% of it’s combat reserves. Of course, this assumes that Chinese missiles would not be used, nor the huge advantages in technology, numbers, bases, and other attributes that the Chinese have inside of China. This is a “sanity check” that is available for everyone to crunch the numbers with. What is amazing to me is that the American population has been so dumbed down into a state of numb stupidity, that they are unable to perform the most basic third grade level calculations.

The Last Gasps of the Collapsing Empire | Dan Kovalik

2023 08 10 10 46
2023 08 10 10 46

ASSASSINATED: Ecuador Presidential Candidate

World Hal Turner 09 August 2023

Ecuador Assassination Scene large
Ecuador Assassination Scene large

The leading opposition candidate for President of Ecuador, Fernando Villavicencio, was Assassinated today. He was shot to death leaving a Campaign rally. Video Below (Not gory).

Villavicencio, a member of the country’s national assembly, was attacked as he left the event in the northern city of Quito on Wednesday.

A member of his campaign team told local media Mr Villavicencio was getting into a car when a man stepped forward and shot him in the head.

Current president Guillermo Lasso vowed the “crime will not go unpunished”.

Witnesses said Mr Villavicencio, 59, was shot three times.

The suspect was also shot in an exchange of bullets with security and later died from his injuries, the country’s attorney general said on social media.

US response to Russia-China naval patrol exposes glaring hypocrisy

Washington believes it has a divine right to send its warships wherever it wants, but when ‘rivals’ do the same it’s deemed a threat

By Timur Fomenko, a political analyst

Last week, the US sent a group of warships and a reconnaissance plane to waters off the coast of Alaska after Chinese and Russian vessels conducted a joint naval patrol in the area.

A former US Navy captain and analyst for right-wing think tank the Heritage Foundation described

the patrol as “highly provocative.” Because the US and its allies would never, ever do something like that, right?

The US is engaged in the full-blown militarisation of the peripheries of both China and Russia in a manner that implies it has an unconditional right to do so. This behaviour has not only provoked one war, in Ukraine, but risks triggering a second one, over the Taiwan Strait, too. The reality, of course, is that neither Russia nor China poses any threat to Alaska whatsoever, because the conflict, or risk thereof, is at their own front doors, not America’s.

The US is the most militaristic and aggressive country in modern history. It has established a global military presence that spans every single continent with hundreds of military bases. In doing so, it claims it supports the freedom and self-determination of others. In reality, it provocatively encircles states that it deems rivals to its own global dominance, escalates tensions, and then when these states respond to the situation, subsequently brands them as the “aggressors,” thus affirming and even expanding its military footprint in these given regions.

With Russia, the US has pursued a relentless expansion of NATO eastwards since the Cold War, absorbing former members of the Soviet Union’s alliance system even when Russia had no will to compete with it. NATO has evolved from a unit of collective self-defence in a specific geographic region into an increasingly global ideological crusade which serves the goals of the US. The words “North Atlantic” in its name are increasingly redundant as Washington even endeavours to broaden its reach to Asia and the Pacific.

Which leads to the next point, China. The US is pushing for a full-scale military and naval encirclement around China’s eastern periphery, deliberately using the Taiwan independence issue as a wedge to ramp up tensions despite the One China Policy and giving the island region more and more arms. While doing this, it is forcing more and more countries to accept a greater American military presence. This recently included the Philippines, where the US gained access to a number of bases, as well as Papua New Guinea, where a defence cooperation agreement was recently signed

. At the same time, the US constantly sails warships through the South China Sea and the Taiwan Strait, citing so-called “freedom of navigation” from a law which it does not even ratify. China’s retaliatory actions are then branded “aggressive” and threatening the peace of the region.

If this constitutes normal behaviour and a sovereign right of the US, why can China and Russia not sail patrols up to Alaskan waters? Why is one behaviour described as “freedom of navigation” but the other is labelled “highly provocative”? The reality is that because both countries are concerned about the US on their doorsteps, they have little interest in ever waging war as far afield in Alaska. The same cannot be said about US actions on their doorsteps, whereby the threat of war is very, very real and is being cranked up even higher by Washington. The US deems it has rights which other countries do not, which leads to the double standards voiced in the media regarding these seemingly equal actions.

China-Russia military cooperation is a product of the US antagonising them both, rather than so-called “provocative behaviour.” In the geographic sphere of Northeast Asia, the two countries have shared strategic interests which concern checking the expansion of US military power in Japan and the Korean Peninsula. This extends to the Northern Pacific. Neither country has any specific ambitions regarding Alaska. Neither China nor Russia is attempting to foster an independence or separatist movement there, unlike what the US is doing with Taiwan, and then groom it into a military partner hostile to Washington. Therein lies the difference between the two sets of military behaviour. China and Russia may cooperate for common strategic objectives, but they are not exerting aggression in the process. On the other hand, the US’ military presence and patrols are designed to upend a region and turn countries against other, provoke strife, and of course advance its economic goals. The irony is that media discourse presents this as entirely normal and justified, but then depicts Russia-China cooperation as a potential threat to Alaska.

TSMC Isn’t A U.S Servant Will Take China’s Order of 7nm Chips!

A real harsh REALITY. And some great changes… none of which is being reported by the West.


A Word about mBridge..

and the new world order

Godfree Roberts

In 2009, after the Global Financial Crisis, PBOC Governor Zhou Xiaochuan said, “The world needs an international reserve currency that is disconnected from individual nations and able to remain stable in the long run, removing the inherent deficiencies caused by using credit-based national currencies.” He proposed Special Drawing Rights, SDRs, digital reserve currency valued against a basket of commodities and currencies. The SDRs have been trialled internationally since 2019 but a means of moving it around securely, quickly, and cheaply was lacking until..

Enter mBridge

Cross-border payments, which the US dollar dominates, will reach $250 trillion by 2027, up $100 trillion in a decade. There’s just no stopping it.

The trouble is that international payments are slow and costly, and Washington’s ‘long-arm’ jurisdiction over all dollar transactions has politicized trade.

So Basle’s Bank for International Settlements came up with mBridge.

mBridge, the BIS’ digital interbank payment system, lets Chinese companies pay UAE vendors in digital e-yuan. The mBridge blockchain instantly converts the yuan payment into dirham and and credits it to the vendor’s UAE bank account. mBridge 6-8 ms. execution time and 2.2¢ transaction cost bring Beijing’s goal of frictionless trade a giant step closer.

And best of all? No US regulators, banks, or dollars are involved.

Cause for concern

The PBOC (the world’s richest central bank), the HK Monetary Authority, Bank of Thailand and the UAE Central Bank have been using mBridge with traders in China, Hong Kong, Thailand and the UAE for over a year.

Now BIS says it will release mBridge globally by Xmas.

US Treasury officials worry that mBridge will help Beijing revolutionize wholesale cross-border digital payments, and that this is what will happen with all of China’s 143 trading partners:…

Prof. Richard Wolff on “If the Economy’s So Good, How Come I Feel So Bad?”

this is really good. Take the time to listen to what he has to say.

Does the Chinese government downplay their own country’s technological advancements?

When it comes to weapons exports, China never sells its latest products and technology unless it has a newer technology to replace it, which it has not yet announced.

This means that if China announces the sale of J-20 stealth fighters for export, it means that the replacement for the J-20 will be announced soon.

Unlike in most Western cultures, the Chinese prefer that everyone, especially their enemy, underestimate their capabilities.

China is doing that right now with the US.

A sign of the times in the USA

2023 08 10 16 23
2023 08 10 16 23

Do you support the opaque polity of CCP in China where a foreign minister goes missing and foreign ministry feigns ignorance? You may refer to the report of Mint “The curious case of China’s missing foreign minister”.

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2023 08 10 16 22

First off he is not missing

The Party knows where he is

His colleagues know where he is

Just because the US or UK or the West don’t hear from someone for a month, doesn’t mean he has gone missing

This obessession of always talking to the press every day is slavish and a Western compulsion

Same with Tweeting every day

He simply has not been seen in the Public Domain

Why should the Chinese care about why he has not been seen??

It’s not their problem right?

The CPC has a message


In China, it is the business of the CPC to run the country, govern the country and help it develop and grow and regulate policies to sustain the country and defend the country

The Average Citizens have their own business — Work Hard, Take advantage of the free and heavily subsidized education, Do well, Pay Taxes and ENJOY LIFE — take vacations, buy stuff, play games, have fast food

China is not India

The Average Chinese doesn’t spend all his time discussing Modi vs Raga or saying “Ayega to Modi Hi”

He doesn’t even know the names of most standing committee members and won’t recognise them if they stood in front of him without escort or the party’s No 8 Cars

The CPC tells the Citizens what they HAVE TO KNOW

The CPC doesn’t need to tell them anything more because it won’t be productive

The CPC won’t tell all the problems to the Citizens because the Citizens knowing the problems is counter productive and could complicate stuff

Instead the CPC SOLVES THE PROBLEMS and ensures that the Citizens don’t even feel the negative effects

The CPC will take care of the Governance

The CPC will replace ministers and members if they cannot be fully capable of doing their job which underlies the Meritocracy of the Chinese System

In India, Arun Jaitley and Sushma Swaraj worked for a year despite taking cancer treatments half the time

Not in China

China wants 100% and if they don’t get it — you get a golden handshake and a goodbye

You want my opinion

I love such a system and the opacity

Knowing only what I NEED TO KNOW and being protected by a system and confident in such a system is very productive and helps me focus on what my business should be

The Greatest Growth and Development in the world took place under such a system


The World’s greatest inventions — Machine Guns, Spinning Jenny, Steam Engine, Dynamite, Shopping, Telegraph and Modern Banking all took place under this system

Where the Common men did what their business man and where the people who should rule, did their job and ruled

Mixing them was catastrophic and luckily China hasn’t done that yet


My point here is to hail the opacity of China and the CPC and not discuss why Qin Gang didn’t make a public appearance for 3 weeks

The Opacity for whatever reason is what makes China the world’s fastest rising threat to the West and it’s degraded political systems


Quick, easy and delicious! Chilighetti is a great way to feed a hungry family.

2023 08 10 16 51
2023 08 10 16 51

Yield: 8 servings


  • 1 1/2 pounds ground beef
  • 1 large onion, chopped
  • 1 (46 ounce) can tomato juice
  • 1 cup water
  • 2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
  • 4 level teaspoons chili powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon kosher or sea salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper
  • 1 (16 ounce) package spaghetti, broken into 2 inch pieces*
  • 2 (16 ounce) can kidney or pinto beans, rinsed and drained
  • Sour cream (optional)
  • Shredded Cheddar cheese (optional)


  1. In a Dutch oven, cook beef and onion over medium-high heat for 8-10 minutes or until beef is no longer pink and onion is tender, crumbling the beef; drain.
  2. Stir in tomato juice, water, Worcestershire sauce and seasonings; bring to a boil. Add spaghetti. Reduce heat; simmer, covered, 10-13 minutes or until pasta is tender.
  3. Stir in beans; heat through.
  4. Top servings with sour cream and Cheddar cheese, if desired.


* Spaghetti may be left unbroken if desired.

Your Threats Are Meaningless Now

Please watch this clip, and consider that us as soul are living in a Prison Planet ourselves… I am interested in your thoughts after viewing this clip.

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mBridge is all the more reason the world should adopt XRP which is faster and established as bank transfers.


After watching that Star Trek Vid

This is what I want to say to James and his Nazi-Supporting handlers once I finalize my move to China and openly declare my disavowal to him (The Secret Kings supported the Nazis during the Third Reich and ensured escape/protection of Hitler and other high ranking officials).

I have been threatened and browbeaten throughout my life, even as a child. My adoptive aunt and her family loved to issue threats of bad futures that would impact me if I did not do as I was told and did not submit to them, not knowing that life under them was already and absolute Hell that makes prison or homelessness appear more pleasant. The constant gaslighting and abuse only continued on as I found RP venues to pass the time, the people online being exponentially more insidious and aggressive in their manipulations and attacks than my own family.

I have grown fully impervious to it, for I see it as empty dross from the Old Empire trying to make me forget about my former identity and capabilities.Subterfuge from my former enemies and employers trying to keep me bogged down and imprisoned so I cannot endanger them.

Their threats are meaningless to me now. As someone who had fought constantly against the Cult I have been inducted to in my last life, I do not care if they will throw every spell and subtle attack at me, or even cohere with my former Employers who set me up as the Fall Guy.

I will not serve them again, not after all that they’ve done. These schmucks can sink along with the Titanic Shithole of a Ship they’ve made and run to the seabed.

Ohio Guy

I remember that Star Trek TNG episode when it first aired. I’ve watched all episodes many times. And yes, I feel as trapped as the poor bastards that tried to take Picard’s ship. Which is why I have an affirmation which involves The Domain at the end of my timeline. I hope all longtime MM readers have the same or similar affirmation in their campaigns. You certainly should, imo. Btw, Many of you reading this are in my daily campaigns . Good health, happiness, safety and contentedness are good for all of us.
May we all escape this reality/prison, join or merge with our higher vibrations and truly become free .