2023 05 08 21 33

Game Over: The Empire flails wildly to retrieve its lost supremacy

The world is changing, and perhaps it’s best to be ignorant of it. Just concentrate on growing your plot of tomatoes, and watering your flowers. The bad, with is terrible enough, is poised to go really awful.

Today is a mish, followed by a mash. Let’s hit a nasty subject first, and they emerge from it with some upbeat funk.

Now for the good old boys out there.

Here’s something for the rednecks…

Toby Keith – As Good As I Once Was

Here’s something for the rednecks…

OK. A short trip towards a serious subject.

Standing up to the powerful…

One of the things that I really hate is how agents are retired. I hate being  called a child predator; a cat torturer, or a dog killer. That’s SOP with the United States.

Edward Snowden was a renegade serial rapist. Anyone that opposes the “powers that be” are charged with sex crimes. That’s how to you can tell that Donald Trump was an outsider. How many gals accused him?

But there it is.

Dancing in the Moonlight

Back when I was in middle school, this song was popular.


If you are accused of a crime, there is a process called “discovery”. That is where the court is presented the “proof” that you are a criminal.

All “discovery” is boiler plate. They didn’t even bother to use a different font or font size. One sheet that covered a boiler plate of about 75 pages of the horrors of predators. And my name was at the top.

Pisses me off.

Barbecue it wrong. This is extraordinarily evil.

It’s lazy, and especially evil since you are dealing with destroying a person’s life. You take his “mingzi” and absolutely trample it.

In the Meantime

Anyways, you can defend yourself…

Edward Snowden can. Do you think he will get a fair “shake” in the USA?

Everyone gets an opportunity to defend myself. The accused is allowed to call others into the discovery to offer their side of the story.

My case?

Truth. All of my assets SUDDENLY had problems.

The psychologist doctor who was treating my wife (at the time) and had a long documented psy eval on us, and my spanning years was called up to testify. A perfect asset. But right before she could appear; her visa was pulled and she was forced to return to South Africa. Usually, an event that take half of a year, happened in days. She had to leave immediately. She had to leave in 72 hours.

Leaving only the local doctor who simply read aloud the “boiler plate” bullshit off the discovery.

Evil coordination

This coordination of evil; this whitewashing of reality, and this intent to erase me has left a major impression on my soul.

It changed me.

From one thing.

To another.

2023 05 21 06 49
2023 05 21 06 49

I wish that I could go silently off into the night, but I cannot.

Little things remind me of the evil that resides inside the United States.

Like some kind of festering, puss filled open sore with maggots, cockroaches and insects of various types running land and takeoff maneuvers.

Rocket || Creep || Guardians Of The Galaxy

We can relate…

With each “news article”, I am reminded of the evil.

I try to run from it. I try to hide from it.

It keeps drawing me back in.

All that I can say to my MM audience, that my affirmation schedule is on track. And while I spend most of it on myself, I have a section devoted to “the cornfield”. The entire nation; lock, stock, and barrel are slowly and inexplicably being slid into the festering cesspool known as Hell.

And I contribute to this.

As does Sebastian.

As does the entire kit of operatives in our section.

We could have been retired quietly. Sensibly. Respectfully.

But Noooooo…

Eminem – Lose Yourself [HD] – Joker

But noooo!

We have to live the rest of our lives “cursed” as outcasts, and shunned by the bulk of society.

But that doesn’t change who we are.


If you think it is bad now, wait until MY, and SEBASTIAN and the others in our kit gather up the template and start tossing it about. We are all connected by EBP. We are all functional (to one degree or the other), and all of us remain service-to-others, but face the harsh reality of the monster that the United States has become.

The only way out is concentrated intention.

We have greater abilities than just simply changing your color of sock. Don’t you know.

We were broken, but we picked up the pieces and glued ourselves together. I know it’s not a pretty sight, but we have unfinished business. And it’s on a personal level.

Deal with it.

jason bourne extreme ways music video

As we know NATO is an extension of US hegemony, and USM forces them to buttress US positions in global affairs and to uphold US hegemony. When USG is ready to start a Taiwan War to contain China, it is not looking to try and defeat PLA in this fight because the casualties and risks to USA is too high for US to bear. Rather, the purpose is to rupture China Europe relations and cost maximum harm to Chinese markets and supply lines. All these moves are aimed at containing China’s rise mainly.

Hence NATO’s main function will be to unite EU and West allies to sanction China, and to deal as heavy a blow to Chinese supply chains and China’s finances as possible. And some NATO forces may move to the US 2nd line island chains like S Korea, Japan and Phillipines to reinforce those alliances but highly unlikely USM will use them to actually fight PLA because that will draw Russia, N Korea and Iran into WW3.

Why do you think China is building SCO, BRICS and 140+ BRI countries to build alternative supply lines, markets and a dedollarised financial system. The whole point is to continue its economic and financial stability in such a scenario. And if the usd reserve status breaks in such a strategy, US funding and ability to lead the EU for such a fight will weaken. As long as US deficits and its huge usd31.5trillion Tbill debts are not solved, Russia and China have far higher odds to break this devious US plot to uphold US Hegemony. It will essentially become a fight between the West and the global South, and at the moment, the Global South is more vibrant, healthy and larger.

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In fact, the effects of the first phase Ukraine war is inflation and stagnation for EU, should have been ample warning to the West that this strategy will be a failure so starting a phase two Taiwan war to uphold US hegemony will be completely stupid. But the problem we have today is there are enough arrogant hawks in USA that think US hegemony and exceptionalism can never fail. They should read more history, GLOBAL HEGEMONS NEVER LAST FOREVER. Roman Empire, Mongol Empire, Ottoman Empire, British Empire and Nazis are examples that maintaing huge forces to dominate the world always result in bankruptcy and end of Empire finally. Time to end those 800 USM military bases and start negotiating peacefully for a transition to a multipolar world.

S.O.S. Band – Take your time (Do it right) (Extended Version – Tony Mendes Video Remastered Video)

This is truly strange.

Watch the full video. Is the Biden administration so insane to think that the USA population will believe this?

Once more the Western media – of which I must confess I was once a part – is ill-informed and just plain wrong.

Most of the media pushing this line are simply parroting the tropes of second-rate politicians inspired in turn by crazies in the Intelligence Communities (oxymoron) seeking to justify their existence.

China is the big Daddy of Asia and about to become number one in the world.

Indonesia is quietly emulating the Chinese achievements from a later start and a tad more slowly – this due to the constraints of its embrace of democracy and the decentralization of power created by sweeping Constitutional changes from 1999 to 2002.

Economists expect it will soon become the world’s fourth ranked country in economic terms as well as by population. And it is the undisputed dominant player in ASEAN.

Indonesia and China currently enjoy good relations – the suspicions aroused by the events of 1965 have long since faded. It’s just a couple of weeks since President Widodo visited Beijing for talks with President Xi Jinping. Jokowi was one of the first leaders to receive such an invitation after the COVID shutdown.

Now, does anyone really think that China has or will in future have designs on Indonesia?

Really – why would they bother?

Why on earth would they? China and Indonesia have strong, somewhat complementary, and growing trade links, and Indonesia also makes up more 42% of the population of the ASEAN Common Market.

Both are key founding members of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) that came into effect in January and is regarded as the world’s largest trade block, representing around 30% of the world’s population.

China is also the driving force behind the Asian Infrastructure Development Bank (this initiative was officially launched by Xi Jinping on a state visit to Indonesia in October 2013). Indonesia’s infrastructure drive has been a beneficiary with funding for electricity grid development and water storage and irrigation projects.

Indonesia also is the beneficiary of ‘Belt and Road’ initiatives, most notably the high-speed rail connection being built between Jakarta and Bandung.

So, once again, why on earth would China want to engage in hostilities with Indonesia? It can afford to buy whatever influence it feels it needs through judicious placement of largesse and the ordinary processes of trade – so long as there are no artificial barriers (such as ill-considered sanctions) .

And you can bet this route will be a hell of a lot less expensive and much less complicated than any kind of force, particularly a shooting war.

Disputed waters and blown-up fishing boats

Let’s not get carried away by the appearance of Chinese Navy vessels in the small area of disputed waters where the South China Sea meets the North Natuna Sea. Former Indonesian Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Minister Susi Pudjiastuti did an excellent job of curbing illegal fishing vessels caught in Indonesia waters by blowing them up. But that was bound to eventually bring some sort of reaction.

And let’s not get all excited about camouflage-coated big boys toys playing pretend wars around Indonesia’s borders to keep the expensive but necessary defense readiness folk from being bored to death.

More importantly let’s not swallow the myth of the USA as a potential saviour simply because they SELL Indonesia military technology and equipment (when it happens to suit them).

The hard, cold reality is that the US acts in what it perceives to be US interests. And as we have seen in recent years, what the US may currently consider to be its interests can change in a heartbeat.

Chinese build-up a response to US strategic policy

US strategic policy is the principal reason why China is being characterized as an ogre in the West. The critics focus on the Chinese military build-up, especially its Navy, and the creation of forward bases and airfields on atolls and artificial islands in the South China Sea..

But no one talks much about what prompted this Chinese reaction.

The graphic below posted by Nick A1 in a Quora answer in July tells most of the story. Add to the startling American containment arc a naval group constantly patrolling the South China Sea (sometimes two of them) out of Subic Bay.

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Plus, divisions of military personnel permanently stationed in South Korea (28,500), Japan (more than 30,000), and Guam (20,000). Not to mention what might be lurking under the surface of the seas or high in the sky.

That should be more than enough to explain Chinese nervousness, right?

Just IMAGINE what the US reaction would be if the Chinese set up major bases in Mexico, Cuba, the Bahamas, and Newfoundland and sent its naval fleet to alternately patrol the Gulf of Mexico and the West Coast south to the Panama Canal. (The Cuban missile crisis on steroids.)

Add to the present military posture the history of overt and covert US involvement in Asia since the second World War – Korea, Philippines (1950s), Indonesia (1965–7), and Vietnam and Cambodia. Not to mention its adventures in the rest of the world, especially the Middle East and Latin America.

Be cautious about reliance on America

Other answers to this question have suggested that America is or will be a protector against China for the nations of Southeast Asia.

To that I say be cautious. Very cautious about regarding the good ole USA as a potential guardian angel. Most Americans are good and generous people (I lived there for four years and made many friends). But when it comes to national interests the American nation is ruthless and prone to being trigger happy if it doesn’t get its way.

As for China … it has been around for a lot longer – some four millennia longer in fact.

It’s recently demonstrating some ruthlessness too, but it takes a more measured view. Instead of instantly snatching for its six-guns it’s likely to ponder a problem and find a more sophisticated blend of solutions.

Paradoxically, it’s the kind of international relations approach so famously advocated 120 years ago by US President Theodore Roosevelt when he declared “Those who speak softly and carry a big stick will go far.”

It’s a shame that so many Americans in powerful positions in succeeding generations seem to have forgotten the Rough Rider’s flash of wisdom.

For Indonesia China more opportunity than threat

No, Indonesia has no reason to be fearful of any Chinese ‘military threat’.

Quite the contrary. Indonesia has deliberately and skillfully maintained a policy of strict neutrality under a succession of very different leaders since the Bandung conference of 1955. It has assiduously refused to be identified as part of any Great Power Bloc. Consequently, it has no “enemies” and is generally regarded with goodwill in the wider community of nations, China included.

Rather than any kind of threat the continuing emergence and success of China is a huge opportunity for Indonesia.

Together these two transformational nations – along with their ASEAN and RCEP partners – can and will lead the way into the rest of the Asian century. The last thing they will want, or need is for any kind of military adventures to get in the way of building mutual prosperity.

China’s principal strategic interests in Southeast Asia must certainly include ensuring its vital sea lanes through the South China Sea and around the Malay Peninsular are secure.

A close and enduring friendship with a non-aligned Indonesia, along with its existing close relationship with Singapore ensures, protection of the vital and busy sea lanes of the Singapore/Malacca Straits – which carry a third or more of the world’s shipping. A big proportion of that shipping is carrying goods to or from China, including vital oil supplies – the Straits are China’s equivalent of the Panama Canal

Here’s hoping the Big Stick of the Chinese military build-up will be enough to deter the US from reaching for its six-guns.

Here’s hoping too that at some point enough of the Western media will start reading and researching more widely, and thinking for themselves. They will then have the tools to refute the China threat nonsense being peddled by the politicians, ideologues and other assorted ‘nutters’.

Patrice Rushen – Forget Me Nots (Official Video)

Love the BASS in this video.

Ahead of Joining BRICS, Iraq Issues Ban on U.S. Dollar Transactions


The Interior Ministry of Iraq issued a ban on U.S. dollar transactions across the country. Iraq is one among the 24 countries that have shown interest to join the BRICS alliance and accept the new currency for global trade. The Iraqi government banned entities from initiating business transactions with the U.S. dollar early this week. Iraq aims to control the fluctuating black market exchange rate, that has been plaguing the country for long enough.

The development is also designed to strengthen the usage of the Iraqi Dinar in the nations’ Forex markets. The ministry aims to lower the difference between the official exchange rate offered by the government and the exchange rate that’s thriving in the black markets. The move will reduce dependency on the U.S. dollar and bolster its native currency the Iraqi Dinar.

“The dinar is the national currency in Iraq. Your commitment to transact in it instead of foreign currencies boosts the country’s sovereignty and economy,” the statement read. The Ministry also pointed out that failing to do so will lead to criminal offenses with punishable crimes. The law will “hold accountable anyone who attempts to undermine the Iraqi dinar and the economy,” it read.

Also Read: 30 Countries Now Ready To Accept BRICS Currency

General Hussein Al Tamimi, who heads the operation directorate explained that offenders will be fined one million Iraqi Dinars. Moreover, repeat offenders will attract harsher punishments including double the fine with a year’s imprisonment.

“If the violator repeats it, he will face an imprisonment penalty of up to one year plus a one-million Iraqi dinar financial fine. In case of a third violation, that penalty will be doubled and we’ll have the business license turned,” Tamimi said.

Evelyn “Champagne” King – I’m In Love

Upbeat it!

Iraq Aims to Join BRICS After U.S. Dollar Ban

Source: IraqiNews.com / Photo: Alsharqiya

Iraq is looking to join the BRICS bloc in a move to end reliance on the U.S. dollar. The nation is ready to accept the new currency to settle cross-border transactions. The next BRICS summit will be held in Cape Town, South Africa in August 2023. Around 19 countries have both formally and informally requested to join the alliance, reported Bloomberg.

If more countries join BRICS, the expansion of BRICS+ will only hurt the prospects of the U.S. dollar. Also, if the yet-to-be-released BRICS currency grows stronger, it could ring the death knell for the USD. Read here to know what could happen to the American economy if the BRICS currency becomes the global reserve.

Soul Train Line I Don’t Want To Lose Your Love Emotions

I must have worn the groove out on my album on this song. Not a day went by without it playing in my stereo.

Chipotle Garlic Chicken in Crema

2023 05 13 19 02
2023 05 13 19 02

Yield: 6 servings


  • 1 whole head garlic, cloves separated but unpeeled
  • 3 dried chipotle chiles or 3 tablespoons chipotle powder
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons sea salt
  • 1 cup crema Mexicana
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1/4 cup chicken broth
  • 2 tablespoons canola oil
  • 1 dried California chile (optional)
  • 1 sweet onion, minced
  • 6 chicken breast halves, boned and skinned
  • Salt and pepper, to taste
  • 1 cup grated white Cheddar or Manchego cheese


  1. Roast the garlic in dry skillet over medium-low heat for 15 to 20 minutes, until it has softened and developed little brown bits around the edges.
  2. If using dried chipotles, soak them in hot water for 20 minutes, then rinse and pat dry. Slit them open and scrape out and discard the seeds.
  3. Peel the roasted garlic, then place in a food processor. Add the chipotles (or powder), salt and crema. Process until pureed.
  4. Pour the puree into a shallow saucepan; add the milk and chicken broth. Bring to simmer and cook over low heat for 5 minutes.
  5. Heat 1 tablespoon of the oil in a skillet. Add the optional California chile and cook until it barely changes color. Do not let it burn! Remove the chile.
  6. Add the onion to the skillet and sauté for 2 minutes. Push to one side of the skillet, then add the remaining tablespoon of oil. Add the chicken, season with salt and pepper, and sauté until golden on both sides.
  7. Transfer the chicken to a heat-proof serving dish. Cover with the chipotle-garlic mixture, and top with the cheese.
  8. Broil for a couple of minutes, until the cheese has melted and the sauce starts to take on more color.
  9. Crumble the optional toasted California chile over the top for garnish.

China’s military has two crucial elements. They are…

  • Defensive.
  • Offensive.

The way that these two elements are used is unique to China, and some detail must be provided to fully grasp what this entails.

  • Defensive. This is the army, the navy, and all other forces under control of the unified military command. Their job; their purpose, is to completely destroy any attacking / invasion force to Chinese land, people, territories and islands. Thus, they are a completely defensive military. They are only to be used in the protection and safety of China and Chinese people.
  • Offensive. China has no ambitions to become the world’s hegemon. Thus, the offensive component is designed for strategic deterrence. In the event that China is attacked, then China MUST launch offensive missiles, and weapons. The reason for this is simple. Wars are never won on defensive posture. They must have an offensive component.

China’s missiles, and related systems are designed for precisely that. Were China to be attacked, say if the United States were to bomb TSMC in Taiwan, the defensive systems would clean the Pacific of all American ships and vessels. But, you know, that would not be enough.

China would be forced to maintain a defensive posture for eternity. Constantly fighting off, the swarming missiles and ships, and aircraft that the United States would launch at it.

To prevent this, the offensive systems would need to be activated. These include hyper-velocity glide vehicles armed with enhanced-radiation MIRV nuclear weapons. These would be targeted at the attacking nation (in this case the United States), as well as any supporting proxy nations, such as Japan, Australia and Manila.

So, as you can see, it’s really simple.

  • An attack on Taiwan, is an attack on China.
  • China would respond defensively in a tactical manner. Erasing all naval vessels and bases.
  • China would also respond offensively in a strategic manner. Cleansing the civilian population centers with (environmentally friendly) “neutron” based nuclear warheads.
  • The cities of the attacking nation(s) would be devastated, and thus a rapid end to the conflict would be guaranteed.

Of course, in this horrific scenario, the attacking nation(s) should be well aware of the risks that they are taking. They would realize that China would conduct war lethally.

So they would take prudent measures…

  • Sacrificial nations will be identified and there they would take the brunt of the nuclear horror. The United States would make sure that China wastes it’s missiles on disposable targets like Brisbane, Perth, Sydney, Manila, and Tokyo.
  • United States Naval vessels would be out of the range of most of the tactical weapons systems that China fields. Instead, European proxy nations (NATO) ships would act as diversion targets so that the American navy would still stay afloat.

And these have all been “gamed out” by China…

  • Once the initial volleys of missiles cycled though their routine, the United States would launch prescheduled, preplanned MAD nuclear destruction on China.
  • Which would trigger Russian “dead Hand”, and what ever survived China’s nuclear response, the Russian systems (dirty, deep, and very radioactive) would turn the United States into a barren lunar wasteland.

Awful. Right?

Nuclear war WILL ABSOLUTELY ERASE the United States. There is no scenario where it does not.

But, China, a culture that is over 6000 years old, will survive.

Carmine Jr.’s Meeting of Minds Sitdown – Tony Sopranos Phil

Ministry of Defense Confirms: Russia has shot down a British Storm Shadow Cruise Missile

But who fired it?

2023 05 16 11 57
2023 05 16 11 57

The Russian Defense Ministry claims that air defense shot down a Storm Shadow cruise missile. Not sure where as of yet.  The trouble with this is simple, that missile can only be fired by NATO aircraft.  Which means a NATO plane launched it either in or near, Ukraine. 

Here are the specs for a Storm Shadow Cruise missile:


Type: Long-range air-launched cruise missile
Place of origin: France & United Kingdom

Service history
In service: 2002 – present
Used by: See

Production history
Designer: Matra BAe Dynamics
Manufacturer: MBDA

Unit cost:

€850,000 (US$1.18 million) (FY2011)
£790,000 (US$1.27 million) (FY2011)

Mass: 1,300 kilograms (2,900 lb)
Length: 5.1 metres (16 ft 9 in)
Diameter: 0.48 metres (19 in) estimated
Warhead: 450 kilograms (990 lb) BROACH (Bomb Royal Ordnance Augmented Charge)

Engine: Turbomeca Microturbo TRI 60-30 turbojet, producing 5.4 kN thrust
Wingspan: 3 metres (9 ft 10 in)

Operational range:

Over 300 nmi (560 km; 350 mi) Lo-Lo profile
Export version: over 135 nmi (250 km; 155 mi)

Flight altitude: 30–40 metres (100–130 ft)
Maximum speed: 1,000 km/h Mach 0.8-0.95 (depending on altitude)

Inertial, GPS and TERPROM. Terminal guidance using imaging infrared DSMAC

Launch platform:

Ukraine does NOT have any of those aircraft.   

So who fired it?

Since Ukraine doesn’t have any NATO type of fighter jets. They are probably launched from Polish or Romanian airspace from NATO jets.

Earth, Wind & Fire – Let’s Groove (Official HD Video)

Unusual Animals: Hydrocynus Goliath

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Hydrocynus goliath, also known as the goliath tigerfish, giant tigerfish or mbenga, is a very large African predatory freshwater fish. The giant tigerfish is restricted to the Zaire River system, Lualaba River, Lake Upemba and Lake Tanganyika.

h/t: tigerfishcamp, tourettefishing, bigfishesoftheworld

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2023 05 15 14 tt39


It is overall silvery in color with no conspicuous stripes. A few broad stripes may show up under the scales after death. It has fourteen or more teeth in the upper jaw and very short gill rakers, less than one third the length of the gill filaments.

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2023 05 15 14 39

The largest giant tigerfish may exceed 110 lbs (50 kg) but stories of fish weighing up to 132 lb (60 kg) have yet to be authenticated. Its ferocious appearance gives ample indication of its predatory habits. This strong fighter is one of the great freshwater game fish species.

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A number of incidents have been reported in The Congo of this fish attacking humans. This reputation, combined with its strength, has earned it an almost mythical status among anglers, and it has been called the “greatest freshwater gamefish in the world”.

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Miami Vice – Final Scene

So very 1980s.

Oh quite the Opposite

All of China will thank him for it one day

Private Tutoring Industry was becoming way out of control.

Initially Tutoring was a boon, it helped Chinese students understand concepts pretty well

However as time went by Tutoring slowly became more and more deeply seated into the Chinese Education structure and every student began to lazily depend on Tutoring which meant Private Tutors could demand more money

With time it became almost like without private tutoring no Urban Chinese student could survive or do without

And slowly Private Tutorial Groups began to rise in value, start IPOs, bloat up without any assets and claim to be worth billions.

Is that a Golden Goose?

Please tell me how many Students do you know in US who go to SAT Coaching or GRE Coaching?

Most Students self study or study in Groups rather than pay for a Tutorial course

Yet in China – students using Private Tutorials rose to nearly 88% by 2019.

They used Tutors for everything and the basic concept understanding that created the Excellent Chinese Students of the 1990s -2010s would slowly be eroded if this nonsense had continued

Spoonfeeding at its worst

And on top of this Most Tutorials became Industries of their own and began marketing and began to ridiculously boost their own valuations

No!!! said Xi Jingping

He had many discussions with Respected Professors and Teachers and fundamentally covered the three Points in 2020 May which included

→ Private Tutorials cannot replace conventional education

→ Students ability to think and learn on their own are being affected by Private Tutorials

→ Private Tutorials are grossly inflated and taking full advantage of the Lax focus paid to them in the early 2005–2010

So the CPC said – Let Students who dont understand use Tutors and Tutorials but let Students not become lazy

Thus he decided to formulate and regulate the industry

It was a Brilliant Move

Those who wanted to become Billionaires with Tutoring – scrambled

Those who made good money and genuinely impacted Students to think – stayed and continued to nurture and build more students

Even Today Private Tutoring Exists

Only thing is – the Industry is regulated

Ceiling on Valuation, Mandatory insistence on Registration of Tutors, Syllabus being overseen by the CPC Education Committee to ensure Students can still think and learn on their own, No IPO allowed until 2032, Minimum 15 years for a Tutoring Company, Valuation based on Asset Valuation not Speculative Valuation, No Overseas investment in Private Tution Companies

The Result – The Sharks are GONE or going really fast.

Genuine Tutors and Tutorials are very much here to stay and help students especially weaker ones while also ensuring future students learn on their own and dont get spoonfed

And best of all -Tutorials dont replace Schools and control a Robotic Destiny of Students.

Easily one of the Finest Pieces of Legislation by a World Leader in the 21st Century

Well you need to know a little bit about why G7 was formed in the first place.

So the story was that in 1971, the Bretton Woods system , which pegged all major currencies at that time to gold, was getting shaky. The US had a huge trade deficit. The French was bitching about “the exorbitant dollar” because “it costs a couple of cents for the US to print the money, while we have to send in our real gold in exchange for the dollar”, the Germans were pissed because it cost them a lot of money to artificially keep the Deutsche Mark pegged to the dollar. They just wanted their gold back and be done with it. The Swiss was the first to just go to the Americans, handed in the US dollars, and said, here you go, $35 an ounce, I want my gold back, NOW. Then everybody started to want their gold back and the US didn’t have enough gold in reserve to pay them (Yep, somebody printed more money than they had gold to back it up with). So – Nixon unilaterally announced, “let’s just forget about your gold. Let’s make the USD a fiat currency (Fiat money). From now on, it’s worth as much as I tell you, OK?” Nixon shock

Basically he just got up in the morning, walked to the mic, and made the announcement to the world. Just like that.

Well, this action pissed off the Europeans big time, but there’s nothing they could do about it. It’s the quintessential “Beggar Thy Neighbor” policy where you find yourself in trouble, you get yourself out of trouble by passing the trouble to your neighbor. So the Europeans came back and said, well since you own more than half of the gold in the world (as a result of WWII), there’s nothing we can do about it. But can we at least meet and talk this through before you just go do it the next time? This is how the precursor of the G7, the “library group” was formed. It had 5 members – the US, UK, France, Germany, and Japan.

The original purpose of the G7 group was to do economic horse-trading behind the scenes, like, I’ll put in 1% stimulus if you cut your tariff by 20%, things like that, you know, that are best discussed IN SECRET because you are trading the economic welfare of one group of your citizens against another group of your citizens. The goal was to prevent these countries from killing each other economically, get it? It’s a forum to manage the economic in-fighting among this group of countries, so right away, people went out looking for allies. The US proposed adding Canada, and the Europeans countered with Italy. Then the Europeans proposed adding EU as a member (because the Dutch and the Belgian were pissed they weren’t represented), and the US countered with adding Australia. The French said forget it, too many Anglos in the room already. OK fine. That’s how we ended up with the G7 – the US, UK, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and Canada.

What happened afterwards is that like all organizations, it started to take on roles that it was not designed to do. Election campaigns coming up, and some G7 member decided to use the occasion to do some political grandstanding – good for the votes, you know. This was universally resented by the other members of the G7, because when you do political grandstanding, you invariably do so at the expense of the other members. Nonetheless, when you throw together a group of politicians, what do you expect? It’s like putting together a group of drunks and expect no alcohol to be served in the party. It went quickly from one guy taking a small sip to everybody drunk as sh*t. It’s at one of these G7 meetings where Helmut Schmidt made his famous pronouncement on Margaret Thatcher – “she is a bitch, she is tough, she lacks scope and she cannot lead”.

Then in 2008, the sub-prime mortgage crisis hit. All G7 members went down the tube. So what do you do? You go look for somebody with money, yes, those despised “developing countries” who have been saving their pennies. Like China, India, Brazil, … I mean, seriously, all G7 countries, other than Germany, are in debt up to their necks. Do you expect them to manage their economy to the debtors’ satisfaction, or to the lenders’ satisfaction? So, from 2008 and onward, the G7 group completely changed its focus, from global economy to politics. The economic forum is taken over by G-20 major economies , which China participates.

As for the original G7, there is now talk to invite Russia back to G7, with the Germans and the UK loudly proclaiming that the Middle East security can not be solved without the Russians. So Russia is on track to be invited back in 2017. Now do you get which countries should participate in G7?

The “advanced, democratic” countries who are bombing the Middle East!

China is NOT “advanced”, NOT “democratic”, and most importantly, NOT bombing the Middle East.


Reminder about the rule of THREE.

Mexican Stuffed Chicken Breasts

2023 05 13 19 03
2023 05 13 19 03


  • 2 chicken breasts
  • 1 can green chiles
  • 2 tablespoons black olives, chopped
  • 1/2 cup Monterey jack cheese, shredded
  • 1 large egg, beaten
  • 1 cup crushed tortilla chips
  • 1/4 cup vegetable oil
  • 1/2 cup canned enchilada sauce
  • 1 (16 ounce) can tomatoes
  • 1/2 cup Cheddar cheese


  1. Split, skin, bone and pound chicken breasts to flatten.
  2. Crush the tortilla chips finely. Chop enough black olives to yield 4 to 6 teaspoons.
  3. On each chicken breast place 1 chile, 1 teaspoon or more of chopped olives and 2 tablespoons jack cheese. Roll breasts tightly and fasten with wooden picks. Dip each roll into the beaten egg, then into crushed chips.
  4. Heat oil in a heavy skillet; brown rolls lightly. Place rolls in a shallow baking dish.
  5. Chop the tomatoes but do not drain. Mix with the enchilada sauce and pour over chicken rolls. Bake in preheated 350 degree F oven for 35 to 40 minutes.
  6. Sprinkle with Cheddar cheese and bake 5 to 7 minutes longer until cheese is bubbling.

Depeche Mode – Personal Jesus (Official Video)

Reach out and touch faith…

DPP “former legislator” Guo Zhengliang announced his withdrawal from the party, who will be next?

2023-05-20 09:04
Guo Zhengliang, a former "legislator" of Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party , declared yesterday (19th) that "the way is different, and we will not conspire with each other" and officially quit the Democratic Progressive Party. 

Before officially quitting the party, Guo Zhengliang once said that he is no longer a member of the DPP, and revealed that the reason why he will go further and further away from the DPP is because the Tsai government is unwilling to purchase the BNT vaccine in 2021 For one thing, contact with Shanghai Fuxing. 

Recently, "China Times News Network" YT ​​conducted a survey on "Guo Zhengliang announced his withdrawal from the Democratic Progressive Party! 

Many netizens discussed the next candidate who might leave. Who do you think it will be?", as many as 71% of netizens They think it is "legislator" Gao Jiayu, and 29% choose Taipei City Councilor Wang Shijian.

Article HERE

Everyone Will Be Wiped Out in 30 Days… The U.S. is in Real Trouble!


People in the U.S. Think They Are Better Than They Actually Are. People in Asia Don’t

Western individualism may promote a “better than you actually are” mindset

How competent are you, compared with your colleagues? When psychologists approach teams of coworkers with variations of this question, an interesting pattern emerges. If people have a truly realistic perspective of their abilities, then their self-assessments should generally fall around the middle. Instead psychologists have repeatedly found that people’s self-assessments are inflated. In fact, superstars and underperformers alike tend to think they are better than they truly are.

This effect is one example of a positive illusion: a cognitive bias that makes you feel more competent, more blessed, more fortunate and better than you are. Positive illusions seem intuitive and reasonable to many people. Some scholars argue that these illusions are fundamental to our species’ survival. To get by in life, they reason, you must remain optimistic, work hard, succeed, live long and leave offspring behind.

[Read more about the better-than-average bias]

Of course, some people don’t experience positive illusions and have a more realistic self-assessment. Unfortunately, such self-appraisals could make them feel more inadequate when comparing themselves with many others who have a very positive self-assessment. These comparisons may be an important cause of imposter syndrome—the suspicion that one is not deserving of one’s achievements. In other words, imposter syndrome may be the dark side of the societal norm toward positive selves.

But there is an important caveat to this discussion: the available evidence is based almost exclusively on a small fraction of humanity called Westerners. If positive illusions were truly essential to our species, we would expect them to be universal. But my work—and that of other research teams—suggests otherwise.

In the early 1990s my colleagues and I started our “Culture and the Self” project, exploring how the sense of the self might vary across cultures. We found no strong evidence for the better-than-average effect or other positive illusions in East Asia. In Japan, for example, when university students were asked what proportion of their peers were better than them in various traits and abilities, the average estimate fell around 50 percent.

In our newest area of research—cultural neuroscience—we find that the neural pathways that support positive illusions are absent in certain communities. In other words, a pattern that most psychologists have seen as a human universal is instead a product of culture.

The vast majority of the psychological database comes from so-called WEIRD (Western, educated, industrialized, rich and democratic) societies. Most scientists in psychology and other academic fields have a WEIRD cultural background. Therefore, the common view that positive illusions are a human universal is based on heavily skewed research.

To go beyond the limits of this WEIRD cultural perspective, my colleagues and I have directly compared responses from Westerners and East Asians to questions asking about the self. In one study published last year in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, both American and Taiwanese participants judged how good or bad they would feel when facing success or failure. Americans reported they would feel better about success than they would feel bad about failure. Meanwhile Taiwanese participants did not show this positive illusion: if anything, they reported they would feel worse about failure than they would feel good about success. This response from Taiwanese participants may reflect another psychological tendency called the negativity bias, in which negative events typically have much stronger emotional impacts than positive ones.

We then went a step further from past research by monitoring people’s brain waves as they made these judgments. Specifically, we looked at the magnitude of the “alpha wave”—a pattern of activity that appears when a person’s mind wanders and engages in internally directed thoughts. We observed the alpha effect when Americans thought about themselves within a fraction of a second after learning that something good happened to them. This early attention predicted the magnitude of their positive illusions. Taiwanese participants did not show this pattern when thinking about either success or failure happening to the self, nor did they show evidence of holding positive illusions, as mentioned above.

In East Asia, modesty is culturally valued. For that reason, some Western psychologists have tried to explain the absence of positive illusions by arguing that East Asians disguise their true feelings to avoid appearing too self-focused. But our data show that this explanation is inaccurate. We saw no added brain activity, for instance, that would correlate with effortful concealment of one’s true feelings among the Taiwanese people who participated in our study.

On the contrary, Westerners take an additional step to boost their good feeling when something good happens to them. They spontaneously maximize good feelings about the self through an automatic neural response. It occurs within a fraction of a second, without apparent effort, let alone any deliberation or conscious strategizing. Such a response might seem natural and inevitable, but it is not. Instead the response is cultural, having formed through years of socialization. The brain is extensively trained to produce this response because it supports attitudes that help a person fit into their individualistic culture, valuing self-promotion and initiative. East Asians show no such spontaneous or automatic response. They would seem to be more accepting of various events as those events happen to them. Other work we have done has found that while self-esteem predicts health in the West, it does not have the same consequences in East Asian societies.

When considering these results, it’s important to flag that findings about a whole culture or community are nuanced. Within a given group, there can be a high degree of variation from one person to the next. As previously mentioned, some people in the West experience imposter syndrome, which could be especially problematic, given this culture’s strong normative emphasis on feeling positive about the self. This example demonstrates why we cannot assume every Westerner or East Asian will follow a set pattern. But in broad terms, when we see these kinds of trends in our research, we have an opportunity to learn more about how culture shapes the brain and behavior.

We think the cultural variation in positive illusions is one example of a broader cultural difference in how the self is construed. Western societies generally regard the self as independent. Consequently, people in these societies are motivated to feel good about themselves. They work hard to identify their competence and uniqueness. In many cultures outside the West, however, people regard their selves as interdependent and embedded in social relationships. They feel protected and secure when connected to a larger social community. From that cultural perspective, there is no need to feel particularly good about one’s independent, individual self.

These differences set the stage for all manner of misunderstandings. From the Western perspective, East Asians might appear excessively polite in their attention to social ties or could seem disengaged or even depressed or maladjusted in their ambivalence toward self-promotion and initiative. Our data, however, show that East Asians respond to events naturally and realistically, without extra thought. From the East Asian perspective, the Western tendency to boost good feelings about oneself could come across as futile, unnecessary or even childish because it shows how the person is failing to appreciate the relational nature of the self. But our data suggest that Americans boost their positive selves because it helps them adapt to their culture. Altogether, by adopting the cultural neuroscience approach, we may keep our cultural preconceptions and biases at bay, thereby making our science less ethnocentric.

Stepping back, this work underscores the power of culture. Humans are the only animals that have survived by creating and taking advantage of various conventions, practices, meanings and social institutions. The evolution of these things, summarily called “culture,” has accelerated, especially over the past 10,000 years, forging several major cultural zones today. These zones vary greatly, and the cultural variation in positive illusion is a single instance, albeit an important one, of a more general process by which our culture shapes our ways of thinking, feeling and acting. We know what our culture is. Yet we don’t appreciate its mind-shaping power enough.

No Doubt It s my Life

The Far Side

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Yes. The US empire was designed and built like Rome and it is following the footsteps of its falling as George Santayana(1905) said “Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it”.

When considering the factors that led to the decline of Rome, it becomes evident that the similarities between the two situations are striking. The Roman Empire’s decline unfolded through a multifaceted progression, encompassing a blend of internal and external elements. The three major aspects that caused the eternal decline of Rome are internal decline, the dilution of a cohesive culture stemming from population expansion, and external challenges along the borders.

Internal Decline: (as seen in Daily headline news)

  • Corruption, nepotism, and political infighting weakened Rome’s institutions and governance.
  • Economic inequality grew, leading to social unrest and a widening gap between the elite and the masses.
  • Moral decay and a loss of traditional values eroded civic virtue and weakened the fabric of Roman society.

Loss of Coherent Culture: (failed to assimilate the new legal and illegal immigrants)

  • Rome’s expansion incorporated diverse cultures, diluting the sense of a unified Roman identity.
  • Assimilation of various populations proved challenging, resulting in fragmented cultural practices and values.
  • The empire struggled to integrate these diverse cultures, undermining social cohesion and a common purpose among its citizens.

The Decline of the Economy under the border problem of the American Empire: (Vietnam, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Taiwan, Southern boarder with Mexico)

  • Constant external threats and invasions strained Rome’s military and economic resources.
  • The need to sustain military campaigns and defense led to the debasement of the currency, causing rampant inflation and economic instability.
  • Increased taxation to fund the empire’s defense further burdened the struggling economy.

The idea of “costs” is a Western utility.

You say, “a hamburger costs $1”, or a “Aircraft carrier costs $15 billion”.

And in so doing, you equate value to it.

In China, it’s very different.

Value is ascertained differently, and handled differently.

He needs a meal. He doesn’t have enough money. He is given the meal.

He wants the car. He hasn’t enough money. Salesman discusses ways to get a cheaper car in a better deal.

Students need books. Books appear.

Emergency hospital is needed. It is built.

While currency, and all the book keeping that it entails, is similar to that of the West. The utility and utilization of that medium of exchange is quite different.

2023 05 15 15 17
2023 05 15 15 17

In the case of PL-15(E) actual costs in terms of Western understanding will never be obtained. If China needs this missile, then it appears. And that is the way it is done. Book keeping is handled on a different level and is divorced from the entire process.


Were China to sell this product to another nation; say Vietnam. The relationship as established by the diplomatic corps will determine the price that will be paid for it.

Which is unlike the West. Where costs are determined by the manufacturer of the product.

So in regards to ITEMS transferred by a GOVERNMENT system…

  • China. Government related costs are handled on a personal basis.
  • USA / West. Costs are uniform and determined by the civilian manufacturer.

Finally, a “sanity check”. For some perspective.

You run out of money.

And you need it soon. So you ask your friends for help

You ask your American friend.

He replies ‘Why do you need it?”, followed by a bunch of questions all requiring detailed answers. And at the end of the day, when it is all explained, he still refuses to lend you the money.

You ask your Chinese friend.

He replies “what’s your bank account number? Let me deposit it directly”.

That is the difference between the two societies.

American Psychosis – Chris Hedges on the US empire of narcissism and psychopathy

Must watch.


O-o-h Child

My little girl cannot control here emotions. She’s too young. One moment she is hysterical, and the next she is happy as can be. There’s an on/off switch if I ever saw one.

Let’s just control our emotions and have some positivity in our lives.

Ukraine Forced to Use ROBOTS to Fight Ammo Dump Fire – Radiation and Poisonous Depleted Uranium Dust


Ukraine has had to begin using ROBOTS to carry fire hoses into the remains of an ammunition dump, blown up by Russian missiles last week, because the dump housed about $500 Million worth of British-supplied Depleted Uranium tank shells, which spread radioactive and poisonous Uranium dust all over the area.

The poisonous Uranium dust is so prevalent, that human firefighters dare not go into the scene.

Robot Fire fighter Ukraine 2
Robot Fire fighter Ukraine 2

The fire at the site of a missile attack on a military warehouse in Khmelnitsky is extinguished by robots, remotely. 

Depleted Uranium (DU) tank shells were supplied by the British despite explicit warnings from Russia that such ammunition, if used by Ukraine, would be treated as a “Dirty Bomb” attack upon Russia, unleashing a Russian response with its own radioactive weaponry!  Yet the British sent the depleted uranium shells anyway.

Now, some observers are laughing that, in its zeal to supply Ukraine, Britain has ended up being the entity that radioactively contaminated their “ally” Ukraine!  Had Britain heeded Russia’s warning, the shells would not have been there.

While radiation levels have “spiked” upwards since the ammunition depot was hit, they are not dangerously high, and won’t be.  Depleted Uranium gives off very little radiation.   Here’s the Radiation readings for that city:

2023 05 16 12 01
2023 05 16 12 01

The big trouble with Depleted Uranium is that the substance is ALSO . . . . poisonous. Breathing it in almost guarantees lung cancer and other ailments. As weather washes the DU into the soil, it pollutes ground water, thereby poisoning the area water supply for DECADES.

Moreover, pregnant women exposed to DU, suffer miscarriages and hideous birth defects of children they carry to full term.

Robot Fire fighter Ukraine 3
Robot Fire fighter Ukraine 3

Prevailing winds in this city will carry the Uranium dust to other cities, towns, and villages downwind.


Dosimetric patrols work in the city. Measurements of the radiation background are carried out “in uncharacteristic places.” If earlier they were made in the area where the Khmelnytsky ammo depot was located (Neteshyn and its environs), now they are made in the regional center, in the west of the region and in Ternopil. After arriving at the military warehouse, the wind was blowing in a westerly direction. The authorities are silent about the work of patrols.

2023 05 16 12 02
2023 05 16 12 02

“My friends from Ukraine reported that the Westerners are panicking. They collect belongings and flee away from Khmelnitsky, and from Lviv and Ternopil. From everywhere where there are Ukrainian military units, warehouses, repair shops. Locals whisper that the detonated warehouse in Khmelnitsky was filled to the brim with depleted uranium shells. And my sources confirm this, ” writes political scientist Yuri Kot.

After the explosion, an increase in gamma radiation was recorded in the city. The release continues to grow. Given that depleted uranium emits a relatively small dose of gamma radiation, the current surge indicates the destruction of a very large stockpile of munitions, which sent uranium dust into the air.

My previous coverage of the Radiation Spike with video of the original explosion from the Russian missiles hitting, can be read HERE

… like I was saying (jam)

S Korea must prepare for a Taiwan war: ex-official

‘INEVITABLE’: In the event of a war with China, North Korea could launch partial attacks, so South Korea needs to strengthen its missile defenses, the ex-official said
  • By Chen Cheng-liang and William Hetherington / Staff reporter, with staff reporter. Taipei Times.

South Korea would inevitably be drawn into a potential war in the Taiwan Strait, so it must take steps to prepare and prevent war from breaking out, a former South Korean official said on Friday last week.

The US plans to send a submarine equipped with nuclear weapons to the Korean Peninsula as a deterrent against a nuclear attack by North Korea, US President Joe Biden said during a visit to the White House by South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol on March 26.

Former South Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs official Lee Yong-jun said the submarine would also have important implications for the US’ ability to respond to a Chinese attack on Taiwan, South Korea’s Chosun Ilbo reported on Friday last week.

The Ohio-class nuclear submarine could be equipped with 192 nuclear warheads — nearly half of the total number of nuclear warheads that China has — including the Trident-2 nuclear missile, which has an accuracy of within 100m, he said.

“Each of those warheads is 32 times stronger than the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima in World War II, meaning a fully equipped Ohio-class submarine is a threat equivalent to 6,000 times that bomb,” he said.

“Within three to five minutes it could turn every major Chinese city into scorched earth,” he said.

Having such a powerful US arsenal so close to China’s shores would leave the Chinese leadership feeling helpless, he said.

“But this is largely China’s own fault. This is the price China should pay for allowing and supporting North Korea’s nuclear weapons development over the past 30 years, obstructing international sanctions, and helping North Korea complete its nuclear armament,” he said.

Many people believe that Chinese President Xi Jinping (習近平) would attempt an invasion of Taiwan within the next few years, and if that happens, the US would inevitably be drawn into the conflict, and Japan would most likely assist the US, he said.

Those assumptions were evidenced by a number of factors including the US’ acquisition of bases in the Philippines, US aid packages to Taiwan for defensive weapons and Japan’s arming of uninhabited islands in Okinawa Prefecture, he said.

In the event of a war, the US and its allies would provide large-scale military assistance to Taiwan, and the US would completely block trade and financial transactions with China, he said.

“In that scenario, it would be very difficult for South Korea to only provide humanitarian aid to Taiwan, as it did during the Ukrainian war, or to remain on the sidelines,” he said.

“US troops stationed in South Korea may be transferred to the Taiwan front at that time, and North Korea may be incited to take military action,” he said.

“South Korea would be unable to escape the possible diplomatic, military and economic repercussions of the war.” he said.

A Russian defeat in the Ukraine war would greatly weaken China’s will to invade Taiwan, Lee said,

“the South Korean government should provide greater support to Ukraine’s defense.” he said.

South Korea and its allies must continue to articulate their opposition to a Chinese invasion of Taiwan, he said.

“Since a Chinese attack on Taiwan may instigate North Korea to launch a partial missile attack, South Korea’s missile defense network should be greatly strengthened,” he said.

South Korean companies should also readjust their trade with and investment in China in advance of such a conflict, as sanctions on China would make such trade impossible, he said.

I think he said far too much. -MM

The Best Endings From The Sopranos

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Ohio Guy

Thank you MM, Sebastian, and others like you, for being who you are, and doing the good things you do for the betterment of humanity and this planet. You are exemplary. OG


You give those pedophilic, country-raping scumbags what for.

When I regain my old abilities/powers, I am going to beat the absolute shit out of my former employers for Setting me Up with a fake mission. I kissed their asses and broke my back for all these centuries, only for them to throw me under the bus.

They got another thing coming to them.


No one has been fuckednover by the US gov more than you. I got outraged onVets day,lost a few more friends, fuck um, memorialday should maybe include all we killed. Fuck it. I know where you are at.

This last week i have had dreams and its clear to me it its the last of the old empire. I have friends other than you with implants i have seen radiologolically, not only you. and all those i know say its time to take the Old Empire out for good. There are remains. But each of us have to do it our selves. Ets wont help our evelotion more than stopping whats they have already.

there will be no war. Ets didnt make humans for nothing. the medium bads will happen to bad people. we will continue on and eventually unify maybe chinese or not but the old empire is finished.

^ dreams fighting them i did best i could


Hello, active and passive readers, MM and other contributor: To practice being assimilated to Rufus as much as possible, simply in accordance with the Beneficent Law of Life using our primary senses and more if we have. Particularly translated into a factual act, to control or guide the course of our navigation. Let’s be the reports to injustices and other contemptuous all in coherence with reality. No matter the level or position of power and knowledge. Courage and prudence are allies. Thank you for your media, thank you for traveling this path and spreading it, respecting those around you, remembering the values ​​that rufus embodies. Metaphorical You and we are on top of the world, contemplating and painting what looks like the sky or the stars of the cosmos.

Rod Cloutier

It was a sobering word of caution when I first read about your ‘Retirement’. All of the free sex web sites are blackmail sites, that’s how they get their funding. Have something on everyone

I’m sure you’ve heard about the Friday night spaceship crash in Las Vegas this week, and the police body cam footage of the aliens. That they look like the Domain.

Any comment on what happened ? Just curious.


W estern
E ducated
I ndustrialized
R ich

Lol, made my day!

And Gary Larson –
Can’t get any better today.

Best regards and take care,

Alexander Martis

Hello from the other side of the world.
The common thread among us is the recognition and understanding of the harm the ruling class in the west has caused us. All we wanted was to live in peace, to be respected, allowed to prosper, to live our lives with decency and dignity. To be able to earn legitimately what we need and want. For that reason we reach out for each other here, in this site.
Don’t think, Metallicman, that your story has been forgotten. Every time I remember how you were discarded by the system in the most disrespectful way, once it felt your usefulness was done; that has no forgiving. I do not accept it is, should be or has to be SOP. It is unacceptable. People are not a used disposable cup, plate or toilet paper. Evidently the child predator accusation was all fabrication. Otherwise, how the heck the Chinese government allows you to live in China?
I believe we are warriors of a different kind. As so, we have defensive and offensive actions to take. I do have affirmations in my campaign, directing the cancellation and returning back of all evil actions, coming from whoever feels the need to harm myself and/or my loved ones. In their eyes myself and my loved ones should be destroyed. The average person in the west is targeted for destruction. The powers that should NOT BE want depopulation. They are destructionists, in the most evil way possible. Be it through bio-weapons, degradation of food and water supplies, poking the Russian Bear and the Chinese Dragon, and the multitude of means the Emperors without clothes claim to possess. We have been declared war. We did not declare war. We did not start this. We have been left with no other option than to defend ourselves.
In all wars there are casualties. I am aware I could be one. Maybe this writing will be picked up by the bots the alphabet soup agencies have scanning the internet. This could be used against me and my loved ones. Who knows. I do not trust any government of this planet anymore. My plans and affirmations however, call for myself and my loved ones to go on and live, be prosperous, happy, smart, wise, peaceful, useful and healthy.
We will see. Hope this does not get me in trouble. I value a lot my privacy and anonymity. This is the only place I share some of my thoughts.
To all of you out there, I wish you all the best. We all need a sharp, clear and calm mind.


Thank for the hard work. Hold the line . Ending of the 1000 yrs challenge. The workers in the vineyard are no longer alone . The presence of the Lord has return!