This is my video on “Ghost People” (on the MWI). I unlocked it out of Patreon for the MM group to learn from, and (possibly) enjoy.
Take care.
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This is my video on “Ghost People” (on the MWI). I unlocked it out of Patreon for the MM group to learn from, and (possibly) enjoy.
Take care.
Thank you for breaking out that video presentation. Ready for grade 3. If I may conject on your simplified explanations….
I visualize your MWI grid as a 2-dimensional cross section of a 3-D “bundle” of timelines. As your consciousness within it’s non-physical sheath traverses from line to line (4 jumps per second), it also advances in that third dimension to form a complete impression of time. The closest timelines contain proportionately lower “concentrations” of your consciousness fanning out to infinitely distant and lower consciousness concentrations. The central concentration is what some call the focus. So, while closer timelines contain ghost bodies of proportionately higher consciousness, none of them have a focus in YOUR timeline – only a slightly “brighter” presence.
The ghost timelines are created by thought and traversed by intention, or by default, random “downhill” motion. So, for example, if you have had an implant placed in your physical head on one timeline, your “soul” automatically creates the new ghost body with that implant at every possible adjacent MWI point. And so forth for every detail, down to haircuts, scars, knee pain, etc. As well as the entire surrounding “scenery”. All based on the EXPECTATIONS of your consciousness in the form of thoughts and memories.
Are there any glaring errors in this model so far?
I have been meaning also to comment on my experience from the time a few months ago when you exclaimed that you had sensed a big shift. Nothing Earth shattering happened to me, but I did suddenly find a favorite hat on its usual place on a shelf – several years after it after it blew off my head into the water and was lost. Shift, indeed?