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Uncle Franks Jacket

When I was growing up, I referred to my Maternal Grandfather as “Uncle”. Mind you, this was in a Irish Catholic household, and unless you were the first husband, and the father of the mother, you became “uncle”. Not grandfather.


My grandfather on my mother’s side was “uncle”, not “grandfather”, because as I surmise today (as a much older man) he was not my mother’s father.


They, like my father’s family had separate bedrooms for the man and the woman. My grandmother had her bedroom, and my “uncle” had his own bedroom. This was actually quite common in my family, as the men-folk from both families all started to snore when they turned 40 or so.


The poor women would never get any sleep unless that arrangement occurred. Yeah. It was never really explained that way to me. It’s just that you figure out these things over time as you age. Otherwise, it’s just a “family affair”, and something that you are supposed to “understand” and absorb like osmosis.


That was not the only room that the women and the men folk didn’t share. Oh no. They also did not share the bathroom.

The men’s bathroom, for the people on both sides of my family was in the basement. This also included my father. Who had a little cubby hole under the basement stairs. As well as all my uncles. Later on, when I was much older, and my father was in his 70’s this arrangement continued with his new wife. She had her own bedroom, and bathroom, and so did my father. And his bathroom was in the basement… yet again.

Anyways, one day we (as kids, I was perhaps 14 at the time) were visiting my maternal grandmother, and she and my brother was in “uncle” Frank’s bedroom. And going through his credenza. And she was all Hell bent on giving away some of “uncle” Frank’s old items that he never wore.

And he just stood there. Really kinda emotional.

He had a leather jacket, “bomber “highwayman”style with a logo on the back that dated to the 1940’s and my grandmother was giving it to my younger brother Daniel. It fit him perfectly.


But, it was painful to watch because my “uncle” Frank did not want to part with that jacket. It’s not that he ever wore it, but it held some important memories and emotions to him, but my grandmother seemed oblivious to his emotional state.

I didn’t understand.

Two years later… he died. I was working in the mines, and it was mentioned as an off-hand remark at the dinner table one weekend. “Oh, by the way… Uncle Frank died”…followed by “please pass the peas”, and “How’s your cheerleader project going…” (said to my sister).

Odd. Really odd.

I have never been able to go though the emotional disconnect with “uncle” Frank and my grandmother, as all my uncles and aunties. When I checked on ancestry dot com, he is officially listed as my maternal grandfather… so what is up with that? Eh?

It only seems to point to another man being my mother’s father. But I’ll never know the truth.

An “official” father, but referred to as an “uncle”. Hum… Was a different “father” involved?

Anyways… here’s to Frank.

You were certainly unappreciated, and not as well respected (I believe) that you deserve. Perhaps it’s an Irish-American thing, but this little post will allow you to live on somewhat… in the minds of thousands of strangers.

As far as the leather jacket was concerned, yeah… my brother loved it and wore it all the time in his high school years and into his college years. It was a “truckers leather jacket” (highwayman) and fit him well.

highwayman leather jacket 1940s
highwayman leather jacket 1940s

And Frank. When you reincarnate… please never allow yourself to be P-whipped by anyone. It’s not becoming. Your clothes are YOURS. No one else’s.


What’s the best answer a witness ever gave to a smart lawyer?

I think I may have answered a similar question before but the best response I’ve heard was from my wife. She was a senior manager in Children’s Social Services in the UK. She was involved in a very unfortunate case about a social worker with Schizophrenia which came before the Family Court. Due to the social worker’s condition it was felt that her child needed to be taken into care for their protection. In challenging this, the social worker’s barrister quoted from a manual providing guidance to social workers. My wife challenged his defence saying that he was taking the particular section out of context and what was really intended was something quite different.

The barrister then challenged her in the sort of language beloved of smart-arsed lawyers ‘Oh, you are blessed with this wonderous gift denied to us mere mortals that you can look at the written page and and read the mind of the author when they wrote it’.

My wife then replied……

‘If you look at the author’s name on the front page of that document, you will see that I did indeed produce that guidance. ‘

The judge was covering his mouth with his hand to hide his snigger.

How did you get over the narcissist?

Deactivated or deleted all my social media – this removes the temptation to look.

Deleted their phone number and any trace of them that I could – photos and any other memorabilia I had.

Went on a long holiday on my own somewhere warm by the sea, sparsely populated and that I’d never been to before.

When I got home, I came out of my very early retirement (at 50) to throw myself back into my work in law and business so that I could direct all of my energy & emotion & passion into something positive that ended up making me quite a bit of money. I was so busy that I didn’t have the time to feel sorry for myself or miss her.

I got fit. I was never obese and had been quite fit & athletic up to my 40’s which was a hold over for my military service, but I was middle aged and starting to feel it. I worked out 5 times a week like a mad ba$tard, walked 3–4 miles every day, dropped 42lbs and looked 10 years younger. I’d never felt better, more energy, less aches and pains and my libido went through the roof 😁

Two years and six months later my life was completely different and I didn’t care about the Narc anymore.

I will admit that despite all of this I do still miss her sometimes… for maybe about ten seconds – or at least I miss the illusion and dream of who she led me to believe she was. But in focusing on myself I was able re-establish my own identity again which then reinforced the fact that it wasn’t my fault. That I wasn’t to blame for what happened.

Because some people are just wrong in the head and can be quite toxic & poisonous to the people they latch onto.

The moral of this story is that when you leave the narcissist, you have to focus on YOU! Fuck them, try and forget about them as best you can and work on yourself. It doesn’t matter what you do or where you are, but if you concentrate on levelling up and doing whatever you can to better and improve yourself, you will eventually heal and no longer give a $hit about the Narc.

And your life will be better too!

I promise.

Bread and Butter Pudding

Bread and Butter Pudding
Bread and Butter Pudding


  • Butter for greasing
  • 5 slices white bread, crusts removed, thinly spread with butter
  • 1/2 cup raisins
  • 2 pieces lemon rind
  • 2 tablespoons granulated sugar
  • 3 medium eggs (at room temperature)
  • 2 cups milk
  • 1 tablespoon brown sugar
  • 8 ounces heavy cream, lightly whipped


  1. Thoroughly grease a 6-cup round ovenproof soufflé dish.
  2. Lay a slice of buttered bread, butter side up, in the base of the dish, sprinkle on a few of the raisins, and repeat until bread and raisins are used up, reserving enough raisins to sprinkle on the top.
  3. Slide the 2 pieces of lemon rind down into the dish on opposite sides from each other.
  4. Place the granulated  sugar in a mixing bowl, break in the eggs, and beat for 1 minute with a balloon whisk or electric hand mixer.
  5. Add milk and mix well. Pour over the bread and push the bread down so that it gets soaked, then sprinkle the brown sugar on top.
  6. Heat the oven to 425 degrees F and after 5 minutes of preheating, place the pudding in oven.
  7. Bake for 30 minutes until the dessert has risen well and the top is crusty and golden brown.
  8. Serve immediately with whipped cream.

Secret Door Reveals Killer’s Darkest Secrets | Documentary


How would China react if the United States declared a naval blockade?

The world—American or otherwise—should bear this in mind.

Chinese ports handled 300m containers last year.

To put the number in context, American ports struggle with 50–60m, with the 10% increase during covid provoking loud creaks of protest from the antiquated system, resulting in transpacific shipping rates going up by an order of magnitude, or >10x.

China is the truly the world’s factory. It imports plenty, and exports plenty.

A naval blockade of China equals a naval blockade of the world, tradewise.

What happens to the >1t in annual revenue that American MNCs generate from within the mainland? Note this is not visible from bilateral trade figures.

What happens to Wall Street?

Good luck with that foolhardy scenario, which will lead to material collapse of civil society everywhere, because China is indispensable to the global supply chain.

Cheese and Onions

Serve with potatoes.

Cheese and Onions
Cheese and Onions


  • 7 or 8 large onions, peeled and sliced
  • 1 cup water
  • 14 ounces extra sharp Cheddar cheese, shredded


  1. Put half of onions in a microwave proof dish and add water.
  2. Microwave about 15 minutes, drain and put into a glass casserole dish.
  3. Put half of cheese on top of onions. Repeat with remaining onions, adding them to dish when cooked in microwave and adding remaining cheese.
  4. Bake at 350 degrees F for about 30 minutes or until cheese is browned to your taste.
  5. Serve with mashed potatoes.

What is the rudest thing somebody said to you when you were obviously pregnant?

I was eight months pregnant, and I was huge. I was at the grocery store and I had just gotten in line and was putting the items on the conveyor belt when a very strong contraction hit, you know, the stop you in your tracks kind. While I was standing there trying to catch my breath and wait for the pain to pass, the customer behind me, who was apparently in a hurry, told me to “move my fat a@&^$” on so she could go. The cashier, who knew me figured out what was happening, had already reached out to her supervisor and was closing down the line so she could help me, when the customer said really loudly, “That fat cow just peed on the floor”, ( my water hadn’t broken, but it had started leaking). Hilarious chaos ensues, I’m hunched over the counter being yelled at by the customer, the cashier and my friend are both yelling at her, and the supervisor is trying to herd the yelling customer and the others, who are trying to see what’s going on, to another line to get them checked out. The last thing I remembered was being called a “fat cow”, everything else receded into the background. What I remembered of that incident was what the cashier and my friend told me when they visited me in the hospital. The cashier later told me my friend ripped that woman a new one while the paramedics were putting me into the ambulance.


What should you do when someone has taken your assigned seat and refuses to move on an airplane?

This happened to me. A woman wearing a hijab was in my seat. I politely said “excuse me but I think this is my seat.” The man next to her, by the window, very sternly said “no, this is my wife and she will stay here.” He was middle eastern. I say this not because I’m racist but because I realized there was a culture concern here. I showed him my ticket, but he very rudely proclaimed that his wife was not moving. The poor wife never spoke, but kept her eyes down the whole time.

The flight attendant came over to see what was going on. The husband was very rude to her as well and said his wife would not move. After some more conversation, in which the man wouldn’t budge, the flight attendant looked at me with a bit of desperation in her eyes. I knew that if things escalated, the man and his wife would be removed from the plane and we’d all be delayed. She asked me if I would consider changing seats with the woman, whose assigned seat was a couple of rows back.

I looked at the rude man and said, “No, I don’t mind. All he had to do was ask me.”

Part of me wishes I had made a thing out it, because his rudeness should not have won, but ultimately I didn’t want the plane to be delayed. The person I felt sorry for was the embarrassed, subservient wife.


Rare Ferrari Daytona Found After 40 Years In Japanese Barn

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Many thought this car didn’t even exist.

Ferrari had, in fact, only ever commissioned one street version of its Daytona with a full aluminum body. Completed in 1969, the car was exported to a Japanese dealership in 1971 and then featured in the January 1972 issue of Car Graphic, a Japanese motoring magazine.

After passing hands several times, it ended up in the barn of its last owner, Makoto Takai, some time around 1980.

The car is in “barn find” condition and is being put up for sale unrestored. The odometer displays just over 22,000 miles. RM Sotheby’s expects the car to fetch up to 1.7 million euros ($2 million), according to the auction catalog.

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Women Who Were Filmed Being Murdered By Cartels..


What did someone say in court that made you burst out laughing?

It’s jury selection for a medical malpractice case. It’s tedious, and the judge appears to be asleep. Lawyers have questioned a dozen potential jurors already. “Do you know anyone on the witness list?” “Have you ever been harmed by a medical practitioner?” “Has anyone you know been harmed by a medical practitioner?”…he’s reading the questions off a clipboard and making notes from time to time.

They get to one juror and before questions even begin he’s giving lawyerman the eye, like “Tread carefully, sir.” Lawyer doesn’t seem to notice.

“Do you know anyone on the witness list?”
“Yes.” Eye.
“Who do you know?”
“The doctors listed as expert witnesses for the prosecution.” Eye.
“All the doctors listed as expert witnesses?”
“Yes.” Eye
“How do you know them?”
Juror sighs. “Through my…profession.”

He’s clearly trying not to provide extra info, but lawyer plows on. I’m already smirking. I don’t know what’s coming, but I sense a train wreck. The lawyer looks at the juror expectantly. The juror finally says, “I’m an investigator.”

“Of what?”
“Insurance fraud.” Oh snap.

“CHAMBERS NOW,” says the judge. Oh hell, I guess he wasn’t asleep after all.

They ended up dismissing the whole jury pool—we’d been hopelessly tainted. The judge was pissed. I just thought it was hilarious.

15 Brutal Hells Angels Rules That Are Mandatory


What are some ugly truths of life?

A forwarded story.

One day,a bus driver went to the bus garage, started his bus and drove off along the route.

No problem for the first few stops,afew people got on , a few got off and things went generally well.

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At the next stop, however,a big hulk of a guy got on. Six feet height, built like a wrestler,arms hanging down to the ground. He glared at the driver and said, “ Big John doesn’t have to pay!

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The driver was five feet three,thin, and basically meek.

Naturally,he didn’t argue with Big John,but he wasn’t happy about it.

The next day the same thing happened. Big John got on again,made a show of refusing to pay, and sat down.

And the next day, and the one after that..

This went over the driver,who started losing sleep over the way Big John was taking advantage of him.

Finally he could stand it no longer.

He signed up for body building course,karate,judo and all that stuff.

By the end of the summer,he had become quite strong and the big thing is that he felt really good about himself.

So on the next Monday, when Big John once again got on the bus and said, “Big John doesn’t pay!” The driver stood up,glared back at the passenger and screamed, “And why not?”

With a surprised look on his face,Big John replied, “ Big John has a bus pass.”

Like the story above, most often in life, without realising the basics of the problems,we work hard finding solutions at the cost of time, effort , money and relationships. But in reality the problems are not that big. This is an ugly truth of life.

TikTokers Who Captured Their Final Moments

As a superior: Did an ex-employee ever say something to you that made you fire him on the spot? What was it?

I had a patient with Shy Drager Syndrome. Nothing at all wrong with her mind, but she had very limited use of her body. She was a very nice person who used to drive a school bus. She was in her mid 40s. She was incontinent of bowels and bladder.

There was a CNA (certified nursing assistant) on my hall who was kind of tough. She had a harsh demeanor and some patients and other employees were a bit afraid of her. I wasn’t.

One day I heard a commotion down the hall. I went down there to find my patient crying and the CNA speaking to her in a very loud and rude voice. She had had a bowel movement in her briefs and had tried to make herself more comfortable because she hadn’t been checked by said CNA and I’m sure it was cold and lumpy and uncomfortable.

The CNA was loudly berating her for everyone to hear. She was saying. “You’re disgusting, Margaret! You are so nasty! Do you think I want to deal with this mess that you made”??? Oh hell no. I was livid. I called another CNA to please tend to the patient while I had a talk with the bully CNA.

She didn’t want to hear what I had to say and gave me attitude so I told her to gather her belongings and clock out. I told her that she was no longer employed by us. I advised her to find a line of work where she wouldn’t have the opportunity to terrorize helpless human beings who depended on others for care. She gave me the side eye but left with no issues.

News travels fast and soon the whole facility knew that I had just fired her. They advised me to have someone walk with me to my car that night. They feared retribution. I was called Monday by the administrator to discuss the situation. He was in agreement with me. Problem solved.

What was the weirdest thing you have seen in plain sight?

When I was 16 I was driving to a friend’s house for the first time with only an address (pre-GPS – pre-cell phone). It was the dead of night and I was having trouble reading the numbers on the houses so I got out of my car, left it running to read the numbers on a house. I read it and realized I wasn’t close so I ran back to my car only to discover that I had apparently hit the door lock on my way out. I stared in horror at my locked car, running, with lights on, in the middle of the road. Finally I went to the house I had looked at and explained the situation. My window was cracked so I asked if I could borrow a coat hanger to try to lift the door lock. I was 16, the man was a full adult and taking pity on me he not only got a hanger but came out to the street to try to unlock my car for me – which was so huge for me as a teenager! As he is is working on it the street lights up. We both look up and a HUGE craft is sailing over us trailing PURPLE fire! I was speechless. We both were. After it passed, the man turned to me and said ‘I’m so glad you’re here… no one would ever believe this….’. He succeeded in unlocking my door and I told everyone this crazy story about a space ship that flew RIGHT OVER ME.

A couple of days later the local paper had a story about it. Apparently it was a satellite burning up during re-entry. Nevertheless it is the most astounding thing I have ever seen with my own eyes.

Probably a long shot that the man who helped me that night will see this but OMG you saved my life that night. 30 years later I still feel immense gratitude, I’m sure 16 year old me did not express that adequately and I’m glad that someone else saw this with me!

Scientists Think There Could Be LIFE on Europa and It’s Even Weirder Than We Thought!

What instantly makes a person less attractive?

So I went to market yesterday with my mom to buy some vegetables for home. I always purchase vegetables from a specific vendor, as he gives me fresh vegetables in lower price than the market and his respectful behavior towards me. A person came out from a BMW car with his small daughter to buy vegetables. I asked mom to look at his car and said that it costs around 80 lakhs. He was in hurry and asked the vendor to pack 1 kg of tomatoes and cabage with some other vegetables. And then he asked to sum the bill. The vendor said ₹135 . He gave him a 100rs note and started leaving towards his car.

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Then the vendor yelled – Bhaiya ji aur 35 rupay.

Brother you need to give me more 35 rupees.

He – Aree ho jayega rakho tum.

Keep it. It is sufficient.

Vendor- Nahi bhaiya, nhi hoga. Mera khareedi bhi nahi hai utna.

No Brother. Even my purchase is not that much.

He – Tu na kisi aur ko thug na.

You, deceive someone else okay.

Vendor – Nahi, bhaiya meine aapko bahut kam rate lagaya hai. Aapko itne kam mein koi nehi dega.

Nope brother, I have gave you these in less price possible. Nobody is gonna sell you vegetables at this price.

He – Aree hojayega tum rakho na.

Come on ! Keep it na

Vendor – Bhaiya agar aapko nahi lena hai toh aap rakhdo, parr mein itna kaam mein nahi de sakta.

Brother, if you don’t wanna take it then let it be, leave these vegetables. I can’t give you in this cheap price.

After that the person threw all the vegetables in front of the vendor and said ‘rakhle apna Sabji, sadh jayega magar koi nahi lene wala ‘.

‘Keep your vegetables, nobody is gonna take this and it will be rotten’

Me – Aree aapne aise kyu feka Sajiyo ko, usne jab aapko diya tha toh ache se diya na

Why did you throw these vegetable ?! When he sold you the vegetables, he gave you with respect right.

He – Bhai tu apne kaam se kaam rakh.

Bro, you mind your business.

Me – Aap unke boss nahi ho jo aap unse aise vyabhar karoge. Aapko nahi lena tha toh ache se bhi lauta sakte the.

You can’t behave with him like that as you are not his boss. If you wouldn’t want to take vegetables, you could’ve given it back with respect.

He – Yeh kya tera Mama lagta hai ? Tu kyu uska wakil ban rah hai.

Is he your uncle ? Why you are being his advocate!

Me – Han yeh mere mama lagte hai, aur mein banunga uska wakil. Tumhe kuch problem hai

Yes he is my uncle and I will be his advocate. Have any problem?

To divert the argument between us my mom yelled at me to keep quite and said , ‘Bhai Saab aapko toh sabji lena nahi hai, parr hume late hora hai. hume sabji kharidne dijiye’

‘ Brother, you don’t need vegetables, do you ? We are being late so please let us shopping for home.

That person threw daggers at me and finally went away.

Like what’s the benifit to maintain a BMW car when you don’t have money to buy vegetables.

So coming back to the question

What instantly makes a person less attractive?

Abusive behaviour of a person towards the people who stands on the road side whole day to provide us service and feed his family. Towards those people who considered as lower class according to our so called society. Showing your rude behaviour to others won’t make you look either rich or cool. It certainly makes one less attractive no matter how much rich he/she is or how great he/she looks.

Spreading kindness is not that expensive. But the love that we get in return is priceless.

5 Times TikTokers Messed With The Wrong Cartels

Watch this.

Now read this…

From a follower…

This is legit; Gordon Duff claimed years ago that the Mexican cartels (heavily involved with Mossad) own the entire legislatures of many southern states. NM and Az are 100% cartel.

Connecticut and New Hampshire are also fully controlled.
Flabbergasting, right?

2 of the richest, "whitest" states and yet cartel controlled.
As I knew years ago: the US isn't even a country anymore, just competing, very dangerous factions vying for control. The US military (Navy and Army deadly rivals) is still the top faction for now holding it all together.
Intel agencies half compromised. Irish/catholic and Mormon mafias fight for control FBI and CIA.
But for how much longer?

The "jews" are just minor players despite what everyone seems to think. But definitely the money guys.
Interesting times.

And this shows up on Hal Turner.
As the Domain said: by 2024 the US won't be in a position to make war on anybody.
Looks like something is definitely happening at the border, regardless.


Cheddar Cheese Soup

Cheddar cheese originally came from the English town of Cheddar, where it was made as early as the sixteenth century.

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  • 1 small onion, chopped
  • 1 medium stalk celery, thinly sliced
  • 2 tablespoons butter or margarine
  • 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper
  • 1/4 teaspoon dry mustard
  • 1 (10 3/4 ounce) can condensed chicken broth
  • 1 cup milk
  • 2 cups (8 ounces) shredded Cheddar cheese
  • Paprika


  1. Cover and simmer onion and celery in butter in 2-quart saucepan until onion is tender, about 5 minutes.
  2. Stir in flour, pepper and mustard. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly until smooth and bubbly; remove from heat.
  3. Add chicken broth and milk. Heat to boiling over medium heat, stirring constantly. Boil and stir 1 minute.
  4. Reduce heat to low. Stir in cheese; heat over low heat, stirring occasionally, just until cheese is melted. Do not boil the soup after the cheese has been added, as the soup may separate.
  5. Sprinkle soup with paprika.

The TERRIFYING Last Minutes of Lynyrd Skynyrd

I was in university when this happened, and we were all big fans. We were shaken to the core! Fact.

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Irish Catholic households can be weird.

My Irish paternal grandmother was a fiercely religious example and a truly awful person. She literally tortured my father, probably because he was (I think – she took the truth to her grave) a secret bastard!

Growing up in Irish Catholic schools was a great way to learn that religion is bullshit. Say one thing and do another was the norm.

While the women definitely ruled the households, the men were uniformly wildly unfaithful! Not a great basis for a healthy family. That’s all a bygone era now, which is fine. 🙂