Israel planned a nuclear detonation in Iran?
It looks like this actually happened.
Israel tried, and was it was shot down.
Jesus H. Christ.
World War III for certain.
This video is great.
Watch this video before it is taken down. It is currently suppressed.
Ray McGovern with Nima Alkhorshid on the possibility Israel might have sent a F-35 loaded with atomics, the intention was to detonate them in high altitude, getting an EMP effect destroying the Iranian civil electrical grid. The military…
As I understood the discussion, Pepe Escobar reported it, and Scott Ritter, as a military expert, said that that event was logically impossible.
Nevertheless, we shouldn’t put anything past these monsters.
Mao Zedong 毛 泽 东 (1893-1976) made sure in 1949, at the start of the People’s Republic of China, that all the Western Jews left China. I’m not speaking of the Jewish families of Kaifeng being there since the Song dynasty (960-1279). Obviously, they were not expelled. Also, I’m not speaking of certain Jews like Sydney Rittenberg 李 敦 白 (1921-2019) or Israel Epstein 伊 斯 雷 爾 爱 潑 斯 坦 (1915-2005) the Chinese rulers thought useful for them and China.
Contrary to many urban legends repeated with gusto by misguided people, I don’t think that the Jews (in general or those living in Israel) rule the World. Of course, their “elite” is part of the movers & shakers of this World but it doesn’t mean that they rule the World. They are powerful but not all-powerful as their excellent propaganda managed to make some incurable morons believe.
Their “elite” had a lot of money, sure …
But that kind of candies works only for lowly kakocrats and NO countries endowed with a minimum of aristocratic men at the helm of the State would have succumbed to money.
Same remark concerning the big rogue state.
What’s certain is that their “elite”, especially the Zionist variety (living in the US, Western Europe or Israel) is endowed with chutzpah to an inordinate level.
The British used them at the beginning of the twentieth century for getting a foothold in West Asia because Mark Sykes (1879-1919), the British representative in West Asia at the time, got extremely disappointing results in his negotiations with François Georges-Picot (1870-1951), his French counterpart. And being clever people, the Zionist leaders, having seen clearly through the British government and its representative, the clumsy Mark Sykes, skillfully accepted to be used in order to gain a state in Palestine, having stolen step by step the land from their rightful owners since then.
As crimes’ partners, the Zionists are in a very deep symbiotic relationship with the Anglo-American EstabLishment, hence the acronym I coined : KFC-AZAEL (Kakistocratic Feudal Conglomerate of the Anglo-Zio-American EstabLishment).
It’s a well-known psychological phenomenon that a servant will take on unconsciously/subconsciously the characteristics of the master. In this case, both groups suffering from the get-go of extreme hubris; together, they reciprocally amplify to a staggering degree their common deadly character flaw.
Here’s a reminder of what happened between May 16, 1916 (Sykes-Picot Agreement) & November 2, 1917 (Balfour Declaration) :
There is also THE OTHER URBAN LEGEND that, thanks to his agent having got the news that Napoleon Bonaparte was defeated at Waterloo on June 15, 1815 before everyone, the Rothschild at the time screwed everybody at the London Stock Exchange and that his family held under their thumb the British aristocracy & its global policies since then … Legendary, huh ?!
What is sure is that the Zionists managed somehow to get A LOT OF MONEY from the US officials. The US elite is completely hypnotized by the prestige (the bribes ?) of the Jews & the Jewish culture ???
Believe what you want but for me, NO ONE IS ALL-POWERFUL …
I repeat myself : If true, Russia saved the World once again.
Not only that, Russia sent a crystal clear message to the mini rogue state & to the big rogue state, that there are truly red lines in this World & there is someone to seriously enforce them.
Those people, the ruling classes of the mini rogue state & the ruling class of the big rogue state, will never change.
Ceterum censeo KFC-AZAEL-nem esse delendam
Have you ever been pulled over by a police officer for an unusual reason?
Yes. I was on my way home and got pulled over by a cop who handed me two packages of really nice dog treats, asked to fuss my dog, and then gave me a card with his name and number. He was really friendly, lovely, asked me alot about my dog, and even asked me where I got my dog’s beautiful collar from. He then wished us well and left.
This is why.
I had been at a restaurant with three friends and my assistance dog. I’m a wheelchair user. It was a nice place, a bit pricey, but nice.
My assistance dog was always impeccably well behaved. She went under the table, next to me, and went to sleep.
We ordered our meal, and were eating, when some very bratty kids (6 ish in age, old enough to read) started running around. They saw my dog and started bugging her, getting near her and yelling WOOF!!! Then one brat poked her. My dog’s only reaction was to get up and put her head on my knee.
I strongly told Brats to bug off, leave my dog alone, and to go to their parents. Brat 2 joined her, saying, loudly, DOGS AREN’T ALLOWED IN HERE, STUPID!
I smiled as nicely as I could and tried to explain that she was a special helper dog… then Brat 1… who was a good 3 feet from my dog (whose head was still on my knee) yelled THAT DOG BIT ME!
The two terrors ran screaming ITS A BAD DOG! ITS A PITBULL! ITS GONNA KILL ME!
My dog was a smallish, exceptionally gentle, patient, and calm black lab.
In no time parents are with restaurant manager demanding that they throw me and my “pitbull” out of the restaurant. All the other patrons are looking and pointing.
I have not moved. We are still eating.
The parents (and its clear why the kids were monsters…) come over and demand to see my ID so they can “engage their solicitor”. The manager, clearly upset and embarrassed, said “I need to ask you to leave”.
I said I was not giving my ID to anyone, I was not leaving, and I would appreciate if they would leave me alone as my dog was allowed by law and they were ruining my.meal. I might have added that at least SHE had her shots and was obedience trained…
The mother screamed that my pitbull (sigh) had nearly ripped Perfect Princess’ arm off. Note said child has a small round superficial bite mark on her wrist encircled by the same pink as her lip gloss.
I told them all that my dog bit no one, and to call the cops but I wasn’t speaking to them any longer. My friend just kept eating and chatting as if nothingvwas wrong.
Parents storm off, manager begs me to leave, tells me to leave, demands I leave… I explained about Assistance Dogs, introduce her, tell him he can see she was not a problem but by then Parents are back and they had called 999 saying there was a rabid pitbull running arounfçattacking children … manager tells me to please get out. I reply…
She’s not a bitbull.
There is no rabies in Britain.
She had not moved from her space next to me.
She is wearing an AssistancevDog jacket, Ive shown my ID, and tried to explain. Im going no where.
I’m not really upset because this shit happens often enough that Im used to it… the brats were a unique twist, but people are really ignorant about Assistance Dogs.
All of a sudden a handful of cops burst in. Parents tell their side. They strut over to me and demand I immediately leave. I said that when we were done eating I would, but not until. In all this the waitress had continued to serve us… so we just got our puddings.
Lead cop is totally self impressed, and starts to read me the riot act, demanding I surrender this pitbull I brought into the place. I kept eating. He bangs his hand on the table to get my attention.
When he does, the dog treat I had on the edge of the table falls off and my sweet pup sticks her head out, takes the treat, and goes back under the table.
Just then the other cops come back and pull cop1 aside. Theyve read the situation, told him so.
He asks to see my dog properly. I called her out, and told her to ‘say hello’. She was wagging her tail (total fusspot) and raised her paw to the cop. All three of them are now admiring my dog.
Parents come over demanding I get arrested, deported, hung drawn quartered, etc.
Cop says Your children are harassing this lady, her dog is allowed…
Mother says about dog bite.
Cop says “thats not a dog bite, lady, and wasting police time is an offense. Leave this lady alone, get control of your kids, and either go sit or leave.”
He tells manager that there is no problem with us.
Cop sees we are all done and kind of hust waiting for this foolishness to end so we can leave as we’ve got our coats on, etc.
He says “I suppose you guys would feel better just getting out of here yeah?”
I start to argue but my friend says “Yes, we are going. “
He says “Im just going to get some details from the manager, and we will stay until you go, to keep the peace”.
Waitress comes over and I am about to ask for our bill but the cop waves her away saying “they are leaving, please just let them go…”
We go! Our bill was well over 100… I put £10 on the table as a tip.
We got in my van after loading my chair, saw the cops leave as we were.
When I saw the lights behind me I thought we were in trouble gor skipping out on the bill!
I did call the restaurant later and spoke to the manager to offer to pay, he profusely apologised and sent me a gift voucher and asked for another chance.
We did go back, just me and a friend (and my dog) there was a sign clearly posted that assistance dogs were welcome … but that poorly behaved children were not!
We lost Taska March 2024. Her successor is just as calm and well behaved
Assistance dogs are amazing
What secret did you learn about your neighbor that made your jaw drop?
When I was growing up my neighbor Tom was my role model. My father was an alcoholic who was rarely home except to sleep. When I wanted to learn something, I would talk to Tom. He had dropped out of school to help support his family, but was very talented with his hands. He built the house he lived in, and I mean completely, plumbing, electrical, everything. He was also an outstanding mechanic. He was very strong, but incredibly gentle and patient. I knew he was a vet, but he never talked about it except to say he hadn’t really done anything. When he died, his family searched for his records. They wanted to bury him with any medals he had been awarded. I think most of us expected stuff like a Good Conduct, National Defense, maybe a European Victory Medal. What they found out was that this quiet gentle man was a genuine war hero. He had been credited with single handedly stopping an attack by a company of Germans, effectively destroying the company through the combination of casualties he caused and prisoners he took, despite having been wounded at the start of the attack. For his actions he had been awarded a Silver Star. There were also a number of awards for other actions. I ended up spending 20 years in the military, and his rack of medals remains one of the most impressive I’ve seen.
Every mans daydream
What was a gift that made you speechless?
I was 39 with a 4 year old son. Becoming a single mom through adoption and everything was great. I had a great career, lots of friends, the child I’d been dreaming of etc. Suddenly, a massive heart issue popped up leaving me on disability for 11 months while it was diagnosed and treated. We had just moved to a new place a couple of months prior. Then, just after I paid the bills and went in for a minor heart procedure, it turns out the people I had been renting from were not the owners of the house. They were squatters and I was scammed. The actual owner showed up wanting me to pay first, last and deposit, and the past due electric bill that was nearly $1000 at that point (my rent included utilities). Obviously I couldn’t pay it so I had to move out quickly just 2 days after heart surgery. We found a place and I got help moving the majority of Stuff. Some was stolen while we were moving the other stuff.
I was released to go back to work and my HR informed me that they had accidentally overpaid me during my disability, do they were deducting that from my next 4 paychecks. About the same time, the Franchise Tax Board hit me with a penalty for not filing my taxes the year before and garnished 25% of my wages. So I was getting about $850 a month at that time. We were sinking fast! I wasn’t fully recovered enough to have strenuous work and I only get paid once a month at my regular job.
I was at my breaking point. Then, my only vehicle broke down, again! I am not super religious, but I do pray and I was definitely b my knees at that point. I didn’t know what I was gonna do. My credit was shot, I was SOL. One day I get the mail. There was a ton of bills in there. I left them sitting on the table for 2 days, because I cannot pay them anyway.
Finally, I sat down to figure it how bad this was gonna be and I noticed that one of the letters is a greeting card with no return address, but addressed to me.
I open it up and there is a beautiful card that says, “I see you struggling and I see you keep going. You are so loved and you will overcome this. Signed Jesus Christ.”
Inside the card was $2,000 in cash! I couldn’t speak for a few minutes! I still have no idea who sent that card, but it was definitely a game changer for us! To whoever sent that card and money, they definitely changed our lives.
The Reconquest Of American Culture
Vintage China 1960s

$26 million for five years
“Did you know?
A giant ship’s engine broke down and no one could repair it, so they hired a Mechanical Engineer with over 30 years of experience.
He inspected the engine very carefully, from top to bottom. After seeing everything, the engineer unloaded his bag and pulled out a small hammer.
He knocked something gently. Soon, the engine came to life again. The engine has been fixed!
A week later the engineer mentioned to the ship owner that the total cost of repairing the giant ship was $20,000.
“What?!” said the owner.
“You did almost nothing. Give us a detailed bill.”
The answer is simple:
Tap with a hammer: $2
Know where to knock and how much to knock: $19,998
The importance of appreciating one’s expertise and experience…because those are the results of struggles, experiments and even tears.
If I do a job in 30 minutes it’s because I spent 20 years learning how to do that in 30 minutes. You owe me for the years, not the minutes.”
“The United States has consistently claimed to comply with ‘the rules-based international order’, but the most significant rules are the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, including international legal norms such as UN Security Council resolutions.
The Security Council, as the core of the world’s collective security mechanism, should by no means be a tool manipulated by individual countries for geopolitical purposes, nor should it serve as a stage to pursue hegemony or power politics.
There is no exception in the United Nations in complying with international laws including Security Council resolutions, and the United States holds no privileges in this regard.”

Excerpt from remarks by Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi during a joint press conference with Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi after their talks in Jakarta, April 18, 2024.
INCREDIBLE SCENES (this is why I came to LAOS) 🇱🇦 LOST in LAOS Ep:2
I know Thailand is the land of smiles but in my own experience I found the people of Laos and Cambodia to be even friendlier than the amazing Thai people. Really miss that whole beautiful area of the world. Happy Travels
A real adventure…
What factors have contributed to the growing demand for fast food among Indian consumers?
Ah India
One aspect of the Nation I am proud of
Fast Food in India has been INDIANIZED better than in any other nation

After all these years of McDonalds and KFC and Burger King’s and Taco Bell – the leading fast food is still Vada Pav

When KFC was forced to launch Biryani among in its Indian menu when it was evident that the 2 Pc and 3 Pc and the famous Zinger was not doing it for the Indian people

When India is the only country in the world where the top selling burger McAloo Tikki is a vegetarian one and the top 3 selling dishes – McAloo Tikki, McSpicy Paneer and Big Spicy Wrap (Paneer) are all vegetarian pushing the Filet O Fish to fourth sport and Mac Maharajah to the fifth spot
We may be utterly beholden to the West for their technology and core software in every sphere
Yet our Fast food growth is mainly due to our own foods
The leading fast foods of today include :-
#1 Vada Pav
#2 Pav Bhaji
#3 Momos
#4 Pani Poori
#5 Bhel Poori
#6 Aloo Tikki
#7 Samosa
#8 Kachauri
#9 Pizza
#10 Sev Puri & Samosa Chat & Aloo Chaat
(Zomato most ordered foods between 3 PM and 7 PM 2023)
Only Pizza stars in the top 10 popularly eaten fast foods of 2023
And guess which is Dominos most popular Pizza?
Indian Tandoori Pizza & Achari Do Pyaza Pizza

Pepperoni or Hawaiian are the least selling while Tandoori Chicken sells far more
So it’s not just Mcdonalds outlets or KFC outlets that have spurred the taste of fast foods in India like it did in other nations
The three top reasons include
Fast Food is available everywhere today
You go to a street and you have a Pani Puri wallah or a Chat seller or a Pav Bhaji stall or a Bakery selling Puffs or a High End Pizza store
You are served in 3–4 minutes and finish in 10 minutes
Far more convenient for office culture and working culture
Fast Food is not too expensive especially Indian Fast Food
You can get Pav Bhaji for 40–60 Bucks a plate which is way lower in cost and better in taste compared to a ₹ 378/- meal in KFC
Fast Food may or may not be unhealthy but it’s tasty
It’s spicy and Indians like spicy and tangy food
Chili Verde

This authentic Chile Verde recipe made with fresh tomatillos, poblano peppers, jalapenos, onion, garlic, and cilantro takes a little more work than the typical “salsa dump” recipes but is absolutely worth it! Serve it with these Slow Cooker Pinto Beans, corn tortillas, or with some Cilantro Lime Cauliflower Rice.
There are so many different recipes out there for chile verde but unfortunately, most of them involve grabbing a jar of store bought salsa verde and dumping it into the slow cooker with either chicken or pork.
While this can be really delicious (case in point: Slow Cooker Salsa Verde Chicken), it will never be as good as making green salsa from scratch. While making salsa from scratch may sound intimidating, it’s actually really easy and only takes about 5 minutes of active prep.
Let’s start with the salsa. Chile Verde is made with a tomatillo salsa verde made with fresh tomatillos, chile peppers, onion, and garlic. The first step to creating this flavor is roasting the tomatillos and peppers. Roasting everything deepens the flavor, adds smokiness to the salsa, and also mellows out some of the sour flavor in the tomatillos. Next, it is important to brighten up the salsa and that is where the cilantro comes in.
How to Serve Chile Verde
Traditionally this dish is served with rice, beans, and tortillas with fresh limes but there are all kinds of ways you can use this. Here are some of my favorites:
- Tacos: This is a no brainer, but clearly this stuff is delicious in tacos. Warm the tortillas and serve the chicken with fresh cilantro, limes, and queso fresco or avocado.
- Burritos and Burrito Bowls: Build your own burritos or burrito bowls with rice and beans. Personally, I like to make burrito bowls since the chicken is moist and sometimes I find the burrito begins to fall apart before I finish eating it.
- Quesadillas: While it may be tempting to stuff this inside a quesadilla, I actually prefer to serve it on top so the quesadilla gets nice and crispy on the outside. Simply make a cheese quesadilla and then top it with Chile Verde.
- Scrambled eggs: This is so good for breakfast with some scrambled eggs and pinto or black beans. Trust me.
- Baked potatoes: This is a great stuffing for baked potatoes or sweet potatoes topped with some melted cheese.
- Chilaquiles: Chilaquiles are one of my favorite breakfast recipes and this Chili Verde is so good on a pile of chiliquiles. If you think you might make chilaquiles, I recommend doubling the salsa so you can cook the chips in the extra tomatillo salsa.
What is Chile Verde?
Many people wonder about the origins of Chile Verde and there is some debate whether chile verde is from Mexico or New Mexico. Most people agree that it is a dish that hails from Northern Mexico, and possible areas in New Mexico as well.
In Mexico, it is traditionally made with pork that is slow cooked in a spicy roasted tomatillo salsa that uses a variety of chile peppers. In New Mexico, it is made in a similar manner but traditionally uses Hatch chile peppers or other native New Mexico green chiles.
1 lb tomatillos
2 large poblano peppers
1 jalapeno (double for more heat)
1 serrano pepper
1 onion, quartered
2 garlic cloves
1/3 cup cilantro
1 cup chicken broth
1 tbsp olive oil
2 lbs. boneless skinless chicken thighs (or pork shoulder roast)
Salt and pepper

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2Place the tomatillos, poblano pepper, jalapeno pepper, serrano pepper, onion, and whole unpeeled garlic cloves on a baking sheet sprayed with cooking spray. Broil for 10 minutes, flipping everything halfway through. If the garlic looks like it is beginning to burn, remove it when you flip everything else.
5Stovetop: Heat the olive oil over medium heat in a Dutch oven or heavy pot. Add the chicken (or pork), season with salt and pepper, and brown for 2-3 on both sides. Add the sauce and bring to a simmer. For chicken, let simmer on low heat for 25-30 minutes until the chicken easily shreds with a fork. For pork, simmer for 2.5-3 hours until pork easily pulls apart.
6Slow Cooker: Heat the olive oil over medium heat in a Dutch oven or heavy pot. Add the chicken (or pork), season with salt and pepper, and brown for 2-3 on both sides. (You can skip this step but it adds more flavor if you sear the protein first.) Add to the slow cooker with the sauce. For chicken, cook on low for 4 hours. For pork, cook on low for 8 hours or until the pork is fork tender.
7Instant Pot: Use the instant pot saute setting. Add the chicken (or pork), season with salt and pepper, and brown for 2-3 on both sides. Add the chile verde salsa and cover. For chicken thighs, use the manual (Pressure Cooker) setting and cook for 8 minutes. Let naturally release for at least 2-3 minutes before using the steam valve. For pork, use the manual (Pressure Cooker) setting and cook for 45 minutes. Let naturally release for at least 2-3 minutes before using the steam valve.
When it comes to the heat in this recipe, it comes from using three different types of chile peppers that vary in strength and flavor. The poblano has the least amount of heat but adds a lot of flavor similar to a slightly spicy bell pepper.
The jalapeno is in the middle when it comes to spice and the serrano is the spiciest. You can vary the heat in the salsa by using different amounts of each pepper to find the right combination for you. You can also remove the seeds for less heat or leave them in for more.
Whenever making salsa, start slowly and taste along the way until it is as spicy as you like. Generally, I recommend making it slightly spicier than you want your final product since it will mellow out when cooked when it is cooked with protein.
If you have kids who don’t like spicy, make the salsa using just one seeded poblano pepper for flavor. Cook the protein in this mild salsa. Then puree the remaining peppers with a little chicken broth. Stir this spicy salsa into your dish individually so you can have a spicy version. I always make it this way and my toddler devours the milder chicken while I make mine super spicy.
The next decision when making Chile Verde is what kind of protein you would like to use. Traditionally Chile Verde recipes are made with pork but it is often made with dark meat chicken as well. Both options are delicious.
Normally I like to make it with chicken for a quick meal and I use pork when I will have more time since the pork takes much longer to cook. To keep things lighter, I like to use boneless skinless chicken thighs or a lean pork shoulder roast, but any protein would work.
We also love this traditional Pollo Pibil and Cochinita Pibil when we want a stewed Mexican dish.
Oh boy… They know what’s COMING!
You hear your child burst out in tears one morning because the “tooth fairy” (i.e., you), forgot to take her tooth from under her pillow and leave a few coins. What do you do?
Oh! That’s easy! 🙂 I go look under my child’s pillow, look under the covers, we’d search under the bed. I’d hold her while she was in tears and then tell her let Mommy get dressed and I’ll be back, so we could look some more. Then from my bedroom my daughter hears “ Oh No!” ( in runs my daughter, wondering what happened ) “ LOOK !!!” ( coins under my pillow”) “ Why did she get it mixed up, and it’s under MY pillow”??? (Child’s eyes light up) “Stupid Tooth Fairy!”, I say. “ Yeah, stupid tooth fairy” she says, ( as she gathers all the magical fairy coins ) “ She didn’t even remember your TOOTH. You’d better leave it under that pillow tonight, because that Tooth Fairy will be in BIG trouble if she doesn’t present a tooth to the Fairy Kingdom tomorrow night, after leaving magic coins under the WRONG PILLOW ! And we don”t want her in trouble, just for making a mistake, do we? “ In fact, let’s put that tooth in an envelope and put it under MY pillow, since she’s mixed up. I’ll write a note to her with the tooth, and make sure she realizes to look under YOUR pillow next time, okay,?.. and to place the coins under YOUR pillow after getting the TOOTH from under YOUR pillow!”
So we get an envelope and write a letter WITH the tooth in it, and place it under MY pillow. 🙂
What are some unbelievable psychological tricks you can use to manipulate?
- Having a heated argument… Ask the other person if they are okay because they’re breathing really hard. They will stop arguing and try to pay attention to their breathing. Resulting in the end of that discussion.
- When you’re bargaining with someone, convene in a coffee shop instead of a conferenc rость com, so your partner is less inclined toward aggression. People tend to be more selfish when they see work-related objects than when they’re surrounded by neutral items.
- Give someone something they need so they feel obliged to return the favor. When they thank you for helping out, say “Of course, it’s what partners do for each other.
- Subtly mimic the way someone is sitting and speaking to get them to like you more. They probably won’t even notice you’re copying them.
- When someone disagrees with you, speak faster so they have less time to process what you’re saying. If the person agrees with you, speak more slowly, so they have time to evaluate the message.
Some fun comix all types…

What was one of your “I am so screwed” moments?
Many years ago I was standing at a rack in a men’s department store looking at coats when seven or eight big teenagers came up, all dressed like gang members. Soon they were standing around looking at me.
“Let’s get this floor-walker,” said one. “Yeah, let’s beat the crap out of this floor-walker,” agreed his friend.
I am tall and fit but there were many of them and just one of me. They looked strong and mean and stupid.
I thought; I am so screwed right now’ but blurted out the first thing that came to my mind, “I’m not a floor-walker. I’m a teacher.” As I said it I realized that was probably even worse; these sullen drop-outs would enjoy beating up a teacher even more than beating up a store security guard.
“Where you teach man? Where you teach?” the biggest one asked. I told him the name of my school. “Did you teach at Mason Road school, man?”
“Yeah,” I said, trying to sound tough.
He looked at the others and grinned a little, “You were my teacher, man.”
It was then I recognized ‘Junior’ and some of his friends. Most of them I had tutored in remedial reading for a year at an inner-city school. The mood lightened. I recalled to them some things I remembered about my year with them. They nodded and shifted and smiled.
“You were okay, man. You were okay…” said Junior and his gang disappeared into the night outside.
Have you ever had such a close call it makes your skin shiver everytime you think about it? If so, what happened?
On the way to California In late May, 1967, myself, wife and three kids, ages 10, 7 and 5, were traveling north on New Mexico Highway 70 which passes by the White Sands National Park. During that time period it was known as the White Sands National Monument and had very few visitors. There was a road sign identifying the sand dunes three miles out into the mounds of white sand. We had no specific time schedule so we decided to go see the dunes.
The road made a circle around a large dune. When I stopped the car, the kids jumped out and started playing in the large dune with small dog joining in the fun.
The wife decided she needed to open the trunk for water and dog food. Cars of the day had separate keys for trunk and doors/ignition. Both types were on a key ring. The wife with purse on her arm, took the key ring out of the ignition to open the trunk.
Now I will answer why this almost became a terrible disaster. While retrieving desired items from the trunk, the wife had laid her purse and key ring on top of a suitcase. Not realizing what she was doing, she closed the trunk lid, stranding us all in the dessert. Here we are with three small children, more than three miles off the main highway, summer temperature of mid nineties, no shade, no water, no sun protection, no tools and no other individuals around to help.
After a few minutes of trying to calm a hysterical wife who realized the enormity of our situation. I was praying that a spare key was still where I tied it under the car when I bought the car.
The spare ignition key probably saved our lives as we would have had extreme difficulty walking back the three miles to the main highway with three children and a dog. We traveled into Alamogordo and found a garage with the necessary tools to access the trunk. After locating a source of help, I left the family at a motel near a restaurant and went back to the garage. We took the rear seat out giving access to the trunk through the primary breather hole. Using a straight wire with a hook on the end, the technician was able to reach the key ring still laying on the suitcase.
From that day forward I sometimes think about what could have happened without that spare key and always have a method of accessing the vehicle interior and ignition.
Tsinghua University team develops AI optical chip “Tai Chi”
Source: Xinhuanet 4-12
近日,清华大学电子工程系方璐课题组、信息科学技术学院院长戴琼海院士课题组,摒弃了传统电子深度计算范式,构建了智能光计算的通用传播模型,首创了名为Taichi(意为“太极”)的干涉—衍射分布式广度光计算架构。基于此创新架构,课题组进一步探索干涉光与衍射光的优势特性,又研制出干涉—衍射异构集成智能光计算芯片,可实现每秒每焦耳160万亿次运算的通用智能计算。 相关科研成果于12日发表于国际学术期刊《科学》。 以光波为载体进行智能计算,具备高速、低功耗等特性。然而,现有智能光计算局限于简单的字符分类、图像处理等。其痛点是光的高性能计算潜力受困于电子计算架构,计算规模受限,无法支撑亟须高算力与高能效的复杂大模型智能计算。 直面科研领域痛点问题,清华大学团队帮助光计算“挣脱”算力瓶颈,另辟蹊径,“从0到1”重新设计适合光计算的新架构。相异于电子神经网络依赖网络深度以实现复杂的计算与功能,“太极”光芯片架构源自光计算独特的‘全连接’与‘高并行’属性,化深度计算为分布式广度计算,为实现规模易扩展、计算高并行、系统强鲁棒的通用智能光计算探索了新路径。 据论文第一作者、清华大学电子系博士生徐智昊介绍,在“太极”架构中,自顶向下的编码拆分-解码重构机制,将复杂智能任务化繁为简,拆分为多通道高并行的子任务,构建的分布式‘大感受野’浅层光网络对子任务分而治之,突破物理模拟器件多层深度级联的固有计算误差。 方璐表示,“之所以将光芯片命名为‘太极’,也是希望可以在如今大模型通用人工智能蓬勃发展的时代,以光子之道,为高性能计算探索新灵感、新架构、新路径。” 据悉,太极光芯片的计算能效超现有智能芯片2—3个数量级,将可为百亿像素大场景光速智能分析、百亿参数大模型训练推理、毫瓦级低功耗自主智能无人系统提供算力支撑。目前该团队正与相关机构洽谈,建设算力实验室,以期用智能光计算芯片支撑大模型训练与推理、通用人工智能等人工智能研究与应用。 编辑:李华山
Recently, the research group of Fang Lu from the Department of Electronic Engineering of Tsinghua University and the research group of Academician Dai Qionghai, Dean of the School of Information Science and Technology, abandoned the traditional electronic deep computing paradigm and constructed a universal propagation model for intelligent optical computing, creating the first model called Taichi (meaning ” “Tai Chi”) interference-diffraction distributed breadth light computing architecture. Based on this innovative architecture, the research team further explored the advantageous characteristics of interference light and diffraction light, and developed an interference-diffraction heterogeneous integrated intelligent optical computing chip, which can achieve general intelligent computing of 160 trillion operations per second per joule.
Relevant scientific research results were published in the international academic journal “Science” on the 12th.
Using light waves as a carrier for intelligent computing, it has the characteristics of high speed and low power consumption. However, existing intelligent light computing is limited to simple character classification, image processing, etc. The pain point is that the high-performance computing potential of light is limited by the electronic computing architecture and the computing scale is limited, making it unable to support complex large-model intelligent computing that requires high computing power and high energy efficiency.
Faced with the pain points in the scientific research field, the Tsinghua University team helped optical computing “break away” from the computing power bottleneck and found a new way to redesign a new architecture suitable for optical computing “from 0 to 1”. Unlike electronic neural networks that rely on network depth to achieve complex calculations and functions, the “Tai Chi” optical chip architecture is derived from the unique ‘full connection’ and ‘high parallelism’ attributes of optical computing, transforming deep computing into distributed breadth computing, and A new path has been explored to realize general intelligent optical computing that is easy to expand in scale, has high computing parallelism, and has a strong and robust system.
According to Xu Zhihao, the first author of the paper and a doctoral student in the Department of Electronics of Tsinghua University, in the “Tai Chi” architecture, the top-down encoding splitting-decoding reconstruction mechanism simplifies complex intelligent tasks and splits them into multi-channel Highly parallel sub-tasks, the distributed ‘large receptive field’ shallow optical network constructed divides and conquers sub-tasks, breaking through the inherent calculation errors of multi-layer deep cascades of physical simulation devices.
Fang Lu said, “The reason why the optical chip is named ‘Tai Chi’ is also because we hope that in today’s era of booming large-model general artificial intelligence, we can use photons to explore new inspirations, new architectures, and new paths for high-performance computing. “
It is reported that the computing energy efficiency of Taijiguang chip is 2-3 orders of magnitude higher than that of existing smart chips. It will be able to provide light-speed intelligent analysis of large scenes with tens of billions of pixels, training and inference of large models with tens of billions of parameters, and autonomous intelligent unmanned systems with low power consumption at the milliwatt level. Provide computing power support. The team is currently negotiating with relevant institutions to build a computing laboratory, with a view to using intelligent optical computing chips to support large model training and reasoning, general artificial intelligence and other artificial intelligence research and applications.
Editor: Li Huashan
April 15, 2024 07:48:52
Greek Chicken Stew (Kapama)

- 8 to 10 assorted chicken parts
- 3 (8 ounce) cans tomato sauce
- Juice of two lemons
- Dash of pepper
- Brown chicken at 400 degrees F for 20 minutes.
- Place chicken in slow cooker.
- Add tomato sauce, juice and pepper.
- Cook for 4 to 6 hours on LOW.
- Serve over buttered macaroni with Parmesan cheese.
- Did you ever realize how important your bed is? Most people are born on beds, made on beds….and die on beds
- Every mirror you buy in a store is in used condition
- whether intentionally or unintentionally
- If you are watching a sunset then someone on the other side of the earth is watching the same sunrise
- When talking about time traveling to the past-people worry about accidentally changing the present but NO ONE IN THE PRESENT REALLY THINKS THEY CAN RADICALLY CHANGE THE FUTURE
- You can’t predict your next thought- if you tried then you would already be thinking.
- It would be like a never ending cycle
- This one might be dark humor but did you know that smoking is good for the environment since it kills human beings
- Does that mean mankind needs to die in order for Earth to survive?
- The only time you clean your skeleton is when you brush your teeth
- Dentists are the opposite of tooth fairies-they give you teeth and take money from you
- At age 30, you have spent a month celebrating your birthdays
- This one is funny: your dog understands a few words in your language but you don’t understand any words in their language so is your dog smarter than you?
The sheer number of people who are applying to live in affordable housing right now is shocking. A recent affordable housing development that was just completed here in Florida has only 113 units total. But they received 20,000 applications for people in desperate need to live there. Combine this with people, borrowing money from friends and family just to get into homes, this is absolute proof that people are extremely desperate right now.
As a teacher, what is the harshest truth a student has ever taught you?
One student asked if she can have a private tutoring session after school so I agreed. Feeling honored and proud that a student is asking for a 1-on-1 session, I was so eager to stay an extra 30 mins after school just for her.
She arrived in the classroom and sat down with her head down. I thought she was sad or had a bad day. I pulled up next to her and opened up with “How’s your day?”
“Not so good, Mr. Lam,” said the student. “My dad is threatening to take away my phone if I don’t make grades.”
“But, you just started 9th grade a few weeks ago. You’re doing okay so far in my class,” I responded.
“It’s not just your class, but all of my classes. If I don’t make grades, my dad will take away my phone and I’ll never get it back.” She said with the look of someone about to lose the most precious thing in life.
I spent the next 30 minutes calming her down about her phone situation, grades, and dad. I was ready to leave, but I wanted to wrap this issue up. I asked her “What’s more important? Grades or phone?”
“My phone.”
I don’t know what it is that made this student so dependent on her phone. I understood how cool it was to even carry a phone when I was in middle school, but this was during the dumb phone era. Nowadays? It’s everywhere. I can’t tell if a student is happy to look down at their seat or just double-tapping that Instagram photo secretly.
I learned that this student prioritizes differently from me. She is more concerned about the phone than grades but she can’t see past what’s in front of her. I wanted to tell her that losing a phone is not the end of the world and she should try to see what her dad was doing – the phone is just motivation to maintain her grades.
After that day, the student did not improve in my class. She stopped asking for help after class. She sat with some distracting students and could not focus. Yes, she also was on her phone a lot in class. I was as much responsible for her demise in my class as anyone around her. I tried talking to her about her grades and poor behavior. It was as if she stopped fearing poor grades and losing phone privileges.
TL;DR: Tried reasoning with a student about grades over phone privileges. Student eventually stopped caring about what anyone thinks of her educational well-being. Nothing more dangerous to a teacher than a student that doesn’t care about herself.
What is the most ridiculous reason for which you have been fired?
I once got fired for putting in my two weeks notice. I had no health insurance at the time and felt very vulnerable. So when I came across a job that offered me this coveted perk, the decision to take it was a no-brainer.
It’s never been my style to burn bridges, so I tried to do the right thing by giving my boss time to replace me. Unfortunately he got angry and decided to have the last word by firing me. He obviously took my resignation as an insult and felt the need to punish me. It’s not like I loudly said “Fuck this place. I’m done.” I quietly took him off to the side to tell him when my last day would be. Instead of being happy for me, he very coldly told me to pack up my shit and GTFO.
Until that day, I actually liked my boss. We had shared some great stories and a lot of laughs during our time working together. Yeah, he had a bit of an arrogant streak at times, but until that day, I had no idea how petty he was. His reaction was particularly upsetting to me because I was never a problem employee. I worked hard, I was never late, I put in extra hours when asked, I rarely took time off, I got along well with my coworkers, I was frequently tasked with training new employees, I had no issues with upper management, and I never had any disciplinary action taken against me. (I had no history of “write ups” or verbal warnings.) So I gathered my things, said my goodbyes to my coworkers, and then burst into tears as soon as I was off the premises. But there was a bright side – at least I was able to start my new job earlier than originally planned. In the end, everything ended up working out just fine.
Thanks for reporting on this, Metallicman. Personally, Ritter sets off every cognitive alarm bell I’ve ever calibrated for myself based on my own experiences in Weirdsville. I wouldn’t trust him with a bargepole. But folks have to make their own minds up, as you’ve often said. He lays out oodles of hard troof to draw in the potentially skeptical, then threads his shpiel through with utter horseshit anybody with a decent inkling of history could unravel. Especially his straightfaced claims that the US Army and Marine Corps were never defeated in battle, 😂.
And that moslems with half a cessna license between them hijacked and flew 2 high tech airliners (with skill crack pilots are on record saying even they’d never have managed) into 2 colossal skyscrapers, demolishing 3 of them, (cough).
And he gets really angry with anyone suggesting otherwise. (The odd, and frequent emotional outbursts of his are another red flag for anyone who “knows”.)
The fact that he was taking apart Escobar’s story within minutes– literally– with ridiculous counter arguments such as “Israel is prevented from such-and-such by… [wait for it…] international agreements [🤣]…”, or that it would be “impossible” for Russian black ops teams to be operating in Syria or Iraq, really tells you all you need to know.
My guess is that the US commanders were the ones most likely to have ordered the take down of an Israeli jet headed on a bombing run over Iran, but hey, what do I know. Ritter’s hysterical denials tells me, paradoxically, that you’re right to consider this outstandingly stupid Israeli brain fart– if that is indeed what happened– as something that very nearly came to pass. The British political ravings against the Iranians this past fortnight also tells anyone paying attention that they were setting the medoa consuming Muggles up for something big. (Instead we got a few “downed drones” somewhere in the Iranian desert.
I have family in Iran
When this was going down, my family told me they were bunkering down because they feared the worst from Israel: “The Rabit Rathole”. I was so concerned over them that I am glad the fighter jet got shot down.
They’re going to be ready to bunker down when the next exchange happens between Iran and Israel.
I’m glad I decided not to go to Iran.