2023 02 27 15 30

It’s now complete madness onslaught! WTF!

We are going heavy on videos today.


I got a comment from Ron that said…

"To long winded, I find myself scolling fast and deleting"

Short attention span. Likes bright colors.

We’ve all been there.

In our youth.

Today, we open with this video from REDACTED…

It’s a slow-motion train wreck. The kind where you are sitting there and watch yourself get disemboweled in slow-mo.




Sorry about the middle of the segment commercial, but someone has to pay his bills. Aside from that it’s a great video.

Russia and China ganging up against the USA at the UN…

The USA bombed Russian Energy pipeline. That is an act of war.

If you are not convinced, then check this out here…

It’s called “information warfare”.

China will have no choice but to engage with the US in a hostile way, this is like a final warning to the US that China will NO longer put up with all its obnoxious and rogue behaviour anymore, also make it clear China firmly stands against US/Western imperialist hegemony.

Now, let’s look at some things that you’ll never read about in Western “news”…


AH, but the United States has it’s own submarines, don’t you know, and they are “stealthy”.

That’s the narrative, but sure as shit, China has decloaked them. Now they run into mountains, and need an entire fleet to pick up a scrap F-22 from the ocean floor. Don’t you know.

I have a video… somewhere… showing one of these Chinese boomers launching all of it’s missiles in under 30 seconds. This is amazing. I have NEVER seen or heard of a US submarine doing this.


It’s not just submarines…

Something you never hear about.


Which is pretty cool. And how would it be used? Well…

Check this out…

Every country is welcome to the moon vase that China is going to build, except one specific country.


But that’s not all.

Then there’s Mars.

Something you never hear about.



Which nation is looking towards the future? And which country is just playing the same old 19th century squabbling over resources?

Ok, so what is going on inside of the United States?

Fiasco! OMG!

Remember…meanwhile in China.

Something you never hear about.


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I told you what happened to Nord Stream mate. SBS. Even if the latest narrative is true (The Ukraine did the demolition work) then they were trained and lead by the British SBS. Anyway the only two western countries with a capability to dispatch underwater demolition teams with stealth and at short notice would be the USA and the UK from specialised nuclear subs. It’s as clear as a bright blue sky day.


Chalk it up to a corollary of Vault 7’s manipulation of the Western populace: vitiating a person’s attention span, concentration, focus, and retention is a perfect way to make it certain that any bit of quality information is never taken seriously, let alone imbibed. If it is, a Red Herring or Misdirection could be employed to shunt away the reader by exploiting their crippled attention span. Communities like Twitter/Facebook/Youtube/Tumblr/Reddit do a great job at compartmentalizing and corrupting people’s ability to concentrate, retain information, and concordantly, communicate anything meaningful to one another.

There was once a time where People could read and retain so much information that Arthur Schopenhauer advised against reading certain books to not waste time. This was centuries ago.

How far people’s brainpower had fallen through the rise of the internet (and the MSM’s multiple arms of propagandization and mind-control).

ron guzy
