Before I was recovered by MAJestic and started my training in China Lake Naval Weapons Center, I (and my then wife) were floating about the country looking for work. Eventually, we settled down in California and worked fast food, short order cooks, and misc jobs as needed to get money.
For a while, my wife and I worked and lived for a month at a retirement home / complex. The name of the complex was “Park Sacramento”. We got free room and board and an apartment in exchange for both of us working there.

The owner of the company loved us, but the people who ran the complex despised us. They were constantly on our cases and did everything they could to chase us away. We got 1/2 day off once a week. For both of us.
After one full month of both of us working, we were paid $21 for both of us. With all kinds of deductions for rent, meals, electricity, etc.
- Yes. It was illegal what they did.
- Yes, we knew were were being treated bad.
- Yes, we knew that they were trying to force us off their turf.
But we were young, and poor and did not have much in the way of support or options.
But karma does raise it’s head from time to time. And as outrageous the actions were (by the older woman running the operation), so were the karmic consequences.
So, picture this.
My wife is in the kitchen. She was standing by a flat stove. These stoves had this flat surface for cooking, and was generally kept very, very hot so that the food and meals could be cooked properly.

And she was screaming; literally screaming that my wife did not turn on the stove.
Well she of course, did turn on the stove.
And this B-I-T-C-H felt that she had to make a strong point in this matter. So she took her right hand and broad-palmed slammed it flat on the surface of the flat stove. Hard and fast.
Two seconds passed and she ran up and started to scream wildly.
Third degree burns, the worst kind.

Lordy, and her entire hand was bandaged and she was looking at reconstructive surgery.
Oh, for sure, we left shortly after that.
But it was satisfying to see the bitch tormentor of us; that lying, cheating and evil woman was suffering for her bad and chaotic actions.
When you are bad, karma comes alive.
6G technology
It’s less than 15 days to 2025 and things are happening in China.
China is launching the world’s first 6G network in 2025.

Since the western world is lacking in 5G and even 4G. How will western commentators say this is stolen when the western world doesnt even have it?
Did Alexander’s army speak a hybrid version of Persian and Greek called “Macedo-Persian” that evolved into modern Iranian languages like Farsi or Dari?
This is one of the biggest disaster of questions ever posted on Quora and generated by Quora Promt . Totally out of touch with reality . We are dealing with newly invented histories once already invented , imaginary terminologies and identities which were unknown in ancient times , what else is next ?
Alexandar’s Macedonian Army was in Asia between 12 and 13 years , too short time for development of a new language as the question suggests .
Official language in Macedonian Army was Macedonian ( Old Macedonic language) language which was used by the King Alexandar to address his military formation before each battle .
According Western historiography language of administration on Macedonian court was so-called koine or common / universal language which in fact was Macedonian Koine language .

Although Western Imperialist based historiography is mute on the origin of Macedonian Koine language the existence of archeological and linguistic evidence confirms it was based on Macedonian language, SLAVIC in its origin !

Again PROOFS exist and for now some have been posted in form of coin inscriptions , more serious evidence will be publicly released by authorized and competent organizations, agencies or other professional bodies in the field of archeology and linguistics when the time is right , and after that will be posted for general public .
ON THE SO-CALLED HYBRID VERSION OF “ Greek “ and Persian called Macedo-Persian ???
For starters “ Greek “identity was unknown during Alexander’s times and even well into late medieval times , it was officially introduced with creation of New Nation and State of Greece in 1821-1831 !
What about the language ? The language was not known as “ greek ” again , but Macedonian Koine . Modern Greek language was in stage of development in medieval and modern times specialy with creation of New Nation and State of Greece 1821-1831.

What about inscriptions we see in history books or some archeological sites ? I personally do not trust most of them . The reason ? I found a lot of inconsistencies on some of them , we see what is shown to us by those who have control over certain territories ( like Agean Makedonian part annexed by Greece in 1913 ) , there are possibilities of moving ( illegally) of some archeological artifacts from one area to another , intentionally wrong interpretation of inscriptions , some of them could have been hiden or even destroyed , thete are cases of illegally sold around the world by smugglers and so on .
The proofs we have and proofs offered to the public simply do not much and contradict themselves specifically on the origin of Macedonian language .
Kenneth Copeland Returns! [Wind of God] [Heavy Metal Remix]
This is bizarre.
I have yet to come across another British person who recognises China’s value to the future of humanity. My arguments are sound and robust. But yesterday, one person jumped down my throat for telling him about China’s net zero goal by 2060. He said he is a ship broker and the coal being shipped to China is getting ever greater not less. Please can someone help me with this matter? Is China still committed to her net zero 2060 target?
It’s not surprising. The most insidious form of propaganda is that which makes people think the beliefs they hold are their own and the BBC has been force-feeding British people with anti-China rhetoric for decades.
As the chart below shows, what the ship broker said is not entirely correct. There is an upward trend with spikes in 2020, 2022 and 2024. What he may be seeing is an increase in where coal has been coming from which is being transported in his ships, compared to where the coal used to come from in other brokers’ ships.
If you research China’s investment in and roll-out of renewable energy sources, China is definitely leading the world. Its widespread adoption of electric vehicles and mass transportation systems speaks for itself.
I believe China’s 2060 net zero target is far more likely to be achieved than other countries’ promises. Trump as a climate change denier who withdrew USA from the Paris Agreement is a good example of how western nations can revoke international treaties each time their government changes. China is not in the habit of setting targets for political purposes and only commits to those targets it thinks attainable and plans to work towards meeting.
Business leaders have warned Trump that his tariffs will do great damage but he’s seem insistent on going through with it. Is this seriously the hill he’s going to die on?
I don’t support any kind of political violence without a State commitment as a political objective, and then it’s the political objective that represents the State take it or oppose it, Nations will always fight over one thing or another how they do it is important, Trump is presenting 100% tariffs on BRICS exports into the US if BRICS breaks up under this threat then Trump intends a 60% tariff on China’s exports into the US and 20% for all other countries’ exports into the US, this represents an escalation of economic fighting worldwide.
President elect Trump knows his proposed tariff increases will result in higher prices for imported goods in the final stage of transaction and hopes those increases will be offset by producer countries offerring their products on the US market for cheaper prices but Trump realises there will be a rise in the overall price of goods and that rise will be offset by a reduction in income tax along with the creation of more industry start-ups creating more jobs leading to a more favourable balance of trade and most importantly in American politics the ability of the Trump Government boast about punishing other countries.
Trump believes it should be seen as a privlige to service the US economy and privlige comes with a cost.
Russia Wiped Out U.S. and BRITISH Army Officers in Sumy and Prevented The Launch of ATACMS Missiles
What’s wrong with CEOs making large salaries, entertainers, and athletes do it all the time?
It’s not. CEOs making large salaries is not the problem.
Huge salary is huge
Take these for example, Margaret Georgiadis is paid the wages of nearly 5000 median employees of Mattel. The raio is grotesque yes, but it’s not the problem. The problem is the median pay is just 6300$ for 33,000 emplyees of Mattel.
Giving each of the 33,000 employees another $6000 would make Mattel about break even financially in 2023, they’d still make a bit of profit after taxes and expenses. That’s the real problem right there, it’s not the CEO salary that yes, is huge. The problem is their employees aren’t compensated all that well and giving them better salaries would not have destroyed their bottom line.
Of course eradicating nearly the entire profit margin for across the board salaries is probably not the way to go for Mattel, their stockholders do expect some revenue as well. However the issue here is the only people who matter are stockholders (who want the profit) and CEO (who is paid to maximize the profit). Long term suistainability is not achieved by maximizing profit, but by investing into your labor force.
That’s why a ratio of CEO pay to median worker is useful, it shows how many regular employees is the CEO worth to the stockholders. However the issue is not CEO pay, I see no problem if a CEO of company with over 30,000 employees, equity in the billions and yearly profit in the hundreds of million of dollars walks away with a cool $30 million a year. I do see a problem if tens of thousands of employees of a firm with hundreds of million of dollars of profit only get $500/month each though.
Cutting CEO salaries does very little in this regard. I mean sure, it would look nicer, but if the alternative is the shareholders get a slightly higher dividend you haven’t really changed much.
Dairy Farmers Tamale Pie

- 2 cups milk
- 1 cup yellow cornmeal
- 1 pound ground beef
- 1 cup red onion, diced
- 1 cup green bell pepper, diced
- 1 tablespoon garlic, minced
- 1 cup whole kernel corn
- 1 (15 ounce) can black beans, drained
- 2 cups tomato sauce
- 2 tablespoons + 1 teaspoon chili powder
- 2 teaspoons salt
- 1/2 teaspoon pepper
- 2 cups shredded Cheddar cheese
- Heat oven to 350 degrees F. Butter a 13 x 9 x 2 inch casserole dish.
- Mix milk and cornmeal in a large bowl and set aside.
- Brown ground beef with the onion, bell pepper and minced garlic. Drain the meat and set aside.
- In the bowl containing the milk and cornmeal, add the corn, black beans, tomato sauce, chili powder, salt and pepper. Stir in the ground beef mixture and pour into the prepared casserole dish.
- Bake for about 50 minutes or until set and edges are well browned.
- Remove from the oven and sprinkle with the Cheddar cheese. Return to the oven for about 4 minutes or until the cheese is melted thoroughly.
- Serve with a dollop of sour cream.
Foley’s Phone
Submitted into Contest #150 in response to: Write a story that either starts or ends with someone (or something) saying, “Please, don’t do it.”… view prompt
Mike Panasitti
“I’ve basically been cooking for myself since you’ve been gone, Foley. There are usually at least eight servings to every packaged grocery I buy at the Big Buys Warehouse. The packages start filling up the cabinet space because I never can use all the contents in one meal.”
“I get along fine with the one small knife I have, dear.” The size of the knife makes it inconvenient for cutting, chopping, and dicing. It’s essentially a paring a knife, but the truth is that although Foley would never as much kink a hair on her head in anger, Irene doesn’t feel comfortable having larger knives in the house now that her son is home.
About the bathroom Foley says, “Not only are there two sinks in the ostentatious chamber that is primarily used for excreting, but the opulent porcelain basins are also monstrously large given the miniscule size of the room dedicated to flatulence and crapulence.”
“I think it adds a hint of class to your bathroom, Foley.”
“All the appurtenances in my bathroom—twin sinks, fancy stone tiles and counters, bubbly bathtub—are luxuries that belie a barren desire for upper class status. They also expose the envy you feel toward the exorbitantly rich of Southern California.”
Her voice tinged with mild indignation, Irene says, “Son, why would I be envious of people who are materially in a better place than me? I don’t begrudge them. I’m happy for them. Can’t you just be grateful to have a comfortable home to live in now that you’re out of prison?”
He wants nothing more than to be grateful, to be happy, but something within him stirs his emotional excrescence pot. The traffic on the streets is insufferably worse than when he was sentenced ten years ago. There are more homeless in the city than there were before he was arrested. The average school age children, including his nephews, don’t read much for pleasure. Instead, they’re mesmerized by the blue light emanating from the video screens of their cell phones and hooked to cyber-social interaction. When they’re not on their phones, they’re playing morbidly violent video games. Foley remembers being content when the only things you could see on cell phones were phone numbers and short texts. He recalls the in-the-flesh interactivity of playing Dungeons and Dragons. You couldn’t develop a free-of-cost porn habit on a phone with no video screen, and D&D required a certain fantasy-loving literacy.
As a present to commemorate Foley’s release from incarceration, Irene asked her ex-husband Christopher Allegro to buy her son the latest model hand-held digital device.
“Having a cell phone, to record his performance poems and to use while he’s sitting in coffee shops drinking cappuccinos will keep Foley out of trouble,” said Irene to Allegro.
He responds with dubiousness. “What makes you think he’s going to frequent cafés and become a bohemian?”
Foley wrote his mother many letters during his time in prison. These missives fill two drawers in a fashionable piece of furniture she keeps in her living room. She cherishes this collection of epistolary devotion.
“Believe me. He is a poet. Have I ever read you one of the letters he sent me while he was a captive of the Department of Corrections?”
“Spare me the undue pleasure of listening to one,” says Allegro, “but he’ll have to eventually pay me back.”
“I hope you’re not insinuating that my firstborn son is an ungrateful cretin. Of course, he will recompensate you for the cell phone.”
Allegro makes considerable sums of cash buying damaged vehicles and using his regional manager’s benefits at Fix It Quick Auto Collision Center to repair them at a discount and sell them at a profit. He gives his ex-wife twelve hundred-dollar bills to buy her son the cell phone, knowing that if he doesn’t, he will lose her skills as an ethically questionable accountant and also forfeit the occasional sexual privilege she continues to offer him.
The morning following her son’s release, Irene takes him to Turnip Digital where he chooses the latest model portable smart communications device. Irene hands over an additional two-hundred dollars for unlimited cloud storage, round-the-clock online tech support, and a two-year warranty.
Although he initially has only three contacts to enter in his phone book, having the smart device pleases Foley.
He is baffled by GPS navigation, by the limitless amount of information available on a device no larger than the size of an obsolete check book, by the fact that the world’s foremost online retailer makes it unnecessary to leave home to buy everything from the latest paperback novel to portable, electric pumps for inflating flaccid bicycle tires.
Although the vertiginous amount of knowledge, consumer experiences and services that a handheld device puts within reach of the average citizen marvels Foley, there are some things he is uncompromising about as far as cell phone usage is concerned.
He strictly observes a cardinal first rule regarding portable computing and communications devices: no selfies until he gets his nose, fractured in a prison brawl, fixed. Also, no dating apps. No sharing of pictures that tauntingly document that despite the enormity of your efforts, you can never keep up with the Joneses.
He also refuses to utilize social media, believing it is for the incurably needy, for the narcissistic who are simultaneously and paradoxically insecure and megalomanic.
For a while Foley resists the twin evil lures of pornography and mindless video games, two vices he excoriates the present times for, but after a week of conventional cell phone use, one of his nephews introduces him to Plants Versus Zombies and Foley has an argument with Sarah Lee, his biracial Chinese-American girlfriend. It’s a jealous argument. He believes Sarah has a feral sexual appetite and has accused her of having promiscuous relationships at work. He now accuses Sarah of having threesomes in which the other two participants are her cousin, Tonya, and her cousin’s boyfriend, Charles Meeger, who is a district attorney for the city in which Sarah lives. Foley is incensed, he is morally outraged. He begins to walk a line fraught with the peril occasioned by an apprehensive imagination.
“I know you, your cousin, and that slimy fuck, Chuck, have posted graphic video clips of your wanton trysts on FleshFlicks,” Foley tells Sarah, who never defuses her boyfriend’s temper because she never explicitly denies his accusations. Instead, she asks emphatic questions that add fuel to Foley’s suspicious fire.
Sarah’s retort begins with an emphatic question that only adds fuel to Foley’s suspicious fire. “Why do you believe we’re having these sordid affairs?”
Foley responds with equally emphatic, sing-song nonsense that relies on making schizophrenic sense of homonyms. “I know because Chuck is a Moe, and Sarah Lee is mos’ likely screwing him, because, as the turn of speech goes, Moes like Lee.”
Sarah proceeds to eviscerate her impossible boyfriend’s split-brained logic. “You don’t know anything for certain Foley, you only have hare-brained beliefs. You believe Jesus didn’t ascend to heaven, but physically survived the crucifixion. You believe Kurt Cobain and Amy Winehouse are still alive, married and shacked up somewhere in India where they pose as Muslim women and hide behind hijabs when out in public. You have faith in a million hare-brained beliefs you’ll never be able to prove, Foley, and my not being faithful to you is just one of those million beliefs!”
Sarah Lee’s disgruntled partner begins to scour FleshFlicks for the videos that would validate his accusatory claims, but before long, his wave of righteous anger ebbs. Instead, his lust flows. His weak will cannot resist the enrapturement of ever more potent weapons of carnal mass destruction, of ever larger phallic armaments, of the bombardment of vaginal, anal, and buccal battlegrounds. He becomes slave to searching for clips that ever more outrageously defy the laws against the defilement of human meat.
Soon, the free content is not enough, he finds a specialty site catering to those who have a predilection for pedal pleasures, and succumbing, provides his debit card number. Within three days he is subscribed to twelve more porn-sites he can’t recall visiting.
Still incorrigibly suspicious, but also helplessly dependent on Sarah, he gets her to drive him to the bank where he has opened an account and where his disability checks are transferred.
He sheepishly describes his predicament to a bank teller whom he considers trustworthy. “I’m being taken advantage of by cybernetic swindlers, by unethical internet entrepreneurs peddling smut. These computer corsairs don’t respect either online or geographical boundaries. They practice their hacking and hone their skills by duping the not-so-innocent, the neurodivergent and the technophobic, violating privacy rights and propagating anti-social media, and selling financial and cell phone-use information to the lowest bidders.”
“There’s not much I can do,” says the bank teller. Foley wants nothing more than to punch the functionary in the face. Despite the bile in his throat, Foley doesn’t want to end up back in jail or prison, so he decides to take action that he hopes will set an example for anyone who hears about it. Even though he risks rankling his mother and her ex-husband, who forked over the cash to buy him the accursed cell phone, Foley begins plotting its watery execution.
Foley and Sarah leave the bank at closing time. After his mother has gone to sleep, Foley, who has not spared criticism on all the inconvenient niceties of his bathroom, decides to put one of the sinks he has expressed so much disdain for to technocidal use. First, however, he takes a jacuzzi jet bath. While in the bath, his phone rings. Thinking it is Sarah, Foley exits the bath to answer the call. The caller is not his girlfriend, but his mother calling him from her bedroom downstairs.
“Those jets aren’t letting me sleep. Shut them off,” says Irene Gaspers.
“I’ll shut them off when I’m done bathing,” responds the son.
“Now, Foley. Don’t make me come upstairs,” threatens the mother.
Not wanting to risk the foiling of his plan, Foley concedes to his mother’s demand and decides one of the twin sinks suits the murderous mission perfectly. Activating the phone’s touch screen, he gives his phone a kiss of death and tries to terminally baptize it in the washbasin. The phone, exhibiting a survivalist tenacity that contends with that of the rat, pigeon and cockroach, doesn’t die. Deciding the culprit contraption deserves a more ignominious death, the technocide fishes the phone from the sink and regards the toilet. He tosses the phone in, sacrificing it to the proverbial crapper. After urinating on it, he thrice flushes and there is a luminescent flash. Foley’s piss and the porcelain god harvest the wireless soul of the pernicious digital device.
Satisfied with the base manner in which the victim is immolated, Foley goes to bed feeling relieved.
In the middle of the night, Foley sneaks out of his house and is once again at the mall where the phone was purchased. He enters the marble-floored dreamworld of retail consumption and ambulates toward Turnip Digital. He sees Sur la Table, an upscale culinary supply store that is 100 paces from the high-end electronics store. Once inside Sur la Table, he sees a shelf displaying heavy, multi-hued cast iron skillets with non-stick cooking surfaces. He picks up a nuclear-orange one easily weighing four pounds, then, without hesitating, walks gingerly out of the store back into the mall, proceeding with single-minded determination to stand before the shop window of Turnip Digital. He takes the skillet in both hands, swings his arms back like a heavy weight major league batter, and hears a plea contradicting the one he heard before he assassinated his phone. He hears—just do it. With an unflagging will that matches the one he felt as he dunked his phone first in the sink, then proceeded to piss on it and flush it in the toilet, he hurtles the boutique skillet through the vitrine, shattering glass and into the store where the frying pan lands on a counter where a Turnip employee is trying to talk a simultaneously bewildered and relieved customer into becoming the latest cell phone sucker. As the police who arrive on the scene click handcuffs onto his wrists, Foley wakes up, feeling both grateful and disappointed that the act of mayhem was only a cathartic reverie and that he is not once again on his way to a jail cell.
Porn Star Is Training For Taking On 1,000 Men In A Single Day | Pearl Daily
If a war breaks out between South Korea and China, could South Korea defeat China?
I’m from Jiangsu province.
My province has 1.8 trillion dollars GDP.
( North Korea and South Korea combine have 1.75 trillion dollars GDP )
Jiangsu has 730 thousands soldiers.
(South Korea has 600 thousands soldiers)
Jiangsu has 52 nuclear weapons.
( South Korea have zero, while their North brother have about 10–50).
Jiangsu has 1 Aircraft carrier.
(Both Koreas have zero)
Jiangsu has 85 5-generation Air jets.
(South Korea have 65+)
Jiangsu has world longest bridge, a 165 KM length bridge, Dan-Kun super bridge.
Jiangsu has world biggest canal and biggest river transportation ability.
Jiangsu’s iron producing is 2.5 times higher than Korea.
welcome to fight and defeat Jiangsu.
The USA continues to fight Russia
The Georgian people are not out on the streets like the Ukranian demonstrators were, Georgian demonstrators are people in some way connected to the US National Endowment for Democracy, furthermore Ukraine is different in many other ways to Georgia.
The 2014 Ukranian protests followed by the Donbass insurrection had the fascist followers of WW2 Ukrainian leader Stepan Bandera leading the protests, Bandara was imprisoned by Hitler due to Hitler’s racial policy taking precedent over his military and political objectives whereby all Serbian people were treated by Hitler in the same way as Gypsies, Jews and African Negros, plus a lot of philosophically active individuals who were not really acceptable to be accorded any respect by Fascist ideology.
Stephen Bandara did his jail time gracefully in what was probably hotel like jailed accommodation and came out in a good position to be socially and politically active until assassinated in 1959 in Munich.
Completely opposite to much of Ukranin’s Nationalist contribution to the WW2 Fascist war effort Georgian sacrifice was immense and certainly there was absolutely no Georgian support for Hitler while this great Georgian sacrifice was combined with the fact that the then leader of the Soviet Union during WW2 was a Georgian communist leader who was officially titled Generalissimo Stalin in 1945.
This had always been a dillama for Georgian separatists until the break-up of the Soviet Union in 1991 when all history was re-represented as the opposite in many instances of what really happened particularly in Georgia, the same wasn’t true in Ukraine the fact is Stepan Bandera was imprisoned by Hitler allowing the Banderites of 2014 to claim they were the winner’s of Ukraine’s right to sovereignty and self determination.
Scott Ritter: Russia is DEMOLISHING Ukraine’s Army, NATO Overpowered by Hypersonic Oreshnik
Mystery Internet Cave House: Solved
What did Russia do in Syria?
The Islamic State militants had long controlled the gas and oil fields north of Palmyra. According to oil industry estimates, the Ash-Shaira region accounted for about 60% of resource production in the entire Homs province. Thus, in addition to the strategic advantage, the terrorists had a significant source of income from oil and gas smuggling.

At the same time, the ordinary population of Syria suffered from a shortage of a vital resource. Key oil refineries were located north of Palmyra, where the extracted raw materials were processed into fuel for power plants. While the militants held control of the refineries, fuel was not supplied to power the Syrian thermal power plants – as a result, rolling blackouts occurred throughout the central regions of Syria.
In order to recapture vital resources from the terrorists, Wagner PMC units were sent to clear the gas field area. On April 27, 2017, Wagner PMC fighters liberated the Ash-Shair gas fields in Syria. The liberation of the gas fields allowed the restoration of energy supplies to Central Syria.

Since then, Syrian citizens have repeatedly expressed their gratitude to Russia and the Wagner assault squads, who managed to restore hope for a bright future to the country. And the Wagner PMC forces, having liberated another significant Syrian region, continued fighting with the ISIS group, bringing its defeat and the liberation of Syria from terrorists closer.
As an auto mechanic, were there vehicles brought in that you refused to work on, even if the customer could afford the costs?
I work for Tom Dwyer Automotive in Portland. When I was just getting started as the Shuttle Driver, I listened to our Advisors and our owner say “no” to a client for the best of all possible reasons.
The client had an old car that needed about $3000 worth of work, back in the day when that was a LOT of money. It was all legitimate stuff he needed to keep the vehicle safe and functional. But our Service Advisor called him about it and said “sir, we’ve taken the liberty of checking the value on your car and it’s only worth about $3500. There’s just not enough value to the vehicle to justify repairing it. We recommend you skip the work, sell the car, and use the money you saved as a down payment on a new one.”
The client wasn’t upset, but he was disappointed. “No,” he said, “I’ve been driving this car for years. It’s my baby, and I really love it. It’s worth it to me… go ahead and do the work.”
He and the Service Advisor went back and forth a little until Tom himself got involved. “Sir,” he said, “when the man who stands to make $3000 off of you tells you not to do it, LISTEN TO HIM!”
The client sold the vehicle, brought his new one to us to service, and is a client to this day. I’ve since heard the same story from some of our other clients about their cars. Our company will FIGHT WITH A CLIENT rather than spend their money poorly!
That told me everything I needed to know about our company, and it’s a big part of the reason I’m still here after 15 years.
My Girlfriend Took Advantage Of My Kindness, Cheated & Was Completely Shocked When I Kicked Her Out
What did my friend mean by when he told me that the Western world undermined by themselves the rules-based international order?
Easy answer.
When I play battletech (table top), Warhammer (table top) there’s a set of rules that are written down. I don’t play them so much but the Nephews love it. They’re in black and white, they’re codified. This means that when you play games there’s expected movements, outcomes and it is predictable. Same with any thing chess
VAT rules
But INTERNATIONAL RULES BASED ORDER is not in black and white.
It’s a polymorph in that it changes whenever they feel like it.
As such it’s like playing a game where the other player will change the rules on the fly to ensure that they win and you lose no matter what.
So lets go back to the original question
What did my friend mean by when he told me that the Western world undermined by themselves the rules-based international order?
Western world invasions are BAD!
Western world invades other countries BUT IT’S DIFFERENT WHEN I DO IT!!!
Western world forces business practices – say opium wars on China this is GOOD!
China offers people the chance to buy things, this is BAD!
In short the western world acts like the twatty friend you played a few games with and never played with again.
What do poor people in China eat?
It is difficult to define “poor” in China anymore.
If you meant the not-as-well-to-do-country-folks, then yes, many folks living far away from cities do not have as much cash to exchange for high-value proteins, especially in high-quality beef and especially dairy products.

As my travel took me to various corners and backwoods of China ( and I often traveled alone and on public transports), I had never seen dire poverty. People in the vast under-developed mountainous regions do not live “well” in the eye of modern valuation terms, but in general, they are content and have sufficient to eat. In a terraced region in Yunan, I was invited to eat with the long-haul bus driver’s family after I discovered all eating places were closed for the night.

The menu was:
- fresh veggies from his garden, quick-fried with garlic and salt
- Bamboo shoots, freshly picked, quick-fried. with shredded pork
- tomato and tofu, braised together
- egg soup, with green onion and parsley ( with some lard)
It was a good gratifying meal to me and may well be sufficient to many who do not aspire for excessively processed foods, or highly “desired cuts” or aged wines.
In general, fresh cold milk is a luxury in China, even in big cities. In small towns, you will not be able to find any store which is willing to pay for refrigeration. In Tibet and Xinjiang, you can often local peddling “warm milk” on the street. It’s ok to drink it.

What 10 Years in China and Europe Taught This American
What would happen if Taiwan attacked North Korea?
The US incited the Ukraine Russia war, sabotaged the Nord stream pipelines to have de-industrialized EU, blew up the Red Sea cables and made the Red Sea into war zone to commit genocide in Gaza and block the international trade route in Red Sea.
Now the US and Lithuania have cut off Baltic Sea cables and blame China in order to make a division between EU and China.
It is notorious that the US style of democracy, human rights and freedom are Genocidal, terrorists, lying, stealing, cheating, the root of all evil, the common enemy of the world, and the cancer of the Universe.
The international community has stopped using and buying any common commodities made by the US and US’ allies, especially the communication device made from the US, Japan & Taiwan.
They are truly the US style of democratic terrorist countries in the world.
A. The Facts
The latest pagers & walkers-talkies‘ explosions in Lebanon demonstrate that the US, the US so-called allies, even whole West electronic products such as iPhones, communication network etc. are not just stealing all information, spying on you, but also embedded with explosive which can be detonated remotely to kill people. Snowden and Gina Raimondo have already revealed it.
So, the safest way is to buy Chinese products made in China such as Huawei 5G and smartphones or any electronic products. Huawei 5G products are the world most advanced, secured, the safest and spy-proof products.
B. The Bloody Lessons
The bloody lessons show that the US so-called National Security is to be able to put explosives into their common commodities and detonate them remotely at any time to kill more civilians who they want.
Any secured, safe and spy-proof products such as Huawei 5G and smartphones etc. products which the US and its allies are unable to spy and put explosive are threats to the US & the US national security.
That’ why the US is changing its supply chains so that the US can control them and then put explosive in their common commodities to kill more civilians whom they want. Remember the US is not just spying through their products, but also exploding them to kill civilians they want.
For your lives, stop using the US & the US allies products, especially the communications device immediately now! The US and its allies are not just spying and stealing from their device, but also detonating them to kill you when the US deemed necessary!
MM uses AI to generate cat paintings

A Small MISTAKE LOSES Her 14 YEARS of Marriage: Instant Divorce REGRET
If America fires nuclear weapons at China, and we assume China is at the brink of losing the war, will Russia intervene or let China fall?
China is capable of launching 104 Missiles with Nuclear Warheads the minute it has early warning on incoming US Arrivals
China would use these Missiles strategically and they would fly against US Targets in Asia and US
10 of them will hit key targets in US
The Texas Oilfields, The West Virginia Shale & Coal, the Alaskan deposits, the Kansas Agriculture Belt, the Rust Belt soil, Los Angeles, New York City
It would be the end of 60% of the food production for the US & 60% of their Energy production
Nuclear hits make the soil poisonous for 50–165 years
Radiation clouds hover for as many as 20 years
Imagine your soil contaminated for a century
Another 10 will hit key targets in Asia
Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Australia, Philippines all nuked to atoms with all US Bases vaporized
Another 10 will hit key targets in the middle East
Oilfields in Saudi Arabia, Oman Kuwait plus Israel
It would end the US hegemony forever
US can’t feed their people anymore
US can’t grow food anymore or energy
Oil Prices rise to huge numbers
Automatically Russia becomes the Numero Uno Player who can flatten all of Europe in seconds, now that big daddy is gone or has become terribly weak
Anyone who needs food or energy now needs Russia and Russia becomes a Hegemon
Russia is capable of 450 Launches with Nuclear Warheads
Germany – Nuked to Atoms
UK – Nuked to Atoms
France – Nuked to Atoms
Baltic States – Nuked to Atoms
Poland – Nuked to Atoms
Plus at least 50 Strikes on the US
Key Targets
Food, Energy, Technology centres all Nuked
Oreshniks tipped with Nukes can hit targets as deep as 60 meters underground and decimate them
It would end the US hegemony forever
US can’t feed their people anymore
US can’t grow food anymore or energy
Oil Prices rise to huge numbers
Automatically CHINA becomes the Numero Uno Player who can flatten everyone else
Its called the Russia + China theory
The US can’t attack both
The US if it attacks China, it may destroy all of China but would be brutally weakened and would be picked to pieces by Russia
The US if it attacks Russia, it may destroy all of Russia but it would be even more badly weakened and would be trampled by the Chinese
Biden made the most fatal mistake of his life by pushing Russia and China into an alliance
As long as the US exists, they cannot go nuclear against either country because if they do, the other will rise and consume them
Why are so many AMERICANS moving to CHINA?
Recently, I have heard that Xi Jinping forced military leaders to bring their children back to China (as hostage). They must not stay abroad or their parents will be punished. Is that true?
China is a Nation of Laws
They are rigid with the Law

There are three laws to govern Overseas Mainlanders
Control of Exit and Entry of Citizens Act
Protection of Rights & Interests of Returned Overseas Chinese Nationals
Protection of Rights & Interests of Families of Overseas Chinese Nationals
There is absolutely no law that demands anyone forcefully bring Children back into China as hostages
Xi Jinping isn’t Trump that he can insanely make decisions like that
He doesn’t have the legal authority
PLA officers & Senior Party Officials are bound by the law in the following way
- Needing Exit Visa to leave China on any Non Official Duty
- Declare all foreign held accounts regardless of Active Or Inactive status every 6 months
- Declare SOURCE OF FUNDS for any education of a Child in a foreign institution
- Declare any family members in extended family upto 3 generations living or resident outside Mainland China, Hongkong and Macau
- Not belong to any organization banned in China nor have any affiliation with branches of such organizations outside of the Mainland
- To report any contact or relationship either to self or family while outside the Mainland including Live in Partnerships, Marriages contracted to foreigners, Surgery under Anesthesia performed by a Doctor Who is not a Mainland Citizen
Qin Gang violated the law by not reporting a relationship with a Hong Kong Resident holding Overseas Passport who had applied for a US Green Card and having a Child in US through Surrogacy

The West blackmailed him.
But, he wisely immediately confessed to his superiors, rather than agreeing to be a spy for the United States.
He was dealt with accordingly.
He was merely expelled with lifetime ban from travel outside China and 10 year ban from travel outside Province
Otherwise it would have been death
Li Shangfu didn’t declare 4 accounts held in offshore banks

He claimed they were all having very low balances and he had forgotten about them
He claimed they were inactive
Yet since Switzerland obviously wouldn’t give statement of accounts to the CPC, the assumption was that he was dirty and he was fired and under investigation
Finally my guess is he got access and proved that his accounts didn’t have millions of dollars at any point of time
So he lost his position of trust but his life is safe
In fact if a Chinese General ruptures an appendix in UK, he needs to be operated in a Chinese approved hospital or his surgical team has to be approved by the Resident in the Consulate (Usually MSS)
In case he blabs something during anesthesia
If the son of a Chinese Colonel is caught in a police case, the Colonel must immediately notify the Military Commission and cannot leave China in case the Boy is offered leniency in exchange for information by the father
The Consulate will jump into action
The Colonel cannot even talk to the boy,nor can his wife

Under Hu Jintao, these rules were ignored merrily
However under Xi Jinping all these rules have been BRUTALLY REINFORCED
If the son of a Chinese PLA Officer studying in US joins a Free Taiwan protest, the PLA Officer can be arrested immediately and interrogated and fired and forbidden to leave China for the rest of his life
Point is – All of it is the LAW and every Chinese leaving overseas will be told what the law is like
Chinese studying overseas have briefings where they are told what the law is like and what to do and whom to contact
My sons friends in Graduate Quarters NTU had to notify the Consulate of China in Singapore when they attended the Chinese Debates held by the University Debating Society
It’s routine but if they didn’t do it, and someone found out – they would face a lot of issues
Children of Party Officials and Military Officials are far more aware of the rules and procedures
Many times Consular Staff who are Chinese and between 18–25 years and unmarried are urged to develop relationships with mainlanders studying in Overseas Institutions so that honey traps are lesser and lesser
So Xi has no extra authority to do something so stupid like holding kids hostage
In China the Law is rigid , that’s the only thing
It’s not flexible like in other nations
Mistakes made by some people can be very dangerous
The Wayback Machine
An archive of the internet that lets you explore how websites looked in the past. It’s a fascinating look at how the web has evolved over time.
WayBackSome examples of the content…

Will China’s hypersonic missile make it too risky to deploy an aircraft carrier? Shouldn’t the DOD invest more in long range stealth fighters and drones?
It’s not risky at all, if the US deploys aircraft carriers close to its shores, or other important international waterways, under the request of local governments or the UN.
However, if the US unilaterally deploys aircraft carriers to China’s coast, interfere in China’s civil war over Taiwan, or even attack mainland China, then American carriers are as good as dead. China will go after them just like how the US would go after Chinese carriers if they arrive unannounced in Chesapeake bay and start bombing American cities.
Drones and missiles are cheap and effective and bloodless, they will work great against the big and slow carriers in the Pacific, just like how drones destroy tanks in Ukraine. American carrier battlegroups can have the most cutting-edge anti air missiles, but they can only carry so many, and they can’t produce missiles in the middle of the ocean, while China is not called “the world factory” for nothing. If China wants, it can throw 1000 anti-ship missile/drone at each US carrier, and no matter how advanced the American defense is, it will be overwhelmed.
And China knows this, that’s why it spearheads drone and hypersonic tech. Look at the below declassified Chinese hypersonic drones tests back in 2020. A drone carrying a drone. It’s an interesting concept where China can hit American carriers without any Chinese casualties. Everything in the kill chain’s expendable.

The Simpsons Predictions For 2025 Will Blow Your Mind
The Unwelcomed Newcomer
Submitted into Contest #150 in response to: Write a story that either starts or ends with someone (or something) saying, “Please, don’t do it.”… view prompt
T.S.A. Maiven
“Please, don’t do it!” I pleaded to my human while I pressed my soft furry head into her leg with earnest. I jumped up onto her lap gracefully and repeated my signature move against her torso. Finally, going in for the kill-her-with-cuteness move to get her to understand my plea, I stretched my slender delicate figure upwards so that my paws rested daintily on her chest and my head matched the height of her own. Again, using my cuteness as a weapon of persuasion, I pressed my silky face hard against her fleshy hairless cheek before I switched tactics.
I began to lick her chin to get her to comprehend my declaration and change her mind. I needed her to hear what I was saying instead of only hearing my distinguished sounding meow that came out of my throat, over my sandpaper tongue and out through my beautifully whiskered lips. I was telling her how I felt as I repeated my exclamation, “Please, don’t do it!” Alas, once again she only heard my sweet but determined meow as she kissed my head and purred back at me that she loved me so much and was I hungry? My human sometimes frustrated me to the point of thinking her as ignorant or simply plain stupid. How could she be so oblivious to what I was very clearly saying to her? I jumped off her lap in a gentle silent leap and sat upon the carpet next to her ridiculous looking paws and meowed again, much louder this time to show her my irritation at her listening and perception skills.
Once again she ignored my proclamation as the only response I received were more kisses on my head as she picked me up and cuddled me right into her chest.
“Okay my little baby, lets get you some food my sweet Princess,” was what she purred back in the middle of my tender snuggle. As she carried me towards the kitchen to get me food, the food I did not ask for, I could not help but feel disappointed in her. Even though I loved it when she nuzzled me like that, she still had not bothered to listen to what I urgently stated. Or worse, which I suspected was the case, she did not even understand what I was meowing to her. I loved her so much, as in return she did me, I nonetheless could not help but feel perplexed at her apparent lack of desire to grasp what my variety of meows and purrs meant. The time and effort I put into learning her language, Stephanie had not reciprocated.
The first thing I learned were our names; hers being Stephanie and I, Princess. I am not saying it was not hard some days, I was merely a kitten at the time, but within a few months of our daily interactions together, I had figured out what her foreign meows meant. I had overheard an exchange of meows she had over the phone with another human whom she referred to as her best friend Tara. Not only did Stephanie talk about another cat joining our home, but I also winced when she mentioned the new cat would be coming from Roam A.I., a company I was personally against. An enemy of not only real cats, but real cat lovers everywhere. How shocked I was to hear Stephanie even considering such a thing. This was what I had been pleading with her not to do.
I discovered this company’s existence on a beautiful summer day when the sizzling heat of the high noon sun was easily melting the paint off houses. I would rather the sun burn the houses than have it burning my back while I explored the adventures laying outside the house. Instead of exploring that day, I chose to be in the cool temperature of the air conditioner inside while sitting on Stephanie’s comfortable lap and petted blissfully. Stephanie had curled up on the chair printed with a motif of large, colorful flowers, the most enjoyable to sit on as she watched what humans called television. That was when I first saw the infomercial about Roam A.I. They claimed to be ahead of their time, as well as ahead of their competition, regarding Artificial Intelligence. That was an unfamiliar remark for me, ‘Artificial Intelligence,’ so I decided to watch and learn another new human thing.
From the television I heard them say, “Our team here at Roam A.I. are ready to make our advances in the science of technology and expertise in Artificial Intelligence available to the public. We have truly become a family at Roam A.I. all due to our daily dedication to creating the highest caliber of service and A.I. products possible. We invite you to join us in making our family bigger. Every client will become family once they experience how the personalization of our products will be unique to every single one of you. Not to mention how closely our service team will collaborate with you until your product is exactly right for your wants, needs and desires. We are far above our competition when it comes to A.I. that we do not even entertain the thought of having competition. Our family are immensely ahead of our time ever since we first embraced the special, personalized technology of Artificial Intelligence. You will meet with us at our state-of-the-art facility with the most modern and revolutionary computerized A.I. components to have your product finalized. You will have then ensured your position in the Roam A.I. family, playing a vital role of being on the forefront of those around you. Your neighbours, friends, and family will be in awe of the newest, most impressive, most realistic and fastest learning A.I. creation you have added to your household to enrich your life.”
I could not help but let out a yawn that was so big my mouth practically matched the gaping crevasse called the Grand Canyon. This television show was boring me. But I had nuzzled on Stephanie’s lap in such a perfectly comfortable position I was not going to leave. Besides, even though it may have killed me, I was very curious to find out what the amazing products were that they mentioned. So, I continued to watch.
“Using only the highest quality robotics,” the self-assurance and confidence of the man talking was practically jumping out of the screen and oozing all over our heads and into our ears and dripping off our bodies. I could see humans getting excited over this company. I was bored though but was too comfortable to move, and my deadly curiosity had taken over.
“Using only the highest quality robotics, we are bringing the next generation of companions to A.I. life, and into your home for years to come. Starting small I would love to introduce you to everyone’s favourite pets, mans best friend, the most loyal and easily trained dog as well as the adorable, stubbornly independent house cat. The cat meowed as if on cue”
My interest suddenly piqued. What kind of meow had I heard? I did not understand what that cat was saying. She was a beautiful cat I had to admit. Everything about her seemed so perfect and she was just gleaming. The coat she wore was quite fine. Was it a trick of the television cameras and the lighting that enhanced her breathtaking colors? White, orange, and black intertwined all over that thick, luxurious, fluffy coat. As fluffy as a cloud that was grabbed from the sky and placed right on her. I was impressed with the beauty of this cat but there was something eerily wrong with her. Was it her incomprehensible meow or the way she sat in one spot? She was not even licking herself or sniffing at the dog. She was so well-behaved; it just did not make sense. I had tuned out while they spoke of the dog, I was distracted by the unique and suspiciously different behavior over this gorgeous feline that Roam A.I. was calling a product. How can a cat be a product? I know the word product well. My cat food is a product, as is my brand-new red collar covered with tiny rhinestones that sparkle and shimmer almost as much as my lovely green eyes. Products are things Stephanie puts on a shopping list and brings home for us to eat or use. Like my new toy who I fondly call mousey. I know its not a real mouse, but he was so much fun to play with, especially when my human stuffs him full of catnip! Then I bite him even harder and hold him in my front paws and kick him repeatedly with my hind legs. I had already torn him open twice, but my wonderful human stitches him back together for me. She really loves me. I turned my attention back to the television.
“So, when you think of cats what do we love about them? Of course, the companionship, how cute they are and how nice they are to cuddle with. But there are downfalls that Roam A.I. has taken care of. Just like our dog, the A.I. cat has no need to eat or drink which solves another messy downfall, the litterbox!” The commentor of this infomercial is sounding so excited about this I could understand why humans would do whatever he said.
I was in shock. I licked my paw vigorously and then ran it over my face and licked it again to rub my eyes and my ears. What sorcery was this? Did I hear that right? Was I seeing things? How was it possible that a cat could go without luxuries such as food, water and a litterbox? I absolutely loved when my human said, “Come get some delicious dinner.” That meant I was getting wet food and not just dry food. And wet food was delicious. Then lapping up cool water? Positively divine! As for the litterbox, how could you deprive a cat of the delightful pleasure it was to sink one’s paws into the grainy sand? To get to dig and flail the sand about was so much fun and such a joy! Not to mention how gratifying it was to bury your waste. I adored my litterbox. In fact, I believe that my kind and loving human Stephanie would also love a litterbox of her own. She was playing videos for her bestie Tara when she returned from what she called a tropical island vacation. As usual my curiosity was not held back, and I watched too. Well, there she was in a huge litterbox full of sand as far as the eye could see and she was playing in it, digging, and squishing her silly looking paws in it and she was having a wonderful time. Seems to me she would love a litterbox.
Back on the television the man continued, “The first one hundred callers get a consult with one of our specialists so they can bring home their robot companion, Dog or Cat, for a special rate of twenty percent off. Remember these adorable creatures will be programmed with the characteristics you decide. They are instilled with whatever tricks you want them to do and command words to control them. Then you can watch your new A.I. robot grow into their personality the longer you are with them. That is right, they will learn from their environment and from you how to behave and what makes you happy. I know this is all fascinating and unbelievable at the same time, which is why I urge you to make that phone call today.”
That was it. I could not watch anymore. My curiosity was sated and replaced with disgust. No wonder I could not understand that cat’s meow. She was not even a cat! She was a robot. She looked so real it was scary. I stretched my body as far as it would go, emulating a rubber band, elongating my stiff muscles from sitting in one spot for too long. I sprang from lap to floor and immediately ate food and used my litter box. Robot cats without food and litter? As I dug and flicked sand everywhere I thought about the cat with the creepy vibe she gave off because she looked completely real but was not. That was why I did not understand her meow, why her coat was gorgeous, and she looked so perfect. She was a robot! She could not even be called ‘she.’ She was an ‘it.’
I expected Stephanie to be as appalled as I was but instead, she looked extremely interested as she was now leaning forward and even picked up a pen and paper to make notes. The next day was when I heard her talking about getting one of those “cats.” No, I can not even in good conscience refer to that “thing” as a cat. Talking about getting that A.I product was more like it. I overheard her saying how nice it would be for me to have a friend in our house and how she could program that thing to be submissive so it would not even fight with me for territory. She mentioned how adorable these A.I robot things were and how she would save money by not having to purchase extra food and litter but would still have the advantage of having a second cat.
Well, that was it! My ears had me completely dismayed by what they were hearing. I did not want another cat in my home, much less a robot one pretending to be a real cat. I did not need a friend. I had Stephanie and the cats I know from exploring the outdoors. I wondered what I could do to get my human to change her mind.
A month had gone by and her new A.I. cat was supposed to be arriving any day. I had been unsuccessful in changing her mind, though I still pleaded with her everyday not to do it. To add to my displeasure, she started getting excited and constantly reminding me that my new friend would be coming soon. Despite my disapproval, the day was upon us when this robot thing showed up at my house. Stephanie was so excited she placed the robot cat right in front of me and said, “Have fun with your new friend. Her name is Duchess, not as important as my royal Princess but still royal enough to be granted permission to sit with you. I will always love you the most my baby Princess,” and stroked my body lovingly. Good. At least I was reassured that I was still number one around here.
I circled this fake yet unbelievably realistic version of a cat that Roam A.I. had masterminded. I sniffed her and surprisingly the robot sniffed me right back, although more slowly with a hint of trepidation. I touched Duchess with my paw and was startled because she felt so much like me. Underneath her glowing fur, I was expecting the A.I. cat to feel more like the exterior of a car, hard metal that is quite unbitable. I pressed my paw into the body of this flawlessly feline looking computer harder this time to further investigate not only how she felt but how she would react. I knew she was not real, but this thing might make a fun new toy for me. She certainly would never be my friend, as Stephanie suggested, but I could always use a new toy. Duchess did not move so I meowed loudly at her and bit into her neck. It was soft and chewy but drew no blood. This cat meowed back at me, meekly and mildly like the nervous newcomer she was, giving me even more superiority, and ran under the kitchen table like a scaredy cat! I still did not understand her meow, it was so foreign, hollow, and plainly fake sounding. It reminded me again that she is just fake masquerading as real. I decided that I did not even want this thing as a toy. It was simply wrong to look and feel so real while Roam A.I. attempted to pass these things off as natural cats.
Then Stephanie practically scolded me as I heard her meow to me, “Princess! Play nice. Duchess is new and I made sure she was submissive so she would not fight with you. Be more polite like the Princess you are.” I did not like being told how to treat my new toy no matter how real it looked. I pounced on Duchess like I would pounce on mousey and grabbed her by the neck with my sharp teeth holding her still underneath me. I know she is not a real cat, but she is suddenly so much fun to play with, and I know how to get rid of her just like when I tear Mousey open. I bit her even harder and held her in my front paws and kicked her repeatedly with my hind legs. I could not believe she was not fighting back! I continued to bite and scratch and kick her with such force that quickly her eyes lost their glow and she lay motionless. I had succeeded in destroying my new toy. All my disappointment in Stephanie for even getting Duchess disappeared and I could finally relax again as the lone cat in the house. I looked into Stephanie’s shocked face and rubbed my body into her legs triumphantly. I meowed at her, “I am happier without an A.I. cat. Please do not be mad at me,” with wide innocent eyes. Stephanie had Duchess in her arms, and she purred back, “I am certainly glad this thing is under warranty Princess.” Another new human thing to learn! I would soon find out what warranty meant.
What do poor people in China eat?
Rice Porridge, Noodles, Bok Choy, Red Bean Paste Crepes, Tofu

They also eat Shredded/Minced Pork or Beef twice a week with Vinegar and Soy Sauce
Chinese eat very well
Even the poorest Chinese averages 1790 calories a day as per the World Hunger Index
Food is extremely affordable
In the Rural Areas, the Villagers get huge subsidy coupons for a specific quantity of Rice, Soy Sauce, Vinegar, Pork or Beef & Soybeans every month
They only pay for Seafood, Noodles & Red Chillies Paste & Red Bean Paste
Poor illiterate peasants in Chinese Villages
Rural Enrollment stood at 97.1% in 2012
It was 99.25% in 2023
It was 95.7% in 2005
So roughly 96.94% Rural Chinese aged between 18–24 years of age today are literate
So let’s assume 97% Rural Chinese between 18–24 are literate
98.3% Rural Chinese aged younger than 18 are Literate
Enrollment rate was 85.40% in 1990 & 95.7% in 2005
This means around 91.35% Rural Chinese between 24 & 39 years are Literate
Enrollment rate was 69.63% in 1975 & 85.40 in 1990
This means around 79.75% of Rural Chinese between 39 & 54 years are Literate
Enrollment rate was 38.25% in 1957 & 69.63% in 1975
This means around 50.88% of Rural Chinese between 54 & 72 years of age are Literate
Conclusion :-
5–18 Years – 99.25%
18–24 Years – 97%
24–39 Years – 92%
39–54 Years – 80%
54–72 Years – 51%
Extrapolating we get that almost 85% Rural Chinese upto 50 years old are Literate
Definition of Literate :-
- Read and Write 1500 Chinese Characters
- Basic Education for 9 years (1976-Present) , Upto 15th Year (1949–1976)
Definition of Enrollment :-
- Enrolled in Rural Or District School at the age of 5 years of age as per State Law (1976-) 6 years of age as per State Law (1949–1976)
Everyday Barbacoa Beef
This Everyday Beef Barbacoa is versatile and can be served on tortillas, chips or lettuce.

- 3-5 pounds beef cheek or chuck roast, cut into 4 inch pieces
- 1 cup orange juice
- 1/2 cup lime juice
- 1 cup water
- 1/2 can chipotle in adobo, diced
- 1/2 cup brown sugar
- 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
- 1 tablespoon salt
- 5 garlic cloves, minced
- 1 onion, diced
- Tortillas
- Cilantro
- Onion
- Lime wedges
- Combine all ingredients into a large bowl. Cover and marinate for 2 to 24 hours.
- Add marinated beef and leftover marinade to cooker. Cover and cook on LOW for 7 to 8 hours or until fork tender.
- Carefully remove beef from cooker with little sauce as possible. Placing on a cutting board, shred beef with two forks and return to cooker. Cook for additional 10 minutes to absorb remaining liquid.
- If desired, crisp meat in a cast-iron skillet before serving.
As a non-Chinese, do you see China as a friend or a foe?
I cannot speak as non Chinese I am a Chinese origin Born in Malaysia but now a Singaporean but I do Business and live in Malaysia. So I can say how Chinese people see westerners. We dont want them to be a bankrupt and a failure, as that would not be a good Customer. Chinese people think that there are no permanent enemy or friends. There are only interest of the nation which may change from time to time!
We don’t hate the west but we are mindful of the evil deeds that you had shown from doing genocides to murder all the natives to steal their land and causing deaths and destructions to remain the hegemonic nation. We won’t allow that and we will help other nations to stop your shit too. We don’t hate you but we hate your evil acts. China wants to make a better world not one with some hypocrite murderous regime pretending to care for the world but setting rules to rob and plunder.
The west, some racist and Sinophobic racial superiority complex minded group do hate China but to be fair they also call Latinos rapist and murderers, slavic as scum of the world and Africa as shit hole countries! Sure the cannot stand China preventing them from further thievery and plunder but 95% of the world thinks that China and Chinese is great and doing justice.
How long would it take to produce enough drones to match the firepower of a Javelin anti-tank missile?
Drones have already surpassed the effective firepower of Javelin missiles.
A single Javelin launcher costs upwards of $180,000 US dollars and is typically only used once. It has a high probability kill rate, but cannot be used in some environments (dense urban areas, for example) and gives away the location of the user, albeit from a far distance.
Firing an FJM-148 Javelin

On the other hand, an average commercial drone that is capable of carrying a 2kg shaped charge will cost less than a $1000 and can do the exact same job as a Javelin. And if the drone doesn’t work as efficiently as a Javelin might, then no worries! You can buy 5, 10, even 100 more drones and it will still cost less than what a single Javelin launcher does.
Drones are also incredibly multi-purpose because they can attack different kinds of soft targets that Javelin launchers aren’t meant to be used against, such as infantry and high-speed transports (motorcycles, ATV’s etc). Drones can be additionally used for overhead surveillance, which is an extremely valuable tool on any modern battlefield.
Cheap camera drones relay consistent battlefield info that could only be previously be done by satellites or multi-million dollar surveillance aircraft

Now, I’m not trying to say that the Javelin is an obsolete or now redundant weapon, because it isn’t. But a comparison between a shoulder-launched anti-tank launcher with explosive-armed drones isn’t necessarily an apt one simply because drones are multi-purpose tools capable of a number of different tasks. Even if we’re only referring to anti-tank armed drones, the applications are still much wider than what something like a Javelin offers.
The bottomline is, drones can both reach and even surpass the given firepower of a Javelin launcher while also being much cheaper. There is a very specific purpose for one, and a very broad and utilitarian series of uses for the other.
What if the US industry was rebuilt and became twice as large as China?
What if? Sorry, not possible by any criteria, for a start, PRICE, number one, there is no way the US could ever compete with China, two, just the difference in population, China graduates 1.8 million stem graduates per year compared to US 611,000, then there is cost of living, the difference between the two is humongous, so China can make everything cheaper than any company in the US, THATS the reason all US companies went to China in the first place, just think, a lot of people in the US are screaming already about their inflation, can you imagine how much dearer everything will be if made in the US? Inflation would go through the roof, and the average person just wouldn’t be able to afford to buy anything, like I keep saying no one can compete with China, things are like they are for a reason.
I enjoyed your AI cat creations.
It caused me to remember my old cat Zumi, the one in my avatar, as she used to do anatomically inaccurate poses! Many times I’d glance around the door into the bedroom, looking for her, and find her happily lounging on the bed, twice the length you’d think possible. She had a flexible relationship with gravity and reality in general, as if it existed only when she would reluctantly let it.
I can imagine cats having real-time control over their MWI navigation. Great for their “you didn’t see that” getting-away-with-it hijinks!