I’ll tell you one real thing that Americans would just HATE about China.
Most of the elevators play Kenny G.
(Well), not exactly. The older elevators do. The newer elevators run television and videos with a mixture of shows, music and weather. But the older elevators, well, heck, it’s Kenny G 24-7.
For thouse of you who are young, or not from the ‘States, Kenny G was (is) quite the talented music player, and his saxophone was legendary. His talent made great waves in the United States, and the media gobbled it up…
To an insane amount.
Everything was Kenny G, and for perhaps a decade and a half (maybe 1980’s into the late 1990’s) everything was Kenny G. Americans were force fed so much Kenny G music that we all collectively vomited and started turning off the radio stations, and televisions shows that had it on.
Eventually, the rumor has it, that a major television mogul was in a New York Bar, when some random Kenny G tune was playing on television and the entire bar erupted in screams and shouts to “turn that shit off!”. Yeah. It was that bad.
Meanwhile, China hasn’t experienced that.
To the Chinese, Kenny G was just white-noise, background music. Like ocean waves or light rain.
So yeah, if Americans knew the truth they would really hate the Chinese for real. And, not though the CIA manipulated American media bullshit.
What is the worst thing a tenant has ever done to your rental property?
I called her on the 4th of the month as I hadn’t received rental. She was a regular late payer, ready with long stories why she hadn’t pay her rent on time. But this time around she told me she was moving out and dropped the call, and blocked me.
I went to the apartment, through the windows, I could see it was empty. I arranged for a locksmith. The place wasn’t vandalised not too dirty, it just needed mopping up and basic carpet cleaning, I thought.
There was this terrible smell in the main bedroom, though. I opened all the windows, searched all the cupboards but they were all empty. I arranged with cleaning services thinking carpets needed steaming. Mr Swart (yes that’s his real name) was the caretaker of the estate, and made extra cash with cleaning services. He called me the following day to let me know his done cleaning the place but the smell won’t go away.
By this time I had no tenant lined up since I didn’t have a chance to re-advertising. I asked Mr Swart to recheck the place again. Mr Swart found rotten fish inside the base of the main bedroom closet.
I don’t know why and to date I can’t find reasons for that kind of malice.
Why Matriarchies Fail
Matriarchies put women into positions of power but not so much into positions of responsibility.
Have you ever had such a close call it makes your skin shiver everytime you think about it? If so, what happened?
When I was 15, I was at a friend’s house party with about 7 of my friends. There were a few guys waiting to use the bathroom, so my friends mother offered to let me use the bathroom in her bedroom. I was in there for about 30 seconds. When I stepped out, I was grabbed by 4 very tall guys that I’d never seen before, who’d hoisted me up above their shoulders, & were headed towards the door to the driveway outside with me in tow. As the door opened, I saw an older Cadillac idling there, with the doors open. Seemingly out of nowhere, my long time ride or die buddyJuan, a large, really tough Samoan dude who’d been a college football player, had appeared from behind, & managed to snatch me away from my would-be kidnappers. Holding onto to me tightly, Juan had stepped backwards through the bedroom door, slammed it shut, & locked it behind him. It all happened so fast that I was in complete shock. It was beyond crazy, & it was the most terrifying thing that I’ve ever gone through, (with one possible exception). We were pretty sure the men were from a nearby town, involved in gang-related fight & rivalry with our town, but how or where they’d spotted me, or why they’d chosen me to try to snatch from inside a house party made no sense at all, & it’s always remained a mystery. Neither me nor any of my friends were involved with gangs in any way, but life in that town could instantly & without any warning, become randomly crazy, & also very violent. I was thinking back remembering it as I was writing it down, when it occurred to me how completely insane & improbably this whole ordeal would sound to anyone else. Had I not been there myself, I’d probably have trouble believing it too.
Have you ever had someone come for dinner at your place and they refused to eat anything?
Does throwing your dinner on the floor count?
My sister came for the weekend with her husband. I did the usual things … pristine house, guest room warm and welcoming, slow cooked meal humming away.
I was landscaping at the time, a perpetual and seemingly never ending challenge. Brother in law was keen to see it and encouraged me to work some rocks while they sipped beer on the deck.
Time for dinner came. The meat was falling apart delicious, the veggies covered in glistening pan juices. I served it on the deck. Yum, says brother in law as were turned to survey the garden.
Sister, glowering, threw her untouched plate on the floor and sat silent and sullen.Wtf?
Months later she told me why. While I was placing rocks a single lock of unkempt hair escaped my hat. It was curly.
She has straight hair. She didn’t like that.
Dinner was marvellous. Shame about hers.
Grilled Garlic Stuffed Steaks

Yield: 8 servings
- 2 boneless beef top loin steaks, cut 2 inches thick
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
- 1/4 cup minced garlic
- 1/2 cup thinly sliced green onions
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1/4 teaspoon pepper
- In small nonstick skillet, heat oil over medium-low heat until hot. Add garlic. Cook and stir 4 to 5 minutes or until tender, but not browned. Add onions. Continue cooking and stirring 4 to 5 minutes or until onions are tender. Season with salt and pepper; cool completely.
- Meanwhile, cut a pocket in each beef steak with a sharp knife. Start 1/2 inch from one long side of steak and cut horizontally through center of steak to within 1/2 inch of each side. Spread half of garlic mixture inside each steak pocket. Secure openings with wooden picks.
- Place steaks on grid over medium, ash-covered coals. Grill, covered, for 22 to 24 minutes for medium-rare to medium doneness; turn occasionally.
- Remove wooden picks. Carve one crosswise into 1/2 inch thick slices.
The current unemployment situation in China is very serious. Why don’t Chinese people overthrow their own government and reallocate resources to reduce unemployment?
This month – there are 11.24 Million Graduates who are entering the Job market
Of these around 2.727 Million (As per 2022 numbers) will study further for Post Graduate Courses
Of these around 600,000 (As per 2022) will prepare for Certifications in various areas which require Examinations like CFA, Architecture Or PE or Series 7 etc.
Of these around 60,000 (As per 2023) will go abroad for a Post Graduate Course or Doctorate
This means around 7.92 Million Chinese Graduates have been hitting the Job market from 1/6/24 onwards
This includes almost 1.1 Million Engineering Graduates
Meanwhile Chinese Employers prefer hires only after 30/6/24
So for the first 30 days in June – Unemployment would rise significantly
Then after 1/7/24 – Jobs will be offered and the workforce will be decongested
There are 556,000 Government Appointments & 48,500 Civil Service Posts available this year
The Vacancies due to retirement emoluments in China in 2023 come to around 4.32 Million Jobs
New Jobs created assuming a 5% growth compared to 2023 comes to 1.37 Million New Jobs
This plus a further 360,000 Local Government Jobs across China
(This is Available NBS Data. It doesn’t count the other jobs like Smaller Freelance Jobs)
Adding we get around 6.65 Million Jobs Available versus 7.92 Million Graduates
Add to this a further 5% or 400,000 Graduates from Last year still looking for work
That’s 6.65 Million Jobs vs 8.32 Million Graduates
This means around 1.67 Million Graduates would be unable to find a Job in Mainland China
That comes to 1.67/8.32 = 20%
So the 16–24 Unemployment numbers will rise to around 20% for the next few months and then as more graduates get placed or take up contract jobs or freelance jobs or swt up their own business – this will fall back to 15% by December 2024
Now 20% is the 16–24 unemployment among Fresh Graduates
It means around 1.7 Million Graduates would still be looking for a Job by Middle of August or September 2024
That’s because China doesn’t use all graduates to give you 16–24 unemployment
China doesnt divide 1.67 /11.24 and say 16–24 unemployment was 14.80%
China divides 1.67/8.32 and gives you 20%
It’s as realistic as possible
This is high compared to USA (10.11%) but paradise compared to India (46%)
Have you ever been misdiagnosed by your physician?
Multiple times by multiple doctors.
When I turned 18, I began having intense itching in my groin area. I went for lotions first, numbing creams, hydrocortisone, nothing was working.
I tried sticking it out, would stick ice packs down there which helped a lot, but still would wake up scratching the ever living hell out of my groin until it would bleed.
Eventually, the scratches started oozing this terrible green gunk. I finally had enough with this and went to the doctor.
“It’s herpes.”
They never did any blood tests, didn’t believe me when I said I’ve never been sexually active (had my first sexual experience at 21,) they sent me home with a bottle of meds and told me to call them when it clears up.
Well, it didn’t clear up. It kept getting worse. So I called them and they told me it’s normal for herpes to ignore the medication at first, but to just keep taking it and it will eventually calm down.
So I kept taking it. It didn’t get better. It got worse.
To the point where I couldn’t even wear underwear or pants. I had to sit in bed all day, I couldn’t walk because my groin was on fire and oozing this awful smelling green pus on everything I put down there.
I was miserable.
I went to another doctor, who wanted to claim it was syphilis.
Again, I had never ever kissed another human at this point. Went to another doctor who assumed it must either be some sort of allergy, or again, an STD.
They put me on strong antihistamines which helped the itching a bit, but left me so out of it that I could hardly do anything but sleep all day and night.
At this point I was sick of being diagnosed with STDs I knew I didn’t have. I went to a brand new doctor and told him I wanted blood tests for every STD in the book so I could prove to the next dozen doctors that I didn’t have an STD and they needed to look further.
Blood test was negative for everything. I was clear. But that doctor also had no idea what to make of my mysterious itching, and suggested I change my diet.
Finally, I went to a doctor who actually took a biopsy of the area.
Few days later I get a call, “you’ve got a staph infection and we need to put you on antibiotics right away.”
I get the antibiotics and the green oozing goo clears up pretty much immediately, but the itching remains.
I returned to the doctor maybe a week later to go over my biopsy results, “You have spongiotic dermatitis.”
“Well, what can I do for it?”
“Nothing, really. Just have to learn what your triggers are and avoid them.”
“So there’s nothing I can do to get the itching to stop?”
“There might not be.”
I wanted to cry. I probably did.
Few years after just accepting that I’d need to wear ice packs in my pants wherever I went during a flare, which happened frequently, I came across a new doctor who told me you absolutely could use something for the itching, steroid cream.
He prescribed it for me, I can’t remember the exact name but it started with a T. (Thank you, Teri! The medication was called Triamcinolone Acetonide.)
Holy shit, I cleared up immediately.
I had relief for the first time in ever.
I stayed on that cream for a few years, having relief during flares and being so thankful that I found that doctor. But eventually it stopped working, and my flares returned with vengeance.
I went to yet another doctor, as I had since moved after seeing the first one. I told her my diagnosis and what was prescribed to me.
“I’m gonna take another look at it, get another biopsy and see what else we can do for you.”
A week later I had a new diagnosis.
Lichen Sclerosis.
She put me on a much stronger steroid ointment, Clobetosal, and again, I was cleared up immediately.
But I was worried, when is the next time I’m gonna have to dial it up even further? How far do I need to go before my skin gets used to everything and I’m back to square one?
Well, I had a surprising effect to my little skin issue when I made the decision to go on Testosterone.
I’m trans, and this was a decision a long time in the making. I wanted to be happy in my body at last, so I took the plunge and went for it.
And my Lichen Sclerosis cleared up!
My theory was that the thickening skin down there locks in moisture better. I haven’t had a major flare since starting nearly two years ago, and whatever flares I do have can be handled with hydrocortisone, unlike the first time.
I’m finally happy in my skin, in more ways than one.
But it took nearly ten years to get here.
She Thought Divorce Was A Good Idea Until She Had To Pay Him Child Support
What happens to people’s assets when they are in prison?
I can answer this best by giving examples.
- Richard Barile (big time cocaine distributor for Pablo Escobar). “Chaplain, I have nothing left in this country. The government seized it all. BUT, I have my beachfront villa in Cabo-do you want to come down for a week?”
- Mafia button man. Al, why can’t your wife fix her car and come see you? Are you that broke? Can’t someone lend her the money? “No Chaplain, I have about $100k or so. But I have to go ask the people for my money back in person- that’s how we work. If I don’t ask in person they will keep the money.”
- Motorcycle gang guy. “Chaplain, I just lost everything and I’m getting out next month”. You just lost it? “Ya, I rented the storage locker for ten years, but I lost a month of good time, and nobody would pay for my locker for the last two months.” They auctioned off his locker, which included his custom modified vintage Indian motorcycle, just days before his release.
- Off shore bank account guy. Why are you here? “Well I wanted to be a millionaire and enjoy life.” What did you do? “Well, I siphoned four million out of the corporate accounts. I put it all in an off-shore account in a country with no extradition to the USA. Then I turned myself in. The FBI asked me for the money back, I said no. The maximum sentence is four years. I’ll do my time and go to the islands. I’m making a million a year…how much are you making Chaplain?
Has a cop ever said something to you which was completely unexpected?
About 7 or 8 years ago, I got pulled over for speeding in a school zone (I was NOT speeding). Well, the police officer comes up to my window and I hand him my license and insurance. He has me waiting for a good 20 minutes while he runs my license and insurance. He comes back and says that my license has been suspended for non-payment of a super speeder ticket. I was shocked. I had not gotten a super speeder ticket. Well, he takes me to jail. I finally get to the officer who gives me the warrant and how much I owe. Well, the description of the person was as follows: Black, 6 Feet 5 inches tall, 375 pounds, with face tattoos. I am: Caucasian, 6 Feet tall, (at the time) I weighted about 260 pounds and I DON’T have ANY TATTOOS. After 9 hours of being in jail, I finally got everything set straight with the police that someone had stolen my ID and I was finally let out of jail. BUT, I still had to call a friend to come and get me from jail. I was not allowed to get my car out of the impound lot because my license had been suspended and they had put a red mark on the back of the license. So, I had to wait until Monday to go and get everything straightened out. It took me about 5 hours of going to 3 different offices I finally got my license back. BUT, I still had to pay the impound fee, I believe it was about $360.00.
The Hobbit – 1950’s Super Panavision 70
Has there ever been a recruit who couldn’t be intimidated by the drill sergeants? How did that go?
We had this one kid who refused to fall in line. He refused to comply with any orders and was the biggest pain in the ass any of us had ever met.
I spent some time with him and learned that he had been raised in a really difficult environment, low income in the heart of the ghetto, and had been beaten by his father from a very young age. Physical and mental abuse were rampant throughout his family and extended family. His escape from this hell was the Army and we welcomed him with open arms but man he was messed up.
I liked the guy though and the more I got to know him the more I could tell he was worthwhile in a lot of respects and had a lot of potential if we could just get through to him.. nothing was working though, no direct attention worked, no level of discipline or pain would slow him down… physical and mental abuse ruled his world and nothing we could do down that path would ever have worked.
So, naturally, I made him a leader.
It wasn’t much, but that little bit of responsibility gave him a tremendous amount of pride. That little bit was enough to make him walk taller and perform better which rapidly earned the respect among his peers. He started with a small group of 3 other privates and quickly advanced to earn his sham shield where he became a squad leader, eventually earning his stripes. Last I checked on him he was about to earn his rocker which in the Army is a massive departure from the previous ranks. I know he can handle it.
When I first joined the Army, I didn’t really understand what it meant to be a leader. I believed intimidation was the only way to get anything done, fear, threats, yelling as necessary. I worked my way through the ranks and quickly learned that it’s far more effective to simply reach someone at their level, and raise them up to yours.
You don’t need them to be afraid of you, you simply need them to respect you.
No level of intimidation will ever accomplish that.
What do KFC stores do with leftover chicken?
We pulled into a Popeyes Chicken at the drive-up about 4 weeks ago. It was about 10 minutes until closing and the there was no one in line behind us. (just trying to be courteous) We pulled up to the window and asked the young man if they had any free chicken. He looked at us like we were crazy and said “what?!” We told him we were homeless and we would grab anything that might otherwise wind up in the trash. He was a little short with us, and said no not right now. So we drove around and parked in the lot on the other side of the building and we quietly sat there. As they cleaned and carried trash out, several trips, we speculated the one one that might have leftovers in it. But we waited and the employees even nodded in our direction as they talked outside amongst themselves. Then finally about 20 minutes after closing, the young man that waited on us at the window, brought us out a huge box of about 40 pieces of chicken and a few small sides. Thank you! Sometimes people do wonderful things for others.
The Sopranos – Kicking up to Tony Soprano
What’s the strangest thing a cop has seen when pulling someone over?
I thought I had a drunk late one night when a brand new Camaro Z28 almost took me out head on. It was my first night in my brand new squad car with less than 100 miles on the odometer. I turned on the lights and sirens as the Z28 kept weaving back and forth across the highway scraping the guardrails on both sides. A short while later it pulls over in a closed restaurant parking lot. I approached the car with not a small amount of adrenaline ready to arrest the drunk that had just put us both in so much danger. I ripped open the Camaro’s door and confronted… a twelve year old girl holding her teddy bear and crying. Next to her was a map, as I comforted her and asked her questions I referred to the map and asked her where she was going. She replied that she didn’t know but would use the map to find out where she was when she got there. Obviously there were some issues at home. Her mother called me a liar when I finally got her on the phone to ask her to pick up her daughter. Then she was mostly concerned with the damage to her car, not her daughter. I filled out the necessary paperwork and sent it in to the prosecutor thinking she would help this 12 year old girl, but got a note back to just write her a ticket. Pretty steamed I called down to get the prosecutor on the phone, “ticket, she doesn’t need a ticket, she needs help” I practically yelled into the phone. The prosecutor asked me if I was sure I was a cop, but then opened the file and looked at it. She immediately began to apologize and thanked me for following up instead of just writing the ticket. A few weeks later I got a call back from the prosecutor to tell me they were working as best they could with the family to help this little girl’s situation, but that the family dynamic was pretty bleak. I don’t know what became of that girl.
She Thought Divorce Was A Good Idea Until She Had To Pay Him Child Support
How significant is the withdrawal of the mid-range missile system from the Philippines in terms of easing tensions in the South China Sea?
Zero significance.
The US decided that it was too dangerous to leave a long range attack missile there. Or decided that it could be wiped out by China with drones.
If someone, anyone pushed a button and launched a Tomahawk cruise missile at China, that means starting a war. China will wipe out every US base in Asia and the US islands.
The missile don’t threaten China at all so the risks outweigh any benefits.
Either that or Chine threatened to wipe those missile away and the US bases in Asia just like the US did with Cuba.
But this changes nothing. The US is still trying to get proxies to fight China. The US doesn’t want to be directly involved though because that will mean all US soldiers in Asia will be killed. Then the US will have to send a fleet along with NATO. The fleet will then be sunk.
This is contrary to what the US likes to do. Which is to use proxies to attack other nations. And the proxy that the US really wants is India. India has a high population and can theoretically last much longer than Ukraine.
So the US would love to put missiles in India then say that the Indians fired the missile and just walk away. It remains to be seen what India will do. After all the US is offering a lot of money to foreign politicians to destroy their country. The US will promise support.
Star Wars: The Phantom Menace – 1950’s Super Panavision 70
Why is China’s Norinco displaying NATO-standard 155mm artillery shells for sale at the Paris Defence Expo?
Because China also uses the 155mm artillery.
The 155mm is the perfect size for a medium range shell with a good combination of size vs. range.
China replaced the 130mm artillery with 155mm.
It’s like rifle rounds. China uses the 5.8 and the West uses 5.56. This is a good combination of size, weight, and power. It allows the soldiers to carry a good amount of ammo without weighing them down.
The West used to use 7.62mm rounds or .308 but you get significantly less rounds and it is heavier than 5.56. You normally don’t need to shoot that far anyway. The 5.56 will kill out to 600 meters. Much longer than most soldiers can hit a man sized target.
I think it’s a huge mistake of the US to go to 6.8mm round. It has much bigger recoil than 5.56 and shoots way too far. They changed because of Iraq and Afghanistan but ironically, the US pulled out of those places and the new round would be way overkill in a jungle or forest.
And you end up back to the same problem as before. Too heavy so less rounds per soldier. Heavy recoil makes the rifle less accurate and takes longer to shoot accurately.

I Found Footage of New York City from 1965 at a Thrift Store
What does Taiwan need to do in order to survive and resist an invasion by China? Could they use new tactics to do so? How long can they really resist? What lessons did it learn from Ukraine?
If you are a Taiwanese, I would ask you to accept reality & not to follow the path of Ukraine. Dont get into a war & die for U S A.
If you are a foreigner, I would like you to understand Chinese history & UN charter as follows:
There was a civil war in China (called ROChina at the time). The then ruling party KMT was defeated by CPC in 1949. KMT fled to Taiwan while CPC stayed on mainland. CPC renamed ROChina to PRChina, like Qing was renamed to ROC in 1911 (5000 years’ of Chinese tradition).
In theory, the civil war has not finished as of 2024 because China has not reunified yet.
Internationally, between 1949 & 1971, both ROChina & PRChina exist. In 1971, however, UN resolution 2758 announced …
1, There is only ONE China & PRChina is the only legitimate government that represents China.
That is, ROChina ceases to exist on world stage. Only a handful tiny tiny countries still recognised ROC.
Taiwan is part of China. Ref: US doc 203 & the 1978 USA-China joint communique by former US president J Carter.
2, To make it crystal clear, on 2024/5/23, UN told the world “Taiwan is a PROVINCE of China.”
By UN charter, China has a duty to protect the integrity of Chinese territory that incl Taiwan province.
Internally, both constitution of China & Taiwan say:
China territory = mainland + Taiwan + some islands & reefs around China.
Why Taiwan dares not call for referendum? Because referendum involves mainland too.
Militarily Taiwan cannot fight China.
That is, Taiwan can NEVER be independent. Though opportunistic politicians must shout independence so as to get tons of foreign funding (corruption), before Taiwan is discarded by USA like a used condom. Remember USA discarded ROChina in 1971.
Whether it is UN resolution or Chinese-Taiwanese constitutions, China has a duty to protect the integrity of China. Like former US president A Lincoln protecting the integrity of USA in the US civil war.
China is NOT invading or attacking Taiwan. Just to suppress Taiwan rebellion, like Lincoln suppressing the South.
China will reunify with Taiwan one way or another. It is the duty of China for the sake of Chinese nation, culture & history.
China’s 1st option is peaceful unification. If necessary, China is not afraid to use military.
My Best Revenge Scam Call Ever – Extreme Scammer Rage
Grilled Kansas City Strip Steaks with
Smoked Tomato and Grilled Onion Relish

Yield: 4 servings
- Wood chunks or 2 cups wood chips
- 2 large tomatoes, stems removed
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- 2 cloves garlic, minced
- 2 tablespoons capers, drained
- 2 large red onions, peeled and cut into 1 inch slices
- 4 (8 ounce) Kansas City beef strip steaks, 1 inch thick (beef top loin steaks)
- Kosher salt and pepper
- At least 1 hour before smoking, soak wood chunks or chips in enough water to cover. Drain wood. For a water smoker, arrange preheated coals, drained wood chunks, and water pan according to manufacturer’s directions.
- Place tomatoes in a disposable aluminum pan. Smoke tomatoes for 1 hour. (Or, for a charcoal grill, arrange medium coals around edge of grill.
- Sprinkle soaked wood chips over coals. Test for medium-low heat where food will cook. Place tomatoes in pan on center of grill, not over coals. Cover grill and cook for 30 minutes.)
- In a medium skillet heat 1 tablespoon of the olive oil over medium heat for 1 minute.
- Add garlic; cook and stir for 2 minutes or until garlic begins to brown.
- Remove from heat; transfer garlic and oil to a medium bowl. Add capers; set aside.
- Arrange onions on a microwave-safe platter. Microwave on HIGH (100% power) for 2 minutes.
- Brush onion with remaining 1 tablespoon oil.
- Grill onion slices and steaks directly over medium coals until onion is tender and steak is desired doneness (14 to 18 minutes for medium-rare), turning once.
- Meanwhile, core, peel, and chop tomatoes; add to garlic mixture.
- Chop onions; add to tomato mixture. Season relish and steaks with salt and pepper.
- Serve relish over steaks.
Test Kitchen Tip: Use a smoker along with a grill for preparing the tomatoes and steaks at the same time. Or, smoke the tomatoes up to 24 hours before serving. Cover and chill the smoked tomatoes up to 24 hours.
As a teacher, what is the harshest truth a student has ever taught you?
When I was teaching a high school class at an international school in Mexico, I thought I was superior to my students. I had a New England education, English was my first language. I had a solid moral background. There was little (I thought) that my students could teach me.
One day, just before class, a student, by the name of Nicolas, came and asked me if he could go to the bathroom. I told him yes, but to hurry back because class would begin in five minutes. He asked, “Don’t I need a pass?”
Our principal was very strict and required every student to have a pass if he or she was out of class. I told him, “Just go! Hurry up back.”
Then I began writing the lesson on the board.
He returned about ten minutes later looking very dejected. I asked him if he was okay and he said, “Yes. No problem.”
So, I continued with the lesson. But at the end of the period as students were leaving, I noticed he still looked dejected.
“You okay, Nick? You look depressed.”
He replied, “Well, I got put on detention by the principal for being in the hall without a pass.”
“But didn’t you tell him that I advised you to go ahead without one?” I asked.
“No,” he replied.
“Well, why on earth not?” I asked exasperated.
“Because I didn’t want you to get in trouble, sir,” he replied.
I realized then that here was a student who was superior to me in sensitivity and caring. I could never have imagined doing such a thing when I was a high school student. I was humbled. The incident showed me not to underestimate the existing values of those whom I presumed to teach.
Why does it seem that Japanese and Chinese people appear to live more relaxed lives compared to Koreans?
Korean values, the educational system, and runaway consumerism are designed to turn everyone neurotic, and the system largely succeeds.
Basically, Korean society is a pressure cooker, and going insane is one way to escape. Another way is suicide, which seems to be popular among Koreans working in entertainment.
The Japanese are more relaxed because their economy has been screwed since 1990, and things aren’t getting better.
The Chinese are more relaxed because their economy and country is huge, and Chinese have a very long historical memory. Basically, they have seen everything.
This means that the Chinese have perspective.
When they are unhappy or see something they don’t like, they complain to their local official, and tell him to fix it. Since the local official’s job performance is measured by how many complaints he resolves, his career depends on resolving the issue.
How do you think corrupt officials and politicians must be punished?
I like Chinese style of punishment

Gather enough evidence and offer two choices
Option 1
Pay back 2/3 of what you took plus Confess and you get 5–15 years jail and your family won't bear the consequences of your actions
Option 2
Have a trial and if found guilty - It's either 15–25 years Imprisonment or death penalty and your family members bear consequences of your actions
What I like about the Chinese is how they break families for what they call knowingly enjoying illegal earnings or product of corruption
Kids under 18 are reeducated and taught their father is a thief and he must be hated
Under Mao, many kids denounced their parents and watched them hang with a smile in favor of the State
Same punishment in India
Option 1
Pay back 67% of what you allegedly take and serve 10 years Jail and retire from Politics
Option 2
If found guilty you can hang Or face life prisonment plus your Kids can't graduate and have to work as Unskilled or Skilled labor and your families will be forced to migrate to places exceeding 2000 Kms from place of sentencing
Scott Ritter: Ukraine Nears End and the CIA’s SHOCKING Move is Destroying America, not Russia
Men’s Adventure

Hazy New World
Submitted into Contest #8 in response to: Write a story about an adventure in space. … view prompt
Sabrina Alvarez
“The biggest creature I have encountered since I started exploring
Titan, I haven’t had the nerve to explore the ocean yet,
The largest land animal if you can call it that. His skin was
White like death with eyes that were cloudy as well
It does use its eyes to see but it uses all of it senses to get
Around. It has bones protruding from his head and along
Its back. Its arms dragged across the floor while still haven’t
Gotten close enough to see any sort of lower extremities.
It mimics gentle sounds and ones in pain to lure in other animals
That walk around on the surface. Nix valley is located underneath the mountain range
And some flatlands. It never comes up to the surface only can
Be seen when finding its hidden caves along the mountains
Where I first landed.
Accompanying to the short description was a sketch of what the monster looked like and it was like a giant snake and dinosaur mixed together and was kept from the sun. “We need to find this monster; our job is so important. If this is here, we can’t bring humans to live here.” I said to Steve and Nikki. Nikki was as pale as a ghost and Steve just stood there unable to say anything. I noticed the door slowly opening and I aimed my rifle right at the opening. The Titan fur was standing there, and I immediately grew concerned for the twins, “I’m going to distract it, you both go for the twins. Make sure they are safe.” I ordered. Then the furry creature took its head off and a man was there inside a giant costume. “Thank you for not shooting me, it took me a while to build this costume.” Said Seymour Dates. “We need to talk.” I responded with, “Where are the twins?” We all raced to the entrance of the cave.
These Men Won’t SETTLE For Bare Minimum Women
Grilled Jalapeño Cheddar Meatballs
Serve delicious Grilled Jalapeño Cheddar Meatballs with Mexican rice, beans, or a side salad.

Prep: 20 min | Chill: 30 min | Cook: 35 min | Yield: 20 servings
- 2 pounds ground beef
- 1/2 cup tortilla chips, crushed
- 3/4 cup milk
- 3 fresh jalapeños, seeded and finely diced
- 1 (8 ounce) block Cheddar cheese, finely diced
- 1 tablespoon paprika
- 2 teaspoons garlic powder
- 2 teaspoons kosher salt
- Place the crushed tortilla chips in a large bowl, then add the milk and allow to soften the chips for about 10 minutes.
- After the mixture is soft and has absorbed all the milk, add the beef, jalapeño, cheese, paprika, garlic, and salt. Mix well to combine all ingredients, then scoop approximately 1/3 to 1/2 cup of the mixture and form a meatball; repeat until all the mixture has been formed into balls.
- Place the meatballs on a plate or tray and refrigerate them for 30 minutes to firm.
- Light a grill for two zone cooking. For charcoal: light coals and pile them all on one side, creating a hot and cool zone. For propane: light the very end burner on the left or right side, but no other burners. It’s recommended you place a piece of foil under the side without heat to catch any melting cheese for easy cleanup. The grill should be at MEDIUM temperature, about 350 to 375 degrees F.
- Place the meatballs on the cool side of the grill (away from the coals or the lit burner) and close the grill lid. Grill for about 25 to 35 minutes, or until they reach 165 degrees F internal temperature on a meat thermometer.
- Remove the meatballs from the grill and allow to cool slightly before serving.