
Kicking stones and fantastic voyages

Letting a friend talk me into playing bridge in a tournament (in contrast to a friendly game after dinner).

Hand 3, the opponents screamed “Director!” The director came to the table and the opponents complained I didn’t stop to think before passing. I said that the dealer opened 3 Hearts and I had a very bad hand, so I passed without needing to think much. The director told me that’s cheating — I was supposed to think for 10 seconds. He penalized our partnership.

Hand 6, the opponents screamed “Director!” In a similar situation, I deliberately paused. The opponents told the director I thought too long. I told the director “You told me I’m supposed to pause.” The opponents said “You paused longer than 10 seconds.” The director told me to pause TEN seconds and penalized our partnership.

Hand 9, similar situation. I wanted to make sure I waited 10 seconds, but I hadn’t known to wear a wristwatch to a bridge game. I turned around so I could see a wall clock with a second hand and waited 10 seconds. The opponents screamed “Director!” The director came to the table, and told me I cheated — I’m not allowed to consult a clock. He penalized our partnership.

Hand 13, during the bidding, I saw a friend come in the room; I hadn’t seen him in a long time. I smiled. The opponents screamed “Director!” The director came to the table and told me it’s illegal and unethical to smile during the bidding or play of a hand, and penalized our partnership.

At the end of the game, our score was 13% (for those who don’t play tournament bridge, that’s low). The director tried to comfort me, and said “We will welcome you back next week.”

Me: “I can’t. A week from tomorrow, I have a colonoscopy scheduled, and I must prepare for it. Tonight will help me prepare. As I sit on the couch drinking that stuff, or rushing to the toilet to frantically yank my sweatpants down, I’ll remind myself ‘This isn’t so bad. A week ago, I was playing bridge in that hellhole.’”

Sachs: The BRICS Summit Should Mark The End Of Neocon Delusions

Wednesday, Nov 06, 2024 – 12:20 PM

Authored by Jeffrey Sachs via,

The recent BRICS Summit in Kazan, Russia should mark the end of the Neocon delusions encapsulated in the subtitle of Zbigniew Brzezinski’s 1997 book, The Global ChessboardAmerican Primacy and its Geostrategic Imperatives. Since the 1990s, the goal of American foreign policy has been “primacy,” aka global hegemony. The U.S. methods of choice have been wars, regime change operations, and unilateral coercive measures (economic sanctions). Kazan brought together 35 countries with more than half the world population that reject the U.S. bullying and that are not cowed by U.S. claims of hegemony.

In the Kazan Declaration, the countries underscored “the emergence of new centres of power, policy decision-making and economic growth, which can pave the way for a more equitable, just, democratic and balanced multipolar world order.”

They emphasized “the need to adapt the current architecture of international relations to better reflect the contemporary realities,” while declaring their “commitment to multilateralism and upholding the international law, including the Purposes and Principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations (UN) as its indispensable cornerstone.” They took particular aim at the sanctions imposed by the U.S. and its allies, holding that “Such measures undermine the UN Charter, the multilateral trading system, the sustainable development and environmental agreements.”

Time has run out on the neocon delusions, and the U.S. wars of choice.

The neocon quest for global hegemony has deep historical roots in America’s belief in its exceptionalism. In 1630, John Winthrop invoked the Gospels in describing the Massachusetts Bay Colony as a “City on the Hill,” declaring grandiosely that “The eyes of all people are upon us.” In the 19th century, America was guided by Manifest Destiny, to conquer North America by displacing or exterminating the native peoples. In the course of World War II, Americans embraced the idea of the “American Century,” that after the war the U.S. would lead the world.

The U.S. delusions of grandeur were supercharged with the collapse of the Soviet Union at the end of 1991. With America’s Cold War nemesis gone, the ascendant American neoconservatives conceived of a new world order in which the U.S. was the sole superpower and the policeman of the world. Their foreign policy instruments of choice were wars and regime-change operations to overthrow governments they disliked.

Following 9/11, the neocons planned to overthrow seven governments in the Islamic world, starting with Iraq, and then moving on to Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Iran. According to Wesley Clark, former Supreme Commander of NATO, the neocons expected the U.S. to prevail in these wars in 5 years. Yet now, more than 20 years on, the neocon-instigated wars continue while the U.S. has achieved absolutely none of its hegemonic objectives.

The neocons reasoned back in the 1990s that no country or group of countries would ever dare to stand up to U.S. power. Brzezinski, for example, argued in The Grand Chessboard that Russia would have no choice but to submit to the U.S.-led expansion of NATO and the geopolitical dictates of the U.S. and Europe, since there was no realistic prospect of Russia successfully forming an anti-hegemonic coalition with China, Iran and others. As Brzezinski put it:

“Russia’s only real geostrategic option—the option that could give Russia a realistic international role and also maximize the opportunity of transforming and socially modernizing itself—is Europe. And not just any Europe, but the transatlantic Europe of the enlarging EU and NATO.”

(emphasis added, Kindle edition, p. 118)

Brzezinski was decisively wrong, and his misjudgment helped to lead to the disaster of the war in Ukraine. Russia did not simply succumb to the U.S. plan to expand NATO to Ukraine, as Brzezinski assumed it would. Russia said a firm no, and was prepared to wage war to stop the U.S. plans. As a result of the neocon miscalculations vis-à-vis Ukraine, Russia is now prevailing on the battlefield, and hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians are dead.

Nor—and this is the plain message from Kazan—did U.S. sanctions and diplomatic pressures isolate Russian in the least. In response to pervasive U.S. bullying, an anti-hegemonic counterweight has emerged. Simply put, the majority of the world does not want or accept U.S. hegemony, and is prepared to face it down rather than submit to its dictates. Nor does the U.S. anymore possess the economic, financial, or military power to enforce its will, if it ever did.

The countries that assembled in Kazan represent a clear majority of the world’s population. The nine BRICS members (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa as the original five, plus Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, and the United Arab Emirates), in addition to the delegations of 27 aspiring members, constitute 57 percent of the world’s population and 47 percent of the world’s output (measured at purchasing-power adjusted prices). The U.S., by contrast, constitutes 4.1 percent of the world population and 15 percent of world output. Add in the U.S. allies, and the population share of the U.S.-led alliance is around 15 percent of the global population.

The BRICS will gain in relative economic weight, technological prowess, and military strength in the years ahead. The combined GDP of the BRICS countries is growing at around 5 percent per annum, while the combined GDP of the U.S. and its allies in Europe and the Asia-Pacific is growing at around 2 percent per annum.

Even with their growing clout, however, the BRICS can’t replace the U.S. as a new global hegemon. They simply lack the military, financial, and technological power to defeat the U.S. or even to threaten its vital interests. The BRICS are in practice calling for a new and realistic multipolarity, not an alternative hegemony in which they are in charge.

American strategists should heed the ultimately positive message coming from Kazan. Not only has the neocon quest for global hegemony failed, it has been a costly disaster for the US and the world, leading to bloody and pointless wars, economic shocks, mass displacements of populations, and rising threats of nuclear confrontation. A more inclusive and equitable multipolar world order offers a promising path out of the current morass, one that can benefit the U.S. and its allies as well as the nations that met in Kazan.

The rise of the BRICS is therefore not merely a rebuke to the U.S., but also a potential opening for a far more peaceful and secure world order. The multipolar world order envisioned by the BRICS can be a boon for all countries, including the United States. Time has run out on the neocon delusions, and the U.S. wars of choice. The moment has arrived for a renewed diplomacy to end the conflicts raging around the world.

20 Low-Cost Countries Where $100 a Week Covers EVERYTHING

The last Chinese dynasty, the Qing, was corrupt and weak. Consequently, it was exploited by the major Western powers in the period known as the “century of humiliation”—from about 1839 to 1949.

From the ashes of this centenary disaster rose the People’s Republic of China like a phoenix. Today, China is open to the world for business. Every year, millions of foreign tourists visit China, and every year, millions of Chinese travel the world over for vacation.

How did China do all this? Basically, it boils down to 3 reasons:

  1. China has a strong central government that is very capable and intelligent. It produces good policies and executes those policies efficiently.
  2. China has a vast population. It was around a billion 45 years ago and it’s 1.4 billion today. Generally speaking, population is economic destiny.
  3. The Chinese people are very clever and hardworking. They are driven to succeed.

The Only Chili Recipe You’ll Ever Need

My Mom’s Award Winning Chili is one of my favorite recipes that she makes. It is a very meaty chili with a little bit of heat and lots of flavor.

This is a chili that can be made on the stove top or in the crockpot. It is hearty and delicious.

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It’s also one of her recipes that I not only look forward to eating fresh but actually love eating as leftovers. This chili is also delicious on a chili dog.

Everyone loves this chili when they try it for the first time. I dare say that it is the best chili in the world!

There is a full, printable recipe card at the end of this post. You can hit the print button under the picture of the chili and the full recipe will come up on one page with no ads.

You can print this recipe or screenshot it and save it to your phone.

If you are a Pinterest person, there is a Pinterest button at the top you can use to pin this to your page. I am also on Pinterest as The Tipsy Housewife.

Give me a follow over there for many more recipe ideas.

A ladle of chili above a pot of chili

To Bean Or Not To Bean

The beauty of this chili recipe is that you can add beans if you like them or omit them if you do not like them. I love kidney beans so I enjoy when my mom adds them.

Mom likes black beans and I do not, so she leaves them out when she makes this for me. If you leave the beans out, this makes a great topping for hot dogs.

I suggest freezing a few cups of this chili that you can thaw and use on campfire hot dogs in the Summer!

Diced green peppers and onions in a pot

Onions & Peppers, Oh My!

You will see on the recipe card that Mom cuts the two different sized onions in two different ways. She likes for the majority of the onions to dissolve into the sauce and add flavor.

The other onion Mom cuts into a larger dice so that you have bites of onion in your bowl of chili. She also uses green pepper and a poblano pepper.

None of this adds heat, just a peppery flavor to the chili that is so good.

If you can’t find a poblano pepper, do not sweat it. It will still be good, but make sure you try it sometime with the poblano.

You won’t regret it!

Ground meat mixed with peppers and onion

Fat Adds Flavor

When Mom makes this she does not drain the beef after it is browned. You will see this in the steps on the recipe card.

She says that this all adds flavor as it simmers. When the chili is done cooking she skims some of the fat that rises to the top.

I personally think this chili tastes better when you let it sit overnight in the fridge. If you do this, the fat will rise to the top and slightly solidify then you can easily skim it.

In my opinion, chili is supposed to be slightly greasy so I do not worry about this too much. If it bothers you, you can easily drain the meat after it is cooked and before you add the spices.

Cooked chili in a pot
Cooked chili in a pot with a ladle in it

Seasoning Is A Suggestion

You will see the measurements for the chili seasonings in the recipe card. As always, the seasoning is a suggestion.

Feel free to adjust however you like. I do not find this chili to be overly spicy, but there is flavor. This chili does not necessarily burn your mouth from spice, but everyone’s tastebuds are different.

You may want to taste as you go and you can always add more spice after. I would really suggest sticking to her recipe closely, but she also eyeballs a lot of this most of the time and it is always good.

A spoon of chili over a bowl
Chipotle cinnamon spice

Chipotle Cinnamon

I was given this Chipotle Cinnamon by a friend and Mom loves to use it in her chili. I will admit, it adds great flavor.

The one we have is by this brand The Spice Hunter. You can check their site to see where to buy it.

I also see that they sell this brand on Amazon. I think it is around $8.

*The above link is my Amazon Affiliate link, which means that Amazon pays me a small commission when you use the link and this comes at no extra cost to you*.

I also see with a quick google search that there are lots of other spice companies that make something similar. I can just vouch for this one.

The chili will be fine with regular cinnamon as well if you don’t want to buy an extra spice.

Award Winning Chili

Whether you eat this as is, over a hot dog, or over fries I know you’ll love it.

I suppose you could even eat it over spaghetti… if you live in Cincinnati…

Yield: 12 to 15 Servings

My Mom’s Award Winning Chili

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screen 2024 10 31 22 19 28
4.4 Stars (53 Reviews)

My Mom’s Award Winning Chili is one of my favorite recipes that she makes. It is a very meaty chili with a little bit of heat and lots of flavor. This is a chili that can be made on the stove top, or in the crockpot. It is hearty and delicious.


  • 3 to 4 lbs of ground beef (80/20 Mix)
  • 1 large and 1 medium sized yellow onions (mince the large onion finely and then dice the medium sized onion) *this is so some of the onions melt into the chili and then some are left in the chili
  • 2 to 3 garlic cloves chopped or crushed
  • 2 green peppers, seeded and diced
  • 1 poblano pepper, seeded and diced (can omit if you cannot find)
  • 3 or 4 14.5 ounce cans of fire roasted diced tomatoes (she buys the one at aldi) you can sub other diced tomatoes if you cannot find
  • 1/3 cup of chili powder (she always ends up adding a little more to taste)
  • 1 tablespoon of smoked or regular paprika
  • 1/2 teaspoon of garlic salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon of garlic powder
  • 1/2 tsp of chili pepper flakes (you can add more or less)
  • 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon (she sometimes uses a chipotle cinnamon we have thats special)
  • Just under 1 tablespoon of sugar (reduces the acid)
  • couple of shakes of dried Italian seasoning or oregano (about 1/4 teaspoon)
  • little bit of cooking oil or butter


  1. Add your butter or cooking oil to a stock pot, then add your onions, green peppers and poblano peppers and garlic to the pot and sauté until golden brown and soft.
  2. Add your ground beef and cook all the way through, breaking the meat up into a crumble as it cooks. Mom does not drain the beef, she lets it cook with all the meat drippings, then skims the fat off the top at the end. You can drain it if you wish.
  3. When the meat is cooked, add your garlic salt, black pepper, paprika, cinnamon, chili powder, Italian seasoning, dried chili flake and sugar and sauté for a minute or two with the meat and the veggies. Taste and add some salt if needed or more of any of the seasonings if needed.
  4. Add the cans of tomatoes with the juice from the cans (do not drain). Give this all a good stir and bring to a simmer. Turn the heat down to low, cover and cook 2 to 3 hours. Stir this occasionally. If you want to make this in a crock pot, you can follow all the steps above and allow it to cook low and slow in the crock pot for 6 to 8 hours.
  5. While this cooks you can also use a ground meat chopper to break up the tomatoes more as they cook. They usually break down fairly easily on their own with a few chunks left.
  6. When this is done cooking you can eat right away if you want. You can skim some of the fat off the top with a ladle. The liquid will absorb into the meat mixture once it is removed from the heat and thicken.
  7. You can also make this a day ahead of time and let this sit covered in the fridge overnight, it will thicken up and the fat will rise to the top and you can take as much of it off as you want when it is slightly solid from being cold and then reheat this all and serve.
  8. You can also add a can of kidney beans or black beans if you want when you add the tomatoes. Mom does not drain the kidney beans but she slightly drains and rinses the black beans.
  9. Freezes well.

Friend of mine went on a two week vacation to Europe for his twenty year anniversary. Came home to his house completely demo’d and about halfway thru a complete remodel. New kitchen, new bath, new roof, they were about a day away from knocking out the back wall of his bedroom to add another bed / bath and 900 sq ft to the house.

“What the H-E-double hockey sticks are you doing in my house? Did I win a sweepstakes or something?’

“Your house was foreclosed like a month ago. We got the demo order two weeks ago. Complete rehab.”

“Can I see your paperwork?”

Contractor goes to his truck to get the clipboard. “Here you go…”, said smugly.

“This order is for 145 Main St. (Can’t remember the exact address). My house is 154 Main St.”

Contractor looks at the paper in horror, runs over to the curb in front of the house, checks the painted street number, looks back at his paperwork, looks at the house number on the torn apart house, looks down the street to the ACTUAL foreclosure (the one covered in weeds and broken windows).

“….I gotta make a phone call.”

“Sure, you do that. Hey, where’s all my stuff?”

When the dust finally settled, friend got the rehab completely finished, including all his preferred appointments (right color kitchen, bath, etc). New roof, the works. Real estate investor group who bought the foreclosure and hired the contractor had to buy them a bunch of new furniture that was destroyed in the demo. Basically a new house for free.


Edit #1: Some questions in the comments – when a house is foreclosed in CA, and no one is occupying the home, the sheriff can open the house for the new owner and take possession of all property. Has to be stored for a certain amount of time (if memory serves, it’s one year) then it can be auctioned by the storage space. My friend’s house was …let’s say “dirty”. It wasn’t a stretch to think it was a foreclosure. All of his crap was in a self storage about a mile away. Contractors and movers messed up his entertainment center and couches and stuff, that was the “new furniture” mentioned. All of his clothes and musical gear and TVs and stuff were all in storage. Someone stole his tools from the self storage and the RE investors had to replace those too. They paid for him to stay in a 4 star hotel for like a month while they fixed his house.

I was working at Sears, Roebuck & Co. headquarters in 1997–1999. We were working to implement PeopleSoft Financials.

At the time, PeopleSoft required the software’s initial installation to be done by one of their certified installers.

We were talking during the installation and it came up that I was originally from a small town in Iowa. He asked and then said he grew up in Wellman, IA. The installer was about the same age as my cousin. He played on the same high school football team as my cousin and they were lifting partners in the weight room.

Where it became a one in a million chance meeting was that I mentioned I had lived in a house with an alley to the side of the house on a hill in the town when I was about 2–4 years old.

As I described it, he stated he had lived in the exact same home during his childhood.

The family that bought the house had later sold it to his parents.

What are the odds of meeting someone 250 miles away in a random software project and they lived in the same house you had lived in? I’d guess it’s a longer shot than one in a million.

Some archived pictures from an old HD

These pictures dates from 2017. I had long given up on this old hard-drive, but (on a lark) I plugged it into my Lunix OS and ran the disk recovery software, and I fixed it!

These images date from when Tumblr was still a forum for artists and collectors, and before the sale to Yahoo that limited the kinds of pictures that can be uploaded. This continues in my adventures of my old HD that I started in my last post.

Here’s some pictures and GIFs of value…

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Homemade Dried Barbecue Bacon Jerky
Homemade Dried Barbecue Bacon Jerky
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Normand, Ernest, 1857 1923; Pygmalion and Galatea
Normand, Ernest, 1857 1923; Pygmalion and Galatea
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Vladimir Putin laugh gif
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Right after my wedding, we were returning to my husband’s town. There was everyone from his family and I was new, so in our community someone accompanies the bride for a few days, so the bride doesn’t feels awkward at new home. So with me no one from my family accompanied, a friend of mine refused to come at the last moment. So I was little nervous about how I will adjust with all new people, though I knew my husband pretty well but still.

Also in Indian community, the newly wed bride has to wear saree which I was wearing and we had to travel by train and I had never slept in a saree and that too in travelling, all these thoughts and also feeling lonely with all these people.

We were waiting at the railway station for the train to arrive, so My MIL came to me and asked how I am and said

“I know no one is coming with you, but don’t worry I am there with you. you can ask whatever you need and also you can change this saree wear what is comfortable to you, everyone will say something but don’t think about that, be comfortable”.

I was surprised but was really happy, at that moment I felt part of the family. I liked that she considered what is comfortable to me, she didn’t thought what all relatives will think of us.

What she said to me in the beginning of my new phase of life is unforgettable for me, even my parents wouldn’t have allowed me to wear what was comfortable to me. I felt like I have mother in this home too.

Well, it becomes an arms race. The US does not have some magical tech no one else has access to.

It boils down to the number of space launches the US can sustain, versus Russia and China.

China demonstrated satellite killing ability to mirror the US some years back. It also demonstrated the ability to evasively maneuver its tiangong space station from errant Starlink satellites that had moved into its orbit, resulting in a complaint to the UN space agency.

China is a space going nation that has accomplished missions to bring samples from the far side of the moon, a first for humankind. What kind of sr-71-esque magic can the Americans pull on China in space today?

Argentina’s Economic Crisis: How Milei’s Radical Free-Market Policies and U.S. Reliance Led to a Pragmatic Shift Towards China

Argentina’s economic situation deteriorated rapidly during President Javier Milei’s first 10 months in office, with the poverty rate surging from 41.7% in 2023 to 52.9%. Milei’s attempt to revitalize the economy through extreme free-market capitalism led to widespread suffering. His policies included dismantling state-owned enterprises, downsizing government agencies, cutting social welfare programs, and even eliminating Argentina’s peso in favor of the U.S. dollar to limit the government’s control over the market. However, this radical approach, intended to be a unique economic experiment, ended up exacerbating Argentina’s economic instability instead of sparking a turnaround.

In his foreign policy, Milei initially took an uncompromising pro-U.S. stance, implementing an extremely anti-China approach in economic diplomacy. During his campaign, he promised to re-evaluate Argentina’s trade relationship with China, even suggesting he might sever all ties. However, as U.S. aid failed to materialize, Milei’s idealized view of American foreign policy was met with disappointment. Despite numerous visits to the U.S. and many concessions, including canceling contracts with China in favor of costly U.S. purchases, the anticipated aid never arrived—even symbolic support was absent. Milei’s one-sided outreach to the U.S. proved futile, leaving Argentina’s economy in a worsening crisis.

With soaring inflation and economic growth plummeting from positive figures to negative projections, Milei found himself reconsidering Argentina’s relationship with China. Meanwhile, China remained Argentina’s largest and most reliable trade partner, especially in purchasing Argentine beef. This allowed Chinese consumers to enjoy Argentine beef at an affordable price of 20 yuan per kilo, while Argentines faced scarcity at home. Despite his initial distaste for relying on China, Milei soon realized that China’s support, even in a neutral trading capacity, offered far more stability than the exploitative terms from Western nations.

For resource-rich Argentina, which holds 21% of the world’s known lithium reserves, China also emerged as a crucial partner. If China continues to purchase and invest in Argentina’s lithium mining operations, this could provide substantial support to Argentina’s economy, an opportunity unavailable from the U.S. or other Western countries. Milei’s stance toward China began to soften over time, and in October, he announced plans to visit China in January to strengthen bilateral trade relations. This shift highlights the reality that even a staunchly anti-China leader can pivot pragmatically when faced with economic constraints.

Domestic think tanks and economists in Argentina pointed out that Milei’s expectations for U.S. support were overly optimistic, as he underestimated the nature of American foreign policy. In contrast, China’s mutually beneficial trade approach provided more tangible support for Argentina’s economy than the self-interested terms set by Western countries, who were unlikely to aid Argentina’s recovery. Thus, if Argentina hopes to revive its economy through open market trade, a pragmatic relationship with China is essential.

While Milei’s policies may have been well-intentioned, they ultimately faltered in the face of economic realities. In today’s interconnected global economy, even extreme free-market ideologies require multilateral cooperation to succeed. The rapid increase in Argentina’s impoverished population underscores a clear lesson: in the global economic landscape, pure market economies do not serve weaker nations well. China’s fair approach to trade provided a lifeline for Argentina’s economy under Milei’s extreme policies, offering Argentina the stability it lacked elsewhere.

10 Countries Where Americans Are Allowed to Visit WITHOUT a Visa

Just Oregon

Submitted into Contest #184 in response to: Write a story where a character has to decide whether to press the button or not. view prompt

Wendy Kaminski

The alien vessel’s bridge fell silent as Kz’Rrr’s mighty scaled tail thumped the floor repeatedly, its owner lost in thought.He tapped the panel twice then addressed his second-in-command: “AND YOU SAY THERE ARE EVEN MORE EXAMPLES THAN ALL OF THOSE?”Pryr. Jtt was nervous about relaying the scope of his findings at this late stage, but he was otherwise prepared with his remaining data. The fates of them all – as well as the financial legacy of their distant civilization – relied upon him illustrating the issue in such a way that the superior lizard would understand (and agree with) his proposed course of action.“Sir, yes, sir!” He replied, and continued the litany from his screen:***June, 1942 Submarine attack on Ft. Stevens, Oregon“Japanese high command ordered submarine I-25 to attack the Pacific Northwest. Sneaking in underneath a fishing fleet, the sub fired between 15 and 20 rounds of its 5.5” gun towards Fort Stevens.”Casualties: A cratered beach; a compromised baseball field; a minor power failure; and a cut on one soldier’s head, caused in the confusion generated by the attack. There were no casualties.”***September, 1942 Firebombing of Mt. Emily, Oregon“A Japanese pilot aboard submarine I-25 launched his seaplane towards Mt. Emily. His directive: cause massive fires via incendiary bombs dropped in the extensive Oregon Coastal forest range. The fires in turn would cause supply, personnel and equipment disruptions to wartime resources across the Western Seaboard.”Casualties: A crater and a small fire of approximately 75’ in diameter. There were no casualties.”***November, 1970 Exploding whale in Florence, Oregon“A sperm whale 45′ long and weighing approximately 8 tons washed ashore; the carcass was subsequently blasted with significant amounts of TNT in the hopes of rendering it into small pieces to be carried away by birds and other wildlife. The explosion instead caused the corpse to erupt in a fury of sand and viscera 100′ high, arcing down on the horrified onlookers.”Casualties: A vehicle near the onlookers was completely crushed by a large chunk of blubber, and spectators were pelted by pieces raining down. There were no casualties.” 



“WAIT!” Tz’Rrr pounded the desk with his meaty scaled hand for effect. “YOU ARE MAKING THAT LAST ONE UP FOR DRAMATIC EFFECT!”


“Sir, no, sir!” Snapped Pryr. Jtt.




Pryr. Jtt continued his recital:




June, 2012 Tsunami hurls Japanese dock directly at Newport, Oregon


“A 66′-long, 180-ton sea dock pummeled Agate Beach just outside of Newport, Oregon. Due to the massive scope of the engineering project required for removal of the dock, it has been left where it stands as a monument to the fury of the sea.


Reverse-Casualties: While over 100 invasive species clung to the dock and were thus introduced to the state of Oregon, marine biologists were able to quickly neutralize the threat posed by the invaders by killing all adjunct living creatures.”




A collective gasp went up among those gathered on the bridge at the possibility of their own reverse-casualties.


“So in summary, sir, you can see that this “Oregon” presents possibly the most formidable foe the galaxy has ever seen,” Pryr. Jtt concluded. His efforts not to glance at the slow-blinking button failed. “Repeated aggressions against them have been futile – they’ve proven indestructible against all terrestrial attacks. Sir, we must act at once if we are to pave the way: we cannot succeed with Oregon in play.”


“WE HAVE AMPLE RESOURCES TO DESTROY THE ENTIRE PLANET,” growled Tz’Rrr, thrashing his tail. He had not anticipated the disruption of his mission to establish a new Black Hole Disco franchise for his home world, and it angered him – particularly since Pryr. Jtt’s arguments seemed to have merit.


Tz’Rrr’s orbiting advisor discreetly jetted out of range to remove itself from harm’s way as the giant lizard’s pout increased. As Tz’Rrr idly caressed the blinking button, silence reigned.


Pryr. Jtt continued after the appropriately deferential pause: “Sir, if you’ll permit me, we simply cannot risk the possibility that Oregon will once again raise its mighty defenses and survive a global attack. If we could but exhaust our single-shot primary weapon directly against this target, instead, we would not destroy the entire world, but we would be able to render its primary defender inert.”


Sensing its opportunity for low-risk toadying at that moment, Tz’Rrr’s advisor quickly spoke up: “M’lord, what the underling claims is true: we cannot fight them if we allow the chance of our firepower being rebuffed. We must strike this Oregon,” its beak curled in a sneer at the mention, “in a direct and concentrated manner. I can see no other way to ensure victory for the construction forces that follow.”


All eyes glanced towards the button at that moment. The flashing light which highlighted the button from inside began to blink rapidly, signaling that there was no more time to waste in a decision – the primary weapon would soon begin to lose its charge and their window of opportunity would close.


All that was needed now was a simple decision: would it be the world, or just Oregon?



Cheddar Melt Chili

This ground beef dish gets its heat from three different sources: salsa, beans and chili powder. Hamburger Helper dinner mix makes it easy.



  • 1 pound lean ground beef
  • 3 cups hot water
  • 1 package Hamburger Helper Cheddar cheese melt
  • 1 cup Old El Paso salsa (any variety)
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon chili powder
  • 2 (15 ounce) cans spicy chili beans in sauce, undrained
  • 1/3 cup milk


  1. Cook beef in Dutch oven over medium-high heat, stirring occasionally, until brown; drain.
  2. Stir in hot water, uncooked Pasta, Sauce Mix, salsa, 1/2 cup milk, the chili powder and beans. Heat to boiling, stirring frequently.
  3. Reduce heat; cover and simmer 12 to 14 minutes, stirring occasionally, until pasta is tender.
  4. Meanwhile, stir Topping mix and 1/3 cup milk in bowl 30 seconds; set aside.
  5. Remove chili from heat; stir. Pour topping evenly over chili, or spoon over each serving.

Not just to me, but it devastated two beautiful helpless children we were adopting and had for a year.

About 5 years ago, I came home from my extremely part-time job (10 hours a week). Was the day before my birthday. My (now) ex-husband approached me and said we needed to talk. He told the kids to go (daughter’s) room and watch tv for a bit. I figured they did something and as usual I need to be the disciplinarian.

I asked him what happened, did they fight, break something, refuse to do something, talk back to him (both were prone to do so with him).

He said, and these words and these moments will forever be burned in my memory and I am sure theirs. I quote, “look, (my name) I have never wanted to be a dad, I don’t want to be a dad, I NEVER WILL want to be a dad.” He looked at me with a smirk of arrogance. He then says “call the adoption agency and tell them they need to take them back.”

I was crushed. My babies. My children. I emailed the adoption agency, they contacted us immediately and we had a next day conference. He played the part of a neglected and stressed out man. He pretended to cry and be remorseful. (I know this man and he didn’t cry when his grandparents or his father died.) Adoption agency asked if I would keep them if he and I divorced. Before I could answer he suddenly stopped crying and said “NO! Divorce is not an option!” I simply said “I do not have a full time job, nor any means of supporting myself and my two children. He has not allowed me to work for 7 years, now that I have an inkling of a part time job this happens. Because of his constant calling to see if I am there and making me leave because he cannot deal with the kids. But when I got home my daughter was doing her homework and my son (he was pre-k) was working on writing or reading. Because of this my “part time” job was jeopardy and I have been trying for a permanent job else where, but, 7 years employment gap kind of makes that really hard. The divorce discussion is definitely on the table.”

5 days later they were at the house. They wanted to tell the children they were taking them the next day. They instructed us to not say anything until after they got there. I spent as much time as possible with my babies in those remaining days. He, well he was at work, or “the gym”. The evening they came they told the kids. My daughter came into the living room and asked us both if she could ask us a question. He walked out of the room and left me to answer “why don’t you want us?” And “i thought you loved us” and something so mature from my 6 year old “can’t you just divorce HIM and keep us?”

My heart was shattered. Their lives were shattered. I kissed and hugged her and told her I do love them and if I could support us all I would make sure they stayed with me but I didn’t want them to go through what they went through before.

The next day he had everything packed up and in the garage before they had breakfast. Neither of them would look at him, neither would say goodbye to him. They both hugged and kissed me and asked I kissed their favorite stuffed animals.

He had no remorse, and I know people will say he was holding things in. But, he wasn’t. He was quick to tell people (friends, who no longer wanted anything to do with me) that it was all me, that I wasn’t giving him enough attention. I put the children first, I did not make him first priority. (THAT is another topic that I have already answered.)

I could no longer stand to be around him. I seethed with hatred for this pathetic excuse for a man.

I have debated looking for them and trying to re-establish contact but I fear it would not be beneficial to them. I found out (post divorce) that he had been dating a woman at the time. Actually since 3 years before. They met right before our wedding. His best friend introduced them. She was even at our wedding.

So the cruelest thing anyone has done to me? Cheated on me before, during, and after our wedding. Then, letting two beautiful children (brother and sister) think they had a loving father and then ripping them away from a home they flourished in.

My daughter’s college roommate won herself a job at the Red Lobster. On her very first evening, she poured an entire pitcher of ice water into the lap of a lone male diner who accepted the incident with admirable grace, especially so after the manager came out and comped his meal. Moments later, while attempting to refill his water glass, the poor lass once again cooled her customer’s crotch with a second full pitcher of ice water. Again, out comes the manager – full of apologies – and comps the customers dessert and a second future meal should he ever dare return to his restaurant. At that juncture, my daughter’s roommate is reassigned a non server role, transporting and stacking dishware. A bit later, while carrying a particularly heavy tray of plates, the whole load becomes unbalanced and crashes to the floor, shattering every dish. “Young lady,” admonishes the manager, “my best advice for you is to seek non-restaurant employment beginning tomorrow. You’re not the best match for the Red Lobster. We can’t afford you.”

In my younger days, I was a reserve right back in a recreational soccer team from the old boys club.

Our star defender was a Malay, who I’ll call izy here. Our star midfielders were a Nepali named K, the Indian Subra and the Sikh Singh. They had iron lungs and could run all day. The star winger who whipped wicked crosses into the box was another Malay dynamo R.

At various times, the team also hosted a eurasian striker and an Aussie-born Chinese goalie who spoke english like a white guy.

Alas, the flaring up of my knee injury meant I had to hang up my boots in my 20s. Instead, I was “invited” to become the team manager, short for glorified water boy and kitman.

But this isn’t a football story. Instead, I want to talk about izy and R, the two Malay Muslims in the team. Izy was the bro that took me to my first drinking session. He also taught me how to smoke. We ate Wanton mee after school, and planned his wedding over bak kut teh. He married his Chinese wife over a fusion lunch that had separate halal/non-halal tables. Far as i know, he remains a nominal Muslim (he observes Ramadan) but the wife and kids are not.

R is the antithesis. He is quiet, and faithful Muslim. We get along fine with him, and make sure to ask if his needs are met or sensitivities provoked. We rely on Izy as a sounding board. Mostly, he thinks we are too polite. R is aware izy isn’t a pious Muslim but they get along fine.

We attended r’s wedding but not as groomsmen. We all agreed the food was better than izy’s reception.

My daughter attends a convent. The guests of honor at school performances are invariably retired catholic nuns who once served in the school. There is a lifesize statue of Jesus along the corridor and a chapel for prayers. It’s as catholic as any school can be in Singapore.

And yet the school employs Malay employees in the general office. Some years ago, there was even a male Malay teacher on staff, in a school that doesn’t have a halal stall at the canteen because there isn’t enough demand.

What’s even more incongruent is there are Malay parents who send their daughters to the convent, and there are a handful of them.

According to my wife, this is a tradition that goes back decades, with a slow uptick in numbers with the passing of years.

I’m sure the Malay presence in the convent is jaw-dropping to some, but please understand that they all went in with eyes wide open and decided the practice of their religion could co-exist, and not clash with a different religious norm.

This is inclusivity, Singapore style.

Twice in the late 1980s or early 1990s, I went to Action Park in southern New Jersey. It was also known as Traction Park for all the injuries people got there.

One time I went with 3 friends. One was this guy we called Russian David (his really name was something different). We all went on one of the non-water rides, a bobsled ride that could go really fast. (This was one of the rides that was considered the most dangerous, btw.)

David went down on his cart and didn’t follow the directions about keeping your limbs closely folded. I didn’t see him actually tumble out of his cart, but we were waiting for him to come down and were getting worried. Finally he showed up and he was in terrible shape— he had gotten huge scrapes all over his body! Face, legs, arms, you name it.

I took him to the First Aid hut and he had to get a lot of ointment, bandages, etc.

Water attractions there: there was a cliff you could jump off into a big water pool. People would approach it and many would chicken out of jumping off. Somehow I managed to take the plunge, and it was scary and exhilarating.

The Mandela Effect: Glitches in Reality’s Timeline

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