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Kirby’s financial spree

Very much so. And it’s confirmed by both of the actors.

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They first met in the late 1970s at the Golden Globes. Sly was nominated for Best Actor for Rocky. Arnold was nominated for New Star of the Year for his role in Stay Hungry.

Arnold walked away with a statue. Sly didn’t. And Arnold, in good competitive fashion (as observed in his Pumping Iron documentary), gave Sly shit for not winning in his category. He laughed at him. Sly then threw a vase of flowers across the room towards Arnold. He says that from that moment on through the 1980s and early 1990s, these two box office competitors had a true rivalry.

By the mid-1980s, they were both the top action stars in the world. They were constantly trying to outdo one another.

Who could make the bigger movie? Who could earn more at the box office?

Arnold arguably won the overall battle in that respect. He even managed to outwit Sly and trick him into making a terrible movie.

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Arnold had read the script for this movie first. It was terrible. He knew it. But he wanted to see if he could trick Sly into doing it.

Arnold told the story in a Q/A:

“So I went in – this was during our war – I said to myself, I’m going to leak out that I have tremendous interest. I know the way it works in Hollywood. I would then ask for a lot of money. So then they’d say, ‘Let’s go give it to Sly. Maybe we can get him for cheaper.’ So they told Sly, ‘Schwarzenegger’s interested. Here’s the press clippings. He’s talked about that. If you want to grab that one away from him, that is available.’ And he went for it! He totally went for it. A week later, I heard about it, ‘Sly is signing now to do this movie.’ And I said, [pumps fist] ‘Yes!'”

Sly has since confirmed this story as well.

While Sly had franchises like Rocky and Rambo, Arnold had more overall original hits like The Terminator, Commando, Predator, The Running Man, etc. Sly tried to keep up with the likes of movies like Cobra, Tango and Cash, and Over the Top, but they never really did that well compared to Arnold’s movies at the time.

Once both of their action careers started to falter in the mid-1990s, their competitiveness went down.

They are now very close friends. They’ve co-starred in movies together (Escape Plan, The Expendables franchise). They hang out together.

Here they are together on a Christmas Day.

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Sly says that while he hated Arnold back in the day, he’s indebted to him because they helped each other work harder in their prime.

They came into the business at the same time from different angles. They had different strengths and weaknesses. Sly was often an auteur. Arnold relied on other writers and directors. Sly was nominated for writing and acting Oscars. Arnold has never received a nomination or any real acclaim for his acting. But Arnold had a slight edge over Sly when it came to the box office.

Sly’s movies have made $3,968,669,509.

Arnold’s movies have made $4,110,295,038.

It was a fun and very real rivalry. If you watch Pumping Iron, you’ll understand how Arnold would get under the skin of his competition. He did the same thing to Sly that he did to Lou Ferrigno.

And now they’re the best of friends. More like family.

Honest and diplomatic

I’ll do you one better:

I once pulled a guy over for a burned-out tail light (something I suspected the driver is likely to have no idea about). I intended to stop him just to make him aware of the defective light, that’s it.

When I got to the window he was already blowing up at me, accusing me of racial profiling. (This was a bit ridiculous because it is actually very difficult for a police officer working at night to be able to RELIABLY identify the race, sex, (certainly not gender), or even species of occupants of cars that drive by them at night, especially when the car’s windows are tinted, and ESPECIALLY when they’re coming at you going the other way, headlights can be a little blinding. I could not have known that he and his buddies were black (until I got up to his window and he rolled it down) for the same reason that, because of the lighting I was using, nobody in that car could tell that I AM BLACK! He was very loud and disrespectful and only minimally cooperative. Truthfully, I was a bit put off by his attitude.

But his antics were more excessive than what I think would be natural if he was sincerely feeling that way; he was putting on a show maybe just for his buddies. Or maybe he WAS someone who is stopped by officers often or has had a history of bad exchanges with police officers. Or maybe he was the type of guy who just liked having reasons to complain and be loud and angry about how s**tty his day has been. Maybe he was expecting automatically to be ticketed so he was already owning that reality & reacting to it proactively. I had no idea. I ran his license and did find a bit of ticket-history but nothing terrible.

He was at me again when I arrived back at his window, telling me how “racist” I am, and how the whole thing was bulls**t. I had to wait for him to run out of things to say. Periodically, I asked him, “are you done?” Eventually, he answered my question, with a very agitated, “Yeah, I’m done!” So I said, “Great, my turn to talk now.”

I explained to him that the reason for the stop was for a defective tail light. It’s an $18 fix at O’Reilly Auto Parts & they’ll install the fresh bulb on the spot for free. But you came at me with all this racial profiling business that has nothing to do with a tail light, that IS burned out, and for some reason, it’s like you WANT me to give you a $142 dollar ticket. I had no intention of writing a ticket, and you’re not going to bait me into writing you one because I think that might delay your being able to get the damn light fixed, right? He was silent and staring at me, looking a little confused. I continued: As an aside, I think you should know that just because my neoprene patrol gloves are black doesn’t mean that the skin underneath isn’t too— by then I had leaned forward and was shining my light towards my own face a little so he could see my face and tightly trimmed afro- and I ended with “brotha!” I don’t think I’m the “ignorant” one here. I handed him back his license and said, “get your light fixed or you might get pulled over.” He stuck his head out the window and called out to me, “That’s it?” And I replied, a bit sarcastically, “I understand people don’t always get what they want but that’s just how life is sometimes. You’re going to have to settle for the warning today.” I made it a point to drive away first (which was not usual). I saw in my rearview mirror a figure get out of the driver’s seat and move to rear of the car, probably checking the tail light.

In the many years that have elapsed since that night, I’ve pondered what his TONE in his last question to me meant, “That’s it?” I think it was sincere surprise; oh, how I would’ve loved to have been a fly on the wall in that car; it is possible he never got a warning before in his life— maybe because of his prejudice.


Bite-Size Pizzas

muffin pizzas
muffin pizzas


  • 4 English muffins, halved
  • 1 cup pizza sauce
  • 1/2 cup ham, extra lean, chopped
  • 1/3 cup onions, finely chopped
  • 1 1/2 cups mozzarella cheese, shredded
  • 1/4 cup bell pepper, chopped
  • 1/3 cup mushrooms, sliced
  • 1/8 cup black olives, sliced


  1. Split the muffins in half and toast them in the toaster.
  2. Spread the pizza sauce on both halves of the muffins.
  3. Place remaining toppings evenly onto pizzas, saving shredded cheese for last.
  4. Bake at 350 degrees F for approximately 10 minutes or until cheese has melted.
  5. Remove from oven, and cut each muffin half into four pieces.
  6. Serve as appetizers or snacks.
  1. Free yourself from society’s advice, most of them have no idea of what they’re doing.
  2. Stay silent. Not everything needs to be said.
  3. Silence is better than unnecessary drama.
  4. If you continue waiting for the “right time ”, you’ll waste your whole life and nothing will happen.
  5. The family you create is more important than the family you come from.
  6. You’ll be 10x happier if you forgive your parents and stop blaming them.
  7. No one will ever come save you. Your life is 100% your responsibility.
  8. Your inner circle should be more focused on money, success, and starting a family.
  9. You don’t need 100 self-help books. All you need is actions and self-discipline.
  10. Your current job doesn’t care about you. They only pay you enough to kill your dreams.

I’m a stripper

My friend went to Florida on a family holiday, taking his daughter’s friend along – the girls were maybe 15 at the time.

At their hotel, the daughter’s friend – I’ll call her Charlie – backed into someone serving drinks, and they both fell in the pool. The staff said they’d have to pay for laundry etc, which was mad enough – it was a playful accident, if you like – but the cost added to their bill was $230, and they were told they wouldn’t get their passports back until the bill was settled.

Charlie, embarrassed, rang her dad, to ask for some extra money.

An hour or so later, Charlie’s ‘uncle’ turned up at the hotel and appeared beside the pool, where my friend’s group were relaxing, with the hotel manager. The manager was desperately apologetic, sweat pouring off him; he told them to forget the accident, from then on the drinks were all free, anything they wanted to make their stay perfect, room upgrades, free trips/excursions, meals on the house, please let him know – only please, please, tell the uncle that the problem was solved and they were happy.

The uncle – not a big man, just really quiet – came back on the day of checkout, which the manager handled personally, (this in a HUGE hotel), just stood and watched, then gave the manager a nod, gave Charlie a hug, and left.

This was twenty years ago – my friend never found out what Charlie’s family business was.

Truth after truth…

There’s a burger place by where I grew up that I often went to in High School. The owner made the burgers and his son took the orders. Both were vets, and they only charge current and past members of the military what they pay for in ingredients.

One day, in front of me in line was a gentleman in uniform. I have to assume there was plenty wrong with him, as the son at the counter rang him up for the normal price. The conversation went something like this (apologies for inaccurate terminology):

“Hey what about the military discount?”

“Yeah we only give that to members of the military…it’s in the name.”

“The f*ck are you talking about? I served for 6 years.”

“Oh really? What unit?”

*proceeds to give him Marine unit*

“Really? Anyone ever tell you when you get wounded twice you don’t actually get two separate purple hearts? And you definitely don’t put them on your ACUs, which Marines don’t even wear.”

The guy stormed out. I told him if they don’t put pickles on it I’ll just eat his order.

Scam WOW

Australia is a US dog nation. It allows the US to lord over them. They were similar native slaughterers and genocides their natives to steal their land. The were women and Children murderers in Vietnam, Korea and Iraq. They show their worth as a dog by slitting the throats of 14 years old in Afghanistan! Anstralia will bankrupt themselves just to be a good dog of the U.S. Wang should not waste his time!

Secret measuring tool

Text to image play time

Here’s some more of my experiments.

moonrise 10
moonrise 10
moonrise 9
moonrise 9
moonrise 8
moonrise 8
moonrise 7
moonrise 7
moonrise 6
moonrise 6
moonrise 5
moonrise 5
moonrise 4
moonrise 4
moonrise 3
moonrise 3
moonrise 2
moonrise 2
moonrise 1
moonrise 1

How America Became So Stupid

Korean style

Saying things AS THEY ARE

More adventures in text to picture

Here is a fake girl…

model 20
model 20
model 19
model 19
model 18
model 18
model 17
model 17
model 16
model 16
model 15
model 15
model 14
model 14
model 13
model 13
model 12
model 12
model 11
model 11
model 10
model 10
model 9
model 9
model 8
model 8
model 7
model 7
model 6
model 6
model 5
model 5
model 4
model 4
model 3
model 3
model 2
model 2

Clueless in the USA

I was working for a US consultancy firm in London.

They were going to announce who made head of department. It was between two very solid candidates. All managing consultants sat in the room, two were dialled in through the phone. One of the two candidates was on this line. The other sat with us. Jeanne and Beatrice.

Our boss came in, and did his usual “how much money we made, how is everyone doing” talk.

He then went on to discuss promotions.

Jeanne (lady on the phone) made head of department.

Beatrice, who was in the room, obviously felt defeated. She stood up, said “I quit”, left towards the door and walked to her desk.

Our boss ran after her.

We were all shocked, surprised.

We hear swearing, cursing, a loud “fuck off” and she left the building wih her belongings.

Our boss came back.

“Guess Beatrice didn’t like the news”

And went on like nothing happened. Little did he know Beatrice and Jeanne hated each other. We knew that, but that is because we all worked with both.

We tried contacting her, she didn’t reply, only years later. She had retired from this profession and decided to start a family with her husband.

Apparently this moment was the final nail in the coffin.

She had worked for this moment for years, was sick and tired of corporate politics, and wanted to leave with her head held high. She managed to pull that off.

Who can say they left a job, right at a pivotal moment in their life, and are dead center able to make a decision for the next part of their life. Not many can say that.

No time wasted.

She now has two rebellious daughters and one little boy. I have seen their photos. Full time mum. Hard to believe they would not be here if she got the job.

Women NEED men! Are they finally realizing it now that consequences are happening?

BLT Pizza

BLT Pizza
BLT Pizza


My Favorite Pizza Crust

  • 1 cup water
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons Parmesan cheese
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons Italian seasoning
  • 1 teaspoon granulated sugar
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 3 cups bread flour
  • 2 1/2 teaspoons yeast


  • 1 to 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 1/2 cups shredded mozzarella
  • 1/2 cup crumbled, crisp bacon
  • 1 to 2 tomatoes, sliced
  • 1 1/2 cups chopped romaine lettuce
  • 2 tablespoons mayo



  1. Place in bread machine-dough cycle. After cycle is finished, place in greased bowl (olive oil), cover, let rise another 30 minutes.
  2. Heat oven to 400 degrees F.
  3. Bake about 7 minutes BEFORE adding ingredients or it will be soggy. Use this for any pizza.
  4. Add ingredients and bake 10 to 15 minutes more.


  1. Brush pizza crust with olive oil, spread 3/4 cup cheese over oiled surface.
  2. Sprinkle bacon, then sliced tomatoes.
  3. Sprinkle rest of the cheese.
  4. Bake until bubbly, 10 to 15 minutes.
  5. Mix mayo with lettuce and spread over pizza.
  6. Serve immediately.


I used turkey bacon, red and yellow tomatoes and regular shredded lettuce. Turned out awesome!

I was downstairs in the small canteen having a cup of coffee with the lab manager and a few others.

Work officially started at 740 and I had been in the building since 720.

Went upstairs at about 745 and was accosted by my boss’ boss for being late.

I explained that I had been in the canteen talking to the lab manager about work related issues, etc., which was partially true.

Now at this point I had set the overtime record. 4 hours every day Monday to Thursday every week for months for various projects. I wasn’t paid for it but could take time off in lieu.

Well guess what happened to the overtime I was so diligently accruing? No Monday to Thursday 4 hour romps on the analysers. Project work ground to a halt.

I eventually received a grumbling apology and that he realised I was doing all this extra work, etc., but my boss had to explain this to him and gouge out the apology from him.

My father and his siblings, all used to hard farming and farm work, all went to war after Pearl Harbor. Uncle Paul, who probably never imagined anyone wasting time or energy lifting weights, was built like Tarzan. He went to war as a US Marine and survived Guadalcanal, Tarawa, Saipan and Tinian, where he was finally hit bad enough to get hospitalized.

Now we recognize it as PTSD, but in the aftermath of WW2, it was just said that Paul came back different. When he WOULD talk, it was obvious that the war had been something he was comfortable doing, if that makes any sense.

Quiet, shy, never settling down, working hard, minding his own business, etc. He stayed in great shape, in his 50s, he could put my 12 year old nephew on his shoulders and do a ONE legged deep knee bend.

My mother found him a union job near us, something with benefits and a little retirement. He was out drinking with his much younger coworkers in a neighborhood establishment, enjoying time in his quiet shy way. A local, much younger, was arguing with his female companion and made his first mistake. He slapped or punched the young woman in front of my Uncle Paul. Quiet, shy Paul got up and politely but pointedly explained to the young man, a local bully as it turned out, that ‘you shouldn’t hit a woman’. The bully then made his second mistake and attacked Paul. I expect he felt he could handle this ‘old man’, but instead found himself in the hands of a man whom, still in excellent shape, had thrived as a combat marine in some of the bloodiest battles of WW2. It took only seconds and the man was on the floor and willing to listen to any other suggestions about life Paul was willing to offer. According to one of his shocked coworkers, one who reported to us, Uncle Paul came back to their table and downplayed the whole affair, back to being quiet, shy, Paul.

He lived into his eighties, changed by combat. Thank God for their generation.

Big Companies Are Lying About Layoffs (and What You Should Do)

The question has stated it clear: “follow the Washington order”.

Why other countries have to follow Washington’s order?

ASEAN countries are independent countries, they have their own rights to do decisions, “Washington’s order” is a violation to their sovereignty.

Philippines’ former president Aquino III was pro-America, he followed Washington’s order to challenge China on SCS and sued China on an international arbitual court. However, this arbitual court has no jurisdiction on the issue (PCA is a non-official platform, not a authorized organzation under UN), and China ignored this case.

Then, to show the support to Philippines, USA’s 7th fleet sailed to SCS to deter China. China and USA had a close-to-fire conflict in SCS in 2016, the result was American aricraft carrier cambat groups stepped back, and the commander, Harry Harris, was resigned and repositioned as an ambassidor to Korea.

After that, Philippines’ new president Duterte changed stance to frozen the disputes.

When the present president Marcoz Jr. got elected in 2022, his first visit was to China, which was interpreted as continuing his father (Marcoz, who established official diplomatic relation with mainland China) and his predecessor Durterte’s route to strengthen relationship with China.

But two months later, after he visited USA, Marcoz Jr. had changed stance and began to challenge China on SCS affairs.

So, a possible explanation is, Marcoz Jr. had something in America’s grasp, and this something threatened his life, no matter politically or physically.

ASEAN politicians see this very clear, their smart choice is not to side with any side.

When I was 25 I moved to Ohio to accept a entry level management position with the company I had been with for less than a year as a sales rep. It was a national company with over 400 reps nationally so I was very excited. After moving and less then six months into my new management position the company filed bankruptcy and laid off all the employees.

After a couple of weeks of interviewing I was offered a job with a small, local but well established company as a sales rep in a new “Word Processors” (this was 1981) sales division. After less then 3 months in the position the owner a man in his mid-sixties called me into his office and told me was very impressed with my sales but also how I had offered to help other new hired that has started when I did. He told he that his son who was an attorney and general counsel for the company was suppose to start taking over more control of the company as he was getting older and wanted to slow down. His son had informed him he was no longer interested and heading the company and wanted just to concentrate on law and offered to promote me to Exec V.P. and teach me the administrative and operational sides of the business in hopes that in the near future I might be interested in running the business. Fives years later when the owner decided to retire I put together a group of senior employees and acquired the company and continues as CEO for another five years.

My mom did. I helped.

This is a good many years ago now,

The family apartment block has an underground parking and each apartment gets one space.

Well we didn’t have a car for a while but we used the space to keep …parts of cars and other stuff.

Point is, it was our space, we paid for it.

Well the neighbor upstairs decided to use our space as their own. They owned the adjacent spot and would park sloppily over into our line and then just full on started parkng their second vehicle on it as well.

It was annoying , rude and inconvenient. On more than one occasion we would go on family trips and rent a vehicle but have nowhere to park when we got back and so on.

My mom left them notes (Which i would write. Very polite ones) informing them that this was not ok and to please refrain from trespassing.

No result.

We painted new lines on the floor, clearly delimiting the space.

No result.

we painted our side of the walls with big NO PARKING letters and our lot number.

No result.

We sent them a letter directly. Never managed to see them face to face till another incident years later.

No result.

complained to the building management.

No result.

complained to the police.

They said it was a building problem. no result.

Now my mom is a peace loving sweet lady with a que sera sera kinda attitude to life.

She is also Spanish, I’m guessing nobody took her seriously cause of the accent and poor language skills (this was in Paris , France)

Well one day she went to the parking again and there was that damn car AGAIN.

She lost it. Fuming and cursing in pure Madrileño she went home and picked up a couple cans of either PVC or Polyurethane glue, heavy duty stuff we were using for some renovation/DIY at home and a block of printer paper.

She looked at me and said “esto se termina hoy” and we went to the car.

She poured the entire contents of that industrial level glue all over each window which we then papered up. Front, back and sides. There was NO way a driver could drive that vehicle using the windshield and each one would have to be replaced.

We got a call from the police some days later about some vandalism, my mom said she didn’t speak French but that it seemed like it was a “building problem”.

We never had a single parking issue there again, its been over 25 years now.

Great 4 hours or so of background noise to help relax you. Or not.

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