In this post, I am going to get back to posting some information about China and living there. In particular, I will post using a new format, that maybe you readers might find easier to use and more interesting. Gosh, I hope that you all will like it! This post consists of videos, short videos, of Chinese women. They are indexed by a static photo with a brief paragraph description.
Simply click on the picture that you are interested in, and a new window will pop up that will have the video of the girl. Most videos are under 15 seconds, so it shouldn’t take long to download or to appear. Just allow the videos to load. If there is a lot of internet traffic, it might take some time.
The Girls of China.
Learning can be fun, as long as you are with a pretty girl to show you things.

Do you want more?
If so, you can have some fun in my China index here…
Pretty Chinese GirlsChina
I’m so biting my knuckles, right now!
China is looking more and more lie an attractive move.
I’m gonna finish off my PhD and get over there.
Growth hormones in the meat– Jeez, Mr Man; that’s explain the thunder thighs and massive bodies, for sure. Never even thought of that. I thought it was the bread and carbs. But I guess that’s still a deadly combination.
I’m guessing these lasses eat pretty much just vegetables, rice and a small amount of meat.
And you know all about the dessert, I’d say 😉
Well I am a Chinese American (as in I have US passport, whatever use that is, which these days is none whatsoever lol) stuck in the US. (Texas)… If US and China goes to hot war for whatever reason, definetly people like us (Chinese nationals, greencard, visa, even so-called Chinese Americans with US citizenship etc) are getting rounded up without question…
I asked around several folks who know a lot more than I do on this topic and the general average consensus is that probably at early as 2021, and likely by or before 2024 is the timescale of when TSHTF with regards to the US-Sino kinetic situation..
However the Chinese military know believes US will attack China in the SCS islands by October of this year, just a few short months from now…
It helps to get a big picture standpoint of status, more of a mental prep than anything. Also, for example had I had foreknowledge of COVID back in 2019, I defintely would have taken more vacations and trips knowing the world was more or less going to go to shit in 2020 etc… so getting a time range helps in terms of ticking things off bucketlist to the extent possible…
There is a difference between that individual misfortune (getting killed by a racists white dude in public etc) and that of instituationalized action, the risk of getting shot by anger white guy is on an individual level just like car accidents are, but the risk of getting rounded up by US governments applies to all Chinese Americans… so its different types of risk. One is unpredictable since there is too much variability, the other is only unpredicatble in timing but when/if it happens it happens to everyone… It is this different dynamic in risk that explains why even though more people die of peanut allergies than from actual (non false flag) terror attacks that the US government still spends disporportionatly more resources towards socalled antiterror than compared to peanut death mitigations..
My guess is they would start by first freezing the bank accounts of all Chinese Americans or Chinese living in America… so unless you have some cash on hand you are literally SOL. Next is by then TikTok and WeChat will be banned, so its much harder to communicate with Chinese folks back in China or even other Chinese folks in the USA without being spied on and worse, when WeChat is not an option anymore you are forced to use the likes of fb, gmail, etc and believe me if the US gov ordered these companies to freeze or lock the accounts of all Chinese Americans on account of hot war, they won’t bat an eye…
So without money, without means of communication, it would be hard to do anything. You can’t fly anywhere, borders are closed and then the government can simply reclaim your car title, house , passport, license, etc its all digital and electronic these days, they can do this literally overnight and all Chinese American’s wake up to the horrible news the next morning… people will be waking up and realizing they cannot log into their company VPN anymore because their Active Directory account got canned because the US government told their employer that you were labeled as enemy combatant. Without a job, with your bank account frozen, 401k forfeitured, well you get the point.
The other threat is the local threat by people in the population… your every day Americans (esp white guys) out of a job, maybe their grandma died of COVID, they see their great leader Trumps MAGA 2020 relection hopes going up in smokes, and its all because of the Invisible China Virus… some of these people will lose it and go postal and kill a bunch of Asain Americans… its almost bound to happen. This threat one can only mitigate by going out of the house as little as possible, being in public places as little as possible… Buying a rifle and handgun for self protection…
Rent is due for many Americans, the rent freeze is ended, in next coming weeks a good portion of Americas will be evicted and on the streets.. people wont’ be able to afford food, the unemployment benefits are ending… its gonna get wild… this is not even taking into account many experts see there is a real chance the US dollar could suddenly collapse this year, if that happens all bets are off… If US attacks China in the SCS all bets are off…
I think at this point its pretty much guaranteed. Attack will likely come from CBGs or SSN cruise missiles as no nation will allow US to launch strikes from their territory. Best option is to put a few civilian fishing ships near the islands, and start intense shadowing of USN CV and SSN assets in West Pac and Indian Pacific using China’s entire drone fleet, and get diplomatic lines ready in all Belt + Road and alliance countries for coordinated UN action as soon as an attack hits.
Video footage needs to be captured using drones/satellite of a 1st strike on Chinese assets, which can be instantly broadcast to the world. At the same time, no need to keep large amounts of military assets at the islands which will destroyed anyways. Trump would probably want the action to come around mid-October to boost his chances or provide rationale to cancel the elections outright.
If we look at how many Chinese vaccines are in PH III right now, mid-October is a minimal viable date for vaccine candidates in Brazil, UAE, and Pakistan, and several others to be announced as effective. If China can avoid getting kinetic until mid-October, this would allow an unprovoked attack with several hundred Chinese civilian casualties to be coordinated with the announcement of a Chinese vaccine to the world. Civilian casualties on the island will be the martyrs to unite an overseas diaspora of millions and 1.4 billion Chinese at home in a way unimaginable or available to the current government.
The deepening enmity of US-China strategic rivalry is eroding core CCP assumptions that competition would remain bounded – by nuclear deterrence, deep economic integration, shared stewardship of financial stability and cooperation on global challenges such as pandemics – and may be amplifying Beijing’s assessment that the US is on a trajectory to pursue overthrow of the CCP as a strategic goal.
Also, I’m still of the opinion that presidents since JFK have likely wielded no power. The elites listened to Eisenhower and took him seriously, so much so that they likely wanted to end that parade…
Before Trump forced TSMC to ban Huawei, earlier this year in Jan/Feb allegedly Pentagon told him that long term that isn’t the best interest of US to cut off Huawei in said manner, but then Trump did it anyway… at least that is the public appearance of the story we are given… Now I think US POTUS doesn’t have any real power, he does what he is told. But then why the putting on the show of this sort of back and forth? Like the Dureté dude that kicked out the VFA just to renege on it again, or the Boris/UK huawei multiple flip flop… I can’t figure out what the heck is really going on or the purpose of this… it a show to the public if so but for what reason and to what ends?
Petrodollar hegemony still standing, that is what counts. US choking China from tech ascension, that is the big one. Trump acting like dumbass or all the little stuff that US is seemingly doing wrong, those don’t mean anything in the grand scheme of things. Where it matters, US always gets it right… (at least so far, or its what it appears anyway)
US has played China and indeed the entire world exceedingly well… its not a coincidence, and you don’t do that by incompetence… so whomever is pulling the strings behind the scenes is deliberate and not by accident
It is almost like this whole “America going rogue” is an act to put the rest of the world off tilt and let everyone’s guard down but when it comes to what really matters, the truly important stuff and big picture things, it seems to US always gets it right just like clockwork… Are there aliens with time machines helping the USA? Sometimes it feels that way…
At the DAVOS early this year Trump was talking about how America had a secret trick or hididden advantage / weapon up their sleeves etc and at first I thought he was hinting at the COVID biovirus that CIA released in Wuhan but now I’m not so sure, take a listen , he hinting at something big?