Listen to New Rob, and ignore the man on the stage ranting and raving

The crazies continue with their insane plans. You and I and our loved ones are all trapped … squeezed between the giants… like lettuce in a McDonald’s Big Mac sandwich. Nothing much to do, but keep on, keeping on and to wish for the best.

Keep up on your affirmation campaigns and monitor your fate forecasts. You will be fine.

Just remain calm. Smile, and play a role in your communities. As Rob has said (paraphrasing) follow the formula and your life will change for the better. Big thanks! Listen to New Rob!

Toad The Wet Sprocket – Come Down

Russian Defense Minister: Ukraine Conflict Heading Toward “Uncontrolled Escalation”

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu told his French counterpart in a telephone call on Sunday that the situation in Ukraine was rapidly deteriorating and trending towards “uncontrolled escalation.”

In a phone call with French Defense Minister Sebastien Lecornu published by the Russian side, Shoigu said Moscow had concerns Ukraine could use a “dirty bomb” in the conflict, without providing evidence to support the suggestion that Ukraine might use such a weapon.

“They discussed the situation in Ukraine which is rapidly deteriorating,” the defense ministry said in a readout of the call. “It is trending towards further uncontrolled escalation.”

Today’s telephone call with the French Defense Minister comes immediately after similar calls with the US and Turkish Defense Ministers.

Russia is telling all the key parties that the situation is getting very much worse.

According to incoming information, the Kiev regime is preparing a false flag “provocation” on its territory related to the detonation of the so-called “dirty bomb” or low-yield nuclear weapon.

From various sources it became known that under the leadership of Western backers, Kiev has already begun the practical implementation of this plan. The leadership of the Eastern Mining and Processing Plant, located in the city of Zhovti Vody, Dnepropetrovsk region, as well as the Kiev Institute for Nuclear Research, was tasked with making the very “dirty bomb.” Work on it is already reported to be at the final stage.

At the same time, on behalf of Volodymyr Zelensky, employees of the Office of the President of Ukraine from his close circle, are conducting covert contacts with representatives of the UK on the issue of a possible transfer of nuclear weapons components to the Kiev authorities.

The calculation of the organizers of the provocation is that if it is successfully implemented, most countries will react extremely harshly to the “nuclear incident” in Ukraine. As a result, Moscow will lose the support of many of its key partners, and the West will again try to raise the issue of depriving Russia of the status of a permanent member of the UN Security Council and increase anti-Russian rhetoric.

The idea itself, seems psychotic to most observers, but such seems to be the level of desperation in Kiev.

So, in the past 2 days, the Russian defense minister Shoigu has called his counterparts in the US, UK, France, and Turkey, and told them all the same message about the “dirty bomb”.

This is very worrying.

Toad The Wet Sprocket – Something’s Always Wrong (Official Video)

Well, lessee…

The US government has a policy of demonizing China with lies and false accusations of genocide, forced labour, concentration camps, etc.

The US government has a policy of sanctioning the shit out of China (e.g., 5G, semiconductors, etc.).

The US government has a policy of interfering in China’s domestic politics (e.g., Hong Kong, Taiwan, Xinjiang).

The US government deprives its people of affordable health care and housing, practices mass incarceration, allows rampant gun violence and systemic racism, interns illegals immigrants in concentration camps at its southern border, spies on its citizens through PRISM (Edward Snowden), let over a million Americans die from Covid needlessly, etc.

The US government has policies of overthrowing foreign regimes, interfering in foreign elections, invading foreign countries, sanctioning foreign countries, etc.

What do you think? Duh!

The Black Crowes performs “Remedy” at Gathering of the Vibes Music Festival 2013

Set the tone…

One evening at work. One of my colleagues starts to chat with me and the mail courier. He shows us a picture on his phone, saying “look what [wife’s name] found in our barn.”

It was four tiny fuzz balls. Kittens hiding where their mother left them. They couldn’t have been more than four weeks old.

Suddenly, I blurted out, “I will take one.” My colleague looked at me. “What?” He asked me to repeat myself, and with only a little hesitation, I said again, “I will take one.”

The weeks after were a bit stressful as the kittens were captured and taken to see a vet. One of them died; they called him the runt but even the one I got was somewhat small.


I named him also hastily because the vet I called needed a name for the schedule. “Tito”, I told the voice on the phone. He was no more than five weeks old when I brought him to my apartment.


I played with him a lot in order to socialize him a little; but he’s been apart from his siblings. When I first got him I brought him to my place in a tiny shoebox. Now I have a proper carrier for him and lots of other cat things.


Tito has grown. As you can see, he knows how to give bunny kicks when he plays with his football.

The result of the 20th CPC Congress

For those of you who are in the West; especially the United States. ou live within a bubble of ignorance. Here’s the results of the 20th CPC congressional elections…

Xi is totally victorious. They’re all his supporters.
The CPC XX Congress Politburo Standing Committee :
1- Xi Jinping
2- Li Qiang
3- Zhao Leji
4- Wang Huning
5- Cai Qi
6- Ding Xuexiang
7- Li Xi

Tonic – If You Could Only See

Are we seeing a bifurcation of the world order underway led by USA and China respectively.

Which countries may be part of the US led World Order and which may be part of the China led World Order?

This is a very good question with clear facts. Yes the single polar is well and truly over. The US is clearly in a very desperate situation right now. It is doing 3 things that it thinks is the last throw of the dice which will have a very small chance of success but highly lightly will boomerang back at the US and hurt and harm America and the west badly like the Ukrainian war.

These are one, to provoked and lure Russia into a war that they clearly cannot win without going nuclear and killing the entire planet. And they are losing their pants.

Two, they thought the could decoupled from China and contained them. For me, they themself will be contained and their companies will be decoupled dron the World.

Thirdly they weaponised the only weapon, the dollar that will simply end their only useful defence to keep themselves sustainable. What they achieved is torturing their own very few allies left.

The US can count on the equallly pathetic and desperate UK, they can allways bully Canada and Australia their fellow native slaughters and the despicable colonial powers France Belgium, Netherlands and Denmark and Sweden. Sure their slave vassal nations Germany, South Korea and Japan has no choice but to back the US.

The rest of the world either support China and Russia outright or gently lean towards them due to trade, due to a brighter future, disgusted to years of coercion by the west or hated the US bullying. There lies the problem for the US?

Sure they could still command the economies of 30% of the world but the 70% is simply not with them. In population it is worst, 85% of the world supports China and Russia.

A bigger issue is throughout the west, their own people will rises up one by one, like in Italy, UK, Australia, Germany, Serbia, Hungary, Sweden, France. One by one their own people will throw them out.

The US has firmly nailed their own coffin shut.

Chilean Sopaipillas with Pebre

Chilean sopaipillas are a delicious street food made up of fried dough with sweet or savory toppings, like pebre, a Chilean chopped salsa. Sweet or savory, round or square. Sopaipillas are a delicious part of the heritage of Chilean cuisine.


What are sopaipillas?

Sopaipilla is the name given to a traditional fried dough in Chile and other countries in the Americas.

The Chilean version is very popular during the rainy months, but in recent times it has become a typical snack that you can find throughout the year.

Sopaipillas are sold in the streets in little carts carrying large pans full of boiling oil that offer clients fresh, just made, warm sopaipillas.

The possibility of toppings is very varied: chili sauce, pebre, mustard, cheese, icing sugar, honey, sauerkraut, mayonnaise, just to mention a few.

Where do sopaipillas come from?

The recipe for this fried dough treat arrived in the Americas with the Spanish colonizers who called them sopaipa, a word of Arabic origin that means “bread dipped in oil”.

The Araucanians (nomadic hunters in Chile) named them sopaipilla in honor of a bird from the region.

The South American contribution was to serve them soaked in a syrup made with chancaca (unrefined sugar and molasses) flavored with cinnamon and orange or lemon peel.

The traditional recipe, typical of central Chile, uses cooked squash which gives the dough a little bit of an orange color.


Chilean sopaipillas sureñas (southern sopaipillas)

Northern and southern sopaipillas are often made without squash. The recipes vary from house to house, some making them with yeast and others with baking powder.

The recipe I am sharing today is for southern sopaipillas.

These sopaipillas have a spongy, donut-like texture in the center and some crispiness on the edges.

The dough comes together very quickly. It’s a soft dough, easy to handle, made with ingredients you might already have in your pantry.

Once the dough is ready, you have two options.

  • You can roll out the dough with a rolling pin and use a round cutter or a glass to cut as many sopaipillas as you can. Bring the rest of the dough together and roll it out and cut again, until all the dough has been used.
  • The second option is to divide the dough into 8 equal portions and flatten each one with your hands or a rolling pin.

No matter how you shape the sopaipillas, make sure to prick each one with a fork before frying.

As any fried dough, these are best eaten the same day they are made.

Chris Cornell – Billie jean & Black hole sun

What are some toppings for sopaipillas?

As I mentioned before, there is a great variety of toppings in Chile for sopaipillas.

Here are a few:

  • mustard and hot sauce
  • butter
  • mayo
  • ketchup
  • sauerkraut
  • avocado
  • pebre (fresh salsa)
  • icing sugar (powdered sugar)
  • jam
  • manjar (dulce de leche) my favorite
  • soaked in syrup right after frying (use the syrup recipe from Chilean picarones)

Huawei infrastructure equipment does not rely on previous generations of equipment or upgrades. For instance, Huawei 5G infrastructure equipment does not require the installation of 3G or 4G equipment.

This means that an African, Asian or South American nation, if it gives the contract for its national telecommunications infrastructure to Huawei, can go from having no infrastructure, to having a telco infrastructure which is more modern than the US or UK in one single bound. And it is built to support the Internet of Things (IoT).

Not only that, but it is cheaper than anything offered by Nokia or Ericsson.

The strategy for western companies, for a long time, has been to lock developing economies into their system and technology upgrade cycle as much as possible. This meant that once the first order went through and the equipment was installed, they would be locked into their prices, and their development cycles for good. North American telco infrastructure providers have been slower at launching 5G because their main North American and European customers are still recovering their investment costs on 4G. Why introduce 5G when they are still recovering their costs on 4G? Milk the customers as long as they can wait before launching 5G!

However, the Chinese government has not worked that way because it has always wanted to be on the leading edge of technology, and it doesn’t care if companies lose money, because in many cases, the companies which lose money are Chinese state-owned businesses. The big example is China Telecom, which had a monopoly on all telephone business before 2000. Because it had a monopoly on fixed-line telephone business, it was very slow to roll out mobile phone services.

The Chinese government and ruling Chinese Communist Party knew that the future was all about mobile phone technology and services, so what did it do? It set up a whole new mobile phone service provider named China Mobile, and China Mobile hired its own management team which did not include any China Telecom personnel. Who provided the infrastructure, base stations and other equipment to China Mobile? A younger and smaller Huawei.

Many in the west have this idea that because China is ruled by the Chinese Communist Party, it is a corrupt monopoly. If only it were that simple; it doesn’t work that way. The party believes in China having the most modern technology, and if a state-owned enterprise does not embrace the next generation of technology fast enough, it gets left at the side of the road like China Telecom, and it creates another state-owned enterprise to drive the next generation of growth or, as it does now under Chinese president Xi Jinping, support strong private companies like Tencent and Alibaba. The Chinese government really does not care about whether these companies are profitable or not, it just wants them to adopt and launch the latest technology and equipment so that China can be a technology leader.

China Mobile has been Huawei’s single biggest customer for mobile infrastructure equipment. This means that all of its equipment is launched and tested out first on the China Mobile network before it gets sold anywhere else. It means that if the Chinese government says that it wants China to have a 5G network in 2020, instead of the 2024 or later which the US is committing to as a launch date, then China is going to get the 5G network first. In the US, because the leading service providers have lobbyists who write the legislation which favors their business, new technology is delayed for business and profitability reasons, and these companies are all privately-owned public companies.

The benefit for Huawei when selling its equipment in developing economies, is that their sales personnel can say that the equipment has been launched and tested on China Mobile’s network in China, and that if they want to see it working, all they need to do is send their personnel to China to see and test it in action.

For African, Asian and South American governments, the advantage of choosing Huawei is that they break the monopoly which North American and European companies used to have on their infrastructure. Once they upgrade, they will basically take on the technology upgrade cycle of China, not the west. China’s technology upgrade cycle is driven by technology, not business profitability.

This is how many nations in Africa, Asia and South America will leapfrog the telco infrastructure of the US and UK in the next decade. They will skip generations of technology infrastructure to go straight to 5G without having to adopt any of the in-between technology.

I believe that this is the real reason for opposing Huawei; the security issue is a red herring.

This stray Kitty

This stray Kitty adopted me a little over a year ago. I love her to pieces! I’ve always thought her tail looked a little funny, like slightly shorter than a regular cat, I thought. Also her fur is so thick, but silky too. And her round features are so adorable and when we talk to each other, she trills and chirps… oh and when she runs, it’s so hilarious!


Believe it or not, I grew up in China think that China is an evil country out to crush the West, oppress the people, and limits our freedom.

Yeah, I was that type of teen back in the day.

That all changed when I left China to study as an overseas student in the US in 2011.

The first thing I did after settling down in my highschool dorm was to search on google for a bunch of “banned” information on CCP and Chinese history, you know, 1989, the cultural revolution, the great leap forward, the usual.

I spent days viewing the documentaries, reading the articles, going through the comments about CCP and its policies.

I thought I would be happy.

But I was horrified and humiliated.

Of course, the information that I now have access to was more than what I was hoping for. Yet the one thing I’ve never realized is the sheer hostility that many Westerners has, not only towards CCP but towards every single Chinese that are not actively licking the West’s butts.

In their eyes, we are backward, undeveloped, brainwashed puppets that don’t deserve a right to voice our opinions.

The only thing we should be wanting is for the Western saviors to grant us freedom and democracy.

I thought the Western society, especially the United States of America, should be about openness to different ideas. Democracy should be about accepting differences and celebrating the cooperation between different people.

I was dead wrong.

I saw just how ignorant the West can be, how they thought they know everything about China and believes that the Chinese don’t know anything about the West, how all Chinese are supposedly living under tyranny and oppression.

They have zero willingness to hear what we Chinese has to say because all Chinese are “brainwashed.”

I became skeptical of what I’ve believed in this whole time.

I realized that what the West wants is not an advanced, free China.

They want a collapsing China.

As the years go on, I became increasingly pro-China. Every time I return from the US, I see progress happening, I see people in China living a better life than before.

Cashless payments, better housing, improved public infrastructure, happier people; China is actively working for a better world.

Yet in the US, all I saw was partisan politics, people that do nothing but yell at each other, never to think about reaching a common ground. As a result, society as a whole sees zero progress.

I am now a completely different person than I was eight years ago.

And you know what?

I’m fucking proud to be Chinese.

System Of A Down – Chop Suey! live

Chilean pebre

Pebre is a Chilean spicy sauce (similar to pico de gallo) that is typically accompanied by bread. Although, it is so versatile that it can be enjoyed as an accompaniment to salads, rice, beans, empanadas, and sopaipillas.

The basic recipe for Chilean pebre has onions, cilantro, and chili peppers. It’s fresh and flavorful.

Pebre can be made a few hours before it’s served to let the flavors come together.

The vegetables for pebre are chopped very small by hand. Some prefer to use a food processor and make it runnier.

Chose your favorite method!


While in the States it is common to first think of New Mexican sopaipillas, that sweet donut-like treat coated in cinnamon sugar, give this traditional Chilean version a try and see what you think about savory sopaipillas or different sweet toppings!


For The Pebre

  • 1/2 c tomato, seeded and diced
  • 1/2 c white onion, diced
  • 1/4 c fresh cilantro, chopped
  • 1 tsp garlic, minced
  • 1 jalapeno, finely chopped
  • 1 Tbsp olive oil
  • 1 Tbsp lime juice
  • Salt and black pepper (to taste)

For The Sopaipillas

  • 1 1/2 c flour
  • 1/2 tsp instant yeast
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/4 tsp baking powder
  • 1/4 tsp baking soda
  • 1 Tbsp butter, at room temperature
  • 1/2 c warm water
  • 2 c vegetable oil, for frying


For The Pebre

  1. Mix all the ingredients in a medium sized bowl. Cover, and place in the refrigerator until ready to use. Pebre is best eaten the day it is made.

For The Sopaipillas

  1. In a large bowl, add flour, yeast, salt, baking powder, and baking soda. Whisk to mix.
  2. Cut the butter into the dry ingredients using a pastry cutter or two forks. Add the warm water and mix until the dough comes together.
  3. Knead the dough for 3 to 5 minutes with your hands. Cover and let it rest for 10 minutes.
  4. Divide the dough into 8 equal portions; shape each piece into a smooth ball. Cover and let it rest for 5 minutes.
  5. Flatten each sopaipilla with the tip of your hands or use a rolling pin (to 1/4 inch thick). Prick with a fork.
  6. Heat the oil on medium-low, until hot, but not smoking. Fry 2 to 3 sopaipillas at a time for 1 to 2 minutes on each side, or until golden brown.
  7. Transfer the fried sopaipillas to a paper towel-lined baking sheet to drain and cool slightly.
  8. Serve with pebre.

Korn – Freak On A Leash

The Food Crisis Of 2023 Is Going To Be Far Worse Than Most People Would Dare To Imagine


I am trying to sound the alarm about this as loudly as I can.  The global food crisis just continues to intensify, and things are going to get really bad in 2023.  As you will see below, two-thirds of European fertilizer production has already been shut down, currency problems are causing massive headaches for poor nations that need to import food, global weather patterns continue to be completely crazy, and the bird flu is killing millions upon millions of chickens and turkeys all over the planet.  On top of everything else, the war in Ukraine is going to restrict the flow of agricultural and fertilizer exports from that part of the world for a long time to come, because there is no end to the war in sight.  In essence, we are facing a “perfect storm” for global food production, and that “perfect storm” is only going to get worse in the months ahead.

Global hunger has been on the rise for years, and the UN World Food Program is warning that we are heading for “yet another year of record hunger”

The world is at risk of yet another year of record hunger as the global food crisis continues to drive yet more people into worsening levels of severe hunger, warns the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) in a call for urgent action to address the root causes of today’s crisis ahead of World Food Day on October 16.

The global food crisis is a confluence of competing crises – caused by climate shocks, conflict and economic pressures – that has pushed the number of severely hungry people around the world from 282 million to 345 million in just the first months of 2022. The U.N. World Food Programme scaled up food assistance targets to reach a record 153 million people in 2022, and by mid-year had already delivered assistance to 111.2 million people.

But as I have consistently warned, this is only just the beginning.

Eventually, there will be billions of people that don’t have enough to eat on a regular basis.

In all my years, I have never seen hunger spread so rapidly.  In fact, there are large numbers of people that are now facing starvation in the backyard of the United States

The United Nations is warning that hunger in one of Haiti’s biggest slums is at catastrophic levels, as gang violence and economic crises push the country to “breaking point”.

Nearly 20,000 people in the capital’s impoverished Cité Soleil area have dangerously little access to food and could face starvation, the UN says,

Across Haiti, almost five million are struggling with malnutrition.

“Haiti is facing a humanitarian catastrophe,” a top UN official said.

But most people in the western world won’t care until they are going hungry themselves.

Unfortunately, that day may be a lot closer than a lot of people ever imagined.

Right now, a whopping two-thirds of all fertilizer production capacity in Europe has already been shut down because of the skyrocketing price of natural gas…

Europe’s fertilizer crunch is deepening with more than two-thirds of production capacity halted by soaring gas costs, threatening farmers and consumers far beyond the region’s borders.

Russia’s squeeze on gas shipments in the wake of Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine is hurting industries across Europe. But fertilizer companies are being especially affected because gas is both a key feedstock and a source of power for the sector.

There simply will not be enough fertilizer for European farmers in 2023.

And there won’t be enough for everyone else that depends on fertilizer production from Europe.

This is a really big deal, because without fertilizer we would only be able to feed approximately half the planet.

Do you want to volunteer to be among those that don’t get enough food?

Meanwhile, the surging U.S. dollar is causing immense headaches for food importers all over the world…

In Ghana, importers are warning about shortages in the run up to Christmas. Thousands of containers loaded with food recently piled up at ports in Pakistan, while private bakers in Egypt raised bread prices after some flour mills ran out of wheat because it was stranded at customs.

Around the world, countries that rely on food imports are grappling with a destructive combination of high interest rates, a soaring dollar and elevated commodity prices, eroding their power to pay for goods that are typically priced in the greenback. Dwindling foreign-currency reserves in many cases has reduced access to dollars, and banks are slow in releasing payments.

The value of the U.S. dollar has been spiking because the Federal Reserve has been raising interest rates.

When the value of the dollar goes up, poor countries have to pay a lot more for food in their own local currencies.

So the Federal Reserve is actually making the global food crisis worse by hiking rates.

But they are going to keep doing it anyway.

At the same time, global weather patterns continue to go completely haywire.

This summer we witnessed the worst drought in Chinese history, Europe endured the worst drought in 500 years, and the western U.S. continued to suffer through the worst multi-year megadrought in at least 1,200 years.

Needless to say, all of this drought is absolutely devastating agricultural production.

According to the Washington Post, “more than 80 percent of the U.S. is facing troubling dry conditions” right now.  In the middle of the country, this has caused a horrific crisis for barge traffic along the Mississippi River…

The barge industry is quite important. It’s crucial for moving aluminum, petroleum, fertilizer and coal, particularly on the Mississippi River and its tributaries. About 60% of the grain and 54% of the soybeans for U.S. export are moved via the noble barge. Barges touch more than a third of our exported coal as well.

Right now the barge industry — and all of us who depend on its wares — is mired in a crisis. Water levels on the Mississippi River Basin are at its lowest point in more than a decade.

Last week, approximately 2,000 barges were struck at one point.

Sadly, very dry conditions are expected “over the next several weeks”, and so things are not likely to get better any time soon…

Low water levels and dredging shuttered barge traffic heading north and south on the Mississippi last week. At one point, more than 100 towboats and 2,000 barges were stuck waiting. The blocked-off section of the river, between Louisiana and Mississippi, reopened Monday. Traffic is limited to one way, according to Petty Officer Jose Hernandez of the U.S. Coast Guard.

That’s certainly better than zero-way traffic, but the Mississippi is still expected to become even more parched. Lisa Parker, a representative of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, told FreightWaves that drier conditions are expected over the next several weeks. The river is slurping up water reserves right now, Parker added, but those reserves will eventually run out.

As a result of this crisis, rates to move goods by barge have gone through the roof, and we could ultimately see massive amounts of agricultural produce rot before it can get to consumers

Since many barges are stuck and cannot move at all, barge prices are reportedly hyperinflating. As of this writing, the highest USD per ton price shown is $90.44. Prior to the massive spike, it was under $10 to move a ton of goods.

The vast majority of the now-stranded bean piles and other farm goods were intended for major export terminals in the Gulf of Mexico. While at least some of them appear to be covered and ventilated, how long will they really last before spoiling?

On another note, we continue to see crabs die off at a staggering rate.

In fact, it is now being reported that the winter harvest of snow crab in Alaska has been suspended because the crab population has experienced a catastrophic decline

Alaska officials have canceled several crab harvests in a conservation effort that sent shock waves through the crabbing industry in the region.

Officials canceled the fall Bristol Bay red king crab harvest and, for the first time on record, are also holding off on the winter harvest of snow crab, according to multiple reports.

The decision comes after stark recent population declines of the animals. Data from an NOAA eastern Bering Sea survey shows a 92% decline in overall snow crab abundance from 2018 to 2021, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game confirmed to USA TODAY. An 83% decline occurred from 2018 to 2022, as some small crab entered the population in 2022, according to the department’s Division of Commercial Fisheries.

And thanks to the global bird flu pandemic, birds continue to die in staggering numbers as well.

If you can believe it, nearly 100 million chickens and turkeys have already been wiped out during this pandemic in the United States and Europe alone, and experts are warning that this pandemic will only intensify now that cold weather is arriving.

Those of you that have been to the grocery store lately already know that egg prices, chicken prices and turkey prices have surged to absolutely crazy levels.  At this point, prices are so high that one recent survey found that one out of every four Americans plans to skip Thanksgiving this year in order to save money

One in five Americans are unsure if they will be able to cover the costs of Thanksgiving this year, and one in four plan to skip it to save money, a recent Personal Capital survey found.

The state of economic affairs in President Joe Biden’s America is affecting Americans’ holiday plans. According to the survey, one quarter of Americans are planning to skip Thanksgiving this year to save money, and one in five “doubted they would have enough money to cover the costs of Thanksgiving this year.”

More specifically, one-third expect their 2022 Thanksgiving dinner to be “smaller,” and 45 percent, overall, said they are “finically stressed” by Thanksgiving.

Yes, things are already that bad.

But according to Joe Biden, everything is just fine.  In fact, he says that “our economy is strong as hell”

The comment came during a conversation with a reporter at a Baskin Robbins in Portland, Oregon, who asked the president if he had any worry about the strength of the U.S. dollar amid rising inflation.

With a chocolate chip ice cream cone in his hand, Biden answered: “I’m not concerned about the strength of the dollar. I’m concerned about the rest of the world. Our economy is strong as hell.”

You believe him, don’t you?

Our leaders would have us believe that all of the problems that we are facing right now are just temporary and that a golden new age of peace and prosperity is just around the corner.

But if that is true, why are they so eager to have us eat bugs?

A tremendous amount of time, energy and resources is being put behind a campaign to promote insects as one of the solutions to the rapidly growing global food crisis.

But I don’t plan to eat bugs, and I am sure that you don’t either.

Unfortunately, there isn’t going to be nearly enough food for everyone on the planet in 2023, and millions upon millions of deeply suffering individuals will soon be desperately hungry.

They can push bug eating all they want, but that isn’t going to fix our problems.  Right now, they have absolutely no solutions that will prevent large numbers of people from starving to death during the difficult years that are in front of us.


Everlast – What it’s Like (Official Music Video)

It’s Not Working! The Fed’s War On Inflation Is FAILING And That Has Very Serious Implications For Our Future


Earlier this year the Federal Reserve declared war on inflation, and since that time we have seen a series of interest rate hikes that has been absolutely breathtaking.  We knew that this would negatively impact the financial markets, and we have already seen trillions of dollars in asset values wiped out.  We also knew that this would negatively impact the housing market, and right now housing prices are plummeting all over the nation.  But Fed officials assured us that any short-term “pain” would be worth it because inflation would be brought under control.  Unfortunately, that hasn’t happened.  In fact, on Thursday we learned that the core consumer price index has just hit “the highest level since 1982”

A closely watched measure of US consumer prices rose by more than forecast to a 40-year high in September, pressuring the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates even more aggressively to stamp out persistent inflation.

The core consumer price index, which excludes food and energy, increased 6.6% from a year ago, the highest level since 1982, Labor Department data showed Thursday. From a month earlier, the core CPI climbed 0.6% for a second month.

The overall CPI increased 0.4% last month, and was up 8.2% from a year earlier.

The Fed has been repeatedly hitting inflation with an over-sized sledgehammer, and it isn’t working.

Prices just continue to surge higher month after month.

In particular, the price of food is rising at a rate that is extremely alarming

Prices at the grocery store continued to soar last month, adding even more pressure to shoppers’ wallets.

The food at home index, a proxy for grocery store prices, increased 0.7% in September from the month prior and a stunning 13% over the last year, according to new government data released Thursday.

Fed officials assured us that they had everything under control, but it was just a charade.

Thursday’s report makes it exceedingly clear that the Fed’s plan is failing in a major way

“This inflation report today was an unmitigated disaster,” wrote Christopher S. Rupkey, chief economist at Fwdbonds, a financial markets research company. “It shows whatever Fed officials are doing, it is just not working.”

So will the Fed change course?

Of course not.

Instead, they are going to give us more of the same.

According to Fox Business, it is being anticipated that another 75 basis point rate hike is on the way in November…

The report will also have significant implications for the Federal Reserve, which has embarked on one of the fastest tightening paths in decades. Policymakers have already approved five straight rate hikes, including three back-to-back 75-basis-point increases, and have shown no signs of slowing down.

Following the hotter-than-expected September inflation report, the central bank is widely expected to approve a fourth straight 75-basis-point increase when policymakers next meet at the beginning of November.

As I warned many months ago, these rate hikes are not going to solve the inflation crisis.

But they will absolutely kill the housing market.

This week, mortgage rates surged close to 7 percent

Average long-term U.S. mortgage rates reached their highest level in more than 20 years this week and are likely to climb even further as the Federal Reserve has all but promised more rate increases in its battle to tamp down persistent inflation.

Mortgage buyer Freddie Mac reported Thursday that the average key 30-year rate climbed to 6.92 percent from 6.66 percent last week. Some lenders are now even offering rates above 7 percent.

Last year at this time, the rate was 3.05 percent.

If the Federal Reserve keeps hiking rates, that will just push mortgage rates higher and higher.

And that will inevitably push home prices much lower.

In fact, home prices are already starting to come down all across the United States

A home-price slump taking place across popular housing markets in the Sun Belt and other regions could result in some relative bargains for shrewd homebuyers, according to market data released Monday.

The median home listing price has plunged by more than 10% in Austin, Texas, since June, according to an analysis conducted by That marked the steepest decline of any city in the US over that period.

If you are a potential homeowner that has been forced out of the market by rising mortgage rates, you could try to rent a place while you wait for home prices to fall.

But thanks to raging inflation, rents are absolutely skyrocketing in many of our largest cities…

The latest numbers were released in’s September report, and showed that median rent across the country as a whole rose 7.8 percent last month, and remained a whopping 25 percent higher than pre-pandemic rents.

The 10 cities with the highest median rent increases last month were Chicago at 23.9 percent, Boston with 19.9 percent, New York with 18.2 percent, Providence with 16.7 percent, Oklahoma City at 13.8 percent, Miami with 13.2 percent, Kansas City at 11.2 percent, San Jose with 10.7 percent, Cleveland with 9.8 percent, and Hartford with 9.6 percent.

I still remember the days when I could rent a nice apartment for 300 dollars a month.

Sadly, those days are long gone.  In fact, one couple in New York recently decided to move out of the city entirely when the rent on their one-bedroom apartment went from $5,000 a month to $7,000 a month

Last May, Charlotte, 31, and her husband packed up their one-bedroom apartment on Christopher Street after learning the rent would likely skyrocket from $5,000 per month to $7,000. The couple loved living in the West Village, but homeownership was out of reach, even with her job in finance and him being in tech.

They were both working from home, so they could live anywhere. It was time, they decided, to leave New York.

Can you imagine paying $7,000 a month for a one bedroom apartment?

That is nuts!

Unfortunately, our whole system is going crazy at this point.

The great economic meltdown that I warned my readers about for so long has begun, and the months ahead are going to be very painful.

Fed officials will do all they can to fix the giant mess that they have created, but it isn’t going to work.

They have lost control, and everyone can see it.

Halloween Canceled By Woke School Administrators

America is nearly fully collapsed. The American culture is almost fully erased.

OZZY OSBOURNE – “Mr. Crowley” 1981 (Live Video)

The Middle Class Is Dying! 50 Percent Of All American Workers Made Less Than $3,133 A Month Last Year


Inflation is systematically destroying our standard of living, and the middle class is shrinking a little bit more with each passing day.  The Social Security Administration just released wage statistics for 2021, and the numbers that they have given us are quite stunning.  As you will see below, half of all American workers made less than $3,133 a month last year.  Once upon a time, you could live a very comfortable middle class lifestyle on $3,133 a month.  But thanks to inflation, such a wage now puts you just barely above the poverty level.  The decisions that our leaders have been making are absolutely eviscerating the middle class, and that should deeply trouble all of us.

You can find the new Social Security Administration wage report right here.  The following are some statistics that I pulled out of the report…

-More than 30 percent of all American workers made less than $20,000 last year.

-More than 41 percent of all American workers made less than $30,000 last year.

-More than 52 percent of all American workers made less than $40,000 last year.

-More than 62 percent of all American workers made less than $50,000 last year.

These numbers tell us that most Americans are just barely scraping by, but our leaders want us to buy into the illusion that most people are “doing well” these days.

Of course that isn’t even close to the truth.

According to the Social Security Administration, the median wage for 2021 was just $37,586.03

By definition, 50 percent of wage earners had net compensation less than or equal to the median wage, which is estimated to be $37,586.03 for 2021.

If we were still living in 1980, that would be fine.

But we aren’t in 1980 anymore.

In 2022, the poverty level for a household of five in the United States is $31,040.

That means that a worker in the United States making the median wage would be earning just enough to lift a family of five above the poverty line.

If you divide $37,586.03 by 12, that gives you a median monthly wage of $3,132.17.

For purposes of this article, I will round up and call it $3,133.

Half of all American workers make more than that per month, and half of all American workers make less than that per month.

And it is important to remember that this figure is before taxes are taken out.


Meanwhile, the cost of living continues to spiral out of control.  Recently, the average rent on a single family home in the United States reached $2,495 a month

Rent prices for single family homes swelled during the first half of 2022, hitting a national average of $2,495 a month — a 13.4% increase compared to the same period in 2021, according to a new report from national real estate brokerage HouseCanary.

If you are only earning $3,133 a month and you have to spend $2,495 a month for rent, that leaves you next to nothing for everything else.

For example, all of us have to eat.

But these days a single shopping cart full of food will easily run you more than 300 dollars.

And that is if you are trying to be really frugal.

Gasoline has also become extremely expensive.

All the way back in 1960, a gallon of gas cost just 31 cents.

Today, gas is approaching 7 dollars a gallon in some parts of California.

I could go on and on with more examples of the rapidly rising cost of living.  Heating bills are expected to soar this winter, health insurance has gotten absurdly expensive, and new vehicles cost so much that most Americans can no longer afford them.

If things are this bad already, what will conditions be like for the middle class as the economy deteriorates in 2023 and beyond?

The worst housing crash since 2008 has now started, the financial markets are on pace for their worst year since 1969, and big companies all over America are starting to lay off people in large numbers.

Alarmingly, some of the biggest layoffs are actually being conducted by the big tech companies.  In fact, we just learned that Microsoft will be laying off approximately 1,000 workers

Microsoft will lay off about 1,000 employees, the company confirmed Tuesday.

Although it is not confirmed if the layoffs are isolated in gaming divisions, employees who work for Xbox and other Microsoft-owned studios said they were being laid off, the Washington Post reported. Axios first reported the layoffs Monday evening.

At this point, almost everyone can see that a recession is coming.

Even Jeff Bezos, who is usually extraordinarily optimistic, is warning people to “batten down the hatches”

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos warned America’s to ‘batten down the hatches’ as he shared a tweet warning of a likely impending recession.

Bezos – who is the world’s second-richest man – tweeted a video of Goldman Sachs CEO David Solomon saying there was a ‘good chance’ of a downturn.

The Amazon founder – who has a $137 billion fortune – signaled his agreement by captioning the tweet: ‘Yep, the probabilities in this economy tell you to batten down the hatches.’

When Jeff Bezos starts sounding like The Economic Collapse Blog, you know that the hour is late.


These days, our impending economic downturn has even become a very hot topic among Hollywood celebrities

Even non-billionaire-but-still-rich person Gwyneth Paltrow is losing sleep over it.

“The economy sucks,” she told the Hollywood Reporter this week. “I’m just worried about next year and how bad the recession’s gonna be.”

Other celebrities are weighing in, too. Last month, rapper Cardi B ranted about inflation and interest rates. “How are people surviving? I want to know.”

If the middle class is steadily eroding during relatively stable times, what is going to happen once the economy really begins to unravel?

There is so much anger all over the United States right now, and the vast majority of the population is simply not prepared for what is ahead.

I have been writing about the demise of the middle class for more than a decade, and the condition of the middle class has never been worse than it is right now.

At one time America had the largest and most prosperous middle class in the history of the world, and that was a wonderful thing.

But now very dark times for the middle class are here, and there doesn’t appear to be much hope on the horizon.

Motley Crue – Home Sweet Home (Live – Crue Fest)

GT Voice: Nightmare for US chip firms just beginning after latest ban

Published: Oct 20, 2022 08:35 PM

US chipmaking equipment supplier Lam Research on Wednesday warned of a $2 billion to $2.5 billion revenue hit in 2023 from Washington’s latest export controls on advanced semiconductors and equipment to China, which covers about 30 percent of the US company’s sales, Reuters reported.

Lam Research is just the latest chip firm to forecast a sales loss due to the US’ chip ban. Last week, Applied Materials estimated a $250 million to $550 million drop in net sales in the quarter ending October 30, with a further impact expected in the coming months.

While comments from the US business community about the latest round of US tech crackdown on China seem muted, their worrying sales outlook is not an isolated situation, but one that concerns all companies in the global chip supply chain, particularly those in the US. Indeed, the nightmare caused by the US’ chip ban for its own firms may have just started.

It is understandable that in an environment dominated by Washington’s political pressure and distorted public opinion against China, business leaders may keep their heads down toward unilateral US intervention in the highly globalized semiconductor sector.

But it is more essential than ever for businesses to speak out about the impact of such moves instead of staying quiet. The world needs to hear the numbers to know how much damage the industry is facing because of US geopolitical gambits. As the losses accumulate, the commercial impact on Washington’s policy will also increase.

It is no secret that as the US repeatedly tightened curbs on high-tech exports to China, especially in the semiconductor sector, in an apparent attempt to contain China’s independent development and breakthroughs in science and technology, the market outlook for US chip companies has significantly darkened.

Even before the latest US crackdown moves, chip firms had already been suffering. Of the 15 largest chip companies reporting for the September quarter, 10 are expected to report decelerations in revenue growth compared with the June quarter, according to a Wall Street Journal report last week.

Their plight worsened after the Biden administration unveiled “the most aggressive” export control rules earlier this month, aiming to curb sales of advanced semiconductors and equipment to China.

China is the world’s largest market for chips, and it imported about $400 billion worth of semiconductors in 2021, accounting for nearly 60 percent of the global chip market. US high-tech companies are the biggest beneficiaries of the massive Chinese demand, which is their biggest source of profits. It is unthinkable for any chipmaker to lose such a large market. It would greatly affect their spending plans and in turn cause an indirect loss of sales for semiconductor equipment suppliers like Lam Research and Applied Materials.

With the global semiconductor sector facing a plunge in sales of personal computers and smartphones amid recession worries, Washington’s latest chip ban has seriously destabilized the global industrial chain. The policy, which appears to completely ignore the impact on the wider chip industry, seems more like the Biden administration flexing its muscles and playing tough with China in the run-up to the US mid-term elections.

But far from ensuring US dominance in the chip sector, the export controls could hurt US tech companies the most in terms of sales, and curtail their research and development investment.

From China’s perspective, it has a huge market, and it is doubtful whether the US can use unilateral executive orders to prevent non-US chip companies from conducting normal cooperation and trade with China. If non-US companies don’t join, unilateral US bans will actually undercut US companies’ competitiveness by depriving them of the Chinese market.

US restrictions will only accelerate the development of China’s chip sector, because the Chinese market won’t wait for the US to come to its senses. If the Chinese chip sector catches up quickly and no longer relies on imports, it will not be a $2.5 billion loss for a single US company, but hundreds of billions of dollars of loss for the chip industry.

Biden Says String Of Incoherent Words & Walks Away

12 Reasons Why It Is Impossible For Any Rational Person To Be Optimistic About The U.S. Economy At This Point


Things haven’t looked this bad for the U.S. economy since 2008.  We are in the midst of the worst inflation crisis in decades, the housing market has started to collapse, some of the largest companies in America have begun laying off workers, and economic activity is slowing down all around us.  Of course Joe Biden is telling us that our economy is “strong as hell”, but that is just because he wants his party to do well in the upcoming elections.  Ultimately, anyone that takes a truly objective view of things is forced to admit that the outlook for the months ahead is incredibly bleak.  The following are 12 reasons why it is impossible for any rational person to be optimistic about the U.S. economy at this point…

#1 According to a recent Gallup survey, two-thirds of Americans believe that economic conditions are getting worse.  When such a large proportion of the population starts behaving as though an economic downturn is coming, that actually makes an economic downturn even more likely.  So many Americans are starting to hold on to their money more tightly, and that is having lots of ripple effects.

#2 The second largest auto lender in the United States just announced that it “saw charge-offs for retail auto loans quadruple in the third quarter”.  We are also seeing credit card delinquencies start to rise.  We certainly aren’t at 2008 levels yet, but we are moving in that direction.

#3 Cargo traffic at the Port of Los Angeles just declined to the lowest level that we have seen since the early days of the pandemic.  As I noted earlier, economic activity is beginning to slow down all over the nation.  One recent survey discovered that 98 percent of corporate CEOs believe that a recession is coming, and those CEOs are behaving accordingly.

#4 Major retailers such as Walmart and Target have been canceling billions of dollars in orders as they seek to cut back inventory levels.  In all my years, I have never seen our largest retailers cancel so many orders just prior to the holiday season.  Are they expecting the next couple of months to be a total bust?

#5 Existing home sales just fell to a 10 year low.  We all knew that the housing market was going to implode once the Federal Reserve started to aggressively raise interest rates, but at this point that implosion is happening faster than most of the experts had anticipated.

#6 U.S. homebuilder sentiment has declined for 10 months in a row.  That is a brand new record.  I really feel sorry for you if you are a homebuilder or if you work for one.  The months ahead are not going to be pleasant for you.

#7 60,000 real estate deals were called off in the month of September alone.  I was stunned when I first saw that number.  All over the country buyers are realizing that they agreed to pay too much and are feverishly trying to back out of deals while they still can.

#8 Mortgage demand has plunged to the lowest level in 25 years.  Things never even got this bad during the downturn of 2008 and 2009.  To me, this is a really troubling sign.

#9 Ian Sheperdson, the chief economist at Pantheon Macroeconomics, is projecting that home prices could fall 20 percent over the next year.  Hopefully that will not happen, but there is also a possibility that they could fall even further than that.  We will just have to wait and see how rapidly this new crisis plays out.

#10 U.S. diesel inventories have fallen to the lowest level since 2008.  This is something that we will want to watch very carefully, because the U.S. economy runs on diesel.

#11 The core consumer price index has just surged to “the highest level since 1982”.  Even though the Federal Reserve has been on an insane rate hiking spree, our inflation crisis continues to rage out of control.  And as prices continue to soar, our standard of living is being absolutely eviscerated.

#12 A model created by Bloomberg economists Anna Wong and Eliza Winger indicates that there is a 100 percent chance of a recession within the next 12 months.  Of course it is entirely possible that their model could be wrong.  But without a doubt this is not a good sign.

Right now, even some of our society’s most relentless optimists are warning that tough economic times are ahead.

For instance, in a post on Twitter Elon Musk just suggested that we could be suffering through a recession until the spring of 2024

If Elon Musk is any type of financial prognosticator, the market and economy could be in trouble for more than a year to come.

When prompted in a Twitter thread early on Friday morning, the Tesla CEO said that he thought the current recession would last “probably until spring of ’24”.

Because he is such an optimist, Musk believes that economic conditions will turn around eventually.

But what if they don’t?

What if the “perfect storm” that we are currently enduring ultimately results in the collapse of everything?

Are you prepared for such a scenario?

Previous generations of Americans handed us the keys to the most prosperous economy that the world has ever seen.

But instead of managing it carefully, we have piled up the biggest mountain of debt in the history of the planet, we have transformed Wall Street into the globe’s largest casino, and we have systematically destroyed the reserve currency of the world.

Thanks to a very long series of incredibly foolish decisions by our leaders, we are now facing a war with Russia, a collapse of the housing market, a global food crisis, a global inflation crisis and a worldwide financial meltdown simultaneously.

The entire system is starting to crumble all around us, but most people still believe that things will “return to normal” at some point.

Personally, I would love to see things “return to normal”, but unfortunately it appears that is not likely to happen any time soon.

The Wallflowers – 6th Avenue Heartache (Official Video)

My tribute to mid 1990s Boston.

The Western Media blasted the headlines that Hu Jintao was thrown out of the Congress by the Xi Faction!!!!

Yet 40 minutes later he was BACK. Nobody reported on the fact that a leader who was thrown out was miraculously back.

The man was Sick

Three weeks earlier, he had cut short an event due to similar reasons.

In fact the only reason why Hu Jintao didn’t go home directly but returned back despite his obvious illness was to ensure that no rumours spread about.

Firstly – Hu Jintao was present for all Six Days of the Congress. Yet he didnt stay on and kept going and coming. If he was truly disgraced – He would never have been allowed to come to the Congress.

Secondly If you notice the Video, Hu Jintao staggered. He felt light headed. He rose, placed a hand on Xis shoulder for support and sat back down. Immediately two Security Officials arrived and Sook Chai, the Executive Security in Charge informed Xi Jingping that Hu would be taken to the Medical Infirmary. The Building has a huge medical infirmary capable of conducting Neurosurgery and having many units of A+ve to AB -ve Blood.


Hu Jintao looks terrible. His Security Detail promptly asks him if he is okay or whether he needs medical attention.


Hu Jintao is taken for Medical Attention. Imagine if he were to vomit or heave on that table. He would lose face. Imagine if he were to crap in his pants. The man is 80+ years old.

Look at the dignity with which the Regional Secretary guides Hu Jintao outside.


Hu Jintao apologizes to Xi Jingping. Notice his hand behind Xis Back. He pats XJP on the back and apologizes.

XJP is embarrassed. He wants the Incident to be flawlessly perfect and he knows there will be a lot of speculation. Yet he acknowledges Jintaos exit.

Notice the Grip on his right hand. To prevent him from falling down.

He is escorted out. You can see the Secretary behind Hu Jintao, cautiously propping his back.Does this look like a forced exit? It’s an Old Man who is fearing collapse, being taken out for Medical attention.

The Others are Embarrassed. It’s a huge loss of face to fall sick during such a ceremony. He shouldn’t have come but if he didn’t, that would fuel massive speculation.

Notice the Man on the Right of Premier Li?

He is Hu Jintaos closest ally. Yet he isn’t escorted out. He remains seated and firm.


Like I said – Had Hu Jintao really been disgraced, he wouldn’t have been allowed to attend the event in the first place.

Yet he not only attended the event but sat on the Primary Table.

So Hu Jintao did upset everybody.

His illness disrupted the event

That’s it.

The rest is Western Propaganda

Explosion at Russian Factory that makes Warhead Charges for Missiles


There has been a large explosion at a Russian factory which makes charges for missile systems, and for Rocket engines, in the city of Perm, Russia, about 1500km northeast of Ukraine border.

The factory has been working 3 shifts, 24/7, to manufacture charges for GRAD and SMERCH rockets.

According to locals, the Perm Gunpowder Plant, which produces Grad and Smerch weaponry for Russian troops, reportedly went up in flames.

The building also makes engine charges for aircraft missiles, booster systems for cruise missiles and products for the A-135 missile defence system.

According to officials 4 people dead, 4 missing

Pumpkin Pie

When it comes to Thanksgiving, our eyes go right to the dessert table, searching for homemade Pumpkin Pie. With a flaky crust, smooth pumpkin filling and sweetened whipped cream, what’s not to love about Pumpkin Pie? This is the best Pumpkin Pie recipe we’ve ever made, thanks to its incredible flavor profile and simple instructions. If there are leftovers–which are usually hard to come by–we’ll even have Pumpkin Pie for breakfast!



Pat-in-the-Pan Pastry

  • 1 1/3 cups Gold Medal™ all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/3 cup vegetable oil
  • 2 tablespoons cold water


  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 1/8 teaspoon ground cloves
  • 1 can (15 oz) pumpkin (not pumpkin pie mix)
  • 1 can (12 oz) evaporated milk

Sweetened Whipped Cream

  • 3/4 cup whipping cream
  • 2 tablespoons sugar

Biden asks Congress for $33 billion in aid for Ukraine as war drags on


“We need this bill to support Ukraine in its fight for freedom,” Biden told reporters at the White House.

“The costs of this fight, it’s not cheap. But caving to aggression is going to be more costly if we allow it to happen,” he said.

The Wallflowers – One Headlight (Official Music Video)

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All the world’s a stage. No, not Bacon’s writing, but Rush’s.

I hope all is well MM; I see you evolving before my eyes.