One of my affirmations has been to get rich. I know, I know… I tell youse guys focus on the end result about what you want from life, and not about the “how” to make it manifest. But when I was making these affirmations, I too was learning, and I made a lot of bone-head moves… things that taught me many lessons.
So today, I will tell you why I say to structure your affirmations around health, happiness, love, joy and other things that are meaningful to you. And not the television image of what success actually is.
back in the day I had an affirmation sort of like this…
“I live the life of a rich person from Miami Vice (a television show from the 1980’s). I live in a penthouse on the ocean with an ocean view, white walls, and a nice pool.”

Well, it did take a while to manifest. Ah, but manifest it did.
I was living in a penthouse, it was on the ocean. I did have a pool, and I was a millionaire. Ah, it all came true. But with that came other manifestations that I did not anticipate… like millions of dollars in debt. A police record. And other things.
By using “Miami Vice” wealthy people as a template I locked my affirmations into an extrapolated reality of…
- Felon millionaire.
- Great large amounts of debt.
- All the trappings of a life on the beach living in “Billionaire row”.
Just like the images presented on “Miami Vice”.
Listen to me.
NEVER, ever… ever use movies or television to base your affirmations upon.
Playing around with LeonardoAI
I have been playing around with this software program, and it is heck of a lot of fun. Perhaps one of the best text-to-image generators.
Here’s some of my results…

And here are some videos from pictures…
These were all made on a free account. I suggest you all give it a try.
As a police officer, who was the most dangerous person you arrested and why?
The most dangerous person I can think of was someone I didn’t arrest, but should have.
I was on the graveyard shift, patrolling a city park that had several paved roads running through it. The parks were deemed “closed” from 10:00 PM to 6:00 AM, and were posted as such, but there were no gates or physical restrictions to entry. Most of the time, if we found someone in the park after hours, it was couples making out, people drinking or smoking dope in their cars, or people sleeping in their cars. With any of these, there tended to be a high incidence of arrest warrants, revoked drivers licenses, and other lesser offenses.
I came upon a late model Camaro, occupied by a man and a woman. They were sober, didn’t appear to be making out, and reasonably cordial. I obtained the male driver’s license and ran it. It was valid, he was not wanted, and the Oregon plates (I was in Nevada) came back to a late model Camaro.
I still had a bad gut feeling about the pair. My practice with suspicious newcomers and transients was to write them a citation for whatever minor violation I could find. I knew most of them would ignore it. If they left town, the citation became one of the thousands of warrants we had in file that would never be served. If they were still around in a month and they were still up to no good, I would have a warrant to arrest them on, and we would have their photo, fingerprints, and eventually, their true identity, if it was something other than they had told us about.
So the driver got a citation for being in the park after hours, which would almost certainly be dismissed in court if he challenged it, on the grounds that it was hugely chicken shit.
I had mostly forgotten about the stop about six weeks later, when I got a radio call from another officer, one who had been my rookie trainee a couple of years before. He had stopped the same couple, ran them for warrants, and the one from my citation popped up. He was in booking with the couple. When he saw that the warrant had come from my ticket, he asked me to respond.
He had stopped the Camaro for reckless driving. When he made contact with the driver, he was confrontational. He asked the driver to get out of the car, and that’s when he saw the .380 pistol under his leg. There was a minor donnybrook, with the female passenger also assaulting the cop, but reinforcements got there in time and the pair were arrested.
A search of the vehicle revealed the original plates that had been on the car (which was stolen), a leather pouch with about a dozen loose diamonds in it, and some documents with the couple’s true names. The guy was an escapee from a Washington prison. He had been a fugitive for six months. The girl was his girlfriend, who had stolen the Camaro in Oregon, then lifted a set of plates from another Camaro. For some reason, the fictitious plates had never been reported stolen. They had done several burglaries and assorted thefts along the way, which is where the diamonds came from.
One almost fatal mistake I made during my stop was not running the VIN, or comparing it against the registration that came back to the plates. Had I done that, the VINs would not have matched, and I would have impounded the car.
Bad guy told me he had the .380 pistol under his leg the whole time I was talking to him, and if I had asked him to get out of the car, he would have shot me. Maybe he would have gotten off the shot, maybe not; maybe he would have hit me in a critical spot, maybe not; maybe I would have been able to return fire, maybe not. Our conversation ended with his very bitter expression of regret: “I should have killed you when I had the chance.”
I now live about 40 miles from the prison he escaped from. If he’s still alive, that’s probably where he is. I won’t be dropping in to say hello.
Carne Adovada
This is a wonderful filling for burritos or simply great served over rice with the resulting gravy. For better flavor, prepare a day ahead.

- 7 to 8 pounds bone in pork shoulder or pork butt*, remove bone and visible fat, cut meat into 1 to 2 inch chunks
- 1 Tbsp. oil or bacon dripping
- 1/2 medium onion
- 4-6 large garlic cloves
- 25-30 red chile pods*, stems and seeds removed. Pods cut into 1-2 inch lengths
- 1 tsp. salt
- 2 tsp. Mexican oregano
- 3 cups water
- 2 tsp. medium red chile powder* (optional)
- 1 tsp. honey* (optional)
- 2 tsp. apple cider vinegar
Heat the oil in a large heavy skillet or pot over medium heat. Add the onion and garlic and lower the heat to medium low.
Sweat the onions until translucent.
Add the red chile pieces and increase heat to medium. Toast the chile, stirring frequently for about 5 minutes. When you start smelling the chile, keep an eye on it so it doesn’t burn.
Once the chile pods have started to darken a bit, add the oregano, water, and chile powder. Bring to a boil and then reduce to a simmer.
Cover and simmer for 10 minutes.
Transfer to a blender, reserving some of the water to use as needed. Add only just enough water to be able to get a smooth puree.*
Add the vinegar and blend until smooth.
Taste. Add more salt if needed and honey if you find the sauce too hot or bitter*.
Let rest while you cut up the meat.
If you want a really smooth sauce, you can press the red chile through a strainer or colander to remove bits of unprocessed chile or seeds. Use a rubber spatula to move the chile around and press through.
Spray a large, heavy Dutch oven with cooking oil. (This pot will be placed in the oven.)
Transfer the pork pieces to the Dutch oven and pour enough red chile over the meat to coat the meat when stirred. (See Kitchen Notes for Amount of red chile. Any extra red chile can be used to “smother” the carne adovada after serving.)
Stir well to coat all of the pieces with the red chile.
Cover and set in the refrigerator overnight or for 24 hours.
One hour before placing in the oven, remove the Dutch oven from the refrigerator so that the meat can come up to room temperature.
Preheat the oven to 300° F.*
Place the meat in the hot oven and cook for COVERED for 2 hours.
Remove from the oven and stir. There will be quite a bit of liquid.
Return the meat to the oven UNCOVERED for 1 to 1.5 hours or until the meat is pull apart tender and the liquid has reduced.*
Turn the oven off and leave the carne adovada in the oven until ready to serve.
Top each serving with red chile if desired.

Pork Shoulder (pork butt) Size – For this recipe I usually start with an 8 pound, bone-in, pork shoulder. Once I remove the bone and much of the fat, I end up with about 5 pounds of meat. Therefore, if you just want to start with a 5-6 pound boneless shoulder that would save the time of cut away the bone. I use the bone to make a pork stock. You could also use a 3-4 pound boneless shoulder. This would yield a smaller batch, but it would also only take about 2 hours of cook time. Just be sure to reduce the amount of red chile.
Cutting up the pork – I personally am not fond of biting into a big piece of fat with I eat carne adovada; therefore, we trim the larger pieces of fat off of the cut pieces of meat. However, we don’t get too carried away because we want to leave some of the fat for flavoring.
As mentioned, we usually cut the meat into about 2 inch chunks. This yields larger pieces that can be pulled apart with a fork once cooked. Smaller pieces (1 inch cubes) yield bite size pieces that won’t need to be “pulled”.
Chile Pods and chile powder – If your pods are hot, then use mild to medium chile powder. This helps bring down the heat of really hot chile pods and adds a little depth to the flavor of the chile. If your chile pods are mild to medium, then use hot chile powder for a spicier chile. When I’m using a VERY hot chile, I’ll reduce the number of pods to 20 pods, then add 2 tablespoons of powder.
Honey – Honey kills the burn. Therefore, honey is a great ingredient to help reduce a little of the heat from the chile as well as bitterness. However, be careful and don’t add too much. More than 2 teaspoons can make your red chile too sweet.
Amount of red chile sauce – The amount of red chile made in this recipe is plenty for 5- 7 pounds of meat, but is too much for any less than that. A rough estimate for how much red chile you need is ½ cup of red chile for 1 pound of meat. You can always add more for a saucier carne adovada. You just want to make sure that you use enough chile to fully coat the pieces of pork.
Oven Temperature – I have found it best to braise carne adovada at a low temperature of 300°F. However, if you don’t have to time to braise for 3 – 4 hours, you can increase the temperature to 350°F and cook for 1 to 1.5 hours. If you choose to cook at a higher temperature, just cut the pieces of meat smaller, about 1″ cubes.
The amount of liquid in the cooked meat – Some people may want a stew like carne adovada with quite a bit of sauce, while others, like it a little saucy, but not soupy. If you want a more stew like carne, then wait and uncover the Dutch oven 2.5 hours into cooking. However, if you want the chile thicker and more saucy, then uncover after 2 hours of cooking. If you want it even less sauce, then you can use a slotted spoon to scoop out the meat, throw it into a skillet and cook off even more of the sauce before serving. Just don’t cook off too much. You’ll need some sauce for the flour tortilla.

The most dangerous man
How does one reconcile the US dislike the Chinese and the Muslims but they are over the moon about Chinese Muslims?
You cannot reconcile unless you are a dog nation sucking up to the U.S. or you are a brain dead naive and foolish person who prefer lies to truth that hurts.
The U.S. hate China and sanctions and blockade China from 1949–1970 killing tens of millions of Chinese innocent people while they bombed the shit out of Muslim nations from Iraq to Afghanistan to Yemen, to Libya and Syria killing tens of million Muslims.
Every fool can see that and acknowledge that and no one on earth do not know this fact The the U.S. are evil against Chinese and Muslims but when it comes to Chinese Muslims, suddenly they want to be seen as a darling to them!
The U.S. suddenly is the champion of their rights? They fabricated lies on Uyghurs Muslims and invented genocide! And they expect the world to believed them! No one does of course unless one is blind, deaf or dumb or totally brain dead! The world knows it is another evil design to hoodwink people to hate China and thanks the world of the U.S. as human rights defender when it is the biggest wrong doer!
What is the biggest scam an auto mechanic ever tried on you?
My wife drives a Lexus RX400h. The “h” stands for hybrid.
One day she called me from the Lexus dealer to tell me the mechanic performing the regular service told her Lexus’s engine mounts were disintegrating and needed to be replaced. The mechanic explained that because the car was a hybrid the task was very expensive—around $2500!
My wife called me because, while I’m not a professional mechanic, I’ve owned a dizzying array of exotic cars over the years and perform all my own restorations.
The first thing I did was put down my wrench (I was in the middle of replacing the clutch on my ’85 Toyota MR2) and search “engine mount replacement, 2007 Lexus RX400h”.
It just so happens that while replacing the engine mounts on the non-hybrid version of my wife’s car was a $300 repair ($80 for the engine mounts, $220 for labor) the labor involved performing the same job on the hybrid was much, much greater.
I called my wife back and asked her why she thought she needed new engine mounts. Had she noticed anything amiss? I occasionally drove her car and never heard any weird knocks from under the hood. My wife said the mechanic told her it needed the repair.
My advice was that since she’d been driving the car without noticing anything amiss, to have faith that she could safely drive it home where I could examine it (they’re only engine mounts after all).
Personally inspecting the mounts, using a very powerful penlight I was able to determine that they looked nearly new (the Lexus only had 110K on the odometer). There were tiny tears in the rubber flashing around the edges of the mounts, but they looked better than the mounts on any of my cars.
My advice, whenever possible, get a second opinion and research the repair for your car. Also, ask your friends for recommendations for mechanics they trust.
DRAGONFLY – 1952 Retro Pulp Science Fiction by Skyward, Photo Processing 110mm Film Experimentation
Vintage photo

How is China beating US in AI, even when the US has the best universities, researchers and the largest tech companies?
My education was subsidized by both Federal and state governments. Sputnik went up in October 1957. To answer Sputnik and the belief the US was technologically behind the USSR, the “National Defense Education act of 1958” was passed that September. Many more acts followed that support K-12 and colleges with the emphasis on building a generation of scientists and engineers to fight the “Cold War.” By working as a Co-Op, I graduated with a BS in Computer Science and debt-free.
I worked first for computer manufactures and later in Defense and Aerospace.
I just retired. My generation, the ones educated due to Sputnik, are retiring.
During the Regan administration, all that education funding was reduced. The GI bill was canceled. Both Federal and state governments stopped supporting colleges. And we saw the rise in the cost of higher education.
Before the cut in education, we had the best universities. Researches are not getting the grants they used to. I don’t see tech companies giving big grants to universities.
Without government funding, our education is dying and is dead in some areas. One of the political parties has labeled higher education as bad and should be eliminated.
From Asian cultures we learn:
“To plan for 1 year, plant rice.
To plan for 20 years, plant trees.
To plan for 100 years, teach children.
Asian cultures plan for the long term. Toyota has a 100-year plan. US companies have a 90-day plan.
The US ranks 36th and is not trying very hard.
What are the biggest culture shocks people face when coming to Germany?
German here, sharing his expertise:
1. We eat raw meat. And it tastes amazing:
On the roll is what we call “Mett”. It is pure pork, which is seasoned with salt and pepper. Depending on who you meet, a war may break out, depending on whether you eat your ground pork bun with butter or without.
2. We drink alcohol in public. And not a little of it. In the USA for example and in many Muslim countries this is absolutely forbidden. Nobody is interested here. You can drink wherever you want, whatever you want – and above all as much as you want. But if you are not from Germany, you will always find someone here who can tolerate more than you.
3. Once you have learned German, you can learn it again right away when you move to another federal state. In Germany, the dialects are very different, and some people feel that they speak a completely different language.
4. We are not so hospitable. Of course, we are not angry, and we are not averse to visitors, but in other countries of the world, you are virtually courted as a tourist. In Germany, nobody is interested in that, even though we probably find you perfectly ok.
5. We do not speak English very well. With speaking English here, you are not as successful as in countries like Sweden. Although we know English better than France, especially the old people never learned it.
6. We are not a bit patriotic. In countries like the USA you can’t really miss where you are, because that’s the way it looks.
She REGRETS Leaving Her Husband Then Gets BITTER When He Got A New GIRLFRIEND
You during a traffic stop and you knew it? What did you do?
It wasn’t a traffic stop.
Because of my class schedule, I walk twelve or 15 blocks from “Prep High” to “Tech High” between 11:20 and 12:20 each school day.
I was stopped between those times and between those places on what the officer (who will hopefully soon find himself unemployed) described in the report as “reasonable suspicion” of being truant.
I was polite. Explained why I was where I was and offered the officer a copy of my class schedule, my school ID, and the business card of the vocational coordinator at “Prep High” who could be called to verify what I was saying.
The officer refused to look at anything I offered. He said it wasn’t his job to verify anything. I was handcuffed, placed in the back of a patrol car, and driven about 5 miles to a juvenile processing facility.
THIS IS THE FIRST LIE. Legally that was an arrest. Without probable cause and without following the procedures required when arresting a minor. (The officer would have to have an arrest warrant or have personally witnessed my committing a criminal act that would be a felony were I an adult.)
Police may “detain” an individual, defined as not allowing a person to leave while a “reasonable suspicion” is investigated to determine that “probable cause” exists to arrest. But the officer never investigated anything. To him my being a student, off of school district property, during normal school hours was truancy.
So, THIS IS THE SECOND LIE: Laws are codified and that is not the definition of truancy. In part the law reads: “any absence of part or all of one or more days from school during which the school attendance officer, principal or teacher has not been notified of the legal cause of such absence(.)”
I had offered the officer a printed, paper, copy of my school schedule which I carry in the clear outer sleeve of my notebook binder. Obviously, having scheduled me to take three AM classes at “Prep” and three PM classes at “Tech” the school district not only knew about, not only authorized, but actually COMPELLED the action I was taking when stopped.
I was processed at the juvenile facility including having a check run to see if I had any outstanding warrants. Then, nearly three hours after I was stopped, I was issued a $94 ticket / court summons where ocurred the
THIRD LIE: The time and place on the summons / ticket was FALSE. Reflecting a later time and a different place miles from where I was stopped.
My legal guardian was called to transport me home. Using the juvenile facility’s phone (number recorded by my guardian’s phone). That, the fact that there are cameras in the facility, a body camera on the “arresting officer,” body cameras on other officers working there, cameras on businesses where I was “arrested,” possibly cameras near the fake address on the ticket / summons, that the juvenile facility obviously used its systems to search for outstanding warrants and to find the name and phone number of my legal guardian, and required my guardian to sign a document for my release all DIRECTLY CONTRADICT the officers assertions (lies) in his report.
My attorney points out that proving that this officer lied in one official report calls into question EVERY other official assertion he has ever made.
Don’t misunderstand me. I am a 5 ft 6 female. Society needs police.
Well, society needs honest police. We already have too many hoodlums.
But, some people (like this liar) simply lack the mental capacity or ethical standards to be police officers.
Society needs to fire them, prosecute them for any criminal acts they commit, publicize their names (in part so others can seek legal redress), PERMANENTLY disarm them, and possibly segregate them.
Like Germany did with Stasi post 1990.
It’s not over
Why are there ~5,000 janitors who hold PhDs in the U.S.?
As an astrophysics Ph.D, I’m looking forward to a future career in janitorial services. Once I get make a ton of money in investment banking, being a janitor looks like a perfect job…..
1) There is the FU number. It’s the amount of money you have to have in the bank to say “FU” to your boss. If you run the numbers you’ll find that even small amounts of income drastically reduce the “FU” number.
2) One thing that gets missed is that with a Ph.D. in the sciences you *can* be a janitor. Most people that go to medical school or law school end up with tremendous debt, so they *can’t* do any random job. The nice thing about getting a physics Ph.D., is that you can get your Ph.D. and then become a beach bum, since you have little/no debt.
3) I’ve known people that have worked as janitors, and they say it’s an easy job. You get paid eight hours of wages for work that usually only takes two or three, and you spend the rest of the night just chatting. You work in the middle of the night so your manager isn’t going to be looking over your shoulder, and as long as everything is clean the next morning, no one cares how many hours you “really” worked.
4) You can do janitorial work and theoretical physics at the same time. You are pushing a broom, you can think about quantum field theory. This is *not* true for a lot of other jobs. You can’t think about QFT while taking orders at McDonalds, selling shoes, flipping burgers, or driving a cab. If the janitor has a blank vacant look, no one cares, whereas being absent-minded while dealing with hot cooking oil or customers can get you fired or cause a fire.
5) And what’s the negative. Janitors have low social status. Well so what? I’ve got a Ph.d.
I suppose you see a lot of Ph.D.’s being janitors because it’s the smart thing to do.
I do not buy Chinese products (unless disposable) because I know they will be low quality. Why does China only seem to make low end products? Why do they not mimic Germany where the standard is higher?
You must be living in a cave.
Twenty years ago, China only made low quality, cheap goods. They still make them because buyers want them. Walmart couldnt survive without them.
Nowadays, China makes many high ebd products, designed by Chinese engineers.
40,000 kilometers of high speed rail in China. 347 kmh an hour. unmatched safety record. you couldn’t keep running them if they unsafe.
I was a professional photographer in Canada. Chinese photo gear was garbage. Now they have taken big strides. My tripod is made by Chinese company named Sirui. Carbon fiber, rugged and light weight. I’ve used mainly German tripods, even Leica, but the Sirui is the best. do a search online. check the reviews. Hand crafted by skilled machinists.
And Chinese companies have taken over failed western companies. Improved quality and become top sellers. Volvo was owned by Ford and lost money. Geely bought it up and gave an investment of 5billion to.make a new platform. Two years later Volvo had Car of the Year. They boldly announced that no one will die in a Volvo by 2026. They are still the safest cars on the planet. MG was a British cae company know fir sport cars called roadstes. Now owned vy Chinese car company. just launched an EV roadster. The British car magazines are raving about it. And all said it stll looks British!
The Sopranos – Mustang Sally
How does China’s crackdown on consulting firms reflect growing tensions with the United States?
In the latest McDonald’s quarterly call, the company revealed it opened >1,000 restaurants in mainland China in 2023, making it the fastest growing market globally.
1,000 restaurants is 3 per DAY, and McDonald’s is about as American as any brand can be.
China’s policing of consultancies is merely a rounding error, in the grand scheme of things. Annually, the S&P 500 generate >$1 trillion in revenue operating within the mainland market. This includes Apple, which depend on China for 20–25% of its global revenue.
How much are these consultancies worth? A couple of million each?
What’s happening is the CIA’s doubling down on intelligence within China, as traditional humint sources were vacuumed up in the repeated corruption sweeps since Xi took charge.
These consultancies have served as spy centers and information conduits, but were allowed to operate in deference of American hegemony. But relationships have become frazzled and the cases linked to these nodes made them intolerable.
Actual cases are being pursued, and people are being prosecuted, with a number deported rather than risk diplomatic protest.
America is preparing for war, and it shows in the information they are willing to pay for, particularly the networks and capabilities they are willing to risk.
Case in point: What was a Seawolf-class attack sub doing in the SCS, only to suffer a head-on collision with an undersea mount?
Holy Fuck!
Why is the West always predicting China’s economy wrongly?
They are very different in thought process
The West believes CREDIT is God
Thus Western Consumption is CREDIT DRIVEN and they encourage more and more credit to mobilize an economy
The West believes in minimum balances I checking accounts and wants people to spend everything they have and money they don’t have by availing credit
The Average Man uses Credit Cards
The Corporates use Wall Street, create special instruments, get AAA rating and sell the instruments to other Wall Street Entities representing Billions of Dollars of Insurance Premiums or Pension payments
For such an Economy – SPENDING is something they love especially SPENDING UNDER CREDIT
For such an Economy – BAILOUTS is something they love
Such an Economy believes that if the top 1% become richer and richer, they automatically will trickle down the wealth upto the poorest sections and enhance the economy
When Reagan Proposed this (Or his experts did), US was producing a lot and trading everywhere as the largest trader
So it helped
However once the 1% became richer and richer, WOULD THEY EVER VOLUNTARILY GIVE UP?
So they purchased more congressmen, senators and today the US is in utter chaos due to these policies
In 1984, when 1% of the manufacturers became wealthy, their workers, linemen, foremen all got some share of the wealth
Chinese or Mexican Factories get a miniscule share and the rest goes to the pockets of maybe 500 people at the most
China believes SAVINGS is God
Chinese Consumption is thus INCOME DRIVEN and Chinese always buy from earnings and NEVER SPEND THEIR SAVINGS on normal consumption
Chinese focus on higher income from salary or Investments to buy more stuff and live a rich lifestyle and LOATHE CREDIT OR BORROWING , unless its towards Gold or Land or Jade where they can pay 6% a year and get 10% a year interest
China thus raises money only through secured debt, secured by Land or other assets
For such an Economy – SPENDING FROM INCOME is what they love rather than Credit
For such an Economy – Bailouts are bad unless the situation becomes so bad that you can settle 15 cents on the dollar
Such an Economy believes that Capitalism in the hands of 1% is a disaster and so ensures that the STATE regulates Capitalism in a pseudo mixed economy form
Li Peng and Li Keiqang are architects of this model
So the West sees Chinas economy from THEIR PERSPECTIVE
They see that Only 71% of the Assets are lent vide Credit of which 87% is Secure Debt and the West feels that’s Socialist and feels that’s because of low demand
That’s because US lends almost 95% Assets vide Credit of which barely 23% is Secure Debt
China meanwhile doesn’t have low demand because it’s people prefer spending income from wages and investments on consumption and saving for a rainy day
Yet US can’t accept or realize that
Likewise the West like Bailouts in the style of 2008 to prevent what’s called a Domino Collapse
China likes to allow a bubble to subside to it’s best possible low before any investment can be considered
The West regard this as WEAK FISCAL POLICY whereas Chinese People regard this as normal
So the West focuses on
- GDP Growth due to Spending
- Credit Growth in the economy or how much people are borrowing to spend
- Net Spending due to Credit
China focuses on
- Rise in Wages
- Rise in Disposable Income
- Income Growth in the economy or how much people are earning
So obviously the West can never predict China properly
The West is clueless about how China works
What has been the biggest plot twist that happened in your life?
One day in 1981, as my girlfriend (now wife) and I rode the bus together to campus, she said to me, “Go down to the career center and sign up for who’s hiring software engineers.”
I thought maybe she’d seen something in the Daily. Big employers sometimes took out ads in the campus newspaper. I asked, “Who’s there today?”
She said, “I don’t know. Just go down and sign up.”
Turns out there was only one company, called John Fluke Mfg., Co., hiring software folks. I signed up. In due time, I had a 30-minute campus interview with a very nice lady named Patsy Thiemens, a young developer from Fluke. The thing she was doing sounded really interesting, emulating a microprocessor’s address and data buses to stimulate boards under test. I ended up more or less interviewing her, which, unknown to me, was a pretty good way to impress an interviewer.
An in-house interview followed, and a job offer with excellent salary, working for Patsy. I spent the first 12 years of my career working in Fluke’s very professional software development process. It set the pattern for the rest of my life. It was, as the oft-repeated joke goes, a fluke.
Be the Rufus!
What male/female double standard do you hate the most?
My mother complained to me on the phone this morning. “Your former brother-in-law, the guy you liked so much you still remain friends with him? He was abusive towards your sister.”
“How come?” I wanted to know.
“He pushed her really hard, a few months back. She fell back and hit her head against a wall. It’s one of the reasons why they’re breaking up, actually. A man should never use physical force against a woman.”
“Damn! That’s awful… shit I never knew… why would he do such a thing?”
“He was being really mean apparantly. Got under her skin. You know how Ben can be. And at some point he just really crossed a line. So she slapped him and then he pushed her away…. and she…”
“Wait, she slapped him first?”
“Yes but…”
“No ‘but’, I don’t like that he pushed her but she should NOT have slapped him in the face. That was wrong. Period.”
“You should have heard the things he said. He can really, really be mean sometimes. You know how he gets when Ben gets in one of those moods, Jean-Marie, you KNOW that!”
Well at this point the whole thing sort of turned to shit. I’m supposed to side with my sister. By default, as she is family. Plus she’s a woman. But honestly, she should not have lost her temper and slapped him. The fact that a slap from a woman can be casually explained away as “he got it coming” but a push or slap from a man is instantly labeled abuse? MAJOR double standard.
Chinese billboards are crazy!
Why were the Romans so successful in battle?
The Roman Army did a great many things right. In logistics, strategy, and tactics, they were already doing many of the things that military colleges teach today. One things the history books ignore is that soldiers in the field did more building than training and more training than fighting. We’ve got journals from Roman soldiers that say things like, “I’ve been in the army for 2 years and have never used my sword. All I do is dig.” HA!
That sounds boring until you consider what fighting Romans would have been like from the perspective of their tribal foes.
The door of your command tent flies open. A panting fifteen-year-old who smells of sweat and horse stumbles through the gap and gasps, “A column to the east, my liege. Three hours ride. Romans.”
“On foot, Scout?”
“Mostly, Lord. 200 heavy infantry, plus wagons and followers.”
“Hot damn. Assemble my commanders. I want 600 men ready to ride by dawn!”
One busy night later, your experienced war machine has confirmed the Romans’ position and strength, packed your camp, mustered their courage, and deployed. A half day’s travel later, with a few hundred of your clan and allies at your back, you crest the final hill and see…
Well f*** me.
Erecting trenches, stockades, and earthworks—a stockade of portable sudes within minutes and a whole fortified castrum by sunset—was standard practice for Roman units in hostile territory. It’s hard to believe they could do it so quickly, but hundreds or thousands of men working in shifts at tasks they’ve practiced can do a LOT.
Fortifications were a huge force multiplier, and disheartened the Romans’ foes…and kept the Roman grunts busy, which the Caesars understood can boost discipline more than the walls themselves.
Putin has been bluffing again and again about nuclear strikes and threats. Why doesn’t NATO just shut him up and bomb the Kremlin?
Russian nuclear weapons actually work. Russia conducted 2 tests in 2022 and 2023.
The UK’s doesn’t.
France’s nuclear delivery systems were tested in November 2023. But here’s the thing Macron already set out that he wouldn’t use them.
That leaves the USA and in game theory they’d likely look the other way.
Westerners now are but muh super mega weapons and my SUPER SOLDIERS! That can shoot lazers from their eyes! But then again they still believe Russia is completely out of ammunition has no food and fuel and that Ukraine is about to take Magadan.
Good idea?
What is the nastiest thing you’ve done for revenge?
I didn’t really do it for revenge but oh ,did it get nasty. During my divorce, I got a notice from my insurance company, that because of the accident I was in, I would be surcharged. What?!
It was a large surcharge and I actually got the notice before I heard anything about an accident.
I called the insurance company to tell them it was a mistake, that I hadn’t been in an accident.
“Oh yes, on Tues(date). In (my ex-husband’s car).”
I told the insurance rep that we were getting a divorce and I hadn’t driven his car in months. Finally, the insurance company(or police department-I had to call them too) found out that his girlfriend had been driving and got in the accident. She didn’t have her license and said she was me.
I was outraged and the revenge part was that I told them that ______(girlfriend’s name) was still an inexperienced driver (had a license for <6 yrs) which is a big surcharge in my state. The insurance company refused to cover the accident and charged her with fraud.
Are Americans really expected to pay outrageous hospital bills?
in 2010, my 12 year old threatened suicide while in a session with his therapist. He was defiant and refused to take it back. The doctor told us his hands were tied and we were to admit him to a lock down facility for adolescents.
On the way to the hospital, I kept thinking he would snap out of it and recant what he said, but he did not.
We signed some papers and left our 12 year old son there – and left crying.
The next day I went to visit and while I was sitting with my son, a man dressed in white asks me to sign all kinds of forms that basically say “You hereby agree to accept responsibility for all the costs and fees……”. I politely asked, “What are the fees – what is the cost to be here each night?”. He said it was between me any my insurance provider. I pressed for a number and he said he did not know the cost. “I’m sorry, but I can’t just sign a blank check to you; I have to know what it costs – I have a 20% deductible”. Even though I knew my options were limited, I had the right to know what a hospital charged.
The next day someone called and revealed the cost per day was $5,000 – just room and board. Doctor time and medication is extra. My out of pocket would be $1,000 per day, not including doctor time.
I told the woman over the phone that either my son comes home, or I refuse to pay the bill for one more day. Keep in mind, this was 14 years ago – I wouldn’t be surprised if the cost has doubled since then. When he was released he was put on some medication that was so over-prescribed, it almost killed him.
Fast forward to now, my son is a Paramedic who often deals with mental health crisis – he’s a wonderful caring person.
Space-Age Sci-Fi | The Phantom Planet (Adventure, 1961) by William Marshall | Colorized Movie
A very fun 1960’s era low budget science fiction movie. I hope you enjoy it!
What is China’s current perception of US aircraft carriers?
Good ship.
Beautiful ship.
Powerful ship.
90K/100K tons of diplomacy.
Perfect target for DF-21 and DF-26 anti-ship bullestic missiles.
This map shows the tracks of USS Reagan during July 30-Aug 9 in 2022. On August 2, the speaker of the house, Nancy Pelosi, visited Taiwan, despite the warning of China, and her visit was regarded as a severe povocation to One China policy.
Before her visit, CSG Reagan was deployed to South China Sea and Philippines (P) as a stretegic support to her action and escort. However, as Pelosi ignored China’s (C) warning and landed on Taipei (T) airport, Chinese armies began massive movement and started a military drill around Taiwan. As you can see, the CSG Reagan moved eastward to escape from China’s DF-21 missile range and then hide behind Japan (J)’s Kyushu and Okinawa.
However, in 1950, USA sent its fleet direct to Taiwan Strait (the broken line between C and T) preventing communist army acrossing the strait.
after the outbreak of the Korean War in June 1950, the United States sent its Seventh Fleet into the Taiwan Strait to prevent the Korean conflict from spreading south.
Anyway, American aircraft carriers are very beautiful, very powerful, very destructive.
But even Iran is not feared of them, now including Houthi forces in Yemen, let alone China.
American friends, your enemy is not China. Your enemy hides in Capitol Hill, White House, and Wall Street.
Which criminal carried out the most absurd types of crimes?
In 2016, Stephen Ruth, a man from New York, literally uncovered a traffic light conspiracy: the story hit the headlines when, after cutting the wires connecting the intersection cameras, Ruth reported himself to the authorities, causing a media case to explode .
The story, however, must be told from the beginning: initially Ruth was arrested for the first time for having used a painter’s extension cord to point traffic light cameras towards the sky.
The act of public disobedience arose from Ruth’s awareness that the traffic lights were intentionally rigged to ensure that drivers were fined; Yellow lights at intersections with cameras last only three seconds, as opposed to five seconds at other intersections without cameras in the same county. Ruth documented everything through several videos which he then uploaded to Facebook.
Since the matter went unnoticed, Stephen decided to make news in an unorthodox way: cutting the camera cables, he reported his own actions to the press, attracting the attention of some politicians who put pressure on the police force to ensure this modern ” Robin Hood” was arrested.
The local police and sheriff’s deputies, however, took Ruth’s side; once we viewed his videos it was undeniable that his gesture had a much deeper origin than that of vandalism.
Statistics in hand, the majority of road accidents with victims occurred precisely at intersections that had “rigged” cameras.
During his most recent arrest, one of the sheriff’s deputies even offered to bail him out of jail by paying the bail out of his own pocket.
When he returned home after these events, he noticed that a new camera had been placed in the neighborhood, but it was pointing directly at his front door; Ruth was apparently now a “special guard” for the county government.
The story gets even murkier; after the news became public, someone tried to silence Stephen.
He himself says that a car intentionally tried to hit him in a head-on collision; after talking to his neighbors it was clear that the car in question (or at least, a visibly identical one, including his occupants) had surveilled his house before carrying out the attempt on his life.
What’s the shadiest tactic you’ve witnessed HR use at your job?
I worked at a grocery store when I was a teenager. Human Resources was called in to interview the employees about a beer and cigarette theft problem.
Before my interview, I saw a co-worker cleaning out his locker. “What happened?” I asked.
“Dude, they got us. They had cameras filming everything we did,” he said. “I just got fired for eating grapes that fell off the vine.”
My turn came and the HR guy said, “You need to confess to everything you have stolen here. Put a dollar amount on the stolen goods and we will set up a payment plan for restitution and avoid your being arrested.”
“I have never stolen,” I said.
“Okay, I am going to give you one more chance. If you are honest, we won’t get the police involved. If you are lying, things are not going to go well,” he said. “Be advised we have video.”
“I have never stolen anything,” I said.
“Call the police,” he said to the manager. “We are going to have to press charges.”
“You are full of it,” I said. “You have nothing.”
“Do you want to see the video?” He asked.
“Yes,” I said. “It doesn’t exist.”
“What makes you say that?” He said. “You seem very confident for someone about to go to jail.”
“I haven’t stolen anything,” I said. “If you had a video of people stealing, you wouldn’t need a confession.”
I think seven people confessed and were fired that day. My friend that ate the grapes put $7 on the amount he had stolen. He was one of the most honest people I worked with.
The ones eating steak cooked on the heat seal of the meat wrapper never confessed to anything. They did not catch the cigarette and beer thieves they were looking for either.
The people that confessed were the honest ones who felt guilty for their petty thefts while the dishonest ones stuck to their guns and confessed to nothing. Brilliant move by HR.
Flip the switch
What are some amazing facts about Linux?
Some facts about Linux
- In 2000 Steve Jobs Offered Linus Torvalds a job at APPLE on the condition that he should stop the development of Linux, But Linus refused to join and continued developing his product.
- Microsoft was not very much impressed by its open source systems and criticized it badly but later it was sponsored by Microsoft itself.
- Android is the highest using operating system on the planet with 2 billion people but Android runs on Linux.
- Linux is very late that it released after three years of it’s announced date.
- Linux is the only operating system named after its founder Linus Torvalds
- Linux has 20,323,379 lines of code which was pretty small in the version of the kernel.
- Linux first name was “FreaX” which was a combination of “free”, “freak” and “Unix”)
- Google, Intel, Huawei, Samsung, Red Hat, Canonical and Facebook are among the top contributors to Linux kernel development in recent years.
- 9 out of top 10 public cloud infrastructures run on Linux.
- IBM chose Linux for what is expected to be the world’s most powerful supercomputer, Sequoia.
- All major closed source Operating Systems track user information while Linux distros generally don’t, which means better user Security and Privacy is assured.
Are China’s economic statistics reliable?
Looking at this neutrally, there are two Narratives here
The First Narrative says
- China is a one party system
- There is no opposition or free press or any form of checks and balances
- So the CPC can make up any statistics they want
- Hence Chinas Statistics are unreliable
The Second Narrative says :-
- China doesn’t have major elections , so it has no need to impress voters with statistics
- China doesn’t have opposition parties, so the Governing CPC need not have an initiative to deliberately show higher numbers
- China has multiple foreign investors who have made money and profit over the last 2 decades. Impossible to sustain bogus statistics for so long (Half a decade or longer)
- China has too many visitors to lie about it’s growth. Unlike the USSR who had many restrictions from leaving the USSR or entering the same
I myself never set store with numbers
I ask questions
First question – Why would China show a higher GDP ?
Showing a Higher GDP would be counter productive for China because China would lose nice subsidies by the WTO afforded to non market nations who are net exporters
The cut off per capita is $ 12,500
So China would prefer a lower GDP and gain maximum benefits from the WTO
Meanwhile if China shows a higher GDP, how would China benefit?
No Investor invests based on GDP or GDP growth
They invest based on Market Annual Aggregate Returns (MARR)
No Western News will praise Chinas GDP today plus even if they do, China gains Zilch
So it makes no sense for China to show higher GDP
Second Question – Can Chinas statistics be verified?
Soviet Statistics couldn’t
This was because no US entity could come to Moscow or Leningrad and set up a factory or invest $ 100 Million
Chinese Statistics can
Hundreds of Investors have actually invested in China and got tons of profits
The MARR of China from 2000–2010 was 16.29% and 2010–2020 was 10.65%
These aren’t Chinese Statistics
These are Western Statistics based on their rate of returns from the Chinese Markets
From 2020–2023, MARR has fallen to 7.12% which is why Investments are not flooding into China as they were before 2020
So Chinese Statistics are very easy to verify simply by looking at the Economy
So my conclusion is Chinese Statistics are not only reliable, they are under played in my opinion
I see no reason for China to fudge their numbers
This is my opinion
Others may have a different opinion
Bob Lazar FINALLY Showed Element 115 That Was Sealed & Hidden For Decades!
A tad bit manufactured. But worth some time to check out if you are into UFO lore.
As a police officer, have you ever received an unusual ‘thank you’ for taking care of someone?
Yes I have. Funny story. After I was shot and in the hospital recovering, I received a “Get Well Card” from a man who lived in the city. The man wrote in the card that he saw on the news that I was the Officer who had been shot and he wanted me to know that he was praying for me. He said he and his family were devastated that I was the Officer who was shot.
He said about a year before I was shot, his wife and young son were in a serious car accident in our city and I was the Officer who responded and handled the collision. His son (who I believe was 6 or 7 at the time) was traumatized by the accident because his Mom was seriously injured and transported by helicopter to the hospital. The boy told his Dad that I comforted him during the process and kept him close to me while his Mom was treated. His son was very impressed with me and felt so special that I was taking care of him while his Mom was being treated. The man told me how much he appreciated how I took care of his son and his family wishes me the very best in my recovery.
He left his phone number on the card so when I was able, I called him and spoke to him and his son. The man happened to be a helicopter tour pilot so when I was able, he took me on a spectacular helicopter tour of San Diego Bay and the surrounding area. I met with him and his son and we had a great time. It is definitely one of the highlights of my career.
Slow-Cooked Spicy Beef Tri-Tip

Beef tri-tip is an extremely tasty cut of beef and one of our favorites. It’s cheaper than most cuts and also leaner; therefore, one has to be careful cooking it. Tri-tip should be cooked hot and fast, or slow cooked to a melt in your mouth tenderness. Anything in between causes the tri-tip to be tough and chewy. By slow cooking in a marinade, tri-tip is taken past the tough stage to a tear apart tender, delicious bite of meat. This Slow-Cooked Spicy Beef Tri-Tip recipe accomplishes that.
The spicy tri-tip marinade consists of a few spices, chile powders and beer. The meat marinates for at least 4 hours, but preferably overnight. It is slow-cooked for 2 – 3 hours, to a melt in mouth tenderness. This particular recipe provides instructions for slow-cooking on the grill during the warmer months and slow-cooking in the oven during cooler months. The recipe can easily be converted to a slow cooker or instant pot. No matter which method you use, it’s a simple process with results that make your mouth very happy.
When I make spicy beef tri-tip, I use 2 pounds of tri-tip. This provides Bobby and I with two complete meals and sometimes, a light lunch. One of the meals we serve is what you see in the pictures. It’s essentially a southwestern meat and vegetable bowl with spicy beef tri-tip, seared vegetables, black beans and avocado. A second meal is normally tacos with the leftover meat and vegetables and a few simple toppings. Instructions for both meals are found in the recipe below.
I hope you enjoy!

- 2 pounds trimmed beef tri tip, cut into 1 ½ – 2” chunks
- 1 – 2 Tbsp. chipotle paste*
- 2 tsp. red chile spice mix*
- ½ tsp. salt
- 2 Tbsp. minced onion
- ½ cup dark beer* (Keep the rest of the beer. You many need more later.)
- 1 medium onion. sliced then halved
- 1 medium bell pepper. sliced then halved
- Seared vegetables
- Black beans, pintos or bolitas
- Sour cream or plain Greek yogurt
- Pickled Peppers*, chopped
- Lime wedges
- Avocado slices
In a large bowl, add all of the ingredients under Beef and Marinade. Mix together to coat the chunks of meat.
If cooking on the grill, transfer meat to a large piece of parchment and fold close. Place parchment package on a sheet of aluminum foil and seal shut. Wrap in another sheet of aluminum foil.
If cooking in the oven, transfer to a refrigerator container with a tight seal.
Place in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours or overnight, turning at least once.
Preheat the grill or oven for a temperature of 350F.
For the grill, place the package of marinaded beef in a cast iron skillet and place on the grill.
For the oven, transfer the beef and marinade to a heavy-duty Dutch oven. Place a piece of parchment on top of the beef and press around the edges. This will prevent the marinade from evaporating too quickly. Place the cover on the Dutch oven.
“Bake” at 350F for 2.5 hours. Remove from grill or oven and check to see if it’s ready. Using 2 forks, try to separate a chunk of meat It should be pull apart tender. If it is not, close and bake for another 30 minutes.
On the grill, the meat usually gets crispy on the edges like carnitas.
In the oven, the marinate mostly evaporates, but the edges usually don’t get crispy.
Transfer cooked beef to a bowl. Using 2 forks, tear apart the chunks of beef into small bite size pieces.
(Optional step) If you want the edges crispier, heat a cast iron skillet with a tablespoon oil. When hot, transfer the beef to the skillet and stir. When the edges start to get crispy add a couple tablespoons of beer to skillet. After about 30 seconds remove from heat. The beer adds a little moisture and flavor into the beef.
Seared Vegetables – Prepare while the beef is cooking.
If cooking on the grill, wrap cut vegetables in parchment then in aluminum foil. After the beef has cooked for 2 hours, place the package of vegetables on the grill and let cook as the meat finishes.
For the oven bake, heat up a cast iron skillet with a tablespoon of oil. When hot, add the vegetables and sear until soft and browning on the edges. (You can use the same skillet to sear the beef if you choose.)
To serve,
place meat on plate with vegetables, and other sides (e.g., avocado and beans). Squeeze a wedge of lime juice over the meat.
OR, for tacos,
wrap some of the meat in a warm tortilla, top with seared vegetables and choice of toppings. End with a squeeze of lime.
Meat – We prefer beef tri-tip because of its flavor, but you can used other cuts of meat. Cheaper cuts of either beef or pork work well. The slow cook breaks down the connective tissue of the cheaper cuts making them tender. Even though tri-tip is a leaner cut, with the spicy beer marinade and the slow cook process, the result is melt in your mouth tenderness.
Chipotle Paste – I make chipotle paste by blending a can of chipotle adobo. Just remove the seed pod before blending. Once blended you can pour into an ice tray and freeze. Each “cube” is about 1 Tbsp. of paste. If you don’t want to do this, then minced 1 large adobo chipotle and add to marinade with 1 tablespoon of the sauce.
Red Chile Spice Mix – It’s easy to make a quick batch of this spice mix. What you don’t use can be added to eggs, beans, sprinkled on top of an avocado, salads, sandwiches, and so many other choices.
Dark Beer – A dark Mexican beer, like Negro Modelo, works best.

What is the saddest thing you’ve ever seen?
When i was 12 years old my sister (she was 16) she began to experience abdominal pain. She never really told anyone about it except me (we were super close, like inseparable close). She thought that it was just because of her periods. As the months started to grow, so did her pain. I was freaked out so I suggested that we tell our mom but she said that she didn’t want to burden my parents (we were at a financial loss at that time).
So after about 65 days she couldn’t hold on so she decided to tell my mom. My mom got an appointment immediately and we rushed to the ER (Emergency Room). My sister was wailing in pain. The docs over there took an ultrasound scan and then an MRI and a couple of other scans, at this point my mom and I were crying that’s when they revealed that my sister had Pancreatic Cancer and that it had crossed Stage III. My mom literally fainted right there.
I was alone and scared and i had heard about cancer only in stories and books like fault in our stars. But when my sister was a victim i didn’t know how to react.
When my mom regained consciousness and calmed down, they told her that my sister was given a few painkillers and anesthesia for the time being and that we had to start with chemotherapy soon but that they were not sure that it would work. My sister did not know that she had cancer, the doc explained it to her usually merry face broke down.
They started chemo and her beautiful black locks which she was proud of slowly began to fall. She was a person of positivity so she told my mom that she wanted to EXPERIMENT her hair. She had hip length hair which she cut it to a bob then a pixie and then finally shaved her head. We both shaved our heads together.
She would never get a minute of sleep at night. On the 12th of December, it was my birthday, I ran home from school happily as my friends had given me a lot of gifts for my sister and me. My dad was there, my mom wasn’t, my sister was at the hospital, so I asked my dad to drive me to the hospital as I wanted to give the gifts to my sister.
My dad was looking really depressed but he agreed. When I reached my sisters room, she was screaming out of pain my mom was screaming for the docs. I went near my sister slowly she smiled at me even with too much pain.
Her last words to me were, “I love you, take care of tiger (our 1 year old dog) and mom and dad, it’s time for me to see grandma and grandpa in heaven”. She died at 16:07pm on my birthday. I cried for almost a month and I still cry for her every single day but not in front of my parents because I know that if I cry they will cry too. I hope she found a peaceful place! A MESSAGE TO MY SIS – I LOVE U ABBY pls come back if u can I miss you every second of my life.
One bad chapter is not the end of the book
What are five things senior citizens should not do at the age of 65 and over?
My top 5 you shouldn’t do after the age of 65.
And my top 5 you should do.
Oh, and I’ve celebrated 70 trips around the sun.
- Don’t ever say, “I’m old.” Those who say it think it. And if you think it you’ll be it.
- Don’t say, “I can’t.” Too many people hit 65 and sort of stop living. They stop doing all the things they used to enjoy. And they stop trying new things and enjoying life.
- Don’t tell people about your aches and pains. We all have them. Talking about them only makes you and everyone around you feel worse.
- Don’t count birthdays. If you’re asked reply vaguely. If you’re not asked don’t say it. It’s only a number.
- Don’t complain about the weather, politics or that you don’t live in the good old days. Complaining only changes the number of people who want to hang out with you.
And my top 5 you should do.
- Instead of saying, “I’m old,” say, “I feel young.” Focus on feeling young and you will.
- Instead of saying, “I can’t” say, “I will”. Find things you love to do. Find new things to challenge you. Make life a continuing adventure.
- Instead of complaining about your aches and pains get outside, stretch, strengthen, move and build health. Then talk about how great you feel and you will.
- Instead of celebrating your birthdays celebrate the birthdays of those you love. Then you’ll look forward to many more of them.
- Instead of complaining help make the world a happier place. And it turns out it will be for you and all those around you.
Growing older happens to us all. Growing happier happens to only a few.
[The media published a conversation between German officers about how they plan to blow up the Crimean Bridge. What can you say about this?]
“I read today what was posted on social media and announced by Ms Simonyan with reference to the relevant sources.
On the one hand, this is stunning. On the other, less so.
I have said that we know for sure about NATO military participation in the guise of mercenaries or people that are not part of the armed forces of the alliance.
There are some interesting details in this conversation.
These German generals discussed ways to supply Ukraine with long-range weapons (they mentioned the TAURUS) for attacking the Crimean Bridge and ammunition depots in a more subtle way.
[He’s referring to Russia’ s intelligence service leaked a conversation between German military officers who were discussing plans to attack Russia. According to the transcript, a conversation took place on February 19, 2024 among Grafe (department head for operations and exercises at the Air Force Forces Command of the Bundeswehr), Gerhartz (Bundeswehr Air Force Inspector), Fenske and Frohstedte (employees of the Air Operations Command within the Space Operations Center of the Bundeswehr). There was a detailed discussion of using German missiles to attack targets in Russia, such as the Kerch Bridge in Crimea. You can read the full transcript here.]
How to make sure they are not noticed because German Chancellor Olaf Scholz supposedly does not like it, while the Americans and Brits are already there.
They also discussed whether it is possible to target missiles remotely without being in Ukraine. One of the generals said this would still be qualified as direct participation.
They know what they are talking about.
In one exchange, one general mentions that ‘men from the US in civilian clothes’ are there.
I don’t know how to say it but all of our NATO colleagues are guilty as hell.
We’ll have to see how they explain this to their own public.”
Answer by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to a media question during his remarks at the Antalya Diplomacy Forum, Antalya, Türkiye, March 1, 2024.
Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation
What is the darkest part of a software engineer’s career?
You are 25, making 170K USD or whatever. You take a fresh excel sheet, create 35 rows, put 170K in the first row, formulate 15% (that number actually depends on the flavor of the ice cream you are licking at that moment) YOY growth, stare at the whopping figure in the 36th row and pat yourself on the back in the corner of your poorly lit bedroom. I mean, you are not even accounting for the growth in your cryptic investments that are easily going to double every third year. You save the excel sheet as lifeisset.xlsx.
Fast forward, you are 35, making 245K USD or whatever, on the verge of 6th “restructuring” in the 4th company. You don’t even want to talk about what happened to your crypto investments and the company that you bet on that was going to cure liver cancer using artificial intelligence and quantum computing. You just want to find a better job, but, don’t have the motivation to bleedcode (futuristic version of leetcode that gives you, again, AI based hints based on the poem you are typing in the code editor).
You realize software engineering is a sport for the young and the fit and the smart. The funding for all the projects was for short term. And nobody can be in the right place at the right time for too long. Alas, your honeymoon period is long over. It didn’t even last for a decade.
You finally gather the courage to replace the 9W bulb in your bedroom with 14W and rename the excel to lifeisshit.xlsx.
A real man
Here are the easiest habits that will help you destroy your life:
- An obsession with excess. Recently, I was in Spain. That’s where this picture was taken. This meal for me and my girlfriend was at a pretty nice restaurant and cost 215 Euros. I also drank a couple of glasses of wine at this meal. I got drunk and spent lots of money. Excess, right? But the truth is that excess and enjoyment are not bad, rather, an obsession with them is bad. It’s not bad to enjoy life, it’s bad to live in excess every day.
- Bad listening. Most people have conversations merely to hear themselves talk. They don’t listen to other people, they don’t care about other people, and all their actions are acts of self-preservation. Be vulnerable enough to shut the hell up and listen. It will do you good.
- Inability to enjoy what you have. If you can’t be happy with a nice cup of coffee with a loved one, you probably won’t be happy with a mansion, a bunch of drugs, and a Ferrari. Enjoyment comes from mindfulness and presence. Noticing a theme here?
- Using people. If you have relationships out of convenience or if you take advantage of people who consider you “a friend”, when they figure out what you’re doing, they’ll just remove you from their life. You’ll end up alone and people will think you’re an asshole. Never use people — just exist WITH them.
- Zero discipline. Everything you want in life comes from doing difficult things for way longer than you think you need to do them. Writing every day not just for a week, month, or year, but several years. Hitting the gym every week for the rest of your life. Discipline is the foundation of all constructive action.
What’s the fastest you’ve wiped a smirk off of someone’s face?
Not myself, but a good family friend.
A few years ago she and her father, then in his early 80”s, took a vacation to visit France.
Now I must explain that her dad is one of the quietest, most patient men I’ve ever met…a man of few words, never seen him lose his temper, as level as they go.
So they fly from Ohio to New York to Paris and end up, of course, at immigration and customs. They’ve flown all night, he’s 82, and more than a bit jet lagged. The young French customs official is quite impatient as he struggles to locate his paperwork (passport, etc) in his backpack.
“Sir”, the agent says in the most snobbish, condescending voice, “you have been to France before?”.
He acknowledges that, yes, he’s been to France before as he continues to search for his documents.
“Then you should KNOW to have your paperwork at the READY!” the official snaps.
After a few more moments, her dad finally locates his paperwork. As he handed them over, he calmly states, in a voice just loud enough to carry across the entire area:
“My apologies. The last I landed here was at Normandy in 1944, and back then I couldn’t find a Frenchmen to show my passport to.”
The young official turned beet red, hastily processed the paperwork without even really looking at it, and they were on their way…including, yes, a last visit to the D-Day landing beach before he passed this Earth.
Learn the Moonwalk
What job interview question made you think, “I’m going to answer honestly, but I might be screwed?”
Almost 40 years ago I went to my final interview for a place in the Executive Development Program at Major League Baseball.
America was different in those days. Feminism was pushing down barriers that had stood for a long time, and professional women were asserting themselves in unprecedented ways. My own presence in the final group of 8 candidates was probably additional evidence of that shift.
But MLB was a little behind the curve. One of the big “issues” they were facing in the late 1970s was whether or not to allow accredited female journalists into the team clubhouses immediately after the games ended, so they could conduct interviews and file their stories for the next day. A female reporter for Sports Illustrated, Melissa Ludtke, had sued MLB for equal access.
I walked into the conference room where four senior MLB executives stood ready to greet and question me. Two of them, I confess, I knew little about at the time, but two of them were famous, legendary baseball executives, godlike to me. I shook hands with them all and made a point of NOT taking the seat at the end of the conference table. Instead I sat at the end of one of the long sides of the table. They arranged themselves around the other end.
We had a very pleasant and lively conversation, as I recall, although of course I had no idea what they were looking for. And then they asked me, If it were up to you, what policy would you establish for female journalists’ access to the clubhouses after the games?
I took a deep breath. I had no idea what they wanted to hear but I also knew there was only one thing I could honestly say. So I said it.
“I have to tell you that I really don’t see what the big deal is.”
I took another breath. They were all looking at me intently.
“I mean, we’re talking about accredited journalists, right? So they have deadlines, just like the male journalists do.”
A couple of faint nods.
“But the players are entitled to some privacy too. So I think you need to close the clubhouses completely for a short period after the game ends, maybe ten minutes, just to give the players time to take a shower and put some pants on, but then, after the privacy period is over, I think you have to just open up the clubhouse to anybody who has the right press credentials, let them ask their questions, get their quotes, whatever they need to do, on an equal footing.”
They all nodded.
None of them seemed angry or outraged, so I figured maybe I had not damaged my chances too badly. Somehow I doubt they asked the male applicants the same question, but I’ll never know.
And I got the job. So there’s that.