I have been experimenting with AI. I have been making movies, asking questions, and generating all sorts of art. Today we will chat about my latest adventure…
Today I tried an AI comic generator
Super easy to use. It is FREE.
I played around with it, used the Haddock style (Tin Tin clone) and ended up with this…

Then I tried again with a “flying saucer” preset.
Check out the results… The block to the right never managed to generate… sigh.

It’s fun.
Worth your time to visit and try your hand at it.
Easy . All you need is a story line, and some dialog to add.
Have you ever been banned from a place due to your behavior?
The AT&T store. My mom had died in a car accident, and it was left up to me to close her accounts and different things like that, after grieving a couple weeks I got started. She had bought an IPad and for probably nearly a decade had AT&T service for it as my parents didn’t have WiFi. I called them and told them, my mom is dead. Please cancel auto pay from her bank account. THEY REFUSED. The person had no sympathy at all. I asked for a supervisor, and they said go to a certain store, they would call there and say to cancel.
I go to the store and when I tell them the situation, nobody would touch it. Finally a call came and they said OK now it has to be approved by corporate (or some stupid answer like that). Two months go by and they kept taking 39.95 out of her bank account. I call them AGAIN, and they say go back to this store with her death certificate (which I just received). I go back and am treated like shit. The manager was a snotty little snip who barely looked at the death certificate and her two beta male minions shrugged me off when I asked if this would finally end this bullshit. They basically ignored me and turned away. I blew my stack, finally. I started shouting to everyone in the store to not get AT&T because they will charge you even if you are dead. That they are stealing my dead mothers money and these assholes don’t care. The little bitch manager said for me to leave, and I got in her face..how would she feel if her dead mother was getting robbed and nobody gave a shit??
Anyway the police came, they were actually sympathetic and I went to my moms bank still crying. Due to having her death certificate + administration of estate credentials the bank stopped the auto payment. A few days later got a letter addressed to my mother’s estate demanding payment from AT&T. The IPad was not used since she died. They had already gotten three months of payment from a dead woman. AT&T SUCKS. Now I’m going to run on my treadmill, my adrenaline is demanding action, lol.
Awesome China
Why is the US doing such a bad job countering China’s rise?
Oh, that’s a lot of reasons.
For America:
- no unified policies and strategies, every department has its own stance, and their stances may conflict each other. Like, the department of commerce wanted to continue high tariffs on Chinese products, but the department of treasury wanted China to buy American debt, this is paradoxical, you can’t ask someone to buy your goods while pointing a gun at him.
- no unified benefits on “countering China”, Wall Street companies do not wish to counter China, while some domestic companies wish to. Because WS companies are financial sectors, they invest and make profit, no matter from where, but domestic companies rely on domestic market and labors, if everything can be made in China, then they die.
- no unified strategies, Trump prefers solve China first, while Biden prefers solve Russia first. Given America’s strength is limited, it can’t handle both, but wavering between the two only waste precious time. And China, Russia, Muslim world, the global south won’t give America this chance, when it tried to solve one, the rest will rise up.
- democratic. America’s democratic system allows people in 1, 2 and 3 can’t reach to an agreement.
- no real representation of China, as many answers here pointed out, China’s image in Ameican media is twisted, which made Americans not able to make objective evaluation and correct decision. Sometimes the images are controversial, sometimes China is weak and easy to win, sometimes China is a threat…I don’t konw how come a country could be both weak and threatening at same time. However, if China is correctly and honestely reported, the politicians in WH and Capitol Hill will afraid losing power after American people found they’re fooled and manipulated, not just China, on everything.
- no correct mentaility. America’s an amatuer in international politics, it adopts a zero sum mentality, which cuts off alternative options, and behaves like a red-eyed bull. Like Vietnam war, it could let the souther Vietnman go and admit it’s lost the war, but it can’t step back, so the only option is to increase the stakes, until the final collapse. Zero sum is an ideal result, but the world is complicated.
For China:
- it’s big enough, so trade war can’t defeat China’s industry.
- it’s advanced enough, so technology war can’t stop China’s development.
- it’s strong enough, so a real war can’t defeat China and bring it kneeling in front of you.
For countering philosophy:
- the correct comepetion is: you run fast, then I run faster. But America’s strategy is: you run fast, then I cripple you. Such a denial philosophy only makes the other side knowing there’s no chance to compromise.
- for a third party observer, America’s philosophy is somewaht suicidal, when it is countering China is wishes its allies to pay the cost, or, its allies were unfortunately influenced, there’s no compensation. In long run, America wins the game but loses hearts.
- pursuing defenite advantage than others will make a third party felt chilly: am I the next? How to avoid this fate? Can I unite all potential targets to avoid being taken as a target? Like I said, wins the game but loses the hearts.
Generally, present America is like the final days of Ming Dynasty of China, the empire treasury was almost empty but big heads possessed gold mountains, there’s outside threats (Manchu, Mongolians and Japanese), and ministers, lords, princes, all had differnt stances, they fought each other in the hall, the whole political machine is used as a weapon to attack the enemies in government, rather than enemies in field, the big heads controlled the information, they only report good news to the emperor, then emperor was blind and deaf, however, making final decision the right of the emperor, but a blind and deaf emperor only made wrong decisions. When farmers uprose to fight the unfair treatment, the big heads refused to fund the army, when Manchus and Japanese invaded, the corruptive army can’t fight. Finally, the emperor looked at the empty empire treasury, hang himself on a tree, when the emperor died, the empire collapsed, and Manchus conquered all China.
The history told us, for a big country, it collapses from inside, eyeing on an outsider is useless, or just put off its collapse. When an empire’s rotten from the root, “countering” an outside opponent only speeds up the bleeding.
More awesome China
Billboards in China re like this. This is NORMAL.
Have you ever seen an employer fire someone without realizing what a crucial role the employee played?
Yes, me. It was a small company, a start up, still in a fairly early state. 22 people. The guy who hired me had great plans to get the company going, but the CEO didn’t like him. So fairly soon after I started the CEO fired my boss.
Now the reason I was hired was to replace an old guy who helped build the company but wanted to retire. Key role, materials engineering, for a company that wanted to be big in that field with new ideas. That guy taught me everything he knew, which was a lot.
But the CEO had certain plans, and because he fired my boss he decided I’d be next, so he let me go. But the guy that I was supposed to replace didn’t like what the CEO was doing, so when he heard I was fired, he decided to retire on the spot. Same day. We both walked out the door together.
So now there was a start up that wanted to become big in materials engineering, without any materials engineers, and nobody to teach any potential new employees what needed to be done.
I got lucky, I found a new job within a month. But the company that fired me went into administration shortly after, then a bigger company bought them, very cheaply, together with all their ideas, fired the CEO, merged all assets and basically deleted the company from existence.
Who was the most unfortunate person in the history of mankind?
This Darrell Simmons of Morley, Alberta in Canada. Not only was he unlucky enough to have been born in Canada, but his luck never improved throughout his life.

He was forced to be chemically castrated after he was wrongfully accused of multiple sexual assaults in the 1980s. Once he was released from prison, he was given a pretty substantial sum of money.
Through bad investments though, he sadly lost everything. While working at a saw mill to try and get his life back together, he lost his hand in a freak accident.
One night while was out hunting with a friend, he was shot three times after being mistaken for a charging elk.
After recovering from the shooting, he was at home shoveling his driveway when he was struck by lightning in a snow storm. Darrell ultimately died that night, but it was determined that he survived the strike and actually froze to death.
More Men Choosing NOT To WORK And It’s Freaking Everyone Out
Would you hurt someone if they did something unspeakably horrible to your child, even though you’d go to prison?
Fuck yeah. I have a friend. He worked construction doing Masonry well. One day he and his friend left work, and they got some beer on the way home. They went to my friend’s house, and they drank all the beer. My friend told his friend to watch my daughter. I’m going to go to the store and get some more beer his friend said all right, no problem. My friend left to go to the store, and when he came back, he found his friend inside of his 2-year-old daughter. He snapped. He beat the man unconscious and dragged him into the front yard. As he was dragging him to the front yard, he grabbed a can of gas and poured gas all over his friend and had to go back inside the house. Because he forgot his lighter when he came back out, he didn’t waste any time at all in turning his friend into Captain Crunch. He would have beaten the charge altogether if he hadn’t walked back inside the house , it would have been called a crime of passion,
but when he stopped and went back inside the house to get his lighter, it became premeditated murder because he thought about it first they tried him and found him guilty of premeditated murder and gave him a life sentence. I say we should have given him a medal.
Sweetest kitty loves to talk to his human
“We have a world food system based on large multinational companies. It’s based on private profits and a very, very low measure of international transfers to help poor people (sometimes no transfers at all). It’s based on the extreme irresponsibility of powerful countries with regard to the environment and a radical denial of the rights of poor people, as we just heard.
We’ve just heard from the Minister of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Many point a finger of blame at the DRC and other poor countries for their poverty.
Yet we don’t seem to remember, or want to remember, that starting around 1870, King Leopold of Belgium created a slave colony in the Congo that lasted for around 40 years; and then the government of Belgium ran the colony for another 50 years.
In 1961, after independence of the DRC, the CIA then assassinated the DRC’s first popular leader, Patrice Lumumba, and installed a US-backed dictator, Mobutu Sese Seko, for roughly the next 30 years.
And in recent years, Glencore and other multinational companies suck out the DRC’s cobalt without paying a level of royalties and taxes.
We simply don’t reflect on the real history of the DRC and other poor countries struggling to escape from poverty. Instead, we point fingers at these countries and say, ‘What’s wrong with you? Why don’t you govern yourselves properly?’
Yes, we have a global food system, but we need a different system.
We cannot turn the global food system over to the private sector. We already did that about 100 years ago, and not only to the private sector, but to the private sector with the U.S. military behind it to defend these companies.
We just heard from the Minister of Honduras.
Let us recall that United Fruit Company essentially ran his country for a long time. United Fruit’s attorney was US Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, and his brother Allen Dulles was the head of the CIA.
On behalf of United Fruit Company, the two Dulles Brothers conspired to overthrow President Jacobo Árbenz of Guatemala, next door to Honduras, in order to stop the land reforms that Árbenz was trying to implement.
So, yes, we have a global food system, but we need a different system.
That different system must be based on the principle of universal human dignity in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the principle of national sovereignty in the UN Charter, and the economic rights in the Universal Declaration and the International Covenant of Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights.
In the Universal Declaration, all governments agreed that social protection is a human right, not merely a ‘nice thing,’ or a pleasant thing, but a basic human right.
That was 73 years ago.”
Excerpt from the speech by American economist and academic, Jeffrey Sachs, at the U.N. Food Systems Pre-Summit, Rome, July 27, 2021.
The worst thing
What’s a red flag that you ignored in a significant other, only to realize it was a big deal later?
She was never specific. Where she was going, what she was doing. Especially whenever I asked her a question, she wouldn’t give specifc answers.
“Where are you going after this?”
“Oh, just to the library.”
“What are you doing there?”
“Just some work.”
“What kind of work?”
“You know, school work. Some assignments and stuff.”
I never pressed. If she asked me anything I’d be upfront about it. I think I was pressing her because I had always suspected. Now I’d like to think deep down, I knew, but the truth is I didn’t. I didn’t want to.
“What are you doing right now?”
“Just laying in bed.”
“Did your roomates go out for the weekend?”
“No, they just went out.”
“Are you going home for the weekend?”
“Do you want me to come drop you off at the station?”
“I’m not sure.”
Heard from a friend of mine she was going with someone else. Apparently they met before we did. Luckily I was at the point where I really liked her but didn’t love her, so that made dropping her a bit easier. Still hurts, though.
Joe Biden Is Officially Brain Dead
The USA is totally fucked up.
When being terminated from a job, have you ever warned the company of something important that only you knew how to do, and your advice has gone unheeded?
When I worked at the electric company, after 14 years, the company decided to lay off 3,400 employees and hire contractors to replace us. I spent a lot of time hunting down lost demand meters, and had to jimmy some doors open with a coat hanger, go through dungeons that connected to other basements, till I found all 22 of these meters, I never missed a month of reading those meters, so I never had to give anyone else directions to find them all. After being laid off, I got a call from one of the supervisors asking if I could tell them how to find those meters, for free. I told them I couldn’t just tell them how to find them, there are tools involved and I never really mapped it out, I just kind of know how to go once I’m in that location. I would have to go there and show them what to do and how to go, or it wouldn’t make sense. The supervisor couldn’t be sure he could get the okay to allow me to physically go down there since I’m not covered on their insurance anymore. I suggested that he have faith in these new contractors to figure out how to find the meters on their own, after all, I did it. They only found 9 of the 22 meters in 5 years of looking, I was informed in 2002.
I just left a job that I loved, and there are a few things that only I know how to do, but so what, someone will have to take over doing my jobs, and the flavors may be different, but they will survive. After all they must have thought it through before making up their minds to make the changes they did. I didn’t advise anyone this time, as you said the advice goes unheeded anyway. I figured it out, so can they. Have a good day
You Won’t Believe What These Graphs Reveal About Women!
This video is a treasure.
15 Greatest lessons you have learned after spending your whole life
- Keep learning throughout your life. Even if you stop learning life will teach you lesson till end.
- If you feel to cry, cry for the whole day but don’t cry next day for the same thing. Next time if you feel to cry for that tell yourself that you have already cried that day for that.
- Love someone lot but not at the cost of your self identity. Be yourself.
- Don’t judge the people immediately.
- Listen the other person very carefully. Try to listen those words which he/she couldn’t speak.
- Learn the fastest ways to get out of your mental prison, depression and trauma. Time is not infinite.
- Your words can cost you a lot, use them wisely.
- Deliver only as much information as required to know to the other person and not as much as you know.
- Plan your day at least before a day, everyday. Be consistent.
- Find out your natural abilities and believe in that.
- Increase your sources of income. Live a simple but meaningful life.
- Keep your moral values high. Forgive the people as much as possible and move on.
- Everyday try to get out of your comfort zone, feel uncomfortable to achieve something better.
- Have patience, it is your biggest strength.
- Be successful as much as that world know you without any introduction
The Paradox Of Wage Slavery
What did someone do or say at the bank that made you say, “You gotta be kidding me!”?
A couple of years ago, three other members of my women educators group and I met up at the bank. Three of us were new officers who needed to sign on to our organization’s bank account.
Our treasurer had made an appointment as required, explaining ahead of time what was needed. When we arrived, the woman assigned to help us couldn’t find the forms we needed to sign, so she took our personal and organization information and told us we’d need to come back another time to do the signing once she’d completed the forms.
Returning was going to be difficult because our treasurer was just days away from going on a scuba diving trip with her husband and one of the new officers taught full-time and also worked for an after school program, but we checked our calendars and found a time that would work for the four of us once again.
When we returned another day, we told the person greeting us that we were there to meet with the woman who was to have completed the forms and have them ready for signing. The greeter said, “I’m the only female employee at this branch, other than the tellers,” and she wasn’t the woman we’d met with before.
Now we’re in Twilight Zone territory. We know the four of us didn’t imagine meeting with a woman at a desk, so one of us thought to ask, “Do you ever have temporary workers?” That was the “Ah ha!” moment for the greeter.
“We do have people from other branches of the bank come to help out occasionally. Maybe one of them was a woman,” she said. She then directed us to a man at a desk, we explained once again why we’re there, and he began the process of looking for the paperwork. He comes back to where we’re waiting, opens the folder with our organization’s name on it…
And finds blank forms.
Nothing was ready to be signed. “I’m sorry,” he told us, “but all your information will have to be entered into the computer, then they have to be printed for you to sign. Unfortunately, we close in 15 minutes and this is going to take about half an hour, so you’ll need to come back tomorrow.”
That was our final “You gotta be kidding me!” moment.
But there’s a good ending to the story. When we explained our time constraints and what we’d already been through with the other woman, he took pity on us and said, “I’m going to help you.”
It took about forty minutes in all, with him staying past closing time, but he got it done for us.
How The Most Dangerous Nation Solved Crime
As a police officer, have you ever pulled somebody over on their way to a hospital?
Yes. I have.
The first time was a young lady who was driving erratically. She had her flashers on, and it was raining. When I got to her window, I saw it was a teenager I knew, and she was sobbing saying her grandmother had had a heart attack and was in surgery. I told her to follow me to the hospital. I drove a LOT slower and safer than she was driving when I stopped her. When we got to the hospital, I went in with her to get the status of her grandmother (who wasn’t in surgery, but was stable and having a lot of tests run). Then, I accompanied her to the waiting room where I had a little chat with her about her driving. I was gentle, yet firm while I explained to her that I would rather her be visiting her grandmother at the hospital instead of being a patient along with her … or worse.
Not on the way to the hospital, but I pulled someone over who was driving erratically to get home because his blood sugar had dropped. He was a diabetic. I had a Snickers bar in my patrol car, so I gave it to him and sat on the side of the road with him until an ambulance showed up. By the time the ambulance arrived, his blood sugar had come up considerably. It was still “low,” but he wasn’t disoriented anymore. He had taken his regularly scheduled insulin, but hadn’t eaten. He thought he would make it home before his blood sugar “bottomed out.” He refused treatment, and I followed him home to make sure he got there okay.
I pulled a mom over for speeding, and she said she was taking her son to the ER because he had the flu. I got her to step to the back of the car where I scolded her for driving so fast (85MPH in a 50MPH zone). I explained “the flu” was NOT a medical emergency that was worth risking her life, as well as her son’s life, and the life of every other driver. I remember that stop so well because I thought she was so audacious for driving THAT MUCH over the posted speed limit while seeing me posted there. I didn’t cite her, but I did sternly warn her to slow down.
I responded to a residence to assist EMS on a cardiac arrest call. I cleared when the fire department showed up, as there were enough responders. I posted in my “usual spot” and saw the ambulance “running hot” to the hospital. I knew the patient. Just before the ambulance got out of sight, I stopped a car for speeding. The driver told me he was following his mom to the hospital … who was having a heart attack. Well, he got the heart attack part right, but his “mom” was one ugly bearded dude! (I told the patient the story when he got out of the hospital. We had a good laugh over it.) I cited the driver and suggested he bring his mother to court to help him contest the ticket.
I Hate When Websites Do This!
What did the teacher in your high school get fired for?
The ethics teacher.
He hated this one kid. He was umm, you know a kid with really short hair, wears chav jackets, always hanging with his mates, making jokes and never studies.
The teacher kept picking on him. He would give him looks and comments.
One day kid got really pissed off and said things like I don’t care. The teacher took him to his desk after the class.
He came back two hours later with a steaming hot red face. According to the kid, he had hit him and said some things. Kid called the police.
The police car came to our school. They had a chat with the kid and the teacher. Everyone tried to go out and see it but the other teachers didn’t allow us.
Later he made an apology to the kid and his parents. They didn’t accept it and wanted to make it formal at first, but when he told them his story they forgave him and dropped everything.
Turns out, his wife died from cancer when their daughters were just 6 and 8. Before they could do anything the hospital bills were too much and they were in debts. So he worked very hard day and night. He would teach during day and drive taxi at night. He had then later got hired for our school, a private school, and were able to pay all the debts. He even managed to send his daughter to one of the Ivy League schools.
However the little daughter had hard times and started causing trouble. She smoked, stole and hurt people. She would blame her dad for all of it. But he couldn’t get her straight because he felt too sorry for everything.
She also kept sleeping outside, then one day she never came back.
So the kid had reminded him of his daughter. Now this time he couldn’t let him drive off the course like how his daughter did. He tried to get him straight, in his own way.
He wasn’t fired. He kept teaching but he looked very depressed.
After a month or so he had quit the job and was never seen again.
Suggested Readings
- The Mystery of Death: Why Does the Body Have a “Due Process” for Shutting Down?
- Psychological Tricks to Become More LikeableMind-Blowing: Psychological Secrets You Never Knew Existed!.
Harry Potter but in Miami
Is it true that the “GDP of China” may not accurately reflect their economic situation due to understated numbers? If so, what do you think the actual number could be?
GDP is a faulty measure of wealth and prosperity. So example if you get all your education free and healthcare is totally free of charge you are well and live till on average 2 years past the U.S. life expectancy if you earn half of Americans. You are just as will be just as well off. Or if Americans don’t earn twice as much as the Chinese you are certainly not as well off! Stop fooling yourself.
When I was young I thought Malaysian padi planters are not as well off till I realised they don’t need to buy rice for obvious reasons, and buy fish which they catch or chicken which they rear or indeed the vegetables which they plant. All they ever need is some cloths which they don’t need to look especially good since they hardly need to impress anyone. so whatever they earned they can saved it almost entirely.
In the same logic Americans were fooled to think they are rich due to this nonsense call GDP! In the U.S. GDP is overstated and wrongly represented. If 1% owned 80% of everything and 99% shares the 20%balance. These 99% are very poor! Right? What is worst is that your dollar in the U.S. buys you only a third of the same dollar in China!
For me Average Chinese are just as well off as the yanks by 2020 with less liabilities and more asset by 2010. Today they certainly live better than your average Joe! With better cars, bigger homes, better cloths and eat better than your 99%. Hence there is zero homelessness versus 1 million tent living Americans!
To me Americans are intentionally fooled into thinking they are rich to prevent Americans from rebelling against the forever wars and the 75 years decline in real living standards!
Facial Scar Discrimination Experiment
How do I handle a difficult boss?
Early in my career, I had a boss with an unbelievable temper. Anytime I did anything wrong or if I just did something in a different way than he would have, he went ballistic. I’ll call him Don since that was his real name. One day Don stopped by the job site I managed and found that I had let the roofers work on five houses out of the order they had been assigned.
I didn’t ask why. Had he asked He would have found that the building inspector had inadvertently skipped the framing inspection inspection on that one house. We were not allowed to roof a house before the framing had passed inspection or we would have to tear off the new roof (destroying the shingles) and risk a good relationship with the inspector, something you always wanted and needed.
What did Don do? He screamed at me until I put my palm about an inch from his nose and and yelled back, “Don, would you shut up for just one minute!”
His response, after the shock of having someone yell back was, “You are fired! Fired! Fired.”
I was fed up with his temper after putting up with it for a month or so and was more than happy to pack up and leave, Construction was booming in our county so I knew I could find another job with little or no problem.
To my surprise, Don called my house at seven that evening and asked, “Are you coming to work tomorrow?”
“Fired employees don’t come to work the next day because THEY’RE FIRED.” Okay I admit I might have added some less than polite exclamations.
“Oh come on, you know I didn’t mean it. What’s wrong? Do you need more money?” He actually sounded contrite but did not offer an apology.
I knew he didn’t have anyone to cover my job and I also knew he was an administrator, not a builder, so I told him, “I’ll come back for three weeks so you can find my replacement IF you pay me double and do not show up on the site until I’m gone.”
I knew it would cost the company more money than my double pay to fall behind on the completion of the project so I wasn’t surprised when he agreed. Don was true to his word and didn’t show his face on site but did call me twice. Both times, I hung up as soon as I found who was calling.
I went on to another job after the promised three weeks and never looked back. Sometimes you just have to stand up to a tyrant boss and let the chips fall where they may.
Harry Potter And The Hogwarts Rave
What’s the worst thing that you did on a school computer?
It was actually in University, not the university I went to… a university… way back it was common for universities to simply have no security whatsoever in the UK.
Even in Hong Kong only PolyU and CUHK have barrier gates to the campus. This is unsurprising as they were the centre of the 2019 riots. You can go to many places on the HKU campus and Ling University campus I don’t know about HKUST without being challenged by security.
Anyway, it was at a university not going to say which one. It was one of my friends who was there and we used the university computer labs to play LAN games.
Anyway he was studying computer science. He’d done his coursework thing and found others had copied it. They’d copied it and claimed HE had copied them. He always documented his work though so was always cleared of plagiarism.
Anyway, he’d buy a load of cheap USB sticks and Floppy disks. He then wrote a program on it that looked like it was the coursework bit it linked to some program module or something… I don’t know how as I’m not very computer savvy.
This program went and searched for all the files on a persons computer and deleted them AND wrote over the HDD sector that it was stored on. It then displayed a message I hate you fucking cheating bastards it then wiped the USB stick and the floppy.
He then left it around various computer labs. We then went for a beer.
What made you lose interest in someone?
She got crazy and hung up on me mid-conversation.
When we’d been dating for less than a month.
She was angry I couldn’t do something on a Saturday with her friends. I was in grad school. And working full time.
It simply wasn’t an option. I had a group project we were doing.
More importantly though: I’m 31 years old. She’s 27. And she’s hanging up on me like a middle schooler.
I knew it then.
If she’s acting that crazy within a month. It would only get worse.
She texted me right after she hung up on me saying something to the effect of,
“I’m not going to include you in plans anymore. I’m making them without you.”
And I said, “Look – I’m a simple guy. I don’t know what is going on right now. But I can’t do all of this stuff. Make plans without me.”
And of course, she did a 180 and was apologizing via text and then sent me a video apologizing with her face all pressed up in the camera.
It was a strange scene. That Yo-Yo, up and down, drama stuff was already starting with her.
Against my better judgment, we hung out two more times. Which only further confirmed the crazy and my fading interest.
Younger people reading this: there’s a reason we write about red flags so much. Red flags are freaking real. They become your nightmare if you don’t see them.
Some videos are just unexplainable. Take a look at these
This is worth your time.
hmmmm…. https://rumble.com/v4q7hcq-the-end-of-humanity-as-planned-by-the-global-leaders.html
and just maybe with help from Domain and some remnants….
Cheerful Love GrizzlyBear hug